06x18 - Everything's Jake

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x18 - Everything's Jake

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz!

The waffle doll shall fall,

lest you eat the
yellow dough!



I'll finish this later.

I'm so tired!

But also... Hungry.
Maybe I should... Eat some...

Huh? Uh...


Huh! Hmm.
Everything's made of... Me.

Pretty neat!
I bet there's like...

Like a cool city or
something around here.

Jake cit-tay.

- Hi!
- Oh! Uh, hi!

- Jake!
- Huh?

- How you doing, Jake?
- Uh, good, man. Good.

Man, this place is awesome!


Cool dolls. They look like
the rare, antique kind.

Maybe my kids will like them.

Hmm. Wonder what my kids are gonna
have for dinner. Maybe pizza?

Whoa! Whoa!

Some kind of Jake-quake.

Eh? Is that Jake?

- Hey, there... Um...
- Come on, man! It's Goose!

- Your best friend! Goose!
- Oh! Uh... Of course.

- Goose!
- Oh, ho, ho, hoh. Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake,

Jake, ya big goof!
How long's it been...

- Two, three years?
- Let's see. Uh, one,

two, uh...
I've never been here.

"I've never been here."

You still got it, Jake.

Come on! Let's get you home.
Everybody's waiting

- for you at the party.
- Uh, party?

No... Par-taaaaay!

Jake's here! Jake!

Do it again, Goose!

- Hey, Jake?
- Hey, what?

Now that you're back, how about
that 5 bucks you still owe me?

Uh, what 5 bucks?

cheesecake ring a bell?


What is that?

Oh... Oh, that!
Don't worry about that. Do not.

Don't worry about that.

Guess I better not worry about it.

- I'm hungies, Goose.
- I think there's

a leftover nacho basket or
something in the fridge.

Just a sec.

Cold-cut-and-nacho sandwiches!

All right!

Ahhhhh! Ow!

Something's wrong, Goose. Jakey can't
eat any of these nachos.

But Jakey need nachos!

Mr. Jake!

Mr. Jake! Mr. Jake, the mayor
wants to see you straightaway.

All right, lad.
Show me the way!


Hey, I got a for-real
important question.

Do you like cereal
in your cake? Jake?


- Mr. Mayor?
- Urchin.

Thank you for your help.
Help yourself to the herring cakes.


Hello, Jake!
Thanks for making it.

- Heh. Okay.
- Now, look, we're at orange alert here.

Below us are gathered
the city's top minds. -


And they've noticed that our
seismographic troubles have

increased exponentially
since your arrival.

Mayor, uh, I want to
meet these minds.

- Here are some of the minds.
- Jake, we want to perform some

tests on you, to discover
the cause of the quakes.

There's no need.
I got it figured out.

The tremors are happening
because Jake is hungry, and his

stomach is growling,
and the hungrier he gets, the worse

the quakes will become!

- I'll prove it!
- Huh?

- Mention a food item.
- Omelet!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

What's in the omelet?

Chili! It's a four-egg
chili omelet!

- Aaaaah!
- Watch out!

- Analysis, Tim.
- It's too early to say.

- This evidence is anecdotal.
- Look, just let me

stretch outside to get something
to eat, and the quakes will stop.

- That doesn't sound very sciency.
- No, but you have my

- permission to test your idea.
- I don't like that idea!

- Huh?
- If Jake leaves,

that would mean the utter
destruction of our world.

I believe that
Jake is an extra-dimensional being.

A "glob," if you will. Whose psychic
field holds our world together.

If he leaves,
his flesh will reconfigure,

and everything and everyone
here will disappear completely!

Oh, Dr. Erik Addamkimson,
you're just a fringe scientist,

well known to have
a crackpot of crazy theories.

Hmph. Perhaps I am,
and maybe I am wrong.

But are you really willing
to take that chance?

- We should imprison Jake immediately!
- What?! No way!

The world's not gonna end just
because I go get a bagel.

Seize him!

- Uh... Peace!
- Rah!


- Why?!
- Finish him!

- Yaaaaah!
- Oh!


- This feels weird!
- Don't worry, everybody.

I will journey to Jake's glob world,
which legend would

have us believe lies beyond the
great sky hole,

and bring back the food of the globs
to appease Jake's appetite,

thus saving everybody.

Wait! Wait!

I want to go with you, son.

I'm sorry, dad.

You-You... You can't.
It's... It's too dangerous.

Your mind is unprepared.

My son...

Huh? Yeah!

There it is.
The sky hole!


Oh, my stars!
It's just as I envisioned.

Oh, mighty Jake globs,
I beseech your aid!

Do you have bagels?

Hmm. Maybe those
aren't the true globs.

Yeah, they're...
They're too ugly to be...


I thought you'd be beautiful,
but you're not.

You're hideous! Hideous!

BMO, resume.



- Huh?
- Huh?

- Hey, you're hilario...
- Oh! Ugh!

Huh! Ugh!

- Goose?!
- Go!

But... But what if Erik
Addamkimson is right?

What if you and all the
Jake peeps disappear

- and I can't bring you back?
- Then you won't have to pay me

- back that 5 bucks.
- But...

- Ugh! Ugh!
- Go eat, Jake!


What is that?


Uh... Jake?

What's going on, man?
Feeling okay?

Just getting a snack, Goose.

Just getting a snack.
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