06x14 - Princess Day

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x14 - Princess Day

Post by bunniefuu »

[Mouse squeaks]

[Penguins wenk]

[All cheering]


♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog

and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

[Clears throat]

We are delighted to host
this year's Princess Day

here in Breakfast Kingdom.

Please enjoy the continental
breakfast expertly prepared by

our very own
breakfast chefs.

Now on to more
pressing matters.

Brigands have been attacking
our Western seaports,

dozens of unregistered
Princesses roam the land,

and trade deficits are
at an all-time high!

Historically, Breakfast Kingdom
has traded one sack of sugar

a month to Slime Kingdom
in exchange for four eggs,

but egg production
has plummeted!

I can't just pop out
eggs on command.

I'm an artisan!

You have an egg
in you right now.


How dare you?

Yeah, and what about that
peanut juice, Peanut Princess?

My body needs juice!

I'm not giving out a
single drop of nut butter,

not until Raggedy Princess
pays me!

Fine! Take it!

Take all my socks!

You still owe me
a pair of jorts!

And, hey, what about my tuque?!


[Indistinct arguing]


[Arguing stops]

You guys, I'm bored
out of my face!

I make a motion to stop talking
about dumb stuff that's lame!

Oh, Lumpy Space Princess, I'm
afraid you'll have to be patient

with us and our
petty disputes.

Not all of us have achieved the
self-sufficiency that I assume

you have in your kingdom.

Oh, wait.

That's right.

You don't have a kingdom!

You live in a
box in the woods.

It's not a box.

It's a rotting log.


Sorry, LSP, but the chair only
recognizes real Princesses,

not bums.


I'm like a cool hippie.

Whatever, freeloader.

If you were invited
to Princess Day,

it must have been a
mistake or as a joke.

Am I right, girls?


The joke's on you
because I wasn't invited.

I'm crashing!

And I already ate a
bunch of your food!

What you gonna do about it,
Princess egg breath?



That's true.

She does have egg breath.

Okay, you've wasted
enough of our time.

Guards, take this
pamplemousse out of my sight.


You didn't!

Don't touch me!



[Indistinct conversations]



Now that the wannabe's gone,

let's get back to
Princess business.

O-oh, no, n-not you,
Princess Business.

Uh, Princess business.

No. Sounds the same.
I'm sorry.

Hey, you want to
ditch this jazz?

I'd love to,

but I'm really invested
in this crossword puzzle.



LSP, wait up!


Lousy Breakfast Princess.


What is that, even?

Yo, LSP.

Sick tag.

Oh. Thanks?

You know,
I like your vibe, dude.

You don't take
anyone's sass.

Yeah, especially not from that
gross pile of greasy hash!

She lumpin' humiliated me!

Listen, let's get even.

Teach old greasy
locks a lesson.


You're bad.

And I like it.

This place is huge!

♪ This place smells like butter,
bacon, sausage, and juice ♪

♪ Gonna mess with
Breakfast Princess

'cause she called me
pamplemousse ♪

"Yobo, peebocheeks.

Just kicking down
the town with LSP-boos.

She is acting sooo bad."

"Ha. Just don't let her
get out of control."

"Too late. LSP is really
doing it up right now,

and I'm just feeding
the flames."

"Nooooo," exclamation point,
exclamation point,

exclamation point!

Look. There.

Breakfast Princess' room.

How you want to get
past the maple man?

I'll show you, hon.

Ooh! Ahh!

Hey, there.

Yeah, look over here.



Nice distraction.

Right on.


Ugh. I can't digest syrup.


That's for poisoning my girl!


Okay, just one more time.


I thought you were bad.

Bad people don't stop.

Let's don't stop inside.


Uh... all her
clothes are sticky.

And her taste in
music is terrible.

Check it out.

I hate this album,
but I'm taking it anyway.


That's messed up!


This'll teach Breakfast Princess.



Who did this to you, Jerry?!

I don't know,
but they got past me.

[Door creaking]

We're busted.

Turn invisible!

I can't.

Well, hide, then!

Uh... hide where?

I know somebody's in here.

I-I heard someone
say "Where."

Getting close now.

No sign of the intrud... er.

Aaah! My eyes!





Oh, it smells like grapefruit.



[Both laugh]

When I recover my sight,
I'm going to imprison you,

you giggling girls!



[Both breathing heavily]

I got this.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

[Breathing heavily]

I don't see them.






Oh, glob.


He's okay!

Other Jerry, what happened?


Okay, let's take a lunch break,

Oh, when I say lunch, I,
of course, mean breakfast.

Your Highness.

There are vandals
ruining the castle.

They are bad.

Okay. I'll handle it.

Fellow Princesses,
I got to deal with matters of state.

My little sister, Strudel Princess,
will take over for me.

[Clears throat]

Eat the berries!

Dip them in the syrup.

Rup, rup!

Want me to show you how?


[Engine turns over]


[Tires squeal]

A squirrel taught
me how to do that.

That's awesome.

Stop right the...


[Tires screech]
What was that?!

Oh, glob. Oh, glob.

Oh, glob, oh, glob, oh, glob!

Everyone will know it was me!

I can't go to jail!

I'm too pretty!


Oh, I'm sorry, mom... and daddy!


Hey! Calm your lumps.



It's okay!
She's just dazed.

I'll handle it.

Come on.

[Engine turns over]

[CD player whirs]

[Midtempo music plays]


Lt'll be fine, dude.

Girls like us just
got to stick together.

Breakfast Princess,
you should pay attention

when somebody cool
is trying to talk.

LSP, is that you?

Oh. Glob, no.
Not even.

What's this for?

For digging.

Now start building
a-a sand castle.

[Engine turns over]

Don't stop digging
or we'll know!




That was totally fun
being bad with you, Marcy.

Yeah, that was pretty rad.

Do you think, like, doing all
that bad stuff makes us... like,

bad people?

Uh... probably not.

I don't think there
are bad people.


I think good people do bad stuff
sometimes, and... oh... and

that's bad.

But if you only do it once,
it's just a mistake, and...

that's not bad.

I think.


But... I mean [sighs] I do think
it was wrong to steal this CD.

Yeah, I feel kind
of bad about that.

[CD player whirs]

We should probably
mail it back to her.

Yeah! Good call.

L... oh, my glob!





Couldn't get up
from the bed.

I was lazy, and that's why I
can't have frosting anymore.

Okay, so does everybody
have what they want?

[Cheers and applause]

Wait, I think I'm
ready to pop it.



[Cheers and applause]

Happy Princess Day!

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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