01x02 - Trouble in Lumpy Space

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x02 - Trouble in Lumpy Space

Post by bunniefuu »

Cheers, Lumpy Space Princess.

Princess, this tea party sucks
in a big way!

But thanks for the invite!

Oh, don't worry, Finn.

The Mallow Tea Ceremony
takes years to master.

Princess! I think I just now mastered it!

One more bounce.


Tea partying's hard, huh, Jake?

Oof! Yes!


No way! It's super easy!

Lumpy Space Princess, you big faker!

You're floating, not bouncing!

Fine. I'll prove it.

Oh. Sorry I bit your leg.

You're still biting me!!

Oh, my gosh. Oh, right. Sorry.

Dude! Your leg!

This is... new.

'S nothin' ominous, though. Just a bump.

Nah, that's no bump.
It's the early stage of the lumps.

Is it serious?

It just means he's turning into
a Lumpy Space guy,

on account of my bite.

It's just like, uhm...


...werewolf rules?

Oh no!!!

What? You think I'm gonna turn
all lumpy like her?

Get outta here.


Finn, I think I'm freakin' out!

Calm down, bud! I'll...

I'll sock the lumpiness outta ya!

Hey, now!

Royal intervention!

Surely there must be an antidote
to the lumps.

Yeah. There's an antidote, but you have
to go all the way to Lumpy Space to get it

and, Jake has to use it by sunset.

What happens if he doesn't
take the antidote by sunset?

He'll be lumpy, like, forever.

LSP, please! Can you tell us
how to reach Lumpy Space?

Yeah, there's a portal nearby.

I can show you whenever.

Take us now! Take us now!

I should not have drunk that much tea!

Don't go telling anyone about this
portal or whatever.

...It's kind of a secret.

Where is it?

Portal's that Frog and mushroom.

Password, please.


Good day, Princess.

Is your father okay with you entering
Lumpy Space with two...


Just say yes!

Yes, yes, yes!

Yeah, whatever, fine.


Lumpy Space!

So, where's the antidote?

Hold it. First, you should
check out my house.

It's, like, kinda lame, but way less
lame than, like, your house.

Could you skip to the part where
you tell us where the antidote is?

It's up there at Makeout Point.

That's so close! We can run there in no...


Aww, what?!?

It's, like, a million-mile fall into space!

Yeah. You have to travel
by car in my world,

or else you'll fall into the Lumpy Abyss.

Daughter!! Have you brought smooth
people into our domain?!?


...had to...


I'm trying to help them.



What did you just say?!?




Vroom vroom?

Oh, yeah!

I need to borrow the car.

You have made your mother cry
for the last time, daughter!

You are hereby banned from
using the royal car!!

Shucks! I lumping hate them!

I'm really really sorry, Finn.

But I can't help you because
my parents are horrible idiots.

Don't you know anyone else with a car?

My friend Melissa has a car.

But she's dating my ex-boyfriend...


Call her...


Hmm. Call BFF .


Hey, Melissa. What's up?

What's she saying?

I'm asking her, jeez!

Melissa, just listen!

Have you forgotten what day it is?

Melissa. I'm trying to help
out some friends.

Tonight is the weekly Promcoming Dance!

Oh, Glob. I forgot.

What'd she say?

Tonight is the weekly Promcoming Dance!


LSP, we don't have time for this.

Ask for the ride, LSP


Melissa, you should totally drive us
to Makeout Point to...

...make out with hot boys!

LSP, you're so baaaaad...

Be there in a sec!


Sorry. But Jake's lumpiness is worsening!

Actually, I think I'm beating it back
with sheer willpower!

Oh, my.

Yeah, whatever.

Just don't mess with my phone again.


Ugh... OKAY!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!!

Aw, Finn, this music ducks, right?

Ah. I love this song.

We should totally TP Shandala's house!

Gracious!! That was terrible!

Finn, if you can't save me
from the lumps...

if I do turn...

...if I become lumpy like them,
I want you to...

It's not gonna come to that!

But if it does, I'll bury you beneath
the nicest, most shadiest tree!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

I'm saying that if I go totally lumpy,

then I want you to get used to lumpy Jake.

What did you think I was sayin'?


We're already here!

Hi, Finn.

We've been here for, like,
five minutes.


Huh? This doesn't look
like Makeout Point.

This is Brad's house.

You wanted a ride to Makeout Point?

You think I want to make out with you?!?

Well, maybe I do, but...

Wait. I have a boyfriend, Finn!!!

LSP, we gotta hurry!
Jake's running out of time!

Hey. This is hard for me, too.

I mean, I used to eat chili
cheese fries with Brad...

so there's gonna be a lot of
romantic tension on this ride!


Oh, Braaaaad...

You miss me yet, LSP?

Scooch over, Finn.
I'm gonna sit in the back.

This is it.

Let's go!

Wait. Watch yourself, Finn.

The guys who use the antidote
up here are notorious...

...for being...

...smooth posers!

What does that mean?

It just means what it means.

Hurry. Get the antidote
so we can get outta here.

Thanks, LSP.


Um... bumps.

Aw, man!

Hey, guys.

Lookin' smooth!

Really? You think we're smooth?

Well, mostly you in the center, but yeah!

Why are you sucking up to us?

My best friend needs an antidote
for lumpiness.

Chyah, lumpiness suuucks.

Hey, Monty, time's up, sphere-hog!

My turn!

So the antidote is in that orb
you were sitting on!

This orb is the antidote, bruh.

Can my friend borrow it?

Yeah, sure, as long as you
give it right back.

Hammacow. Thanks, fellas.

What's taking so long?

Did those smooth-heads
give you the orb already, or what?


Is this another friend of yours??

What do you care?

Just give 'em the antidote already,
and stop being such a poser.

Sorry, kid. We changed our minds.

Why did you have to say all those
rude things to them?!?

What? I was helping you.

Thanks a lot!

They were right about to hand
over the antidote!

You're welcome a lot.

You insulted them!

And they got mad!

And now Jake's gonna be lumpy forever!

This is all your fault!!!

Wow. Now I know how you really feel.

I was just trying to help, but whatever.

No. No, not whatever!

I know I mess things up sometimes,
but I'm really trying!

And you guys are supposed to be my friends!

Not like the fake ones I have here!

So do what you want!

I'm going to Promcoming!

Are you coming or not, Lumpy Jake?

No. Because no matter how messed up
and lumpy I get,

this guy never turns his back on me!

Oh, yah. Right behind ya.

Just gotta turn my back on this guy.

Jake! It's almost sunset!!!


...I didn't save him...



Jam on, man!

Huh? I thought you guys left!

We were drawn back by your plaintive wail.

We dig your directionless fury.

Um, thanks.



Take it. Win your girl back!

Yeah, there's no girl.

But there is still time to save Jake!

Do you guys know where Promcoming is?!?

Promcoming takes place way down
on that land-lump.

Awesome. Do any of y'all have wheels?

Nah. We were all ditched here
just like you.

Well... you think I can make it to that
land-lump if I jumped off this cliff?

You kidding?

A smoothie like you will plummet right
into the eternal void!

What if I was lumpy? Could I float over?

No, no! It's too dangerous!

I'd say there's a / chance
of you making it!

That's good enough for me.

Now bite me!!

Are you crazy, man?

Yes! I can feel the multiple bite
accelerating the lumpification process!

I'm starting to float!

Don't jump, guy!!

I have to! For my buddy.

Wow. He's insane.

Ah, I made it!

And there he is!

Yeah! Promcoming! Yeah! Cool!

Jake! I'm mostly lumpy now!

And I totally think you should
sit on this sphere!


Sit on it!


Please, Jake!

You're my best friend!
Just sit on the sphere!

Chyah! I remember you!

You're just a smoothie wannabe lumpy poser!

Sit on it!!
Before I turn completely lumpy!!


Oh, no! I can feel the lumpiness...
about to consume me!!

Oh, yah. Being lumpy's the best.

Hey. Stop talkin' to yourself, dumb guy.

Take your ball and get outta here.

Fine. I don't want you to have it anyway.

So I can't have it now, eh?

That's right. It's mine.

Gimme that ball!!!

No! You can't have it!

I want it!


Give it to meh!

You want it that bad? Go get it, then!

Oh, I'm not lumpy anymore!

...Oh no...

Finn buddy! Ya gotta sit on this!!


You can't make me! Smooth...


Hey Finn!

Hey, buddy!



Hey, dude. We made it.


There's something cold under my butt.

Oh! The antidote!

Just in time, too!

LSP, I'm sorry I blew up at you before.

I didn't mean it.
I was just really stressed out.

You know, it's fine.

You and Jake can make it up to me

by dancing this last dance with me.

Sounds good to me. Whaddaya say, Jake?

That sounds totally lame.

I'm just kiddin'.

Let's dance!
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