03x20 - The Alien/Mr. Clean

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x20 - The Alien/Mr. Clean

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

More wind.

[ Phil and lil panting]

Here you go, angelica.

Thank you, chuckie.

Ah! This is the life.

can I have a turn?

If it were up to me

I'd let you
sit in the chair

But it's against the rules.

It is?


When you play vacation

The biggest kid sits

And the babies do
whatever she wants.

Are you sure?

Course I'm sure!

Now bring me
some more strawberries.

Kids, look at this!

I built you all
a new playhouse.

[ All gasping]

[ Excited chattering]

hey, wait a minute!

Out of my way, babies!

[ Grunting]


[ Grunting]

Stupid playhouse!

It's too small!

We can fit,

Oh, no, you don't!

If I can't go in there,
none of you can.

That's not fair, angelica!

Grandma's on the phone

And wants to say hello.

Angelica, we're going to play
in that playhouse

And you're not gonna
stop us, right?


There's a reason
you can't go in there.

There is?

Your friend chuckie...

Is... A aliem
from outside space.

[ Gasping]

And that so-called "playhouse"

Is a spaceship.


An aliem? Chuckie?

I think you've got
the wrong baby, angelica.

Chuckie's just
a normal kid.

Ha! Don't make me laugh.

What do you mean?

Look at the facts--

Big thick glasses,
weird red hair

Funny sounding voice.

Definitely not a normal
earth kid.

I don't know, angelica.

He seems normal to me.

Come on.

Have you ever met
a earth kid

Who's a-scared
of oatmeal?

And why do you think
chuckie and his dad went inside?

To talk on the phone.

They want you
to think that.

They're really

Charging up their batteries.


Wait a minute.

How do you know
all this?

Phil, I'm glad you asked.

You see, for a while,
I've been suspending

That chuckie
wasn't one of us

So a couple of nights ago

I decided to invessicate.

I sneaked out of my room
in the middle of the night

And took a little walk
over to chuckie's.

When I got there

I creeped up
and looked in the window

And you wouldn't believe
what I saw.


Who's telling
the story?

Uh... You are?

That's right,
you little pea-brain.

Now, as I was saying

You wouldn't believe what I saw.

[ Gasps]


Greetings, grog and lindor.

Inform me of your progress.

Well, kababbler

I think we got it
all worked out.

I'm going to trick
the human babies

Into playing
in the little playhouse.

Once they're all
inside the house

My dad... I mean, grog,
is going to turn on the rockets

And send them back
to our home planet

For further study.

After we exhibit them

To the grand council of aliems

We should have no trouble
convincing them to go ahead

With the invasion of urf.

You mean..?

That's right.

We're going
to take over the planet

But we can't do it

Unless you get those babies
into that playhouse.

[ Evil laughing]

[ Both laughing]

and that's how I found out

That chuckie and his dad
were from outside space.


All this time
my bestest friend was a aliem.

Chuckie's even cooler
than I thought.

What a neat baby!

You dummies!

Being an aliem isn't neat!

It isn't?

Didn't you hear

They're taking you
to their planet

In that playhouse?

Sounds like fun.

It's not fun!

It's bad!

Bad, bad, bad!

An aliem is very dangerous.

Who knows what stuper powers
he might have.

Don't get too close to him

Or he might zap you
into baby dust.

Aw, chuckie wouldn't do that.

Chuckie wouldn't

But lindor the aliem...
Who knows?

When chuckie gets back,
he'll try

To get you into the playhouse

So he can blast off
to outside space.

What should we do?

Just don't let him know

You're on to him,
and whatever you do

Do notgo
into that playhouse.

hi, guys.

Hey, let's go in the playhouse.

No, chuckie!

I mean,
you go on ahead.

We like it out here.

Here on planet urf.



Come on, guys.

It's a really neat playhouse.

No, chuckie!

We don't feel like it
right now.

You have fun
in the rocket ship--

I mean, playhouse.


Okay. I can tell

You guys don't like me

I'll go play by myself.

No, chuckie, don't go.

It's not that we don't like you.

It's just that...
Well, we know.

Know what?

Your secret.

You know my secret?


How did you find out?

Let's just say
we have our ways.

Wow. So you know my secret.

It's no big deal.

After all, it's something

That all babies
have to live with.

It is?

Chuckie, most babies
don't have your problem.

Really? I thought everyone

Wet their bed once in a while.

We thought
you were talking

About something else.

We wet the bed
all the time.

Every chance we get.

Oh. Well, what secret
was you guys talking about?

We was talking about...

He'll zap you!

I'll what?

You don't have
to play dumb.

We know you're an aliem
from outside space

And you could turn us all

Into baby dust
with one blast.

Well, the cat's
out of the bagel now.

we like you

Even if you are
a aliem.

I'm not an aliem.

It's okay,

You'll still be
our best friend.

At least our best
aliem friend.

Don't you understand?

I'm not an aliem.

Chuckie, it's okay.

You can stop pretending now.

Guys, I'm not an aliem!

Oh. Angelica, did you hear that?

He's not an aliem.

Don't listen
to him.

An aliem
would never admit

He's an aliem,
would he?

But I'm not an aliem.

I rest my case.

Now a regular kid
would play along.

A regular kid
would have some fun

And say that he is
an aliem.

Yeah, that's right.

Okay, okay.

In that case,
I am an aliem.

You admit it!
You're an aliem.

No, I'm not!

You heard it

With your own eyes.

Chuckie just admitted
he's an aliem.

I said that 'cause I thought

That if I said I was a aliem

It would prove
I was a regular kid

And that I wasn'tan aliem.

Typical aliem logic.

Guys, you got to believe me.

I'm just a regular kid.

Maybe he's telling the truth.

Right. And maybe pigs can swim.

What if we did a test

To find out
if he's an aliem or not?

Yeah, yeah.
What if we did a test?

A test, eh?



What's she
looking for?

A-ha! Look at this.

But, angelica,
that's just a puzzle.

Just a puzzle?

How can you be so dumb?

It's easy. I'm a baby.

Do you know
what this is a puzzle of?

It's a map of the
be-nited stakes.

Now, why would chuckie have
a puzzle like this?

To play with.

No. It's so when
he goes back

To his own planet

He can get ready
for the invasion.

[ Both gasp]

They already got

Texas and oklahoma.

No! It's just a toy!

I'm not invading anyone.

Sure, chuckie

Or should I say lindor
from beta vii?

Angelica, I want another test.

Another test? Let's see.

Well, we coulddo
the belly button test.

The what?

The belly button test.

See, this is my belly button--

A regular human belly button.

It goes in a little bit.

Earth peoples
have belly buttons like this.

Let's see tommy's belly button.

Looks like
a regular belly button to me.

It is.
You're from earth.

Now, phil...

Another normal
human belly button.

Now, lil,
if you would be so kind...



Another normal--
well, disgusting-- belly button.

Now the test.

Chuckie, your turn.

I don't want to.

A-ha! He won't show us.

He's a aliem.

No, I'm not.

Then show us.

All right.

[ Gasping]
look at that!

It sticks out!

Just like an aliem's!

No, it's just
a regular belly button

Only a little bigger.

Tell me another one, lindor.

It's not fair.

I'm an earth thing.

I really am.

Come on, angelica.

One last test. Please.

Well, okay.

what are you doing?

Tommy, aliems are different
from regular people.

Aliems can't get wet
or else they'll melt

Like the wicked witch
of the west

So if we spray chuckie
and he doesn't melt

Then he's a real
earth thing.

Spray me with the hose?!

Angelica, you're not going
to spray me with any hose.

See? He won't do it
'cause he'll melt.

No! I won't do it
'cause I'll get wet.

Tommy, you believe me,
don't you?

Can I see your belly button
one more time?

Tommy! It's me, chuckie.

Don't you know me?

Angelica, he's right.

I don't know
where chuckie's from.

He might be from urf

Or from
outside space

But wherever he's from,
he's my friend

And I won't let you melt him.

Ha! Come on, phil.

Come on, lil.

Let's get him.

[ Screaming]

A-ha! I got you now, aliem.

[ All grunting]

[ Yelling]

[ Gasps]

He's in the playhouse.

We got him
trapped now!

Oh, aliem,
come out to play-ay.

no! You're not

Melting chuckie.

He may be an aliem

But he's
my bestest friend.

Don't go in there!

He'll blast off.

Then good-bye, planet urf.

[ Both gasp]

wow, neat!

Hey, tommy, check out
this little step.

And a window.

Hi, guys.


[ Splutters]


he didn't melt.

He's not a aliem.

Told you.

I'm kind of disappointed.

Let's go
in the playhouse.

No, you can't.
It's a trick.

[ Both:]

this is great.

You dumb babies!

[ Screaming]

Hey, chuckie, I'm sorry
we thought you was an aliem.

♪ Doo-de-doo-doo-doo


[ Laughing]

[ Sighing]

Nothing like
a nice soft pile of garbage.

[ Gasping]

what are you doing?

Don't you realize

That garbage
is full of germs?

We know

You don't like baths,

But mr. Soap and mr. Water
have to get those germs off.

We're your friends,

[ Grunting]


Under the bed
is the best place there is.




Now, chuckie

Those germs can get
inside your body

And make you sick.

Isn't that right,
mr. Soap?

mr. Water.

[ Groaning]

Not again?!

Germs are
too small to see

But they're everywhere, chuckie.

They could be
on the walls

In the carpet...

Or even
on your clothes.

Now you're all nice
and clean again.

Good night, chuckie.

Pleasant dreams.


[ Germs shouting]

Come on!

Let's get him!

After him!

[ Panting]

Oh, boy.

[ Gasping]

[ Germ:]
this way, guys!

[ Chuckie screaming]

Oh, I don't like those germs.

I don't like them at all.

Be a good boy, chuckie.

Hi, chuckie.

Oh, hi, guys.

[ Yawning]

what's wrong,

You look really tired.

It's the germs,
you guys.

I was up all night
watching out for them.

What are you
talking about


Germs is the scariest thing
in the whole world--

Even scarier than monsters.

Germs is hairy
jelly bean things

That get in you
and make you sick.

Where do they live?

That's the scariest part of all.

They could be anywhere.


They could even be
on you right now.

I don't see anything.

There they are

On chuckie's face!

Those are just his freckers.

Oh, yeah.
Sorry, chuckie.

Come on.

Let's go find something
safe to play with.

Let's play in my sandbox.


That's practically
the first place germs go.

How about
rolling the ball?

No, you fool!

Don't you know

that ball's been?

What about
tommy's reptar doll?

Reptars carry germs too.

I give up, chuckie.

What can we do?

Don't worry, tommy.

I got a plan.

We sit here quietly,
not touching anything

Till our mommies and daddies
come back.

Ah, that doesn't
sound like fun.

It may not be fun,
but it's safe.

We're gonna go play

In the garbage.


We're gonna go play
in the gar...

That's the worstest place to go.

That's the dirtiest, filthiest,
germiest place there is.

It is?
It is?

That's where germs come from.

We play in the garbage
all the time

And we never catched
any germs before.

How can you be so sure?

Listen, guys,
this is really important.

Promise me, wherever you go,
whatever you do

You won't play
in the garbage.

Okay, we promise.

Do you really promise?

Cross your scarves, hope to fly,
stick a poodle in your eye.

[ All:]
we promise.

Do you think

There's some hairy
jelly bean germs in here?

I bet there's some
on the bottom.

Didn't chuckie say

Not to go near
the garbage?

I don't remember.

He made us promise
not to play here.

Oh, he wouldn't care

If we just took one
teeny little peek inside.

Well, maybe one
little quick peek.

But if there's
any germs in there

We're leaving.


There could be
some crumbs

Left in that
reptar cereal box.

And look over there--

A perfectly good
ice cream cone.

Hey, there's no germs
in here, tommy.

You mean, chuckie was just
worried over nothing?

It's not like him.

Come on, you guys.
Dig in.

[ All laughing]


Look at you guys.

You're covered with garbage.

It's not so bad.

Want some ice cream?

That garbage
is infestered with germs.

Now you all got them.

But I feel fine.

Yeah, me too.

You feel fine now

But soon, you'll start sneezing,
and you'll get a fever

Then you
can't play outside.

We won't touch
the garbage again.

Now do you want
to go play?

I can't play with you.


We could have played before

But now you're all infestered.

I don't think...

Wait a minute, tommy!

Don't come any closer!

Hold on!

That kid just gets
weirder and weirder.

Got to hurry.

Germs getting closer.

[ Grunting]

Got to get it.

Not much time.

[ Grunting]

Just one more thing.

Ah, now I'm not afraid
of no germs.


Okay, guys, we can play now.

How come
you're dressed funny?

It's my germ suit--

In case the germs
start to jump onto me.

Germs are

Pretty good jumpers.

Let's go.

With my new germ suit,
we can play anything.

Chuckie, how can
we build a castle

If you keep taking
all the sand out?

I'm just taking out
the crummy sand.

[ Groaning]

just a second, lil.

it won't fit.

It's wet.

Of course it's wet.

Water's the only way
to get it clean.

Uh, tommy

That dirt doesn't
look very clean.

You said we could
look for worms.

You can,
just not in the dirt.

There might be germs.

I'm tired
of all these germ rules.

Is there anything we can play

Where we won't have
to worry about germs?

How about

That sounds like
a nice, clean game.

I'm the leader.

No. I am.

How about
if tommy's the leader?

It's his house.

Okay. Follow me.

[ Snoring]



What's wrong,

I'm stuck.

My germ suit's
caught on something.

Don't worry,

We'll help you.

Okay, just take off
that germ suit

And then you could jump down.

Take off the germ suit?

I can't do that!

Do you want to be stuck
in this bush all day?

No, but...

Let me help you.

No, don't touch me.

I'll get germs.

I can't get you unstuck
without touching you.

I'm just going
to have to stay stuck.


It's the only way, tommy.

It's the only way

I'm really safe
from those germs.

Well, okay.

What are
we going to do?

We can't just
leave him there.

I don't know.

I don't think
he's ever going to come out...


[ Grunting]

Oh, I wish I could sit down.

chuckie, come quick!

They got tommy!

The germs gots tommy!

He was playing
near the garbage

And they grabbed him!

I warned him about that garbage.

[ Grunting]

This way!

Help, chuckie!


It's the germs, chuckie!

They got me!

Oh, no!

[ Grunting]

You did it, chuckie!

You saved tommy!

Where are they?
Where's them germs?

Wait a minute.

You guys are playing
a joke on me.


The germs didn't
really attack you

Did they, tommy?


Now I'm probably

Covered with germs

And it's all your fault.

Sorry, but if we
didn't do something

You were going
to stay

In that bush forever.

And the germs didn't
attack you neither.

Wow. You're right.

Come on, chuckie,
let's play in the garbage.

Well, trying to keep
those germs off me

Was a lot of work.

Maybe from now on

I'll take my chances
like the rest of you guys.

Come on.

Let's play
garbage monster.

[ Growling]

[ All growling]

[ All shouting]

I got to admit,
this is fun!

Chuckie, I told you
nothing bad would happen.


And you said nothing bad
was going to happen.

Look, it's our old friends,
mr. Soap and mr. Water.

[ Kids groaning]
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