03x14 - Destination: Moon/Angelica's Birthday

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x14 - Destination: Moon/Angelica's Birthday

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

Guys, I'm getting kind of dizzy.

Keep going, chuckie.

You're doing great.

Yeah. Pretty soon
you'll probably throw up.


Where'd my rocket go?

It's gone, chuckie.

It flew away.

I think

I went into outer space.

Oh, I hate it when that happens.

Just what in tarnation
is so funny?

Oh, nothing. Nothing.

I got this baby for a song.

Now the great outdoors
is no further away

Than the nearest
r.v. Park.

You can't be serious.

We could hitch her up

And take her to florida
for the winter.

Nothing to do there
but kick back

Eat roasted sand crabs,

And soak up some sun.

Oh, I got to find it.

I just got to.

That rocket was

My favoritest
toy in the world.

Don't you think
it's time we gave up?

It could be
anywhere by now.

It could even be on the moon.

It was a rocket.

Oh, no.

If it's on the moon,
I'll never get it back.

We could always
fly to the moon

In a spaceship
like captain blasto does on tv.

Oh, great! Tommy,
this isn't tv or something.

This is the real world.

Where exactly
do you expect

To find a spaceship?

Over there.

Oh? Gee...

I wonder how a spaceship

Got in your
driveway, tommy.

I don't know

But now that it's here

Let's go to the moon!

Yay! We're going
to the moon!

You guys, maybe this
isn't such a good idea.

[ Grunting]

This is a spaceship?

Sure. Don't you see?

Those are
the control panels

And those are the tvs

And that's where
the captain sits.

What's that button do?

I don't know.

Let's see.

I think that I'll...

Hey, did I drive all the way
over here with the door open?

Tommy! The door just closed!

Sure the door closed.

I just hit
the door-close button.

Don't like this.

The door's got
to be closed, chuckie.

You don't want
to fall out in space.

Do you?

I taking this baby
on the road by myself.

I'll throw in
an old mattress

And it will be
like the old days.

Whose old days?

What's happened, tommy?

One way to find out.

Hey, we're blasting off.

[ Grunting]

Stand aside, pop,
I'll give you a hand.

here we go!

I don't want to go to space!

It's too late.

You mean..?

We're going to the moon.

Everybody hold on.

We're going into diaper-space.

[ Groaning]

[ Screaming]


Diaper-space always gives me
a tummy ache.


[ Panting]

This thing is heavier
than I thought.

[ Groaning]

She can't take
much more of this, tommy!

She's going to blow!
Coming out of diaper-space.

[ Groaning]

[ Groaning]

What's going on?!
We're going to crash!

[ Grunting]

What happened?
Where are we?

Job well done, sonny.

Guys, we're on the moon.

Must be the dark side
of the moon.

We're going out there

And we don't know
what we'll find.

I want to say one thing
before we go into the unknown--

No pushing.

[ Grunting]

Wait, tommy.

Don't open the door.

Why not?

There's no air
on the moon.

Good thinking, chuckie.

We'd better put on
our spacesuits.

Now do we open the door?

Make it so, number one.

Open the door.


Come on, chuckie.

It's just one small step.

Looks more
like a giant leap to me.

[ Chittering]

[ Sniffing]

Pew! What's that smell?

it's the cheese.



It's strong.

Let's go explore.


What now?

What about moon monsters?

Don't worry. We're
on a peaceful mission.

I hope the monsters
know that.

Hey, tommy

How come you're
walking like that?

You got to walk like this
on the moon.

There's less grabity.


Yeah. If you walk too fast

The moon won't grab you
and you'll float into space.

Oh, yeah. I knew that.

Me too.

[ Chittering]

Watch out
for the moon juice.

Moon juice?


Hey, moon rocks.

[ Laughing]

You know,
these moon rocks

Look like that stuff

My daddy uses to burn food.

Hey, chuckie, look over there.

It's your toy rocket!

Wow, chuckie,
you really did

Make it go all the way
to the moon.

Guess I don't know
my own strength.

Come on. Let's get it!

I got it!

Come on up, you guys.

You can see
the whole moon from here.

Isn't it beautiful?

It sure makes you
feel small.

Like a baby
or something.

Hey, wait for me!


[ Screaming]

Hey, chuckie, look.

I found your rocket.

At last! My rocket!

I guess it was
all worth it.

Okay, kids!

Time to come back in...

Oh, no!

Not again!


Where are we?

I think we're
in a moon grater.

A grater?

Oh, no. Don't moon monster's
live in graters?

[ Howling]

[ Howling]

What do we do now?!

Yell and cry
and call for help?

That won't work, chuckie.

In space, no one
can hear you scream.

Don't panic, deed.

They can't have gone far.

How could this
have happened?

We're so careful with the kids.

[ Gurgling]

Come on.

We got to get
out of here.

[ Gasping]

Wait for me!

Tommy, let's get out of here.

This is major tom
to ground control.

Get ready for blastoff.

Ten, seven, four,
, , two, blastoff!

Stu, how could they get
in there?

Where else
could they be?

Oh, no!

Oh, they couldn't be
in that old trailer.

Could they?

[ Screaming]


Ugh. Smells
like old cheese in here.

Oh, there you are.

It's all right, di.

They're in here.

Oh, they're filthy.

Where's chuckie?


Maybe he's still
under the bed.

[ Screams]

Is your daddy mad at me, tommy?

I never heard
none of those words before.

He wasn't mad.

He's just glad you wasn't
eaten by a moon monster.

Hey! What happened
to your toy rocket?

Oh, no. I must have dropped it.

After all that.

Look at it this way.

Maybe in millions
of years

When people
are living on the moon

Some little moon kid

Will find your rocket
and it will make him happy.

Gee, tommy, I never
thought of it that way.

you're right, cynthia.

This house
has the best pool.

It might make a good summer home
for the birthday girl.

I put together a list

Of some suggestions.

There's still
valuable shopping time

Before my party.

Look what came for you,

Oh, boy,
a birthday card!

you're so excited

You dropped the card
on the floor.

Let me read it to you.

"Happy birthday, little lady

"You're a whole year
older today.

"And everyone knows
because it shows

"You're a grown-up
in every way.

Love, grandma."

Aw, don't cry,

I'm sure grandma

Just forgot the money.

We can call her
and have her wire it.

It's not that, muffin.

Daddy's thinking about

How his girl
is becoming a lady.

Pretty soon I'll be grown-up
and I can do whatever I want.

The years just fly by,
don't they?

Now that you're a year older

Your mother and I
will be able

To trust you
with responsibilities.

You mean, like,
I get to stay up late

And eat ice cream
whenever I want?

No, no, honey.

Responsibility means taking
care of yourself

Like clearing your own plate,
picking up your toys

Paying a mortgage--
things grown-ups do.

That doesn't sound like fun.

But part of growing up
is doing things

That you have to do

Not just doing
whatever you want.

There's a lot
of hard work.

Hard work?

End of discussion.

Am I right?
Of course I am.

I told you I wanted
the caterers by noon.

I don't want excuses.

This is my daughter's birthday.

Angelica's upstairs.

If that karaoke machine
doesn't work

It will be your head,

Happy birthday, honey.

Thanks, grandpa.

[ Sigh]

Grandpa, what's it like
to be old?

Old? That's one doozy
of a question there.

Your back starts to go

And it's tough
to get out of bed.

Then it's the hearing,
teeth and eyes.

Soon, you're eating tapioca
and getting sponge baths.

Hmm, come to think of it

Old age
does have it's good points.

Will that happen to me?

Happens to everyone.

Enjoy the best years
of your life while you can.

Oh, to think I was at woodstock.

Those pesky kids
sure made a racket, though.

Excuse me a sec.

Where you going?

Let's just say
it's another part

Of getting old.

No russian circus?

I thought you lined that up

Months ago. Hold on.

Take that to the tent.

Jonathan, listen,
tell those circus people

We had a verbal contract

And if they ever want
to work in this town again

They'll make sure not to cancel.

What? Deported?

They can't be deported
until after the performance.

This is an outrage!

well, cynthia

It looks like
it's all over for us.

Hi, angelica... Um...

We have something for you.

happy birthday!

It's a mud pie.

It's our favorite flavor--

[ Sigh]

Don't you like it?

I'm too old
for that silly kid stuff.

Too old?

Yeah, I've got 'sponsibilities


That means I'm not allowed
to have fun anymore.

But it's your birthday.

Yeah, on your birthday

Everybody's got to be nice
to you and give you presents.

And you get to blow out
all the candles

And make a wish.

Then you eat cake
and ice cream

Until you throw up.

Oh, chuckie.

Sweet simple chuckie.

The only thing
that would make me happy

Is to never get
another year older.

What do you mean?

Getting old's fun.

No, no, little phil.

Getting old is nothing
but misery and woe.

Too bad you can't stay
little like us.

Yes, it's too bad
I can't stay little like...

Wait a minute-- that's it!


[ Gasps]

Angelica, you growed down.

I sure did.

Now I'm just
a wittle tiny baby again

And no one can give me
'sponsibilities or nothing.

[ Baby laughter]

Can angelica
really do this?

I don't know

But things will sure
be different

If she's gonna be
a baby.

Yeah, if she's a baby,
she'll be one of us.

And if she's just one of us

Maybe she can't push us around

Or steal our toys anymore.

Or make us wear
those frilly panties.

Um, I don't want
to talk about it.

Take the sheep out back.

The animals
go in the tent.

Don't skimp on streamers.

Let's have lots of color.


Howard... Chaz...
You look so... So funny.

Thanks, charlotte.

We're bringing back
our old clown act.

You are?

When we were in school

Howard and I made all our money
off of clown appearances.

You did?

Yeah, guess you could say

We clowned our way
through college, huh, howard?

I've really got
enough entertainment.

Give us one minute

We'll give you a preview

Right here.

[ Music playing]

Presenting, the amazing flubbo
and his sidekick


For our next trick...


Smooth move, flubbo.

Okay, okay, you've got the job.

The kids will love
this routine.

So, let me get this straight.

You're going to act
just like a baby?

You got a problem with that?

No, but that means
you can't do a lot of stuff.

Like playing big kid games.

Or crossing the street.

Or eating solid food.

It will be easy.

I don't know.

I'm not sure you can do it.

Just give me any baby thing
to do

And I'll do it as good
as any of you.

Okay, angelica.

Get some milk?

Milk? No problem?



No talking to the grown-ups.


[ Scream]

Angelica, are you all righ..?

What the dickens?

What are you doing
dressed like that?

What's going on here?

I'm fine, daddy,
but I would like some...

[ Baby sounds]

If you want something

You talk like a big girl,
not a baby.


How about if you change
while daddy gets you some milk?

Moo-moo, moo-moo!

Ha! Now that's service!

You're not going
to believe this.

Angelica's crawling
around her room

Dressed like a baby.

Drew, I really am busy.

I've got to check
on the chocolate swan sculpture.

And the chinese
acrobats are here.

Ngo lai luh.
Whenever she wants something,
she just cries.

Drew, relax,
it's just a phase.

It's her party and she can cry
if she wants to.

I'm going to see
if I can get her

To put on her party dress.

She likes dressing up.

[ Crying]

It's such a pretty dress

And I'm sure it costs
a lot.

That's better.


Glad you could make it.

Presents over there
on the table.

By the way, jonathan

We haven't received
your present.

I got to admit,
so far you're doing great.

Told you I could do it.

Here's the birthday girl.

What are you doing,

You look like a baby.

[ Baby sounds]


Time for the pinata.

Come on, you guys.

are you sure

You're not coming?

Don't you want to get

All the chocolates for yourself?

[ Groaning]

Okay, then.

Ready, kids?

Drew, lower it down.

[ Kids cheering]

She'll never get anywhere
with those sissy swings.

I'm going out there.

You can't do that.

But pinata's my favorite game.

I get all the chocolates.

You got to do baby things.

And we'd never be allowed
to do anything like that.

So if you don't want to have

All right, all right.

You made your point.

I'm going to miss
all the chocolates.

By the way,

You can't have any
of those little candies either.

What? Why?

We might put them in our nose
or something.

Sounds like a few dumb babies

Have gone and ruined things
for everyone.

I'm sitting here in a diaper,
drinking from a bottle.

It may not look like much
to you, angelica

But it's our world
and it's all we know.

Well, I'm not going

To play by your baby rules

Look out, pinata.

Here I come.

[ Cheering]

Good job, angelica.

That's the old pickles
k*ller instinct.

I guess getting old
isn't so bad after all.

Yeah, you get bigger
and stronger.

And you get to eat chocolates.

And hit stuff with sticks.

Yeah, I can't wait
to get old.

look, kids!

It's flubbo
and goony-boy.

that's loony-boy.

Hey there, kiddies.

What are you doing?

I'm looking
for the birthday girl.

[ Screams]
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