03x06 - The Baby Vanishes/Farewell, My Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x06 - The Baby Vanishes/Farewell, My Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Humming]

[ Gasps]

What are you doing?

Hi, daddy, don't
I look pretty?

You're in big
trouble, kiddo.

You mean, you don't
love me anymore, daddy?

Yeah, you know

Daddy loves you
more than anything.

So you're not going
to punish me?

Of course not.

We'll straighten
up a bit

And mommy won't
even notice, okay?


In the future

Daddy doesn't
want you to play

With mommy's $ an
ounce oil of oleo
vanishing cream.

What's vanishing

It's something
grown-up people use

To make things...


What kind of things?

Unsightly liver spots,
age marks, stuff like that.

Does it really work?

No, but your mother

Likes to pretend
it does.


[ Doorbell buzzes]

That's drew-- hope he's
in the mood to lose.

Neurosis is
a tough game.

Look, charles.

Oh, lipschitz's
quiz column.


hello, mr. Finster.

Hi, aunt didi.

Hello, angelica.

See you later,

Brought some desert for later.

Humble pie for stu, chocolate
cream for the rest of us.

That's sounds

But before
we start playing

Charles and I found
this dr. Lipschitz quiz

In childish
behavior monthly.


Yeah, " ways to tell

If your child
is a spoiled brat."

You'd think no one
would need a quiz for that.

[ Sighs]

Look at you babies

Playing games in your little pen

While the world passes you by.

Don't you even care
what you're missing?


What are we missing?

Oh, freedom, interplendence...

Chocolate pie.

Chocolate pie?


Over there.

Why don't you
go get some?

all the grown-ups are in there.

We'll get in trouble.

Guess there's no way
to get any pie then.

Unless no one can see you do it.

But how?

Banishing cream, of course.

Of course.

What's banishing cream?

It's stuff that makes you

But I can see you are
too young to be interested.

That's right.

No, chuckie, we want to know.

What's invisdible?

It means no one can see you.

I don't get it.

For crying out loud,
it's like the wind.

You know how the wind
can move leaves around

And blow houses over?

Have you ever
seen the wind?

Uh... No.

That's because it's invisdible.

I get it! If we use
banishing cream

We can blow over houses
like the wind.

No, tommy.

Come on, I'll
'splain it to you.


"Has a swat team

"To one of your child's
temper tantrums

"In the past
six months?

"Number :

"Has your youngster
made at least two

"Of the last three major
purchasing decisions

In your household?"

[ Moans]

Was that the last one?

Yep, now add up your score.

Oh, dear.

We answered "yes" to one
of the questions.

Oh, don't worry.

I marked four myself

And lipschitz says
up to ten

Is perfectly

Anyone for a game
of neurosis?

how many

Did you mark?

I don't put too much stock

In these things.


Well, actually...

Forty-nine and a half.

What's a magazine
quiz anyway?

It was just
for laughs.

Even dr. Lipschitz
can be...

Oh, let's face it.

Angelica is a spoiled
little brat.

How could this have happened?

Is it spoiling a child to buy
her a few new toys every day?

Or to let her use my armondi
ties as jump ropes?

Or to make chocolate chip
pancakes for dinner?


I'm a bad father.

Now, calm down, drew.

There is a cure.

There is?


According to lipschitz

"Spoiled children
crave attention

For their
negative behavior."

You have to stop
reinforcing it.

The child will rechannel
his or her energy

Into more positive
modes of expression.


Ignore her.

Come on, let's start the game.

Which one is
the banishing cream?

Uh... It's this one.

Come on, let's go.

You're invisdible,
go get that pie.

But I don't feel invisdible.

Who said that?

I did.

See, you're

No, he's not, I can
still see him.

Yeah, I can
see me, too.

That's because you're
both invisdible.

Don't you babies know anything?

If you're invisdible, then you
can see other invisdible people.

But if you're not invisdible

Then you can't.

Go do something

And I'll tell you
if I can see you.

Hey, where are you guys?

We're right
here, angelica.

Wow, you sure
fooled me.

I can't see you on
the footstool, tommy.

Or you over on
the couch, chuckie.

Wow, tommy, she's looking right
at us and she can't see us.

See, we're

Let's go
get the pie.

This is too great.

I can't watch.

Yes, I can.

[ Cackles]

"Player number one

"Can only move

"When all other players

Are frozen behind
the penalty line."

These are the most
complicated rules ever.

Go back to the part
about scoring

In reverse
alphabetical order.

I don't get it.

Every time itry to get pie,
ialways get caught.

How do they do that?

Here's your pie,

They didn't
see you at all.

Of course not.

We're invisdible.

Yeah, we never
would have gone
and took this pie

If they could
have seed us.

But, but...

Hey, wait a minute!

Now I understand.

Grown-upscan't see you.

Right, we're

You don't need to be
invisdible anymore.

Put the banishing cream
on me.

I got a few
invisdible things to do.


Use it all-- I want to be
really invisdible.

[ Squelching]

Great, come cynthia.

Uh, angelica?

I can still see you.

You don't know anything
about this cream.

It only makes you
invisdible to grown-ups.

Then why
can't yousee us?

Well, I am a grown-up
compared to you.


Now amscray.

Cynthia and I got plans.

what the...

Uh, uh, uh, uh...
Don't reinforce.

dr. Lipschitz.

But she's...

I think it's
working, cynthia.

You can't take a relapse chip

Until you have a marker
in the home square.


[ Gasps]

Did you see...?

Yes, drew, I did see
that great move you made.

How many points is it?

Well, I don't know
how many points it is, didi.

Why don't you check
the score pad.

I'm really invisdible!

This is great.

[ Angelica giggling]

There's something very
w-e-i-r-d going on here.

Uh-uh, drew.

Everything's f-i-n-e.

[ Gasps]

Stu, honey.

Have you seen my glasses?

Why, no, dear.

Wherever could they be?

Oh, my, here they are.

I found them.

Angelica's invisdible
all right.

Yeah, good
thing, too.

[ Gulps]


My carrot juice.

Yes, you finished
the whole glass.

Would you like some more, dear?

Uh, no, thanks.

I can't let her
get away with this.

Once you've started
using discipline

You have
to follow through

Or she'll never learn.

Okay, okay.

[ Gasps]

[ Gasps]
[ giggling]

Why don't I go serve
that pie now?


And they can't hear me neither.

I was laughing
and they didn't even notice.

I'm invisdible.

I'm invisdible...

Na, na, na, na, na.

Know what, daddy?

You didn't lose
your office papers.

I threw them out
the car window

Because you made
me eat broccoli.

Isn't that funny?

[ Moaning]

Points for me.

Did you see that?

I can do anything I want
because I'm invisdible.

And I'll never get in
any trouble for it.

I wonder if a
little girl named
angelica took the pie?

I guess the rest of us

Will just have to have
cookies instead.

Aunt didi, I get
a cookie too, right?

Here you are, boys.


Aunt didi--

I don't want to be
invisdible anymore.

Can't you see me now?

Aunt didi,
where's my cookie?


I thought I heard
a little voice

But I guess it was
just the wind.


If you don't want
to be invisdible

Why don't you wipe
the cream off?

For once you babies
got a good idea.

It won't come off!

Oh, no!

What if I stay invisdible?


Don't try to cheer me up.

We belong in
different worlds now.

I just wish I had
one more chance.

I can't believe she threw
out that report.

It was a multimillion-
dollar account!

Drew, she's just a child.

Children make mistakes.

She won't get
away with this.

But drew, lipschitz says...

Lipschitz never
had that account!

Now that I'm gone, you'll
get all the attention.

Soon everyone will forget about
poor old invisdible angelica.

I just wish I could tell
my daddy that I love him

And that I didn't
mean to make him mad

And that he's the
best daddy in the
whole wide world

And, and...

Oh, poor sweetheart

You havelearned
your lesson.

Daddy! You can see me.

Sure, and I see

That you've been
punished enough.

I sure have.

And all that punishing
makes me hungry.

Let's clean you up

And I'll buy you an
ice-cream cone.

I want a sundae

With chocolate sauce
and marshmallows

And peanuts
and candy sprinkles

A mister x exploding
smash up doll

A beverly
and cynthia lunch box

The complete wizard
action center...

there it is, tommy.

Just like I said.

What is it?

It's a treasure cave.

I think it's
a garden of shadows.

maybe it's
a haunted house.

You guys are all wrong.

It's a big green box.

But what's inside it?

No one knows.

It was just there one day.

Let's go look.

Go look?

Why do you want to look?

Because it's there, chuckie.

Let's go back.

Go back?

Why would we want
to do that?

[ Heavy, low breathing]

[ Panting]

[ Grunts]



[ Muffled]:


Chuckie, what are you
doing out here?

What's the
matter, chuckie?

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

I broke my grasses,
graped my knee

And if my dad
hadn't come along

And chased away
that mean old shadow man

I'd have been a goner for sure.

I thought we were
bestest friends, tommy.

Chuckie, we are
bestest friends.

It really is
a nice greenhouse.

This greenhouse is going
to revolutionize

The way chuckie
and I eat.

Didi, do you know
what it feels like

To bite into
a real hothouse tomato?

I can only imagine, charles.

Oh, you just
haven't lived yet.

I mean, you just
haven't lived.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank
you for watching the kids.

I won't do it.

You can't make me.

You can't make me.
You can't make me...

[ Wind rushing]

come on, chuckie.

Lil and phil:
let's go!

I-i-i'm not so sure about this.

Ah, quit
being a baby.

[ Chuckie grunting]

[ Gasps]


a long way down.

you'd probably

Fall forever.

Come on, let's
jump across.

[ All grunting]

Come on across,

I... I won't make it.

You can do it, chuckie.

Trust me, I'm your friend.

Well, okay, tommy.


[ Screaming]

[ Yelling]:
I thought you were my friend...

[ Yells]

[ Panting]

That's it.

No more adventures for me.

You sure you don't want
to play, chuckie?


You're not mad
about yesterday?


Oh... Oh, that.

No, no, I forgot
all about yesterday.

Good, because we're going
back to the big green box.

go back?

We got to go find out

What the shadow man's
got in there.

You know it's nothing
good, tommy.

We'll never know until
we go there and find out.

He's right.

Chuckie, you're
the biggest

So you're going to have
to open the door.

Come on, chuckie.

I don't think I'm going.

Ah, come on, chu...

I'm not going!

Every time I go
on one of these
little adventures

I get my head
stuck in a tree

Or get chased by some shadow guy
or fall off a mountain.


Well, this time
I'd... I'd prefer not to.

But if you don't
open the door

None of us can go.

Come on, chuckie.

We always do stuff together.

That's what friends is for.

Well, if that's
your idea of friends

Well then, uh...
Well, you should get a new idea.

Or a new friend.


I guess this means they're
not friends anymore.

Not friends anymore?

Chuckie finster and
tommy pickles not friends?

Oh, this is too good.

You know, as crazy as it sounds

I think this is a very big step
for both of you.

It is?
It is?


Look, tommy, why be friends
with somebody

Who's afraid all the time

And never wants
to do anything fun?

Because he's nice
and shares his toys

And worries about me
if scary stuff happens.

Oh, tommy, you're so silly.

That's not what a friend is.

It's not?

Of course not.

A friend...
How should I 'splain this?

A friend is someone
who always says yes.

A friend is a person who does
whatever you say, no matter what

And doesn't make
a big deal about it.

That's not what I thought.

Trust me, tommy,
I've been around.

I know these things.

You're way
better off

Without a friend
like chuckie.

Gee, angelica, I never thought
about it like that before.

Without chuckie,
I can go on all
sorts of fun adventures

And nobody will try and stop me.


And you, chuckie...


You're lucky

You and tommy aren't
friends anymore.

I am?

You'll be nice and safe

And you won't get in trouble.

I think you're going
to be a lot happier

Without tommy
pushing you around.

I don't feel happier.

Just give it some time.


Maybe what I did was wrong.


Oh, morning, didi.

Hi, charles, what's wrong?

Chuckie and I are
down in the dumps today.

I don't know what's
the matter with him

But my plants aren't
doing too well.

I think maybe
I over-watered them.

I'm so ashamed.

Don't blame yourself--
watering is a science.

You can't expect
to master it overnight.

Are you sure you don't mind
taking the kids again?

Oh, no problem, deed.

In fact, I'm sure it'll cheer up
chuckie to see tommy.

Hey, phil and lil, look!

Chuckie's dad left
the door open.

Now's our chance to get
to the big green box.

I don't know, there's
only three of us now.

Three's plenty.

What if something
bad happens?

What could happen?

We could get caught
by the shadow man.

Or we could
get lost forever.

or squeezed
by a vine.

Or eaten by a giant
monster flower.

Let's go!
Let's go!

Now, this is
my kind of adventure.



[ Gasps]

The shadow man.

Do you think
he's seen us?

I don't know.

He's not moving.

[ Gulps]

Don't worry, it's not the whole
shadow man, it's just his skin.


His skin?

You mean, the shadow man

Can take off his skin?

That's kind of a bad sign.

[ Loud hissing]

You guys hear something?

What is it?

I don't know.

We better go look.

Angelica was right.

I'm much happier without tommy
and all his scary adventures.

I hope he's okay.

[ Hissing]

A snake!

Tommy, let's get out of here.

[ Panting]

[ Crying]

[ Phil and
lil panting]

What happened?
Where's tommy?

It must have got him.

What got him?

It was bad.

Real bad.

What got tommy?

The snake.

The snake?

There's a big snake

And it got tommy.

Oh, no, I knew something
like this would happen.

What are we going to do?

Somebody's got to save tommy.


Don't look at me.

I can't go out there.

Chuckie's right.

He'd be too scared.

But I'm scared, too.

Yeah, me, too.

Too bad, I really liked tommy.

You guys...


I'm going to go.

But chuckie...

No, don't try to
talk me out of it.

I don't get it.

I thought they weren't
even friends anymore.

it takes a mergency

For you to find out
who your real friends are.

If I got caught by a snake,
would you come after me?

How big a snake?

[ Gulps]

I'm a big, brave dog.

I'm a big, brave dog.
I'm a big, brave dog.

I'm a big, brave...

[ Yells]

Oh, it's just his skin.

But I'm only two years old,
I don't need this.

[ Tommy grunting,
water hissing]



The snake's got me, chuckie.

What do I do?

Run for it!

Save yourself!


[ Hose groaning]

[ Water roaring]

[ Shouting]

[ Grunting]

Come on, chuckie.

And that's how chuckie fought
the snake and saved my life.

So you aren't mad
at each other anymore?


At my bestest friend
in the whole wide world?

You were right.

We should never
have gone in there.

It was way too scary.

Well, maybe I was
right about that

But I should never
have got all mad

And said you weren't my friend.

We could never not be friends.

We'll always be
the bestest friends

In the whole,
wide world forever.

Me, too!

Hey, you guys, look.

I wonder where
that door goes.

I bet there's all
kinds of neat
toys in there.

You know, guys,
maybe we shouldn't...

No, tommy, let's go.

I can tell you
really want to go.

No, chuckie, it's too scary.

Let's go play
a nice, quiet game.

Really, tommy,
if you want to go, I'll go.

No, chuckie...

It'll be fine, tommy.

Well, I'm glad
they're friends again.

me, too...

[ Chuckie and
tommy arguing]

I think.

[ Tommy and chuckie
still arguing]

Really, tommy.

If you want to go,
I'll go.

Oh, no.


Fine, it'll be fine.

Excuse me, I think not.

I think so.

No, no, no.

If you want to go,
I'll go.

Oh, no, no, no.

Chuckie, it's too scary.

It'll be fine.

No, I think not.

Yes, yes.




we want to keep you going
even longer than that next time.
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