04x12 - Gotcha!

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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04x12 - Gotcha!

Post by bunniefuu »

Jake, if I beat you, you have
to call me "sensei" for a month.


Hi, guys!

'Sup, Turtle Princess?

Get your hands off me, Steven!

And you, too, Chad!

Heeeey, giiiirl!

Heeeey, giiiirl!

Brought you some little fruit pies.


How ya doin' out here?

Turtle Princess, the men out
here will not leave me alone!

Huh... it must be nice.

Nah. It's horrible.
They just want me for my lumps!

These lumps aren't for SALE, BILLY!

Aren't you sick of men going
after your turtle lumps?

Actually, I've never been
able to work my T-lumps.

I just know what I read in books.

Hey! You should write a
book telling me how to do it!

Oh, my Glob! Turtle Princess!

I've always wanted to write
trashy books for ladies!


Yeah, everyone needs to
know when I work these lumps,

no man is immune to their influence!

Jake's ball landed over here, BMO!

LSP! Finn would be perfect as the
test subject for your lump studies!

Yay! I win!
Bow to your sensei!

You gotta go undercover and
conduct your lump science on him.

Prove to the world that
even a white knight like Finn

is no match for the power of your lumps!

I'll do it! For the world!
And for you, girl!

Oh, girl!

Day one: on my way to Finn and Jake's.

Side-note: I look fresh to death
with my new dress and purse.


Heeey, Jaaaake...
Is Finn hooome...?

'Sup, LSP?

I'm answering that ad you put
out for the adventure secretary.


Hold on. I'll get it.

Hold on. It's down in there.

Okay, wait, I got it. Uh, here you go.


Smells like fruit pie.

It's nice of you to
wanna be our secretary...

but we don't need one.

Dude, look at 'er.

Yeah, it's sad.

Come on. We've gotta help 'er.

Alright, LSP. Come inside.

Awesome. Totally nailed the interview.

I'm gonna need a secretary desk!

I'm starving! What's for dinner?!

We got some blueberries.

Jake has saltines.

Looks like I'll have to bust out
these cobras to get a better dinner.

Hey, Finn...

You got anything better to eat?

Oh, cool. Old spaghetti.
I'm gonna go heat this up.

Chapter 1: "Gotcha!"

Have a good night. See ya in the mornin'.

G'night, you guys!

Finn is even more overpowered
by my lumps than I thought.

I guess at the end of the day,
it's all about the lumps.

Hey, girl.

Oh, Turtle Princess!
This book is coming out awesome!

Oh, good, girl! I can't wait to read it!

Thanks, girl.

Goodnight, girl.

Goodnight, girl.

What's that?

'Sup, LSP?

What're you guys doing?

We're carrying these rocks on an
adventure, up to the Mystery Mountains.

Oh, nuh-uh, I am not gonna carry rocks!

That's okay. Jake can carry 'em.

Ugh... Fine...

You're welcome, Finn.

Ugh... My arms weren't meant to
carry so many rocks, you guys!

C'mon, LSP. You can make it.

Turtle Princess, you can't call me!
You're gonna blow my cover!

Good morning, girl.

Good morning, girl.

Would you be mad at
me if I ask out Billy,

that vulture who was hitting on you?

I think he's cute...

Hey, LSP, shake a leg.

Can't talk right now, girl!

The Loch of Phantoms.

Princess Bubblegum said the
rocks would show us the safe path.

This is way too boring for my book.

Oh... my shoulder strap...

Oh, my orange juice is comin' out...

Ha! Gotch-Huh?

Haha! Jake! "Ker-ploop."

Heh heh heh! "Ker-ploop."

Not... gotcha?


Ugh! This place is plops, Finn!

We can meetcha back at the
tree house later if you want.

That weird light!

Hey, Finn! Finn, my dress is slipping!!

Listen, LSP, we gotta be careful!

Oooh, my dress...

No, LSP! It's not safe!

Oh. Hey, Fiiiiinn...

She's stuck in there!

We gotta bust through this wall!

I knew you couldn't resist me, Finn.

Oh, lump. I took it too far!

My powerful lumps have turned
Finn into a grody monster!

Get away, Finn!


That was so crazy! What just happened?!

Oh. Uh, Bubblegum sent us on a quest
to destroy these cursed mirrors.

Evil stuff happens
when you look into them.

Oh, Glob... I had to look
because I looked so good!

LSP... you don't need a
mirror to know you look good.

You're beautiful on the inside.
Like... your brain and stuff!

Thanks for sayin' that stuff...

and for saving me
from those mirror-yous.

That was pretty nice.

Okay. Time to write.
Gonna make this... trashy.

Turtle Princess'll be all,
"Oh my gosh! Number one best-seller!"

What's he doing out there?

Sometimes, after an adventure,
he likes to sit out there and think.

Heeey, girl! He-


Hey, girl. Are you almost
done with your book?

Oh... I'm working on it!
I've been doing so much research!

Did Finn fall victim to your lumps?

Great! Bring in your
manuscript right away!

Yeah... A book about how I'm
hot, and Finn only wants...

He's so... hot.

Finn has the hottest lumps,
but his lumps are on the inside!


Uh... Bye, LSP.

This isn't what you said it'd be about...

I know, I-



Finn! You've probably been wondering

where I've been for the last few hours!

Oh. Yeah! Yeah, I have.

I was never really your secretary, Finn.

I was writing a book about how
you were a sl*ve to my lumps

because I'm so hot, Finn!!

Oh. Okay.

But you're the one who's hot, Finn!!

Wow. Uh, thanks!

No... thank you.


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