02x08 - Family Reunion/Grandpa's Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x08 - Family Reunion/Grandpa's Date

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Crying]

It's okay, tommy.
We're almost there.

What's up, deed?

Tommy's getting a little cranky.

Hours on a train
is a bit much.

My angelica's being
a little angel

As always.

Hello, daddy.

Oh, I can't wait.

This will be the best
family reunion ever.

Wait till they see
how you've grown up.

You're going to be the star

Of the party.

Next stop, willoughby.

Willoughby next.

Oh, my gosh, stu,
that's us.

Say, drew, where's pop?


Pop! Oh, my gosh, stu,
where ispop?

There I was, below zero

And nothing on
but a pair of bermuda shorts.

Pop, hurry up!

The train's going
to leave any second.

Hold your horses.

Go on, go on,
I'll be right with you.


All aboard!

All aboard!

Excuse me. My husband
and his brother and father

Are still on the train.

Well, looks like
they're going to chicago.

This train is leaving...


[ Both gasp]

You first.

Guess I'm going
to chicago, kids.

Have fun at the reunion.

[ Chuckling]

Oh, dear!

You know, I bet
he had that planned

The whole time.

Stu! Drew!




Oh, drew, is this angelica?

Oh, she certainly has grown.

Hi, aunt dotti.

And this must be tommy-wommy.

Oh, didi, he's wonderful.

Hugh, isn't he
just the most?

That's one fine-looking
young pickles

You got there, stu.

I brought you something
from the farm.

Sunflower seeds!

I haven't eaten these
since I was a kid.

Didi, sunflower seeds
are the traditional money crop

Of the pickles clan.

How nice.


What is it,
melon head?

What's a family union?

Family reunion, stupid.

Yeah, well, what is it?

It's when you
go to this place

And there's
lots of people

And the old ones
keep picking you up

Kissing you

Telling you
how big you are

And they want
to take you home.

You mean they want to take me
away forever?

Yeah, and maybe
even longer than that.

They'll take you home
and keep you

And you'll never see
your mom or your dad

Or your dumb old dog
ever again.

We got a playpen
for the little ones

Behind the barn.

Why don't you drop tommy off
back there with his cousins

And relax
for a minute?

See you later, melon head.

Deed, why don't you take
angelica back there too?

No reason she
shouldn't get in
on the fun.

[ Kids laughing]

There you go.

Now, you two have fun
with your little cousins.


Who are you?

Hi. My name's tommy.

Timmy ray pickles.

Glad to meet you.

Yo, tommy.

Tony pickles.

How ya doing?

Hi, y'all.

I'm tammi faye.


This is angelica.

That's right. Angelica pickles.

From now on, I'm in charge.

Say, angelica,
have you met emmet?

Who's emmet?


Say, you wouldn't be trying

To hurt my cousins, would you?

Oh, no. I'm your cousin too.

Oh, good. Want to wrestle?

Bet I can make you
squeal like a piggy.



Daddy! Help!

What is it, sweetie?

What's wrong?

They were mean.

Oh, poor darling.

I think you'd better
come with daddy.

Boy, she's one
bad ear of corn.

Yeah, but sometimes
she can be pretty smart

And she said something bad
is going to happen.

Something bad?

You know this family union thing

The grown-ups are talking about?

You know what it is,
don't you?

You come with your real family

But some other family
comes and takes you away

And you might
never get home.

Our folks would never
let that happen.

Oh, I hope you're right.
[ Whining]

[ Grunting]

Oh, mackie, look,
that mustbe little tommy.

If he isn't just
the spitting image of stu!

Oh, they're pickles
all right, edie.

Y'all want to come
and live with me, little fella?

And you'll never see
your mom or your dad

Or your dumb old dog ever again!

[ Cackling]

That was awful.

Maybe you
was right, tommy.

What are we
gonna do?

I don't want to go home
with them people.

We got to find our real
moms and dads right away.

Yeah, but how?

I can get it.


You're the greatest.

I'm hungry.

Let's go!

Now, this here is our
state-of-the-art feed storage

And livestock facility
commonly known--

Not entirely accurately,
I might add-- as a barn.

This particular configuration,
called the farmer brown model

Has a hay...

I can't see anything.

Don't worry.
There's nothing to see.

moving on, you'll see
on your right...

Daddy, a doggie!

Ew! My clothes!

P.u.! Drew, you're a mess.

You'd better go back
to the house and change.

Don't worry about
sweet little angelica.

We'll look after her,
won't we, darling?

Great. Thanks.

But, daddy...

[ All gasping]

Where did they go?


Sunflower seeds.

My dad was eating them.

Maybe if we follow them,
we'll find our moms and dads.

now, most people
think corn is corn

But actually there are
over varieties

Grown in iowa alone...

When I take you home with me,
little darling

I'm going to do something

With that hair.

Maybe a little bouffant.

That would be so cute
on a three-year-old.

And you'll never see
your mom or your dad

Or your dumb old dog ever again!

[ Cackling]

...and many, many
other varieties.

we'll never find
our way out of here.

Sure we will.

Alls we got to do

Is follow the sunflower seeds

To our moms and dads.

From here the milk is pumped

Through stainless steel tubing

Into a huge collection vat
hundreds of feet

Below the surface
of the earth.

I'm tired,
aunt edie.

Tired? You city kids
don't know the meaning of tired.

I think I'd better put you
to work, young'un.

Up with the sun--
that's what I always say--

Up with the sun
and doing chores.

That's the problem
with young folks today.

They just do not know

The meaning
nor satisfaction

Of a hard day's work.

You got
that right, edie.

[ Sniffling]

Oh, cynthia,
what are we going to do?

[ Sighing]

I thought
we were going to be

In the corn forest

hey, what's that?

That's where the cows go

When they want
a drink of milk.


Man, I could go for a nice,
cold milk right about now.

Let's go.

Come on.come on.

We're all alone now, cynthia.

It's just you and me
against the world.

[ Sniffling]

You know something, cynthia?

I don't care.

We don't need anybody anyway.

[ Bleating]

Help! Help


[ Screaming]

help! Help!

Hey, that's angelica.

It sounds like
she's in trouble.

She was awfully mean.

I don't think
we should help her, tommy.

No, we got to help her.

She's a pickles too.

Pickles? I'm hungry.

Please, mr. Goat, don't hurt me.

Here, you can eat cynthia.

Sorry, cynthia,
but it's either you or me.

[ All screaming]

[ Bleating]

Are you okay,

Oh, tommy

It was awful.

Daddy left me
with these terrible people

Who wanted to change my hair
and make me do chores

And-and I ran away

But then that goat
tried to eat me

And then you came
and... And...

[ Bawling]

I guess you were right
about family unions.

I thought
I was just making it up.

Making it up?

[ All gasping]

Oh, my goodness!

This would be
your class-three farm disaster

With your typical
escaping herds of animals

And havoc wrought on all fronts.

in a situation like this

We would, uh... Panic!

Do something, somebody!

Where are the kids?


[ Gasps]


Emmet, are you
all right, honey?

I'm hungry.



I was so scared.

Hey, where's cynthia?

Now, this is what I call
a family reunion.

[ Tommy cooing]

Tommy, no!

You're not supposed

To play with that.

What's the big deal?

It's just a remote control.

Not just any
remote control, pop.

This is the control
for my latest invention--

The stu pickles auto sofa.

[ Whirring and clacking]

Oh, no!

[ Yelling]

[ Giggling]

[ Grandpa laughing]

Come on, honey.

We're going to be late
for the party.

Pop, you don't mind
watching tommy and chuckie?

Don't mind at all.

We'll have a great time,
won't we?

Watching videos, eating
chocolate swirl ice cream--

It will be a regular
boys night in.

Okay, but whatever you do,
just don't touch

That crazy
remote control sofa.

[ Stammering]

There. Now that they're gone,
let's get down to some real fun.

I rented you boys some movies.

Reptar come home, reptar redux

And my personal favorite,
lonely space vixens.

That's for after
you go to bed.

[ Telephone ringing]

Aw, sit tight,
you little buckaroos.

I'll be right back.

Pickles residence.

Hello, louis?

That's me.

Lou pickles at your service.

Lou? It's me, morgana.


All aboard.

Sorry, young fellow.

You can't go any further
without a ticket.

But my girl's
on that train.

If I don't stop her,
I'll lose her forever.

Spare me
the sob stories, buster.




What's wrong
with your grandpa?

I don't know.

He looks like he swallowed
a bug or something.


Are you there, louis?

Morgana, it's been a long time.

I know.

A long time, lou.

I'm in town tonight,
and I thought it would be nice

If we got together
for old time's sake.


How about tomorrow?

I got some friends over tonight.

I'm only going to be in town

For one night.

I'd love to come see you.

One night?

Give me fifteen minutes.

Kids? Time for bed.

"Once upon a time,
there was a lonely bunny

"Who found some friends,
and everyone was happy.

The end."

Chuckie, I think
we've been gypped.

What do you mean?

It's not even dark yet.

Maybe the sun's
staying up late.

Aw, come on,

The sun never
stays up late.

Something fisky's going on

And we got to find out
what it is.

No, we don't.

Don't you want to know
how come he made us go to bed?

Don't you want to know
why we didn't get to eat

Chocolate squirrel
ice cream?

N-no, not really.

Don't you want to know
how come we didn't see reptar?

Well, kind of.

Then let's go!

He did it to me again.

[ Grunting]

Ew. What's that
funny smell?

It's not me.

I've been really careful lately.

♪ have you forgotten
our castle of daydreams? ♪

♪ Have you forgotten
how pleasant our days seem? ♪

It's coming from grandpa.

Ew. Why is he spraying

All that stinky water
on himself?
Come on, let's find out.

♪ ...to say your love was mine

♪ When someone new is
on that line... ♪

Oh, no!

Your grandpa's got
somebody else's hair.

♪ Do you remember...

[ Yelling]

Now stay put, you two.

Grandpa has an old friend
coming over

And he hasn't seen
this friend in a long time

And he wants to make
a good impression on her.

I mean this old friend.

Come on, chuckie.

We're going back downstairs.

But, tommy, you heard
what your grandpa said.

We got to stay in bed.

He's doing it all wrong.

He's wearing
his yucky hair

He smells funny

And he doesn't have
any good toys or nothing.

I know, but...


If grandpa really wants
to impress his friend

He's going to need lots of toys.

[ Sighing]

[ Doorbell ringing]

Hello, lou.


Oh, morgana.

It's been so long.

Yes. Years next month.

Come in.

Here, let me

Take your coat.

You've got
a nice place here, lou.

Well, thanks. I try.

It's not bad
for a bachelor pad, I guess.

Listen, scouts.

Here's the scoop.

I haven't seen my friend

In a long time, a very long time

And, well, I don't want her
to know that I'm a grandpa, see?

Nothing personal,
it's just that I want her

To see the old grandpa,
not the oldgrandpa.

Get it?

Oh, what am I talking
to you two for?

You babies don't understand
a word I'm saying.


Coming, morgana.

you were right, tommy.

Your grandpa
really is confoosed.

He needs our help.

Chuckie, it's worse
than I thought.

Grandpa's playing
his yucky old music.

Yeah. If his friend
hears that

She'll want to run away
for sure.

Come on. I know what to do.

[ Dance music playing]

May I have this dance?

Oh, lou.

You remembered.


[ Record scratching]

♪ When you're happy, happy,
happy, happy... ♪


I just remembered--

I left something
on the stove.

I'm begging you,
stay in bed, go to sleep.

I'll make it up to you.

I'll take you
to the circus
buy you ice cream

And I'll get you a car
and put you through college

But right now,
go to sleep!

Morgana? Morgana?

Over here, lou.

Now, sit down.

I have something
I want to show you.

Show me?

What is it?

Oh, a photo album.


It's from the old days

When we were
just kids.

Here's you
on the debate team.

Here's when you were working
as a soda jerk.

Here's when you
hit the home run

To beat
the southside blue jays.

I can't believe
you kept these pictures

After all these years.

Morgana, whatever happened
that day at the train station?

Don't you know?


That morning,
I saw you kissing

Trixie mcgee

And I knew you were making
a date with her.

Trixie mcgee?

Freckle-faced trixie--

The girl who worked
at the fish market?

Oh, morgana,
I wasn't kissing trixie mcgee.

You weren't?

Gosh, no.

She'd had an asthma attack.

I was giving her
artificial respiration.

Really, lou?

Well, sure, morgana.

You were the only girl
I was ever interested in.

I was crazy
about you.

Oh, lou.
I'm going to give you

Something I should have
given you years ago.

[ Yelling and screaming]

oh, help me!

Lou, help me!

I'm coming, morgana!help!

Hold on, morgana!



This is

Kind of f-f-f-fun.

Oh, lou,
they're so great.

Why didn't you tell me
you had grandchildren?

Well, I was afraid you'd think
I was too old if you knew.

Oh, lou,
you'll never be old to me.

You'll always be the same young

Slightly clumsy
lou pickles.

Well, i...
I better be going.

How about we

Get together
next time I'm in town?

Oh, it's a date, morgana.

Oh, lou?

Could I ask you
one favor?

Of course, morgana. Anything.

Would you take off
that silly toupee?

Oh, that's better.

[ Sighing]

Well, she's gone.

Except for your grandma

That there was the finest
durn woman I ever met.

But one thing I learned--

There's no point in wishing
the past was different--

Not when you got so much
going for you now.

Right, you little sprats?

[ All giggling]
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