02x04 - Showdown at Teeter-Totter Gulch/Mirrorland

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x04 - Showdown at Teeter-Totter Gulch/Mirrorland

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

In the old days,
wagon trains fifteen miles long

Blazed these very trails
for months at a time

Hot and thirsty,
looking for land

To call their own.

Are we almost there,

We must have been riding
four whole minutes.

Yeah, but it will
be worth it, chuckie.

I bet you
this new playground

Is really, really big
and gots lots of room to play

And plenty of sand--
sand to call our own.

Oh, I hope so.

Yes, sir, in those days

If a man was going to stand
for the right thing

He had to be
a real tough hombre.

I'm hot and thirsty.

Don't worry, chuckie.

I bet you
we're almost there.

Course, those were the days

When a man was only
as good as his word

And most fellows didn't know
more than three of them--

Yup, nope, and howdy. Howdy.

Get wild bill hickok
to fill in little circles

With a number two pencil.

[ Both gasping]


jumping jehosephat.

There you go, cowpokes.

[ Snoring]

[ Chuckling]

Boy, these kids
sure are friendly.

Hey, look!



You two are new
around here, ain't you?


My name's belinda.

I'm tommy, and this here
is chuckie.

You look thirsty.

What will it be?

apple juice?

Coming up.

Wow, that's
a nasty boo-boo.

Yeah, how
did you get that?

Uh... Somebody pushed me.

Really? Who would want
to do something like that?

I don't want to talk about it.

Hey, want to go play
on the monkey bars?

[ Laughing]

This playground

Is great.

[ Bell ringing]

[ Kids gasping]

Uh-oh. I got to go.

Where you going?

Home. It's almost
no-shadow time.

What's no-shadow time?

You know when the sun
gets really high

And the shadows go away?

Well, that's when
the junk food kid comes around.


The junk food kid.

The meanest toddler around.

Everyone's afraid of the kid.

Maybe we better go,

Ah, come on, chuckie.

How bad
could one kid be?

[ Kids gasping]

if it isn't goldilocks.

And who are these,
your two bears?

I thought
you were smart enough

To stay away
when I came around

But with all that curly hair
on your head

There's no room

For any brains.

Hey, you leave her alone!


How old are you, kid?


Well, if you want
to live

To be one and a half,
you better git.

But we just...

Be careful, tommy.

We want to play here.

If that's all right with you

Miss junk food kid, ma'am.

Well, it ain't.

Now, get out of here!

What are you waiting for?

We're waiting for you
to take your foot

Out of our bucket

So we
can keep playing.

Aah! I've been branded!

Yow, it's cold!

Ooh! Ooh! Oh! Oh! Ooh!

[ Laughing]

Hey, that's not funny!

[ Crying]

What are we going to do, tommy?

There's only one thing
we can do.


[ Kids crying]

[ Howling]

the junk food kid--

The meanest toddler in town.

a real toughhombre

Stood for the right thing.

If you want to live
to be one and a half

You better git.

The right thing.

Looking for a fight?

The right thing.

The right thing.

Yup, this whole area out here

Was full of desperados.

Tommy, why are we going
back to the park?

I don't like the park.

Chuckie, we have to stand up
to the junk food kid

If we want to be
tough omelettes.

Oh. Tommy?


Do we want
to be tough omelettes?

Yeah. I think so.

I tell you, they were
an ornery bunch of bandits.

Okay, pardners.

Okay, she's not here.

I guess we
can go home now.

Aw, come on, chuckie.

hi, tommy.
Hi, chuckie.

[ Gasping]

Belinda, what happened
to your hair?

My mommy had to cut it off
'cause of all the gum.

Wow, you're almost
as bald as tommy.

[ Crying]

Oh, don't cry, belinda.

Yeah, don't cry.

Chuckie and me
will make sure

That junk food kid
stays out of your hair.

Or what's left of it.

Tommy, look.

It's no-shadow time.

We got to hide.

Come on, tommy.

Let's get out of here.


[ Kids gasping]

It's a free playground

And, and...
And I'm going to tell the kid

She's got to leave us alone.


I'll show her
we're not a-scared of her.


And all of you

Are going to stay here

And help me.
[ Squeaking finger in ear]

Or not.

Aren't you going
to hide too?

Nope. We're staying.

We're with you, tommy.

Besides, all the good
hiding places are taken.

Thanks, guys.

So, what do you want us to do?

You two cover me
from the monkey bars

And chuckie?

If things go wrong,
get her out of here.

That tommy...

He's not like
other babies.

Nope. I didn't meet tommy
till he was eight days old.

I don't know
what happened to him

During those first
eight days

But he sure don't like to see
people get pushed around.

[ Bell ringing]

[ Birds screeching]

I thought I told you
not to show your sorry hide

Around my playground.

I'm not sorry,
I won't hide

And this isn't
your playground anymore.

Says who?

Says me.

This playground is for good kids

Who get along and play nice.

Play nice?

I'll show you "play nice."

[ Gasping]

I can't look!

Aw, this is nothing.

He's been in worse trouble
than this.

Once he got his tongue
stuck to an ice cube.


[ Gasping]

Do something, tommy,
do something!

One more blow,
and I'll pop it to pieces.


Tommy, catch!

[ expl*si*n]

[ Crying]

oh, look at you.

Oh, I could kick myself
for letting you have

That gum, prudence.


[ Kids cheering]

You did it, tommy!

You stood up
to the junk food kid.

I knew you could.

[ Gasping]

[ Crunching]

Hey, kid,
what you eating?

Carrot sticks.

Anybody want one?

I only got one tooth.

Prudence, would you like
to play with us?


Well, looks like everything's
back to regular here.

Yup. I reckon it's time
for me to go.

Go? You can't go.

Got to go.

Sometimes a fellow's
just got to be moving on.

Moving on?

Yup. I'm heading home

To have myself a juice,
snuggle with my blankie

And go nap-nap.

Are you ever
coming back?

Could be.

But when, tommy? When?

I don't know.

Maybe tomorrow.

Oh, that tommy.

He's one tough omelette.

my crew and I came

To this magnificent
undersea paradise

In search of neptune's
most jealously guarded treasure:

The lost city of atlantis.

[ Doorbell buzzing]

[ Screaming]

all we found

Were old beer cans
and the remnants

Of an outboard motor.

[ Doorbell buzzing]


Oh, thanks, pop.

This thing weighs a ton.

Where did you get that?

At cold and oldies.

Golden oldies?

No. Coldand oldies.

It's that new store
in the minimall

That sells frozen yogurt
and antiques.


Ha! Back in my day

We had no use
for antiques.

But, pop, I thought
back in your day

There wereno antiques.

Very funny.

A fella could bust
a gut around here.

That's a genuine
louis the th looking glass.

Could you help me carry
the rest of the stuff in?

You mean there's more?

"Made in taiwan."

Hmm. I didn't know
taiwan was in france.

Hey, tommy,
come on.

Don't you want
to get the treasure?

Once I got started,
I just couldn't stop.

Fifteen dollars!

You spent $
on a box of junk

And you don't even know
what's inside?

Well, they did throw in
a free pint of avocado swirl.

How does a mirror
work anyway?

It's very scientrific.

You probably
wouldn't understand.

Yeah, we would.

Tell us.

Well, um, when you
look in the mirror

You're seeing a person
just like you on the other side.

In fact, there's a whole world
on the other side.

You mean there's a mirrorland
in there?

wow! What's it like?

Uh, well...

In mirrorland everything's
the same only different.

You know, backwards.


Instead of people taking dogs
for walks, dogs take people?


But that's silly.

'Course. In mirrorland,
everything's silly.

Birds swim underwater,
and fish fly in the air.


Ice cream tastes like mud.

Yeah! Eww!

Wow! That sounds great.

Let's go there.


But... But... But...

What is it?

Well, um...

See, you can't just go
into mirrorland.

How come?

Well... Look. There's always
a mirror boy in your way.


Aw, he doesn't look so big.

Oh, great.


I could be wrong
about this mirrorland thing!


[ Gasps]

No, tommy! No!

You'll hurt yourself.

[ Crash]

Play with soft things, sweetie,
like this.

Hey, didi.

There's some pretty
funky stuff in here.

I don't think running
into that mirror

Was such a good idea, tommy.

You're right, chuckie.

I am?

We got to outsmart
the mirror boy

But I need your help.

Oh, no.

[ Sighs]



[ Chuckling]

Take a gander
at this, didi.

Makes me look
years younger.

Oh, for heaven's sake, pop.

It's just a bunch of junk.

Everything in it's so... Nice.

Maybe I'll just try this on.

Be right back.

[ Grunting]

Aren't you coming,

Tommy, we both know
if we do this

Something awful's
going to happen.

Someday you'll be six years old.

Do you want

To look back then and say
you never really lived?

Here we go again.

You guys
stay here.

Then when
we come back

You can have
your turn.


There it is.

[ Chuckling]

Yes, sir.

If I'd been born
a few years later

I could have been one
of them heavy metal stars.

Ooh. Now this one
ought to be good.

pop! I've lost
my glasses!

Can you help me
find them?

Just give me a spelunking
minute, would you?

we got to get into mirrorland.

[ Gulps]

This is my favorite ball
so maybe it's his too.

Hold it up, and when
he looks at you, I'll sneak by.

[ Grunts]

Hey! Mirror tommy!

Look over here!

It's your
favorite ball!

I think he's looking
at the ball.



[ Screaming]

[ Screaming]

What happened?

We went
through the mirror.

You mean..?

we're in mirrorland!

So now what?

Do you think they made it?

I don't know.

What do you think?

I don't know.

How about you?

I don't know.

I think they made it.

Did not.

Did too!

Did not!did too!

I can't wait to see what else
is different in mirrorland.

it looks exactly the same.

But it's not.

Look, chuckie.

In mirrorland, you...

Wear your shoes

On your hands.

Really? Wow.

Yeah, and you...

Sleep under the bed
instead of on top.

I'll show you.

[ Snoring]

But I'm not sleepy,

What else is different

In mirrorland?
Well, uh...

You wear your diapers
on your head.


How do I know you're not
just making this up?

What do you mean?

Maybe we're not in mirrorland.

Maybe there isn't even
a mirrorland at all.

I'm looking, didi!

I'm looking!
No sign of those specks in here!

[ Gasp]

It's mirror grandpa,
and his head is on fire.

Whoa. You were right, tommy.

I'm sorry I called you a fibber.

Since real grandpa's nice,
mirror grandpa might be mean.

We better run.

[ Gasp]

It's my mirror mommy.

She's a robot.

Pop, hurry!
I'm blind without my glasses.

[ Crash]

Boy, that was close.

We got to get
back through the mirror

Where everything's

Frontwards again.

Spike must have gotten

Through the mirror too.

He'll help us.

Hey, spike!

It's mirror spike!

[ Screaming]

He's probably
guarding the mirror.

We got one chance.

Give me my ball.

[ Barking]


whoa, boy!

Hey, didi!

I found your specks!


Pop, take off
that ridiculous hair.


Where's the ballet?

Ohh! I'll go change.

Spike here's filthy
as an unwashed potato.

I'll take him outside
and hose him down.

Did too!did not!

Did too!did not!

If they didn't make it

Then how come
they're not back, philip?

Maybe they got lost in the dirty
clothes hamper, lillian!

Look! The mirror boys
are right there.

Move over, mirror boys!

We're coming
[ Screaming]

Do you think we're back?

I don't know.

Tommy! Chuckie!

This is no place to play.

Look who's back.

Spike, hold still!

It's just
a little water!

Uh-oh. Sounds like
grandpa needs help.


Did you make it?



It was great!

It was scary.

In mirrorland, my mom and
my grandpa look really funny.

They were monsters and
mirror spike tried to eat us.

At least we got back

Before the mirror boys
took our toys.

Wait a minute.

How do we know
you'renot the mirror boys?

But, phil,
we... We can't be mirror boys.

They live on the other side
of the mirror.

That's just what
a mirror boy wouldsay.

I'll bet they aremirror boys.

Are not!

Are too!

Go ahead. Ask us anything

Something only we would know

And not some
dumb old mirror boy.



Tell me what's
the funniest thing in the world.

That's easy.
When milk comes out your nose.

[ Giggling]

Okay, chuckie.

What's the time you
were scaredest the most?

Oh, I don't want to...

mirror boy! Mirror boy!

Okay, okay.

It was the time I got
my head caught in a sock.

Tommy can't be
a mirror boy.

Dogs can tell.

I'm glad
you guys are back.

[ Didi sighs]

They're a handful sometimes,
but they're so adorable.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm going to go wash up.
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