06x12 - Ghost Story/Chuckie's Complaint

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x12 - Ghost Story/Chuckie's Complaint

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Thunder crashing )

( Babbling )

( Thunder crackling )

( Sighs )

I'd have never gone
camping with you guys

If I'd have known it
was going to rain.

What if we get hit
by frightning?

Don't worry, chuckie,
we'll be okay here by the fire.

( Thunder, chuckie gasps )

( Thunder )

Hey, babies

Better keep cooking
those marshmallows

Or I won't let you sleep
in my cynthia tent tonight.

Hmm! So, should
we sing a song?

Nah! Nobody sings
around a campfire.

But I happen to know what
the grown-up thing to do is.

What's that?

Tell scary stories!

You mean about
witches and goats?

And gobblees
and monsters?


But I don't like scary
stories, angelica.

What if a gobblee jumps out
of the story and grabs us?

You mean like that one?

( Screams )

Don't worry, chuckie,
nothing bad can happen.

Scary stories is
just make-believe.

now, pay

Since I'm the grown-up kid,
I'm going to teach you

The bestest way
to tell scary stories.

I'll start telling a part of it

Then you babies take turns
telling the rest of it.

Got it?

This is going to be the most
scary story you ever heared.

Once upon a time

There was a spooky old house
high upon a hill.

Nobody lived in the old house

But way... Way... Way... Way...
Up in the attic

There was a light
that shined out every night.

Everybody wondered
what the light was

But they was all
too ascared to go look.

Then one day, the scarediest
little boy in the world--

Also known as
chuckie finster...

( Screams )

Decided to go into the house.


Wow! That's really
brave, chuckie.

Yeah, specially
for the scarediest boy

In the whole world.

Hey, I'm not
the scarediest boy

In the whole world.

Yeah? Prove it, finster.

Uh, you mean right now?

Uh, but how, angelica?

Go inside the house

And see what's making
the light in the attic.

Come on, chuckie,
you can do it.

Yeah, showed her
you're not ascared.

( Gulps )

Well, uh, all right.

Now what?

well, first the scaredy boy
walked up to the spooky house.

He went up
to the dusty old stairs

Step by step, inch by inch.

( Yowling )

I'm not going in there!

chuckie, wait!

Angelica, you said we was going
to take turns telling the story.

Why don't you let

Chuckie tell
it now?

Oh, all right!

But he better not mess it up.

Thanks, tommy.

so, um... The boy
opened the door...

( Gasps )

And he finded
the most beautifulest room

With lots of flowers
and big, fluffy pillows

And bowls filled with
to the top with yummy candy.

And so that was all,
and after all that

The scaredy little boy
wasn't scared no more.

The end.


You can't end it
like that!

That wasn't
even scary.

A scary story doesn't gots

Flowers and fluffy
pillows and candy!

Now, tell it right!

Or I'll start
telling it again.

Yes, angelica.

( Thunder cracks )

so then the boy,
he opened the door, and...

And, uh, well,
the room was kind of dark

And there was pillows...

( Tapping )

But they was hard and lumpy.

( Glass shatters,
chuckie gasps )

And the candy was...

( Spitting )



that's a little better.

Now, what about the scary stuff

Like the cobwebs and the
spooky pictures on the walls?

( Screaming )

Oh, yeah, oh, I guess I forgot
about that stuff, huh?

and don't forget about
that loud "thump, thump"...

( Thumping )

Coming from behind
the closet door.

( Pounding )

( Chuckie stammering )

Turn... The... The...

oh, for pete's sake!

He turned the knob and opened
the door, and there stood

The biggest, stinkiest,
creepiest, scariest peoples

Anyone ever sawed.

( Thunder )

Hey, this is starting
to get good.

Yeah, we want to tell
the story now.

All right! But it better
be good and scary.

( Thunder )

( Stammering )

What are you doing
in the closet, creepy peoples?

Having lunch.

That was my spider,

Was not, lillian!

( Thunder )

get on with the story, already.


so, anyways, the creepy peoples
leaded the boy to the stairs.

( Groans )

Whoa! Aw, yuck!

What is this stuff?

It looks like
baby drool.

Hey, I didn't put
no drool in the story.

( Babbling and spitting wetly )

It looks
like dil's trying

To help with
the story, too.

Well, tell him to wait his turn!

anyways, the creepy peoples
were showing the boy

The way to the attic.

( Panting )

Gee, guys, I'm getting
kind of tired.

We don't have
to walk no more.

We don't?

Nope, we can get a ride.

( Grunting )

Ew! I'm not getting
on that thing, and...

( Laughing )

a big worm?!

That's not scary.

just gross!

The way you babies
are messing up my story

We'll never get to the attic.

From now on,
I'm telling it my way.

Yeah? Well, you know

Maybe I just don't like
the way you tell the story.

Maybe I'll just stay right here.

sure, chuckie,
stay right there.

Just watch out for the great
big, ugly, spooky old ghost!

( Ghost laughs evilly,
chuckie screams )

Tommy! Help!

don't worry, chuckie,
I'm going to tell the story now

And I say the ghost
chasing the little boy

Wasn't really that big.

Actually, he was kind of cute.

a cute ghost!

That's not scary.

Come on, chuckie,
I'll help you get to the attic.

( All gasp )

Not so fast, scaredy boy.

( Laughing evilly )

That attic door won't
open without a key.

Tell us where
the key is, angelica.

It's right behind
one of those doors.

( Gasps )

Oh, now we'll never find it.

Sure we will, chuckie.

Come on, you guys,
let's start looking.

( Rats squeaking )

( Gasps )

( All scream )

( Grunting )

( Gasps )

( Monster grunting )

( Screams )

( Growls )

( Yells )

Tommy, I don't think

These monsters like
us bothering them.

You got that right, scaredy boy.

Get them, monsters.

( Grunting and growling )

( Screaming )

( Growling )

Wait! You monsters
don't want to eat us!

Why not?

Uh, because, um... There's
a yummy chocolate pudding

Downstairs in the kitchen.

Hmm... Chocolate pudding
or babies?

Hmm, it is a very hard decision.

What do you think, icky?

( Smacks lips )

Oh, definitely pudding.

good, I love

Hey, where do you
monsters think
you're going?

Get back here
and be scary!

( Gasps )

Look, chuckie, it's the key!

Uh, then I guess

It's time to go
up to the attic.

( Gasps )

Wow, it doesn't look
so scary up there at all.

Let's go, guys.

( Screams )

That pudding trick might
work on dumb monsters

But it don't work on
smart witches like me.

Uh, but, angelica

( Loudly ):
there's a giant worm behind you!

Yeah, right, finster.

What do you think--
I was born yesterday?

( Grumbles )

Yuck! Worm kisses!

( Laughing )

Telling scary stories is fun!

( In distance ):
hey, come in
here, babies!

Look, you guys,
the light's coming

From that giant

Gee! It's kind of nice up here.

( Yawns )

You know what, guys?

This bed looks awful comforble.

It is comforble.

( Pounding ):
hey, you dumb babies, let me in!

This is the dumbest story
I ever heared.

You babies don't know anything.

I'll tell you what's scary--

Being all alone in a creepy
old attic in a haunted house

With all kinds
of scary monsters.

( Growls )

( Laughs )

( Screams )

Aah! Mommy! Daddy!

( Sighing contentedly
and snoring )

( Thunder crashes )

( Suspenseful music playing )

( Drum roll )

( Cymbal crash )

( Trumpet fanfare )

The dummi bears show
will be back

After a word from our
friends who sell stuff.

( Giggling )

Come on, johnny,
eat your cereal.

I don't want to!

( Crash; screaming )

( Both screaming )

eat your reptar cereal
before somebody else does.

( Belches )

Hey, reptar, that's not fair.

You shouldn't have ate
his cereal.

the kid's lucky

Reptar didn't eat him.

This is my favoritest
candy bar mercial!

Woman on tv:
♪ if you like caramel
sticking to your teeth ♪

♪ If you like the dentist
drilling cav... ♪

Why? Why did reptar do that?

I don't know

But he must have
been really hungry

'Cause he ated

The bowl, too.

And he was
in a awful big hurry

'Cause he crashed
through the wall!

But it wasn't nice!

You don't think
reptar's nice?

Well, um, uh...


( All gasp )

Well, but he scared

That little boy, instead
of just asking for some cereal.

Why should reptar get
to do anything he wants?

'Cause he
breathes fire.

'Cause he's
a briskillion feet tall

And he's gots big, giant...


You guys, I think
someone should tell reptar

He wasn't being nice.

I know!

I'll send him a letter.

♪ Choco...
Chocolate cheese. ♪

♪ Choco... ♪

♪ Chocolate cheese. ♪


Hey, finster.

What are you doing
with my crayons?

I'm sending reptar
a complaining letter.

'Cept I just membered,
I can't write.

Well, it's
your ducky day

'Cause I know how
to write and complain.

Give me that!

You'll write it down?

Sure, chuckie.

I'll write whatever you say.

( Clears throat )

"Dear reptar,
it wasn't very nice of you

"To take that boy's cereal.

"You should have just asked
to have your own cereal

"Or at least you could
have left him some

"Or maybe not eated his bowl

"Even though I guess
you was really hungry.

"Um, and that was a pretty hole
you made in the wall

And you roared
really good."

That's not how you complain!

"Dear reptar

"You're a big,
fat bully.

"In fact,
you're the meanest,
smelliest dinosaur

On all the tv."

( Gasps )

"All your movies
are boring

"And I'm never
going to eat

Your dumb old
cereal again."


Angelica, I didn't say that!

"Your friend,
chuckie finster."

Oh, and "p.u.--

"If you ever need to find me

"I'm a scaredy boy

With red hair
and glasses."

I changed my mind!

Don't send it!

too late--

I mailed it.

Can't we
get it back?

Sorry, chuckie.

The mail is
really, really fast.

Reptar's probably reading
your letter now.

( Laughing )

Ready to go, princess?

Okay, daddy.

Want to hear
the new song I learned?

Sure, sweetheart.

♪ If you like chocolate
with gum underneath ♪

♪ If you like caramel
sticking to your teeth... ♪

( Humming along )

♪ If you like the dentist
drilling cavities... ♪

Oh, man!

Ain't it amazing
how they hook kids

With those
commercial jingles there?

Hmm, I wonder if we have
any chocolate cheese bars.

♪ Choco... Chocolate cheese. ♪

Oh, you guys, this is terrible!

What if reptar
gets my letter?

Don't worry,

I don't think
dinosaurs can read.

( Fierce growling )

( Gasping )

he's back

In his newest
direct-to-video sequel--

Reptar's revenge.

Someone has made
reptar very mad--

Mad enough to crush,
destroy, get even.

So you better watch out!

( Screaming )

It's me!

Reptar's coming to get me!

meet reptar in person
today only at the video cave.

reptar in person?!

Hot diggity!

Hey, deed, what say

We load these pups
in the van?

Oh, I don't know, betty.

I'm not sure
about all that v*olence.

Aw, everybody knows
tv v*olence is cathartic.

Well, the kids do really
seem to like reptar.

Oh, I guess we can go
as soon as dil wakes up.

( Dil screaming )

Right on cue,
there, dilly boy.

now, back to the dummi bears.

Oh, no!
Did you hear that?

We're going to see reptar.

( All cheering )

What am I going to do?

If reptar sees me, he might...

He might...

Eat you?

Don't say
that, phillip!

He might

Just only step on you.

( Gulps )


What am
I going to do?

Reptar's really
mad at me.

One time when my mommy
was mad at my daddy

He gave her flowers
and she stopped being mad.

( Didi humming cheerfully )

see? See?

Reptar even looks mad
in his picture.

Oh, I never should
have sent that letter.

Now he's going to eat me
like that bowl of cereal.

No, he's not, chuckie.

( Screeches )


Dil, quit pulling on my diapie.

( Giggling )

Oh! Reptar's going
to eat me, all right.

And after he's done, I want
you guys to have all my toys.

Oh, boy,
thanks, chuckie!

Let's go home and play
with them right now!

Reptar's not
going to eat chuckie

Because we'll never
get to that video place.

I've gots a plan.

( Screeches )


we go up escalator "b" here,
you go past the fountain

Cross the mid-level bridge,
take the tram to the elevators

And badda-boom,

Or we could walk
right down there.

Okay, guys, just do what I do.

( Screaming )

( All screaming )



( Still screaming )

I guess they're not sleepy.

Maybe we should just take
them to the video store.

Yeah, I'll bet reptar
will cheer them up.

( Still screaming )

( Screaming slowly stops )

( Gurgling happily )

( Burps )

( Giggling )

oh, boy!

Will you look
at that line!

( Man roaring )

Doh, no, it's reptar!

He's right over there!

Should we cry again?

No-- let me see.

( Carousel music plays )

Look, if we stay on
the carry-go-round long enough

Our moms will forget
about seeing reptar.

It doesn't look
as fun as reptar.

Do the horseys squish
cars and things?

We're doing this
for chuckie.

Uh, bu... I don't know, tommy.

Those horses don't
even got seatbelted.

Maybe I'll just...

( Reptar man roaring )

( Gasps )

( Laughing )

Hey, this is fun!

( Lil giggling )

Go, horsey!

see, chuckie

As long as we keep riding

You're going
to be okay.

( Groaning )


Sorry, kids,
we're out of quarters.

Time to go.

I think
it'd be easier

To just let reptar eat me.

( Groans )

If we could put him
on that carry-go-round

He'll throw you back up.

Can we stop talking
about eating?

( Squawks )


Hows come reptar can't
just eat your brother?

( Giggling )

We won't let
reptar eat anybody!

Pups are looking
a little tired there, deed.

Maybe they need a ride, huh?

( Gasps )

( Sobs )


I could have had a good job
with dad, welding septic tanks

But no, I had to be
in show business.


( Clears throat )

Reptar's going to see
my red hair and glasses.

Oh, why... Why do
I have to look like me?

Reptar doesn't know
what we look like.

It looks like we can't
get away from reptar

So there's only
one thing left to do.

Pour ketchup on chuckie?

Nope-- we're going
to have to fight reptar!

( Both gasp )

How are we going to do that?

He's reptar!

Nobody can beat reptar!

We don't has to beat him.

We just has to let him know
he can't eat our friend.

But he's big and we're little.

Then we'll hit him

With the only things
as big as he is.

Chuckie, you hide here.

Phil and lil, come with me.

push, you guys!

( All yelling )


( Grunting and squealing )

( Screaming )

( Gasps )

The dampylions--

I forgot!

Flowers? For me?

( Sniffs )


Nobody ever gives me stuff.

Come here, kid.

( Babbling )

Well, betty, I guess

This is a kinder,
gentler reptar.

Good-bye, video sales.

It worked, you guys!

Reptar's not
eating chuckie!

( Babbling happily )

He's hugging him.

I want
to hug reptar!

Me, too!

Come on!

Reptar man:
aw, ain't that sweet?

You kids want a hug, too?

Mmm... Mm!

I could get to like this job.

( Kids laughing and babbling )

♪ choco... Chocolate cheese ♪

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