06x06 - Baking Dil/Hair!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x06 - Baking Dil/Hair!

Post by bunniefuu »



(kids laughing)


>>: Kids, what are you doing?

We can't let mom see this,
champ, it'll spoil...

(Didi) Okay, Stu!

We're leaving.

I wonder where everybody is.


Oh, I have to say

I'm surprised, Betty.

>>: Shh, shh!
>>: Stu hasn't even

said Happy birthday.

>>: Ahh, husbands.

Well, we better burn
rubber there, Deed.

Our table's reserved
for noon.

You'll love this place--

English decor, very classy.

Plus, they give you
a free double mocha java

on your birthday...


>>: No time to sit there

dawdling with the sprouts.

We got to get this place ready.

(Phil) Balloons!

(Lil) A party.

>>: It is a party, you guys--
For my mom.

>>: If it's for your mom,
how come they didn't invite her?

>>: Uh, I think it's supposed
to be a surprise.

>>: You going to get her
a present, Tommy?

>>: Oh, I forgot.

What do you think we should give
Mommy for a present, Dil?


Well, okay...

But only if we don't
find anything better.

(all oohing)

>>: I'm pretty sure
she'd like it, Tommy.

>>: But...
it's just a rock.

>>: Yeah, but it's got this
nice green stuff on it.


(Lil) And it gots
roly-polies, too.

>>: Hello, Mr. Juicy.

(frog croaking)

>>: Doggy, doggy.


>>: Look!

Dil "finded" a really
good present!

>>: Hey, congratulations, Dil!

>>: Way to go!

That'll work.

>>: Cups, plates, forks...

Napkins, candles...

Did we forget anything?


A cake!

(screeching to halt)

We need a cake!

>>: Yeah? You and
everybody else, Toots.

Take a number.

>>: Yes, here at Bob's Bakery

efficiency is our
number one priority.

At Bob's, you can always be sure

that your baked goods
have been lovingly decorated

in our fully automated factory

assuring your doughnut,
cookie or cake

will be exactly the same.

>>: This is ridiculous, Pop.

I'm going to go up front
and talk to somebody.


>>: So, are you going
to wrap him up, Tommy?

A good present always has
lots of shiny paper around it.

>>: Well...

Uh... there's some paper.

Help me get it, you guys.

>>: ...so completely

to laymen like yourselves

is the secret of my
unimaginable success.

Sure, in the old days I employed
chefs, bakers, decorators

But let's face it...



(Tommy) Oh, no!

My mom's present!



(Chuckie) Oh, my gosh,
it's a "gigantaramous" robot!

>>: Yeah, and it's putting
sugar on everything.

>>: I'm hungry.

>>: No time to eat,
you guys.

We "gots" to find that froggy.

Spread up!



>>: Uh-oh.





>>: Froggy? Are you in here?





(machine starting)

>>: Grab him, Chuckie!

>>: Ahh, this is nothing.

Back in the big w*r,
we sometimes

had to wait in line for 15 hours

just to use the latrine.

(Bob) Ensuring your doughnut,
cookie or cake will be exactly--


>>: There he is!

I got him!

>>: Get him!

(both grunt)

>>: Yummy!

>>: Dil!

>>: Whee!

We "gots" to help him, guys.

>>: But what about
the frog, Tommy?

>>: Dil's my brother!

>>: Well, yeah, but
it's an awful nice frog.

>>: Tommy, I think Dil's
going to take a shower!



>>: Push me over there, guys.


Dil, where are you?

There he goes.

Follow that baby!

>>: Okay, anyone wants
to sell their ticket?

Five bucks.

How about you, huh?

Ten bucks.

All right, $15,
but that's my final offer.

Do I hear $20?

>>: ...wrong color frosting

and use their
medical benefits...


>>: I'm coming, Dil!




>>: Da-da!

>>: You won't serve me?

I paid for this ticket!

>>: Sorry, sir, but I got
to be fair to others.

You'll have to wait in line
like everybody else.


>>: I can't get to him,
you guys!

>>: It's okay, Tommy,
we'll get him...

Um, I guess

If we have to.

Right, guys?





(Lil and Phil) Sorry.


(siren blaring)

(Automated voice)
Warning. Malfunction

On conveyor belt six.

Warning. Malfunction

on conveyor belt six.

Activating emergency
overflow mechanism.


>>: Dil!


(pitch pipe plays note)

(tune of "Rule, Britannia")
♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ your birthday is today ♪

♪ Have a happy, happy,
happy old birthday. ♪

(smattering of applause)

>>: So, what do you think, Deed?

Up for another round
of sausages?

>>: Well, they certainly offer

an impressive variety
of fried foods

but I think I'd like to go home
and be with my kids.

>>: Come on, Deed,

you haven't even
had your free java.

>>: Now, Betty,
it's my birthday.

I'm just going to use
the little girls' room

and then I'd like to head home.

>>: Hey, hey, buddy.

The birthday girl wants
to head home early.

You guys know
any other songs?

(Chuckie) Look, he's going to go
under the squirty thing!


>>: Hurry, you guys!


(pitch pipe plays)

♪ Happy anniversary ♪

♪ It's your anniversary today ♪

♪ Have a happy, happy,
happy anniversary. ♪


>>: Oh, no!

The buckets are going
into a whole different room!

Help me, Chuckie.

>>: Oh.






We did it, Tommy!

We saved Dil!

>>: Thanks, Chuckie.

Thanks, guys.



>>: No problem.

>>: I'm hungry again.


>>; Doggy, doggy!

(Tommy) Dil, you found
Mom's present!

Froggy, no!



>>: Mmm, tasty!

>>: Froggy!

Come on, you guys,
let's go find my daddy.

>>: Please, I'm begging you,
just let me cut in line once.

I'll never do it again.

>>: Sir, for the last time...

>>: Conflab it,
what's the hold-up?

Don't you people know we got
a surprise party to set up?

Where's the owner of this
overgrown doughnut shop, anyway?

>>: Hi, I'm Bob.

Is there a problem?

>>: I'll tell you
what the problem is.

You automated
your dang factory

But your salespeople are slower
than molasses in an igloo!

>>: Hmm... automating
the sales force.

Interesting suggestion.

You, sir, have just earned
yourself a free cake.

And to show you my appreciation

you can have any style you like.

>>: Might as well
take the fresh one.

Now, box it up
and let's vamoose.

>>: I'll get the kids.

Kids? Oh, I wish
people would ask me before

they give the kids
free samples.

They always get so messy.

(Didi) I did those waiters
really have to follow us

all the way out to the car?

Though I admit I enjoyed
their "Happy Bar Mitzvah" song.


Now, where could everybody be?

(All) Surprise!

>>: Oh!


This is such a nice surprise.

But where's my family?

>>: We're here!

Everybody hide.


Uh... (chuckles)

Never mind.

>>: Sorry about your
mommy's present, Tommy.

>>: Poor froggy guy.

He jumped right in the frosting.

>>: Well, I guess
if you got to go

that's the way to do it.

>>: Well, it's okay,
I guess.

We can still
give her the rock.

Come on, Dil.

>>: It's a lovely cake, honey.

And the decorations
are so perfect.

I wonder how they do it.

Oh, look.

There are my two boys.


Is that for me?

Why, it's...



(frog croaking)

(yelping frantically)

>>: Well, what do you know?

Guess those cakes weren't
all the same after all.



(frog croaking)


>>: He made it!

>>: And I think she likes him!


(kids laughing)

(insects buzzing)

(animal howling)

(Stu) Yow!

Dil, that's my hair.

>>: Quit your bellyaching.

At least you've got
Hair to pull out.

>>: Something wrong, pop?

>>: I'm balder than Dil's
caboose, that's what.

Makes me look like an old coot.

>>: You've had that
chrome dome forever.

You never complained
about it before.

>>: Never had my old navy buddy,

Roy Davis, coming
for a visit before, neither.

Look at this.

Here we are, back in '42.

And here's what
he looks like now.

(Stu) Wow! he still looks great.

(laughs awkwardly)

Not that you don't...

I mean, you do.

>>: You mean he looks the same

and I look like an old geezer.

And you can bet
he'll rub it in, too.

Look at all that hair.

"Conflab it",
why did I have to go bald?

>>: Hmm... my grandpa sure
is sad about being bald.



I wonder what bald is?

>>: Don't you babies
know anything?

It means he doesn't "gots"
no hair on his head.

That'll cost you a cookie.

I can't keep telling you
babies stuff for free.

>>: Sorry, Angelica,
I "eated" the last one.

>>: Hmph. thanks a lot.

>>: Why would my grandpa be sad
about having no hair?

>>: Maybe it's because he
don't got no place to put a bow.

>>: Or to hide his stuff

if there's no more room
in his diapy.

>>: Naw, he "gots" pockets.


Gee... if my grandpa thinks
being bald is bad

It probably is.

>>: Being bald's not bad, Tommy.

I mean, you don't get
hair in your eyes

And, uh...

when you're in the bathtub

you never have to
get "shampooped".

(Angelica) And the dinkiest
little selfish baby

"gots" no hair at all.

Hmm... this could be fun.

(laughing meanly)

>>: So being bald
Is really a good thing.

>>: Being bald is okay

if you never want
to grow up.

>>: What do you mean, Angelica?

>>: Well, everyone knows
if you don't "gots" any hair

You stay a baby forever
and ever.

Chuckie, Phil and Lil
used to be your age.

Then they "gotted" hair
And started to grow up.

>>: Wait a minute, Angelica.

My grandpa's bald
and he "growed" up.

>>: Oh, he's got lots of hair

Just not on his head.

Did you ever look inside
his nose and his ears?

Poor Tommy, I guess
you'll always just be

a bald little dinky baby.

Well, see ya.

>>: Whoa! Seems like every day

I find out something
I never "knowed" before.

>>: Don't worry, Tommy.

Even if you never get hairs

and stay being a baby,
and we turn into grownups

We'll still be your friends.

(Other babies) Hi, Tommy.

>>: Oh, hello, guys.

Want to play?

>>: Um, sure, Tommy.

(Lil) But when
the big hand is over here

I "gots" to meet a "climate"
for lunch.

I'm a "busyness" woman now.

>>: And I "gots" a meeting
With my supervisor.

I'm getting fired.

>>: Um, guys, what's a "climate"
and a supervisor?

>>: Oh, sorry, Tommy.

We "forgotted" you were
just a dinky baby

and don't know
no "growed-up" words.

>>: Here, Tommy.

This is for you.

>>: Thanks.

Hey, you want to share, guys?

>>: No, thanks, I'm watching
my clothesline.

>>: Gives me heart burp.

>>: I'm trying to avoid plaque.

Huh? oh...

I don't understand
anything you guys are saying.

(sighing sadly)

>>: If only you could have
"gotted" some hairs...

>>: Gee! I though
it would be fun

to be a baby forever

but not if you guys
aren't babies, too.

>>: Well, we're not going to let
our "bestest" friend stay baby.

If hair is what Tommy needs
to grow up

Then we just got
to find him some.

>>: Aw, shucks.

Well, the foundation
is still pretty good.


If I only had some hair
in the old attic.

Wait a minute.

I do have hair in the attic.

I'll show you who can
still look young, Roy Davis.

>>: Well, they kind of
look like hairs, Tommy

even if they are green.

>>: Um, I don't mind 'em
being green, Chuckie

But they do feel
kind of itchy.

And, um, guys...

I think one of 'em's
walking away.

(Phil) Hey, lunch!

Boy, this hair thing could
work out good for everybody.

There you go, buddy.

(Tommy) I'm not so sure grass
is the "bestest" hair, guys.

>>: Aw... still didn't get
any hair, Tommy?

Well, at least you'll
never have to worry

about getting too big
for your clothes.

>>: What are we going
to do, Angelica?

>>: Well, the "firstest" thing
you got to know is...

grass isn't hair,
you dumb babies!

What you need is
some people hair.

>>: But how am I going to get
people hairs, Angelica?

>>: Well, Dil's sure
good at it. Use him.

(babies gasp)

(Dil cooing and gurgling)

>>: Ouch!

No, sweetheart.

Honestly, Betty,
I can't wait

until this hair-pulling
stage is over.

>>: Soon, Deed.

Then it's eye-poking.


>>: At least it's the color
hair's supposed to be.

>>: I don't think that's
going to be enough, Tommy.

And you better hurry
and find some more

'cause I think Phil and Lil
just had a growth splurt.

>>: Oh...

>>: Oh, no, you guys
are growin' up

and I'm stayin' the same.

We need somebody
with lots and lots of hair.


(shoes squeaking)



>>: Isn't that cute, Aunt Didi?

Spike sure loves to play
with the babies.

(spike barks)

>>: Now that's more like it.

Wait till Roy gets a gander
at this hip young dude.


"Dagnab it".

Aw, might as well give up.

(crashing, grunting)

Who'd want to cram their chassis
into this contraption?


(babies yelling, babbling)

(Tommy) Come back, Spike!


>>: Surprised you, huh?

Bet you didn't know your
Grandpa could look so good.

I'm ready for you now,
Roy Davis.

(sniffing )

(sniffing deeply)

Phew... just needs
a little airing out.

Hmm, almost forgot my shoulders.

(kids groaning and panting)

>>: It's no use, guys.

We'll never find enough hairs.


Tommy... look.

(All) Hairs!

(huffing and puffing)

>>: This is it, guys!

I'm going to grow!

(all cheering)

>>: Let's watch.

>>: What in tarnation...

Where's my hair?

Didi, have you seen my...

(doorbell rings)

Didi, no!

>>: Hello, you must be
Pop's friend.

>>: Roy Davis,
pleased to meet you.

Brought you some
saltwater taffy.

Lou and I used to shovel it
down in our navy days.

Wait a minute...

Is that Lou Pickles, I see?


Come here,
you old geezer.

Let me take a look at you.

>>: Hello, Roy.


>>: You always were a card, Lou.

Love the get-up.

Where'd your hair go, buddy?

>>: That's what
I'd like to know.

>>: We can't all be lucky.

(Dil laughing)

Is this your grandson, Lou?

>>: Yep, that's little Dil.

>>: Kids love me.

Probably think I'm their daddy.

May I?

>>: Well, a-all right.

But I should warn you, he...


Dil, no!

(laughing heartily)

>>: Why, you old snake
in the grass.

You're balder than the tires
on my old station wagon.

>>: I, uh, well... at least
I've stayed in shape.


>>: Oh, my goodness,
I, I'm so sorry.

>>: I, uh... I... You see...

Hey, Roy...

Why, you old...

(both laughing heartily)

(both laughing harder)

>>: Tommy... how on earth
did you get...

>>: Hiya, scout.

Well, Roy, this here
is living proof

that bald is beautiful.

(buddies laughing)

>>: Mm... mm... mmm...



(whimpers) Oh.

>>: That happened
to me once.

Pop had to shave
my whole head.


And here's my boys,
Stu and Drew

When they were babies.

>>: Wow! Angelica was wrong!

My daddy and uncle drew
Were bald babies

And they "gots" hairs
and "turneded" into grownups.

>>: That means you're
going to turn

into a grownup too, Tommy.

>>: Yeah, but
while I'm waiting...

Bald is beautiful!

(all laughing)

(Phil) Yeah, I'm getting fired!
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