01x17 - The Amulet and the Anthem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x17 - The Amulet and the Anthem

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in a village doin' all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm findin' out what bein' royal's all about sofia the first makin' my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Sofia: "the amulet and the anthem.

" It looks like every kid in the kingdom is here.

Being chosen to sing the enchancian anthem At the harvest festival is a really big deal! I know! I hope I get chosen! from the silver flying horses of the ever-golden glades to the dragons on the cliff tops of the blazing palisades enchancia, enchancia come hear our humble call enchancia, enchancia a land for one and all ( cheering and applause ) yay! You two sound amazing! Oh, thank you! May I have your attention! Please! Thank you! It's luciano, the host of the harvest festival! Now is the moment you have all been waiting for! Who will sing the enchancian anthem At this year's harvest festival? The luck of the draw will decide.

On each piece of wood, the name of a young maiden.

With each name, a dream waiting to come true.

But, alas, only one will be chosen To sing the enchancian anthem.

And this year's singer will be Pick me, pick me, pick me! ( gasps ) princess sofia! ( cheering and applause ) ( gasps ) oh.

All right, sofia! Congratulations! Princess sofia, come up to the stage! Go on! Go on! I'll be right back.

We'll wait for you here! Great! Thank you! This is so exciting! Yes, yes.

Wave to the crowd.


Behold this year's lucky winner! Brava! ( cheering and applause ) Okay, princess sofia.

You have much to do and the festival is tomorrow! So we must get started right now! But my friends-- No, no, this is no time for friends, sofia.

You are the anthem singer! You have people to meet, gifts to receive, And of course, you must rehearse the song.

But first, the very best part.

You get to meet the king and queen of enchancia! Mom! Dad! Ah! You've met! Oh, I'm so happy for you, sofia! Perhaps amber can offer you tips You know, she was chosen to sing the anthem a few years ago.

Oh, daddy, sofia remembers.

I mean, who could forget? I was amazing! Oh, sofia, you are going to have the best time! ( gasps ) look! The painterazzi are already lining up to paint your portrait.

Really? They want to paint me? And if you sing the anthem even half as well as I did, They'll give you a standing ovation, Which is just like clapping, except they stand up when they do it! Wow! Now it is time for your interviews.

Interviews? With the newspapers.

The enchancia times, The dunwiddie post, And enchancia today All want to write stories about you! See? And you thought being a princess was a big deal.

( sighs ) do you think we should go? She's been gone forever.

Ruby, jade, I'm so sorry! There was so much going on and I couldn't get away until now.

Unbelievable! They gave me this one-of-a-kind hat that was made just for me! It's so pretty.

It looks-- And that's not all! They're going to send hundreds of gowns to the castle And I get to pick which one to wear for the big show! That sounds like fun.

Doesn't it? And all the newspapers in the whole kingdom Want to write stories about me! And they're giving me all these gowns to choose from-- We know, sofia.

( sighs ) you told us that already.

Everyone's treating me like I'm really important! I mean, I know I'm already a princess, But now I feel really special! How nice for you.

Princess sofia! Over here! Might the new anthem singer pose for us, eh? And could you two step aside? You're in the frame.

You guys don't mind, do you? We were just going anyway.

We were? Oh, uh, right.

We gotta go.

Bye, sofia.

Bye, girls.

Maybe we can play later.

Oh, wait, I have rehearsal.

I'll see you tomorrow at the festival then.

I mean, you'll see me on stage! Princess sofia, welcome to your first rehearsal.

This is your orchestra.

Say hello.

Hello, orchestra.

All: Hello, princess sofia.

Shall we begin? Okay.

( clears throat ) from the silver flying horses of the ever-golden-- ( croaks ) oh! Uh, let me try that again.

from the silver flying-- ( croaks ) Are you okay, princess sofia? Actually, mr.

Luciano, I'm feeling a bit tired.

But please don't worry.

I know the anthem by heart.

Ah, all right then, go get some rest and we will see you At the festival tomorrow when you sing for the entire kingdom.

Thank-- ( croaks ) you.

Yo, congratulations, princess! I heard the big news! Thanks, but something's wrong-- ( croaks ) I keep-- ( croaks ) doing that every time I-- ( croaks ) Uh-oh.

I don't like the sound of that.

What do you think's wrong with me? Well, I'm no expert.

But when a nice young princess like you begins croaking like a frog, That usually only means one thing: You've been cursed, sofia! Cursed? ( croaks ) You mean, like put under a magic spell? We don't know that for sure.

You should probably see a sorcerer.

( croaks ) like mr.

Ceedric? Yeah, I guess he'll have to do.

Okay, I better go now.

Clover, am I going to turn into a frog? Nah, only princes turn into frogs.

Although I did hear about a swan who turned into a princess once.

No, no, no, it was a princess who turned into a swan.


( croaks ) Don't worry, sof.

I'll go with you.

Sofia, I've been looking everywhere for you.

It's time to pick out your dress for the harvest festival.

But, baileywick, I have to-- ( croaks ) What was that? Nothing! ( humming ) Wow! Look at all these gowns! Ooh.

Oh, hi, amber.

What are you doing here? I thought I'd come help you pick your dress.

That's really nice of you.

I know.

So which one do you-- ( croaks ) ( gasps ) is there a frog in here? Oh, I don't believe so, princess amber.

There are only three things I'm scared of: Failure, not being popular, and frogs! Psst.


Uh ( croaks ) I got your back, princess.

Hmm? You'll see.

( croaks ) ( croaking ) ( screams ) frog! Save me, baileywick! Save me! ( croaks ) ( both scream ) I'll take this one.

Now let's get away from that-- ( croaks ) bullfrog.

My thoughts exactly.

( croaks ) Thanks, clover.

That was a close-- ( croaks, sighs ) A really close croak-- I mean, call.

Now let's get you to cedric's, quick! Yes, yes, a bit of this.

Time to water the begonias.

Once these bubbling potions mix, A pouring rain will come but quick! ( thunder crashes ) ( groans ) ( laughs ) ( panting ) why do sorcerers Always make it so hard to get to 'em? ( sighs ) I better go in by myself.

( sighs ) ( knock at door ) Oh, mr.

Ceedric? It's cedric.


I need your help.

I'm supposed to sing tomorrow, but-- ( croaks ) I've been croaking like a-- ( croaks ) Like a frog since this morning.

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? ( laughs ) I knew this day would come! Uh, I mean, oh, boo-hoo! You poor little thing! You've gone and gotten yourself cursed! So I am cursed? How? By who? Well By your precious amulet no doubt.

My amulet? I thought it only gave me magical powers.

Oh ( clears throat ) How soon you forget.

The amulet of avalor.

"with each deed performed, for better or worse, A power is granted, a blessing Or curse.

" You, my dear, must have done a very bad deed.

But I haven't done anything bad.

Well, then your amulet wouldn't have cursed you now, would it? I guess you're right.

But what did I do? Well, how would I know that? I mean It doesn't matter what you did.

If you just let me look at your amulet, Perhaps I could find a way to undo its curse.

I can't take it off.

I promised dad I wouldn't.

Oh, you've already done one bad thing today, what's one more? Isn't there anything else you can do? I was hoping you had an undo-a-croaking-curse-spell in one of your books.

Oh, well I can certainly take a look.

Nope, sorry, no such spell.

I'm afraid I will need your amulet.

It's the only way.

I'm sorry.

I-- ( croaks ) I can't.

Suit yourself.

But I'm only looking out for you, my dear princess.

I mean, I wouldn't want you to walk out on stage at the harvest festival In front of all those people waiting to hear you sing And have you get all croaked up.

You know where I am if you need me.


Thanks anyway, mr.


( croaks ) Soon she'll be desperate enough to give me her magical amulet.

But I won't be fixing it for her! Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I will use it myself to take over this whole kingdom! Oh, soon, wormwood, it will all be mine! ( sad caw ) fine, it'll be ours.

( happy caw ) but mostly mine! Well? The amulet cursed me! ( croaks ) because I did something bad! You? Do something bad? Hop out of town! I don't believe it.

I must have or I wouldn't be-- ( croaks ) Huh.

Well, we gotta figure out what you did wrong.

If we can figure it out, maybe we can undo the curse.

Great idea-- ( croaks ) ( sighs ) but what could it be? Any ideas yet? Not yet.

( croaks ) But so much has happened since I was picked To sing at the festival, it's hard to remember.

Oh, clover, what am I going to do? ( sighs ) I don't know.

( yawns ) but it's getting late.

You should get some sleep.

We can figure it out in the morning.

We have to! The festival is tomorrow! I know.

Good night, sofia.

( croaks ) ( sighs ) Sofia, wake up! I have an idea! ( croaks ) what? We gotta hop back.

Hop what? Whenever I lose a carrot, I hop back.

I retrace my steps.

Go back exactly the way I came until I find it.

That's what we gotta do to figure out why you were cursed.

Go over everything you did yesterday.

Good idea.

I know, right? But we better hurry! ( croaks ) Ah, princess sofia.

Excited for your big day today? Mm-hmm.

Good luck! Thank you! ( croaks ) I came here in the morning with ruby and jade.

Then mr.

Luciano announced I was going to be the-- ( croaks ) anthem singer and brought me on stage.


Did you say thank you? Uh-huh.

Okay, so far so good.

After that, mr.

Luciano brought me to see mom and dad.

Everyone congratulated me.

Did you thank them? Yes, clover.

Just checking.

Then the newspaper reporters interviewed me here.

And the townspeople gave me a bunch of gifts here.

And did you thank them? I thanked all of them.

Then I remembered that jade and ruby were waiting for me, And I ran back to find them.

Then I told ruby and jade about everything.

I was so excited! ( croaks ) Then the painterazzi came to paint my portrait, ruby and jade left, And then I went back onstage to start rehearsing, And then-- ( croaks ) that's when it started.

You got me, sofia.

It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong.

I must have done someth-- ( croaks, sighs ) Amber: Singing the anthem was the best experience ever! Everyone wanted to interview me and give me gifts! Oh, and did I tell you about the standing ovation I got? Yeesh.

Listen to her.

How can all her friends stand to hear her brag about herself so much? Oh, and all the painterazzi in the kingdom wanted to paint my portrait! Mm, mm, mm.

You think she even knows what she sounds like when she brags like that? She sounds like Me.

I was doing that.

( croaks ) Doing what? Bragging.

To ruby and jade.

I was going on and on about all the great things that were happening to me.

And they wanted to sing the anthem, too.

I bet they already felt bad, and I made them feel worse.

That must be why I'm cursed.

That's great! I mean, you shouldn't have done that, but that's great! Now we know what you did! Maybe if I tell them I'm sorry-- ( croaks ) The curse will go away.

It's worth a shot.

Man 1: It's the anthem singer! Man 2: There she is! Man 3: It's princess sofia! Ruby! Jade! Can I talk to you? Are you sure you have time? I'm sure there are lots more interviews and gifts to get.

Jade, that's not nice.

It's okay.

I deserve it.

( croaks ) Are you okay? I'm fine.

It's-- it doesn't matter.

I just wanted to tell you that yesterday, I shouldn't have bragged about being the anthem singer.

It wasn't very nice of me, and I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings.

You did.

But it's okay.

We forgive you.

You do? Of course.

So we're still friends? Why do you think we're here, sofia? We weren't going to miss you singing the anthem! Thank you! You're the best best friends! Shouldn't you get on stage? I think the festival's about to start.

Right! See you soon! ( gasps ) Oh, just the princess I was looking for.


Ceedric, I figured out why I was cursed! And I think I fixed it! ( croaks, gasps ) Oh, I'm sorry, you were croaking-- I mean saying? I'm still cursed! Oh, no, and the show's about to begin.

So if you want to have any chance of singing the anthem, You had better give me your amulet.

I Can't.

Well, I'll be right over there, by the stage, If you change your mind.

But time is running out.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock Mr.

Luciano: Hello, enchancia! We are just moments away From hearing princess sofia sing the enchancian anthem! ( cheering and applause ) Princess belle! What are you doing here? Princess sofia, your amulet brought me here to help.

The amulet put a curse on me! I already apologized to ruby and jade for bragging, but I'm still croaking! I don't know what else to-- ( croaks ) do! Well, the only person who can undo the curse is you.

I was afraid you'd say that.

I've got a tale to tell about a beast I knew who fell deep under a spell that he couldn't undo and though he tried to say that yes his heart was true there was just one way to break that curse in two he saw my plight, put up a fight he tried his best to make it right to fix your mess, do more than confess use all your might to make it right you found a brand new crowd and brushed your friends aside too proud a little too loud so now your tongue is tied you want to set things straight you gotta go for broke by doing something great you just might lose that croak you could delight your friends tonight they'd be impressed you tried to make it right to fix your mess, do more than confess use all your might to make it right I'm sorry is a phrase that's often heard but actions speak louder than words you could delight I could delight your friends tonight my friends to-- ( croaks ) they'd be impressed I tried my best to make it right to make it right to fix your mess do more than con-- ( croaks ) just keep your goal plainly in sight and use all your might and make it-- ( croaks ) ( sighs ) I'll make it-- ( croaks ) ( sighs ) you'll make it right ( croaks, sighs ) So I have to do something that shows jade and ruby I'm sorry.

But what? Well, think about what you could do To make your friends happy.

Hmm ( cheering and applause ) ( gasps ) I think I know what to do! Thank you Princess belle.

Well, I see you've discovered There's only one way out of your predicament.


Wish me luck, mr.

Ceedric! What?! Ladies and gentlemen, Please welcome to the harvest festival stage Princess sofia! ( cheering and applause ) Hi, everyone.

I want to sing today, But I can't because I-- ( croaks ) Have a frog in my throat.

( all gasp ) But it's okay because I don't-- ( croak ) Deserve to sing the anthem.

I wasn't nice to my friends yesterday.

And I want to do something to make it up to them.

So I'd like to ask my best friends, ruby and jade, To come up here now And sing the enchancian anthem for you.

Ruby? Jade? Uh, us? Uh-huh! Come on up! ( cheering and applause ) You really want us to sing? I really, really-- ( croaks ) do.

Thank you, sofia! This is a really big honor! Huge! It's a huge honor! Maestro.

from the silver flying horses of the ever-golden glades to the dragons on the cliff tops of the blazing palisades We're so proud of you, sofia.

Look how happy you've made your friends.

come hear our humble call enchancia, enchancia a land for one and all Princess sofia, your friends sound, How do you say in enchancia, awesome?! They really do.

They're singing it better than I would have.

Hey, wait a second! I'm not croaking! I am speaking to you right now and I am not croaking! Clover, I did it! The curse is gone! All right, princess! Give me some paw! from the darkest evil spells and your wishes all come true here if they're made in wishing wells enchancia, enchancia a beacon shining bright enchancia, enchancia where all our dreams take flight ( cheering and applause ) ( all laugh )
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