02x19 - What Women Want

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x19 - What Women Want

Post by bunniefuu »

Whoo !

Bryce hacks me one more time,
I swear...

- Come on, Cooper, man up.
- Focus.

Sam. Come here.

- The guy with the smile, is he single ?
- Naomi.

- Come on, Naomi. Come on.
- What ?

That guy's the enemy, this is w*r.
This is men doing combat. Guy time.

Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Go team.

Hey, you wanna play ?

SAM: Ball up.
ADDISON: Nai, can we please go now ?

I mean, these bleachers,
they reek of high school and urine.

I am sowing my oats. These are oats.

These are oats
that are not married cardiologists.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

There is nothing going on
with Noah, okay ?

It was a flirtation, but he is married,
so it's over.

I mean, at least in a bar
there would be cocktails.

Yeah, but the oats
wouldn't be wearing shorts.

Whoo !

Nice shot.

Ugh. I could k*ll myself.

She's going home with me tonight.

Oh, come on, man.

This bastion of men being men
is being expropriated.

It's being taken over by women.

- But you like women, Coop.
- Yeah, you know what ?

I'm living with one with no benefits,
sleeping with one who's complicated,

and the one place where it could
just be men, there are women.

Fellas, we gonna play or what ?

All right.

This is like watching gladiators
but without the k*lling.

You know, it's very male.


- Noah.
- Do not answer it.

- Do not answer... Excuse me.
- Hello, Noah.

Yeah, yeah. I will...
I'll be there as soon as I can.

I kept telling myself that it was nothing.

That I'm just being paranoid
after everything that's happened.

Noah didn't wanna bother you
but then it got worse.

Temp's 103.
We need to start cooling measures.

So, what are you feeling,
chills, nausea ?


And my heart is racing.

I'm so sorry to call you in on a Sunday.

I hope we didn't pull you away
from something.

- A date with your guy ?



Okay, okay.

She has CVA tenderness,
probably pyelo.

I'm gonna start her on cephalosporin
while her cultures are pending.

You're gonna want to keep her hydrated
until she's able to tolerate PO's.

- She's got a kidney infection ?
- Yes.

You didn't just wanna say it like that,
like a normal person ?


I'm sorry, I didn't wanna call.

- It's okay.
- I'm just thanking you.

It's my job.


Hey. Hey, Cooper, I need your help.

Huh ?

It's not a good time, Violet.

I'm sorry. I just...

I can't tie my shoes.

My shoes are no longer visible to me.

And I would wear shoes that don't tie,

but my feet are swollen
or bigger or something,

and shoes that tie
are the only ones that fit.

And I gotta go, because I got
the ultrasound this morning with Pete.

It's so weird.
I mean, I know he wants to be part of it,

but we really could be sitting there
looking at Sheldon's baby.

Vi, can I go back to sleep ?

I can't tie my own shoes, Cooper.

Okay, I'll be right there.

- Hey, maybe we can get some breakfast.
[WHISPERS] Be right back. Two minutes.

My iron's low
and they serve sausage biscuits till 9.

- I know you love sausage.
[WHISPERS] I love sausage.

Well, that'll wake you up.

Late night.

The blond from the basketball court ?

PETE: Kelly. She's a nurse.
- Oh.

"Nice shot, Pete."

Oh, come on,
is the dating life that bad ?

You gotta have guys
hitting on you all the time.

The last one ? Married.

PETE: Did he ask you out ?
- Pete, he is married.

Although he did say that...

What ? What ?

He said I was breathtaking.

Think he could make you happy
for a while ?

You have no qualms
about being with someone who's married ?

It's... You know, it's a little messy,

but just because he's married,
doesn't make the feelings go away.

- I've been there.
- Yeah, well, I am not there.

All I'm saying is, you never know.

He could be the greatest guy
you ever had,

because you never had me.

- We can ride horses this weekend.
- Your day, your pick.

COOPER: Betsey Parker.
- Cooper, I'm gonna get a pony.

Yeah !

- Not exactly the way the conversation went.
- Women, they learn early.

Dr. Freedman ?

Brandon. Brandon Henry.

I was a patient of yours a few years back.
I was the kid with the...

- Brandon who never spoke, Brandon ?
- Yeah. Seems like I got over that.

- And the other problems.
- Yeah, you look amazing.

You'd never know I was the kid
with cleft palate scars.

Or the runny nose or the ear infections.
You're like a new man.

It's not just the plastic surgery.

- That's Lyla.

Never met anyone
who had a line like that for everything.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hard to believe he was actually quiet.

Okay, did you come down
to show off yourself, your girl ?

- No, I got a sore throat.
- From all the talking.

Oh, funny.
I have an appointment with Dr. Bennett.

- Oh, yeah, let me take you back.
- Okay.

- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.

- It was nice to meet you.
LYLA: It was nice to meet you too. Bye.

COOPER: How did you meet Lyla ?
- Oh, she was my lab partner.

My lab partner set me on fire. Open up.

When he was a kid, he single-handedly
kept my first practice afloat.

His mother called him her little lemon.

Really ? She really called you that ?

It was true, even if it didn't help.

Now I have Lyla.
You know, I bought her a ring.

I just need the nerve to ask.

Dr. Bennett, is there something wrong ?

Oh, you've got a lump
in your right peritonsillar region.

Tonsillar. Like tonsillitis ?


I'd like to do a biopsy on it, though.

I think it's helping.
I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit anymore.

You're almost to your second trimester.
The nausea usually lets up by then.

- How about otherwise ?
- No visions, no delusions, no crazy-crazy.

I see Violet's been using
her technical terms.

It wasn't easy. I wasn't easy.

It took Dr. Turner so long to find the
right meds to get my delusions in check,

and then when I got pregnant
and needed to go off of them...

It's funny.
My life was on hold for so long,

and now all I want is to be a good mom.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Hey, Katie. Ultrasound's ready.
- Hi.

PETE: If the nausea returns, press these
buttons on your wrists. That should help.

Why don't you work on your breathing

- and then Violet will be back to take you in ?
- Okay.

VIOLET: So she's good, huh ?
- She's excited about seeing the baby.

Guess it's that kind of day.

Everyone's excited
about seeing the baby.

- My ultrasound.
- Oh, right.

- That's today.
- You wanna come ?

Yeah, of course. I look forward to it.

Go a little to the right, Dell.

Little more.

Sometimes they like to hide.

My daughter was the same way.

Yeah, she moves a lot.

I bet she's active.

My mom used to say
I was hard to catch.

Before she died.
I wish she could see this.

ADDISON: There. There we are.
- How is she ?

She's bigger, right ?

It's a she. I know it is.


I'm afraid that the fetus didn't survive.

But I can see her. She's right there.

I'm so sorry.
There's no heartbeat, Katie.

There has to be a mistake.

I know this is hard to hear...

No, no, no,
I can feel her moving right now.

- Why don't we talk this through ?
- No, no, she's still alive.

I know it.

Katie's not answering her cell phone.
I called, but Katie hasn't come home.

Well, we've gotta find her.
We don't know how long ago the fetus died.

- The decaying tissue could lead to sepsis.
- She needs a D and C.

You can't perform a D and C on a woman
who still thinks her baby's alive.

- Maybe her body will pass the tissue.
- No, it's dangerous to wait for that.

This baby represents everything
that she has overcome.

If I can talk to her,
separate that from the baby...

And what if you can't ?
She saw the monitor.

No heartbeat, and she didn't believe it.

- I'll get her to understand.

Find her, talk to her,
but, you know, do it fast.

- Hey. Good game yesterday.
- Hey.

How come we never went
when we were married ?

That's what Bryce was saying.
Said he'd never seen you around.

The guy with the smile
and the nice teeth ?

- Yeah, Bryce.
- He was asking about me ?

- Did you want him to be asking about you ?
- Well, maybe.

Well, yeah. Yeah, he's cute.


Yeah, he's real cute.


- So, Samuel...
- You're gonna ask me to call Bryce.

Oh, please, please.

Just give him my number.

I mean, I need some fun, you know.
I need some post-Archer fun.

Yeah. Sure. Fine.

- Really ?
- Yeah.

Oh, you are so sweet.

- You are the best ex-husband ever.
- I am.

- She's in a good mood.
- That's because I'm pimping for her.

- I'm pimping for my ex-wife.
- Pimping ?

- I'm setting her up with Bryce.
- Bryce ?

- That's what I said.
- What the... ?

Why did I say
that I would set her up with Bryce ?

I don't know.

Thank you.

What is it ?

Cancer. It's cancer.

I'm sorry, Brandon.

Am I gonna die ?

You're not gonna die.

You're gonna fight this, okay ?
We're gonna fight it.

So, what's next ? What can we do ?

Well, we'll run a few more tests
to stage the cancer.

Depending on how advanced it is,

we can determine
the best course of treatment.

Chemo, radiation, surgery.

BRANDON: I can't believe this.
I've been sick my whole life.

I thought I was finally done with it.

I'm 22 years old. I don't smoke.

How did I get a tumor in my throat ?

Well, the biopsy was positive for HPV,
which is human papilloma virus.

- I thought that was an STD.
COOPER: It is.

But it can cause abnormal cell growth
which can lead to cancer.

Oh, my God.

BRANDON: It's okay.
- No, I have HPV.

I caused your cancer.

They all have a little thing up here...

BETSEY: Hi, Mommy.
- Hi.

Daddy can't draw a horse,
but he's taking me riding.

Wow, that's great.

Hey, can I talk to you for a second ?
Baby, just stay here and draw, okay ?

- Everything okay ?
- Yeah.

No, everything's good.
Really good, actually.

- I got a promotion.
- Oh, well, that's great.

The promotion is in St. Louis.

She would have better schools.

She could play in a front yard
without cars flying by.

Which one makes up
for losing her father ?

I know I'm asking a lot,
but I want us to talk about this...

No, this is what you said
when I wanted to pursue custody.

You said we'd talk, work it out,
that I'd be involved.

I want you to be involved.

- Vacation, holidays...
- No.

Listen, Dell. It's a fresh start, okay ?

Away from here,
away from all the bad stuff.

Look at my picture, Mommy.

Wow, that's beautiful.

Hey, can you go grab your sweater,
sweetie ?

Go if you want, but Betsey stays.
You can't take her.

Don't do this, Dell.

You asked me to get it together, I have.

This is good for her.

Ready ? Let's go. Come on.



Late night, now lunch.

I try to utilize all aspects of the day.

- But you ? Work, work, work.
NOAH: Addison.

Noah. Hey, this is Pete.

Dr. Pete Wilder.

Noah's wife is a patient of mine.

Oh, well,
I'll see you back at the practice.

So I just got Morgan's labs back.

She's responding to cephalosporin.

I'm just gonna say this
even though I shouldn't, even though...

Well, you know, you marry someone
and you think it's love, you want it to be.

You wanna be a good man,
you wanna be the kind of man who...

But I've never felt for a woman
the way I feel about you.

And I know you feel it too. I know it.

And I would never ask you to admit it,

but I need to feel at least
like I'm not crazy in this.

That it's not just me
making up something in my own head

so I'm not so ashamed.

I have to get these lab results
back to Morgan.

I didn't think HPV
had any effect on men.

And we use condoms.
We're always safe.

Well, women get cervical infections
and men...

People don't think of oral sex as sex.

Oh, God, I didn't know.

I didn't tell you because I didn't...

I didn't think it could hurt you.

You must really hate me.

No, baby, I love you.

We're gonna fight this together,
remember ?


So that's good.

- Right, honey ?
- Right.

Morgan, I was thinking it might be worth
considering having a hospital-based doctor

to monitor the rest of your pregnancy.

- You wanna drop me as a patient ?
- No.

It's just I have such a heavy patient load
and it's often difficult for me to get here.

- I could find you a great doctor right here.
- I understand you're busy.

I live with a doctor, I get it.

I just...

- I thought we were friends.
- Morgan...

I mean, who else is gonna take
my mind off my anxiety

by telling me about their sex life ?

- I just want you to have the best care.
- Addison.

Really. So I'm going to send over
a list of names, okay ? I'm sorry.


Got a minute ? You waiting on a call ?

No, no.

I was gonna make one, or not.

It's Bryce. I can't do it.

Brandon's test results are back.
Stage four.

- Cancer's spread to the mandible bone.
- Stage four.

Yeah, so we do chemo and radiation,
see if we can attack it.

I'd go for the surgery, right ?
Resect the mandible.

- Odds are better.
- Know what surgery would do ?

Well, yeah. It could save his life.

You want him to lose part of his jaw,
wind up d*sfigured, drooling ?

His life comes first, Coop.

I realize that surgery may feel preemptive,
but chances are he's gonna get there.

His life is important to me,
his whole life.

He's coming in tomorrow
to talk treatments.

If we can tell him chemo and radiation,
there's some hope of a normal life there.

I wanna give him some hope.

Do men not understand
the concept of a phone ?

You know, how to pick it up
and to dial it, you know.

I mean, I'm out there.
I am sowing my oats...

Heather wants to move to Missouri
and she wants to take Betsey.

Oh, God, Dell, that's awful.

You know, I pushed her to get better,
and now she has this opportunity,

and it's gonna be my fault.

Hey. Dell. Dell.

This is not your fault.

God, when Sam and I
were going through our divorce,

it never occurred to me
that he would be absent from Maya's life.

I'd never want to jeopardize that
for Maya.

I know. How can she think
this makes sense ?

- You know, I'm just gonna call her.
- Dell, hon, a piece of advice.

If you call her mad, she's never gonna
hear what you say, even if you're right.

You gotta do this in person
if you want it to work.

Dr. Turner ? What are you doing here ?

Hi. Hi.

I thought we should talk
after this morning.

Oh, that was weird, huh ?

I was really freaked out for an hour,

and then I thought,
"What would Dr. Turner say ?"

She would say,
"Step back, look at the situation."

- Good.
- And then I figured, you know what ?

Mistakes happen. Why get upset ?

Look, I got these really cute layettes.

She's gonna love this, right ?

- It's beautiful.
- Thanks.

Anyway, look, I gotta go.
I have a friend coming over.

- Could we talk in the morning, first thing ?
- I have work.

- It's really important.
- Why ?

Well, Dr. Montgomery feels bad
about this morning

and wants to give you
another ultrasound.

I could see my baby again ?

Yes. And there are a few ideas
I'd like to run by you.

Okay. Okay.

- We'll come by tomorrow first thing.
- Okay.


- Hello.
- He's not back yet.

Do you expect him back soon ?

He's getting me soup.

- Soup's good.
- I despise soup.

But it helps when you're queasy,
which I am.

Sit down if you want to.

You're queasy ?

VIOLET: The word "queasy"
makes me feel queasy.

What are you doing ?

Charlotte, what are you doing ?
That's my kitchen.

The refrigerator was my first clue.

Are you hungry ?

Natural antacids,
mineral-rich foods, fizzy drinks.

They all help with nausea.

Now, I know you hate me,
but it actually works.

"Hate" is a strong word.

So the baby's father,

is he gonna get in on this circus
any time soon ?


I mean, you know, one of them.

I mean, Pete or Sheldon.
One of them is the father.

And do they wanna be involved ?

They did.
But now Sheldon's not talking to me,

and Pete, he pushed,
he wanted to come to an ultrasound,

and now he's just indifferent.


- Is that funny ?
- No, I just...

I had this visual of Sheldon
wearing a Baby Bj?rn.

Oh, yeah.

Right, Pete would...


Pete would use an Indian sari,
make a sling.

You think Uncle Coop
would do any better ?

Know what Cooper's mother told me ?

That when he was a kid he had this doll,
and he carried it around all the time

and he named her Ernesta.

Ernesta ?


Oh, look.

What ? Something funny ?

- No.
- No.


I hate breaking up with patients.

You should've seen.

Oh, she just looked so hurt.

And if she'd known that her husband
had a thing for you,

she'd be even more hurt, all right ?

So you did her a favor
and you put yourself out of harm's way.

I wasn't gonna do anything, Nai.

I wasn't.

I am a professional.

Well, now it's not an issue.

You know, I know that bars are not
the best place to meet people, but...

- Sam.
- Hey.

Hi. You know what ?
Your friend, he didn't... He didn't call.

Oh, that's weird.

Oh, well. If he didn't call, he didn't call.

Yeah, well, you know,
there are other oats in the sea, so...

Except oats aren't in the sea.

Let me buy you a drink.
Help you forget about him.

You know what ?
I think he's gonna do that for me, so...

- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Addison.
- Hey.

No hot date tonight ?

Ask me in a couple of hours.

I'm surprised to see you here.

I thought you might be exploring
that situation we talked about earlier.

That was him this afternoon.

You neglected to tell me
that his wife was your patient.

Pete, I'm not going there, period.
All right ?

I even dropped his wife as a patient.

Well, there you go.
You don't have to choose between them.

- No, that's not what...
- Can you excuse me ?


So your friend not calling Nai
doesn't seem to have slowed her down.

Well, he may not have called
because I never gave him her number.


- What ?
- I know it.

- Nai ?
- Yeah.

Don't say anything.

You can't keep that to yourself.

She's got oats to sow
with men who aren't me.

I'm not here to fight, Heather.

I just wanna talk.

I just don't wanna lose her, okay ? So...

You say vacations and holidays.

It's not perfect, but let's just try
to come up with a plan, okay ?

Come on, open the door, please.

I'm sorry about this afternoon. Just...


The redhead from last night ?

What is wrong with you lately ?

You're suddenly after anything
that moves.

- There's nothing wrong. I'm just having fun.
- Please tell me there's coffee.

- I'm on it.
NAOMl: Where's Dell ?

I need him to prep a patient
till my head clears.

He's not in yet. That bad, huh ?

I had four Scotches.

I was out dancing
until 4:00 in the morning.

My words were still slurring
when I told... Adam...

Yeah, Adam.
- That it was not gonna work.

Picking up people in bars is a bad idea.

See, you say that, and yet you both
got drunk and had sex last night

whereas I went home alone.

Excuse me. Only I did not have sex.

No, I went in a cab
and then I went home and went to sleep.

PETE: Sleep is overrated.
- Again ?

- The groupie from the basketball court ?
- Redhead.

You do realize
you're not a teenager, right ?

You're a grown man with a potential child
and you're gonna see the ultrasound.

So is this the example
you're gonna set ?

If the ultrasound is a big deal,
we don't have to do it.

You hound me
and now it's not a big deal ?


I'm here for the ultrasound.

That's great.

That's great.
I thought that we could talk first.

Oh, okay.
And then we'll get to see my little peanut ?

And, hey,
no hard feelings about yesterday.

God, she's moving like mad today.

Violet lied to get Katie back in here ?

Dr. Montgomery, can I talk to you ?

You shouldn't be here, Noah.

I am coming to you as a doctor, okay ?

Because I did my homework.

You're the best neonatal specialist,
and I want the best for my wife.

Maybe what's best for your wife
is to not have a doctor who you're...

In love with ?

- But you don't feel the same way.
- Noah...

Look, and if you don't feel the same way
about me, then you can be her doctor.

I can keep my feelings in check.

I can look at you and not think about it.

I care about her. I don't wanna hurt her.

I can be professional about this
if you can.

I can be professional.
I just think that there are...

But not as good as you.

Please, don't think about me.
Think about Morgan.

All right, she can't lose another baby.

Not again.

Don't think about me.

I woke up this morning
and the pain was worse.

I'm hoping it's because I know it's cancer
and not because it's worse.

Well, all the tests that we ran yesterday,
they can aggravate the area.

I know this isn't where you wanted to be,
back figuring out treatments.


I can handle the chemo and radiation.

I'm so worried about Lyla.
She feels so awful, you know.

Well, let's just focus on you right now.


Oh, my God, what's happening ?


Oh, my God.


It's okay. He's okay.

Sam's stopping the bleeding.

Come on. He's gonna be okay, okay ?

I should never have let him go alone.
God, I should have known better.

Thank you for calling me.

So the tumor is up
against the carotid artery.

Now, the surgeon is afraid
that at the rate that the tumor is growing,

that it will erode into the artery
and cause a massive bleed.

- What does that mean ?
- Brandon needs surgery very quickly.

- Oh, what about the chemo ?
- No.

Resecting the tumor is our only option.

- We're gonna remove a portion of his jaw...
- No, no, no, he doesn't want surgery.

I'm sorry.

Maybe we've been focusing too much
on the baby

and not enough on everything
that allowed you to get to this point.

Well, it's hard to separate me from her,
but okay, I'll try.

Great. Maybe start with your mom.

When she died
it was like a pit opened up.

And that's when everything started.

I was so convinced they k*lled her,
the doctors.

- But now you know.
- Oh, yeah, that was crazy.

I mean, I thought someone
was plotting to steal her casket.

I went to the cemetery to guard it.

- But was that your fault ?
- No, no, but...

Oh, God, why are we going... ?
Why are we going here again ?

We got through this.

We got past this a long time ago.

Right, but not everyone does.

Not everyone fights
to get their life back the way you did.

- It's impressive.
- And now the baby.

Well, regardless of the baby, Katie,
you've done amazing things.

You finished school,
you have a great job.

Did I say something that upset you ?


Oh, I'm gonna be sick.




Okay. It's okay.

Oh, Katie, you're burning up.

Could you get Addison, now ?

- What happened ?
- She's showing early signs of sepsis.

I gave her antibiotics,
but we need to do a D and C.

What is it ? What's happening ?

Katie, I know this is not
what you wanna hear,

but what happened yesterday
was not a mistake.

Your baby died,
and it's making you very, very sick.

It's morning sickness.
We could go back to your office.

- You can make me feel better.
- Katie, I wish we could.

But what Violet is telling you
is what's really happening.

And we need to remove
the fetal tissue now.

Listen to me, my baby's fine.

You don't have my permission,
you can't do anything. I wanna get out.

It's all right. Katie, Katie, it's all right.

Let me talk to them.
We'll straighten it out, okay ?

Violet, look, she's pale,
she's got a fever.

If we don't get that tissue out,
she could die.

We cannot do this against her will.

Yes, you can.
You can declare her incompetent.

She's unable to make decisions
for herself.

If we force this on her, if we take out
what she believes is a live baby,

she will never recover.

It will break her.

Look, she needs a D and C, I get it.

But I have to get her to accept
that her baby is dead before you do it.

- Violet, you've tried. She can't accept it.
- If you don't wanna, you don't have to.

Pete and I can declare this
an emergent situation. We'll override her.

- You mean override me.
ADDISON: Violet.

No. No, this is my call.

I'll get through to her.

Lyla ?

- Lyla. Hey. Hey, what happened ?
- I can't do this.

He's gonna have
half of his jaw removed.

And maybe it's horrible,
but I'm just supposed to be okay with that ?

Every time I look at him
knowing that I did this ?

- No, no, he does not blame you.
- I blame me.

He spent his entire life
trying to get his face fixed,

- and then he meets me and...
- Look, hey, I get that you're hurting.

But he loves you and...

Don't say that.

Don't make me feel worse,
because I know it's selfish...

You're scared, you're overwhelmed
and you wanna run.

I've been there.
Bad things happen, you wanna run.

But if you can stick it out with somebody
that you love,

it is hard to find.

He needs you.

I'm sorry.


- Everything okay ? You were late.
- Not now, Naomi.

- Did you go and talk to Heather ?
- I don't wanna talk.

- Dell, you can...
- Naomi, I'm gonna say this calmly.

I'm here and I'm going to do my job,
but I don't want to talk about it.


What are you doing out here ?

My cancer patient Brandon
has to have a portion of his jaw removed,

and his girlfriend dumped him.

She felt guilty for making him sick,
so she dumped him.

Sounds like she's a real prize.

She's just a kid.

I tried to convince her
she was making a mistake.

You've got any ideas ?

Nothing you can say is gonna make
someone do something they don't want to.

- Brandon needs her.
- Brandon wants her.

What Brandon needs this surgery,

and a woman who's not gonna
run out on him when the going gets tough.

Focus on helping them see
what they really need.

Don't just give them what they ask for.

Katie, I know you're scared.

Of course I'm scared.

A doctor's trying to take my baby,
it's a nightmare.

That's scary.

That really is.

But I'm looking at you
and you don't look like you feel well.

- I don't.
- Do you think it's more than the fear ?

- What do you mean ?
- I mean...

I think maybe deep down, you're scared
because you do know something's wrong.

And all of us, when we don't know
what's wrong, we get scared.

But I'm hoping that part of you that knows
something's wrong can help me,

because I wanna help you feel better.

I'm just protecting her,
like you would protect your baby.

- You wouldn't let anyone take her.
- Katie, you...

God, I trusted you and Pete.

You don't think I should have her.

- No, I think you'd make a great mom.
- Get out.

I'm not gonna let anyone
do anything to my baby.

- What a day.
- Yeah.

So your married friend came back.

It was purely a professional visit.

- He wants me to keep seeing his wife.
- Purely professional.

Well, he may have some feelings
for me,

but, you know,
he's willing to put those aside.

I'm sure you know what that's like,
putting your feelings aside.

Okay, I'll play. What ?

What ?

You want Violet to let you in,
you want her to do the ultrasound,

and you're out there sleeping around.
What's going on with you ?

What good does it do to face
something you can't have ?

- There's a baby.
- That might not be mine.

You're right.
It might not be, but maybe it is.

So I should get invested now
and then have her take all that away ?

So you're putting your feelings aside ?

- Where's Katie ?
- She's still in the birthing suite.

She needs some space, so I...

I'm not gonna get through.

She's in there staring at my belly.

I represent everything she wants
and she hates me for it.

She doesn't hate you.

She just wants something she can't have,
and that's hard.


You okay ?

This little girl.

I hope she has brown hair like me.


- Okay. You know, let me call Addison.
- No, don't.

Is your daughter here ?

You said you have a daughter.
Is she here ?


This was supposed to be a good day.

I was supposed to see her,
my daughter, but...

But they wouldn't let me.

What ?

I've had a crappy day too.

I went to my daughter's apartment
to talk to her mom.

They were gone.

Moved out. Her mother took her away.

I've been making calls
and trying to figure out what to do,

but the thing is,
I don't think I can get her back.

- So...
- I'm so sorry.

I know what it's like to want to believe
that it's gonna work out,

but sometimes
you need to face the truth.

Your baby's gone.

And she's not coming back
no matter how much you wanna believe it.

I love her so much.

It scares me.

I think maybe
that's why my stomach hurts so much.

I know you love her,
but the pain in your stomach is real.



Okay. Shh.

You know Dell is right, don't you ?

She didn't survive.

You're gonna be okay.

So will you.

So Dr. Pape said
that you didn't schedule your surgery.

Lyla can't take it.

She can't take it if the HPV makes me
lose half my face, so I need to try chemo.

- Brandon...
- I can't.

I'm not gonna go back.

I'm not gonna be the freak again.

- She's the one.
- She's not the one.

If Lyla was the one,
she would not walk away.

- There will be other women.
- Without a jaw ?

Without the surgery, you're gonna die.

I don't want that life again.

I don't wanna be that guy again.

So afraid of what everyone might think

that I can't even
string a sentence together.

- Can't you find another way ?
- The way is surgery.

It will save your life.

And we can't do any better than that.



I just... I just wanted it so badly.

I know.

I think it's a little lower.


- It's...
- It's a boy.

- Ooh.
- Hey, how do I look ?

Look good, hot, slutty ?

Oh, uh... Definitely hot.

- Having dinner with Bryce.
- Oh, see ?

Yeah, he called. I knew he would.

- So you've got Maya ?
- Yes.

I have Maya. So you go
and you do your thing with the oats.

- With the what ?
- The oats.

Oh, sow my oats, yes.

Yeah, yes.

Thank you.

- Thank you for calling him.
- Sure.

You know, you look a little slutty.

- But maybe if you change, just cover up...
- Oh, whoa, no, no, no, slutty's good.

You know, for sowing oats,
slutty is very good.

- I'm not trying to get a husband. I'm just...
- I got it. You don't have to elaborate.

Cool. Then you look very slutty.

Thank you.


I can't even breathe anymore.

What are you doing ?

What the hell's it look like ?
I'm painting her nails.

This isn't right, you two together.

- You begged me to be nice to her.
- You told me to stop calling her names.

Yes, and I'm glad you're friends,
and I'm glad you're both in my life.

It's hard to find one good woman.
I found two.

Then what's the problem ?

Well, my girlfriend life
and my best friend life,

they're colliding in a womanly-woman fest
of nail polish and bonding.

You know what ?
I'm gonna go drink with guys.

You, I will talk to you in the morning,
and I will tie your shoes, make your lunch,

talk about babies and boy.

[WHISPERS] And you
I'll see later at your place for sex.

Lots and lots of sex.

- But for now, I'm just gonna go.
- You're actually leaving ?

You know, one woman at a time
is all I can handle.

One woman at a time.

Dr. Montgomery.


I thought about it, and I was wrong.

I made a commitment to you, and I'm
gonna see you through this pregnancy.

It means a lot.

So you are tolerating oral fluids
and your labs look good,

so I'll go ahead and get
your discharge papers ready. Okay ?

Thank you.

Thank you.

- I'm doing this for Morgan.
- I know.

You're gonna need to sign this here.

Look, I'm sorry if I, you know...
I shouldn't have...

I don't know what's gotten into me.

Putting you in this position,
believing that you had feelings for me.

I don't know what's gotten into me.

You weren't wrong.

It wasn't all in your head.


...I can't let this happen.
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