02x11 - Contamination

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x11 - Contamination

Post by bunniefuu »


Should we...

...talk about this ?


No talking.

My life has too much talking.

How does Kevin
leave one sock behind ?

I mean, don't you think he'd notice
that one bare foot

when he went to put his shoes on ?

Call him.

He walked out.

You miss him.

Call him.

You wanna go get a drink tonight ?

I'll figure it out better
when I'm drunk.

I can't. I have to work.

Work ? Wyatt work ?

Pacific Wellcare work ?

Work for the enemy ?

Oncofertility is new and it's interesting.

You think Wyatt's interesting.

Well, he is.

- He's arrogant.
- Yeah, but he's smart.

And incredibly handsome.

You're not really...

Okay, you know what, never mind.
I am...

- None of my business.
- Exactly.

You wanna sell your soul,
I'll still be your friend.

When I used to go in for chemo,
to help me get through it,

I'd concentrate
on exactly what was going to happen.

And when you implanted
the ovarian tissue,

I tried to imagine the blood starting to flow,
and my ovaries starting to work again.

Claudia, this is not your fault.

The tissue is very fragile,

and your body has been through
much more than any body should.

I just thought if I was positive,
it would work.

I picked out the crib
and I painted the nursery yellow.

We tried, Claudia. There just wasn't
enough blood supply in your abdomen

for the ovarian tissue to survive.

And there's nothing else ?

I'm not gonna be able to have a baby ?

Well, no, we only implanted half of the
ovarian tissue that you took out.

- Right ?
- Right.

But we just saw,
the procedure doesn't work.

No, my procedure doesn't work.

But if we were to implant
the ovarian tissue deeper,

more proximate
to a more vigorous blood supply, then...

- Next to the uterus ?
- Yeah.

Well, what you're saying
is theoretically possible,

but the surgery
is far too complicated.

- I don't know anyone that...
- I do.

And this person could help me ?

I don't know.

I'll have to ask her.

Sorry. Betsey.

Pacific Wellcare ruins another day.

And a shirt.

- Heather was supposed to pick her up.
- It's okay. I've got another shirt.

DELL: Honey, maybe not such a good
idea to throw balls...

It wasn't her fault. It was mine.

COOPER: What wasn't your fault, champ ?
- Oh, Dr. Freedman.

Arlene ? Hi.

Oh, my God. Is this Michael ?
Dude, you're a giant.

Will ? You remember me ?

Jeffrey. That's a pretty cool plane.

Hey, let's go back. Come on.

So where you been ? It's been...

...two years.
- Yeah.

I moved the boys to Switzerland.

For Jeffrey.

I found this great experimental
program there for autistic children.

Non-traditional therapy.

Megavitamins, diet modification,
along with art, music therapy.

How's it been going ?

Better. I think.

His temper's under control a little more.

He's obsessed with airplanes.

Sometimes he'll even talk to you,
as long as it's about planes.

Planes are good.

Talking about planes, even better.

- How's his health otherwise ?
- Jeffrey's fine. No, it's Michael, actually.

He caught a cold on the plane.

It's probably just some bug,

- but, you know, I want to be safe.
- Oh, right. Up for you.

So how'd you like Switzerland,
Michael ?

They had a cable car
and there's this one place

where you can take
a chocolate tour.

And my best friend
has sheeps and cows at his house.

What ? Sheeps and cows ?

His house ?

- I made butter.
- You did ? You made butter ? Really ?

A hundred and two.

- Does your throat hurt, Michael ?
- No.


Open up for me. Big and wide.

Tilt your head back. Ah.

Dr. Freedman ?

What is it ?

What's wrong ?

I need to ask you something
and I know what you're gonna say,

so I don't want you to say anything,
at least not until you hear me out.

It's about Wyatt.

- I need a favor.
- No. I'm not helping you get a date.

No. Not for him, for my patient.

- His patient.
- Who I'm trying to help.

But I can't. And you can.

- We have to close the doors.
- Cooper realizes Pacific Wellcare

- is putting us out of business.
- No. Close the doors.

My patient has measles and was in
reception for half an hour, running around.

Everyone that was out... All our patients
this morning have been exposed.

Measles ? My pregnant patients.

- And the elderly.
- All at risk.

- We have to close the doors.
- We have to close the doors.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience,

but the virus stays airborne
for up to four hours.

We need to make sure everyone
who was exposed has been immunized.

Excuse me, can I get the shot now ?

I have a lunch at 12:30.

I'm sorry. It contains a live virus.
It's not safe to take when you're pregnant,

but if your blood comes back

and your antibodies are low,
then we can treat it with immunoglobulin.

And if that doesn't work ?
Doesn't measles lead to birth defects ?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay ?

We need to notify L.A. County Health.

- They're gonna want a complete survey.
- And they are always awful.

As if we didn't have enough to do.

Okay, I have a light day,
you have to deal with this.

I'll speak to the health department.
I'm in the mood for a fight.

ARLENE: Will's fine.
- So far.

But he hasn't been vaccinated
and he's at risk to get this.

It's the measles. When my parents
were growing up, everyone got it.

And hundreds of people
died from it every year.

- The vaccine changed...
- Don't even think of suggesting...

There's no proven link
between vaccinations and autism.

It's not just me.

I have talked to dozens of parents.

You vaccinated Jeffrey

and it was like a light
went out inside him.

And he's living in some parallel world.

- Arlene.
- You don't live with him.

So don't ask me to risk Will too.

Sweetie, here you go. Hey.
Hey, I can't get a hold of Betsey's mom.

- I don't know if she's immunized.
- Most have been.

You don't know her mother.
She forgot her.

You think she remembered
doctor visits ?

Should I just give her the shot to be sure ?
She played with that kid for a half hour.

You have 24 hours to give the vaccine,
so wait for the mom

and spare the needle if you can.

Grab a chart. We're checking every
patient who was in here for immunization.

SAM: How many are we looking at ?
- Of what ?

These little time bombs.
Kids coming in without the vaccinations.

The vast majority of my practice
is pro-vaccine.

Whether or not to vaccinate
should not even be open for debate.

It isn't. I agree
with the Academy of American Pediatrics

that we shouldn't abandon patients
who choose not to vaccinate.

Cooper's right. We can't kick a kid out

because the parents believe
in a theory about vaccines.

The CDC is clear.

Vaccines do not cause autism,
they save lives.

It's the end of story.

DELL: Hey, I was just in the pediatric
waiting area with Betsey.

This is Michael's mom's.
And she left it in the lobby.

So if she was down
at Pacific Wellcare...

Then her kids were too.

Someone's gotta tell Charlotte.

Hi, I need to speak to Dr. King.

It's important.

- You're Dr. Freedman, right ?
- Yeah.

I'm Sheldon, Sheldon Wallace.

- Violet's friend.
- Right. Well, I hope so. I mean...

I'd like that, she's...

How is she ? Violet ?

- Exposed to the measles.
CHARLOTTE: Exposed to the measles ?

A kid in our practice has the measles,
which is why I'm here.

- This concerns me how ?
- Well, you have this wonderful coffee bar

that you advertise so prominently,

and a lot of our patients wander by
on their way upstairs.

- It is good coffee.
- You've exposed my entire practice

to the measles ?

Claudia Jenkins needs a surgeon.

A surgeon with a background
in both gynecology and fertility.

Someone who can implant
the ovarian tissue

close enough to the uterine blood supply
to allow her to produce her own eggs.

Naomi was right. You want a miracle.

No. I want you.

Just as a surgeon.

You perform the procedure
at St. Ambrose, neutral territory.

You bill all you want.
Naomi and I do the follow-up.

You just go in and cut and implant,
and you're done.

Claudia gets a baby.
You're not tainted by working with me.

Take a look.

Tell me that this surgery
wouldn't be amazing.

You don't get me at all.

You think all I wanna do is cut ?

If I do a surgery, I do the follow-up.

I make sure it takes.

I see the pregnancy
the whole way through.

Now, you may just look
at procedures and outcomes,

but my patients get me
for the whole process.

Well, that would be even better.

Read the file, Dr. Montgomery.

Before you say no.

Are you still having sex
with the same guy ?

With the same guy, huh ?

Gonna tell me with who ?

I told you whom it was
and you didn't believe me.

Who it was, and you told me Pete.

Which is obfuscation. Lying, really.

It's Pete, Cooper.

I'm having sex with Pete.

You need me to prove it to you ?

Lift your shirt.

- Excuse me ?
- I need you to lift up your shirt.

- Trust me. I'm a doctor.
- A pediatrician. That's like half a doctor.

- Lift.
- This isn't one of your weird...

There's a tattoo.

You're sleeping with Violet ?

Do you have to sleep with everybody ?

- I don't sleep with everybody, and l...
- You sleep with people and they leave.

- You want Violet to leave the practice ?
VIOLET: I'm not gonna leave.

- You told him ?
- It's just sex.

Oh, no, you're not capable
of just having sex.

You are a relationship junkie.
And Pete is the anti-relationship.

Pete is the ruiner of relationships.

- Pete is...
- Is right here.

- And you know it's true.
- Isn't that, like, the proverbial pot

- calling the kettle...
- Cooper, Cooper, Cooper.

I'm fine.

We're fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

Claudia Jenkins could have a baby.

Thank you, Addison.

- There's one condition.
- Yes.

This is a one time thing.

We help Claudia,
and then you are done working with Wyatt.

You're blackmailing me.

No, no. It's not blackmail. It's extortion.
I'm doing this for your own good, Nai.

What, so that I don't become corrupted
and evil like him ?

So I don't extort promises
from my friends ?

Do you want me to do the surgery ?

I guess I have no choice.

Okay, so that's it.
Everybody's been immunized.

Everybody that was here
has been contacted.

You can re-file
all these immunization records...

Oh, no, he can't.

Sonya Nichols.
County Health Department.

I'm gonna need those.

Oh, Sam Bennett. I called you.

- Are those all the immunization records ?
- Yeah. Yeah, this is everything.

Okay. I want the vaccination records
of all the patients in your practice,

and then after I interview all personnel
and review their employment certificates,

I'll need to inspect
your isolation facilities.

Well, we don't have isolation facilities,
per se.

But... Well, wait, we provide for rooms,
we just don't...

And not up to current guidelines ?

Or are you aware of the recent changes
in the standards ?

This isn't gonna be very much fun, is it ?

You wanna show me around ?

Yeah, right this way.

His fever, it was a 104

by the time I got home.
I couldn't get it down.

- How you feeling, Michael ?
- I'm really cold. And my stomach hurts.

He vomited twice.

His lungs are congested.


COOPER: Okay, okay.
Okay, we've got you. It's okay.

We're gonna get fluids and bring
that fever down, you'll feel better.

I need a nasal cannula at two liters.

Chest x-rays and cultures times two.

I don't understand. Why is he so sick ?

Arlene. Measles is serious.

It can lead to pneumonia, encephalitis,
all sorts of other complications.

You notify Ped's ICU.
We need an isolation room.

Michael's resting now,
and his fever's down.

But he's still having trouble breathing.

My husband is still in Switzerland.
You don't think he needs to fly back ?

If it was my son, I'd come.

Arlene, we need to talk about Will.

L... No. I told you no.

No vaccinations.

I don't think you can risk putting Will

- through what Michael's going through.
- I can't risk

putting Will through
what Jeffrey's gone through.

I lost one child to autism.

I can't lose another.

- Arlene, you won't...
- Look, don't you think,

seeing Michael in there like that...

I would do anything for my kids.

I can't.

Look at him.
Don't you remember when he was 2 ?

That smile ?

He'd light up the room.

And then you vaccinated him
and that kid vanished.

Those vaccines took him away.

I don't care what you know.

I know what I know.

I know what I lost.

I can't risk it again.

I can't believe
this health department lady

- is making us jump through these hoops.
- It's horrible.

How's Michael ?

Not good. And Arlene
still won't let me vaccinate Will.

Call Family Services.

- You're serious ?
- Yes. It's child abuse.

She's knowingly putting her son at risk
for getting really sick.

- Irresponsible.
- It's a parent's decision.

DELL: Okay, well, if I find out that Heather
didn't vaccinate Betsey, I'll report her.

Can I see you a moment, Dr. Bennett ?

- Perfect.
- That can't be good.

Sam's right. I've gotta call.

Calling DCFS while her other child
is still in the hospital would just be cruel.

COOPER: Cruel ?
Putting another child in danger is cruel.

Exposing the city to measles is cruel.

PETE: Violet's right, you can't fault
the mother because she chose not...

Of course you're gonna agree with Violet.
You're sleeping with her.

I agree with her because she's right.

I'm sleeping with her because it's part
of the fun of being an adult.

We can do whatever we want,
with whomever we want,

however much we want.

So if everyone would just relax,
and let us be adults about this.

We need to go over protocol.

How did you dispose of the contaminated
exam items used on the sick boy ?

Tongue depressors, gloves,
thermometer cover ?

We use a medical waste company.

Needle sticks,
did you follow CDC-approved guidelines ?

I assume so. I can check but...

And what kind of ventilation system
do you have ?

You'd be amazed how many practices
don't have a laminar flow room.

Right. Yes. Laminar flow is good.

You don't know what that is, do you ?

Dr. Nichols, look, I've spent hours
jumping through hoops for you...

You shouldn't have to.
It should all be standard.

It should all be covered
in your procedures and policy manual,

which it's required by law you have.

So I can see it ?

You wanna see our procedures
and policy manual ?



Look, we just rented out a floor
and moved all our files.

So it may take a while.

Okay, well,
you have till tomorrow to find it.

Violet has got to know that this
is not good for her or the practice.

Oh, says the person
who slept with my brother.

- Oh, now, that was...
- Oh, different ? Oh, yeah.

Totally and completely different
in every way.

What, are you okay with it ?

Yeah, she seems happy.

Pete seems happy, you know ?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Can I help you ?
- Yeah, I'm looking for Dell Parker.

- You are ?
- I'm Heather. I'm Betsey's mom.

Oh, yeah, his office
is at the end of the hall. It's the last one.

Thank you.

That's Heather ? She's so...

She's not at all what I expected.

- Why did you do that ?
- Violet.

- I told you to tell you, not everyone.
- I have to go to the bathroom.

What's your issue ?
You don't want me happy ?

Of course I want you to be happy.

- Are you jealous of Pete ? Is that it ?
- No. No.

Okay, maybe a little.

Look, you have what Charlotte and I had.

The just sex part.
Before it got all messed up

with emotions and feelings
and betrayal,

which is where the just-sex train
ultimately leads.

- I don't want you to get hurt.
- This is not Romeo and Juliet, Coop.

There's not some tragedy looming.

We had an itch. And we scratched.

And scratched.

- And scratched.
- Okay.

That's all it is.

It just that last time...

- Alan.
- I know what I'm doing, Coop. I do.

I'm sorry I told everyone.

Can I pee now ?

- Yeah.
- Okay.


- Mommy.
- Hi.

I had a job interview and they liked me,
so they made me take all these tests.

It took forever. I'm sorry.

Babe, why don't you go finish that puzzle,
okay ?

Mommy needs to talk to Daddy.

You couldn't call ?

You leave your daughter
and you don't call ?

- I forgot my phone.
- Are you using ?


No. Look, I know you're mad,
but I knew she was safe with you, okay ?

I couldn't make a call,
I did not wanna blow this interview.

She's not safe, okay ?
She was exposed to the measles today.

I don't even know if she's vaccinated
because I'm not around enough and...

Is she vaccinated ?

You don't know, do you ?


I thought that was you.

Not going home ?

Oh, it's been a hell of a day.

Yeah, but a cup of non-4th floor coffee,
fresh air, the ocean.

It all goes away.

Look at you, all calm and Buddhist.

So you and Violet.

It's no big deal, it's not a relationship.

Well, if you're happy.

Things not going well
with you and Kevin ?

Kevin and I are different.

And I still haven't figured out
if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

You want my advice ?

- Please.
- Ignore all advice.

Cooper is all over Violet
about how I'm gonna destroy her life.

I just think people should be left
to decide things for themselves.

What do you think ?

- About you and Kevin ? L...
- About you and Violet.

Oh. Well, l...

The conversation is easy,
the sex is good.

We laugh a lot

and it's no big deal.

We're just similar, we want
the same things, so it's working out.

What ?

You've got all that,

and it's no big deal ?

Isn't that what a relationship is ?

Oh, Violet.

- Good morning.
- Hello, Sheldon.

It's good to see you.

I've missed seeing you.

Elevator rides are always
more pleasant with you.

Hold the elevator.

Glad to see I'm not the only one.

So you look...

Did you do something different ?

- You look great.
- She did something different.

Well, whatever it is, just keep doing it.

NAOMl: A bleeder on the distal uterus.
ADDISON: Got it.

Hey, do you think
I missed the boat with Pete ?

NAOMl: Oh, you didn't miss the Pete boat,
you dodged hurricane Pete.

ADDISON: It's gonna end that badly ?
NAOMl: We talking about the same Pete ?

Sorry, I'm late. Lots of patients to save.

ADDISON: Oh, why don't you go save
some more and let us work ?

Work ?

Or discuss dating colleagues
which truthfully I concur is a bad idea.

However, since this is our last case
together, it won't be a problem for us.

She's involved with a cop.

- Who has a g*n.
ADDISON: Yeah, so you'd better watch out.

A cop ? Are you really dating a cop ?

ADDISON: I am not intimidated by a man
with a g*n.

- Are you ?
WYATT: Intimidated ?

Hardly. No, I was thinking of their
propensity for depression and divorce.

- Alcoholism.
ADDISON: Yes, as opposed to doctors,

- who have a stable, stress-free life.
WYATT: True, true.

But I can see how a cop fulfills some
kind of base fantasy for a woman like you.

NAOMl: Wow, did you miss
the sexual harassment seminar ?

WYATT: I meant it as a compliment.
I mean, she's a rich, classy woman.

- He's your version of the pool boy.
ADDISON: Okay, enough.

You're here to watch.

- Know what I got here ?
- I'm not in the mood.

Public health notifications.
Isolation requirements. Incident reports.

CDC surveys.

- We all have jobs to do.
- I have jobs I'm not able to do

because I'm dealing
with the mess you made.

I have a mom who feels she lost one son
to autism and losing another to measles.

She's got another one sitting out here,

And maybe I'm just not persuasive
enough, but he's vulnerable

She's not gonna let me do anything.

So I'm really sorry
if I've piled on some paperwork for you,

but I don't need crap from you
right now.

He can't breathe.

Full custody ?

- You want full custody ?
- I'm trying to keep Betsey safe.

Now ?

Now that I've changed,
now that I'm finally getting it together ?

You left her here all day.

But I got the job, Dell.

Okay, but how long until you blow it off

because, you know, you hate it
or you're bored, or you start using again.

I got the job.

And then I got home and got this letter.

And you know what I wanted to do.

But I didn't.

Okay, I freaked out, but then
I looked at Betsey and I didn't use.

I came here to talk to you
about what's best for her.

I'm glad you didn't get high.

But it doesn't change things.

All you see is that girl from the valley
that you used to get high with.

I stopped.

Well, you might have been stronger
than me then,

but don't forget who got me started,
okay ?

Because I wasn't always like this.

Just don't make me spend every last dime
that I have trying to fight you.

It's gonna push me back over the edge.

ADDISON: Every bit of tissue
around her ovaries is friable.

I can't stitch
without her starting to bleed.

- How much chemo did you give her ?
WYATT: I did what I had to to save her life.

ADDISON: No, there's too much blood,
I've gotta clear the field.

- Damn it.
WYATT: You need to implant the tissue.

ADDISON: Everything I touch bleeds.
We can't do this.

WYATT: You have time to control
the bleeding and complete the implant.

NAOMl: Back off.
ADDISON: I can't see the target.

Her pressure's dropping.

WYATT: If you don't get this done now,
she loses any chance.

ADDISON: If I don't stop the hemorrhaging,
she dies,

- and we don't have to worry about a baby.
NAOMl: Addison.


ADDISON: All right, we're done. Wyatt,
shut your mouth while I save her life.

- It won't pass, his throat's too swollen.
- Get the fiber-optic scope, now.

We've got to ventilate him.

Heart rate is dropping.
SATs are bottoming out.

COOPER: Where's the damn scope ?
- It's coming, Cooper.


Open up a surgical tray,
I'm gonna crike him.

- Hold this.
- What is that ? What are you gonna do ?

Just wait, Cooper. The scope's coming.

COOPER: His heart rate's 40,
I'm doing this. Betadine.

COOPER: Oh, God.
CHARLOTTE: Wait. Wait !


- Easy does it.
- Almost there, almost there.

I got it.

- Sounds good.
- He's gonna be okay ?

Set the vent at an FI,
0.2 of a hundred, rate of 24.

I need a minute.

Hey, I'll watch him for a minute.

Hey, young man.
Come here for a sec.

Sit down.

ARLENE: Get the hell away from my son.
- Mommy.

- You have to stop.
- Your son is dying there.

ARLENE: Get the hell away from me.
CHARLOTTE: Mrs. Perkins.

- No !


are you okay ?

The vaccine is safe.

You don't know.

- It is.
- Look at him and tell me it is.

Vaccines are the standard of care.

Dr. Freedman did something
that was medically necessary.

He assaulted my son

and I'm gonna sue this hospital,

so help me,
if something happens to him.

I did what I felt I had to.

It wasn't yours to do.

It wasn't yours to do.

Code blue in CICU.

Code blue in CICU.

I went under thinking about the crib
in the yellow room.

- I wish we could have done more.
- I know I should just be grateful

for being alive.

We all wanted to help you.

And I'm not giving up, Claudia.

I'll be back later, okay ?

Would you go over postop
instructions with Claudia ?

I'll be right back.

- What was that about ?
- About my embarrassment

- for picking the wrong person for the job.
- You're blaming me ?

The chemo ravaged her entire body.

There weren't 2 square centimeters of
healthy tissue that could've held a suture

- let alone an implant.
- You talk like you searched exhaustively.

- What are you talking about ?
- You didn't push.

I agreed to do a totally
experimental procedure that going in

we all knew was a long shot.

And when I felt the risks
to the patient's life

outweighed the potential for success,
I chose to save the patient.

You had time. You could've controlled
the bleeding and implanted the tissue.

You hate me, you didn't wanna be told
what to do. You stopped.

You wanted to prove
that you knew better.

I'm no surgeon,
but I think there was time.

Well, I'm sorry if what happened in there
didn't produce the result

that you wanted for some study,
but I made the right call.

You really believe that ?

- Dr. Bennett.
- I got it. I got it.

Okay. Everything is in here.

All right,
protocols for workspace contamination.

Follow-ups with patients
with positive labs.

Blood draw procedures
that include responses to needle sticks.


Wait, that's it ?

You're not gonna read it and ask me about
our policies on work-related injuries, or... ?

I'm sure you did a very thorough job.

You knew that I wouldn't be able
to find it.

And you knew that I would k*ll myself
trying to come up with it.

Well, by law,
your office needed to have that.

- Now you do.
- You enjoy this, don't you ?

The power.
Coming in here, pushing me around.

L... That's not true at all.

I've been nothing but professional.

You've been a bully.
You just can't stand real doctors, can you ?

Do you

know what it's like to have everyone
hate you before they even meet you ?

To walk in the door and have everyone
assume that you're awful ?

I don't know what some evil public servant
did to you in a past life,

but I'm here to do a job.

A job I think is important.

If there were a serious outbreak here,
you'd want someone like me

because I am a real doctor

who chose this job to help people.

All right, well, maybe I was wrong.

But for the past two days,
you haven't even looked me in the eye,

or even acknowledged
that I'm a human being.

What is your problem ?

For two days I've been thinking
your lips would taste like chocolate,

and I couldn't look at them.

I'm really sorry that I misjudged you.

Do you believe
that people can change ?

Ugh ! Look, if one more person butts in
and tries to tell me what Pete is,

- and what we should be doing...
- Wow.

I was talking about Heather.

Oh. Okay. So you and Heather.

Okay, well, Heather says

that she's not the person
that she used to be.

And that by taking custody of Betsey,
I'm punishing her for her past.

- Are you ?
- I just don't know if I can believe it.

That she's different now.

Well, you have to protect your daughter.


But if you're asking me
if I think people can change,

if I didn't believe that,
I couldn't do what I do.

When you look at Betsey and Heather,

and you take away what you want,

what's best for your daughter ?

What ?

I don't think it's ridiculous.

The idea that you and me

that we could be more than sex.


Don't think
about what Cooper would say,

or Sam or Naomi or anybody.
Just think about

what you think.

Why does it have to be a crazy idea ?

- Asystole. I can't find a pulse.
- Resuming CPR.

- Another round of epi.
- Cooper, you've done everything.

- It's been over a half hour.
- Where's the atropine ? Come on !

- It's time to call it.
- I'm running the code.

I decide when we're done.

Please don't stop.

Time of death, 3:37.


He just learned to tie his shoes.

He can't be gone.

Not like this.

Oh, Michael.


Oh, Michael.

I thought

it was gonna be like a cold.

I was trying to protect him.

You did everything you could.

- What are you doing in here ?
- I was thinking about the two doctors

that came before Addison.

About you.

And them leaving.

People can change, Violet.

- Isn't that what you told Dell ?
- Yes.

You can change.

I don't know if I can change
what I know about you.

- How I look at you.
- What about what you feel ?

Well, I can't separate that out.

What I feel is a combination
of all of those things.

And I can't help it.

Look what happened
between you and Meg.

I screwed that up, but it was wrong
before I screwed it up.

I like what we have, Pete.

I mean,

I love what we have.

But I don't

want it to be more.

Wouldn't that be a good thing ?

What we have


more ?

I don't know.

What are you doing here ?

Come to get evidence ?

There's no needles, Dell. No booze.

- Hey, beautiful.
- Hi, Daddy.

I came to apologize.


you were right, okay ?

I should have called and I should
have been more responsible

- about the vaccine.
- Not about that.

For getting you started.


I should have kept you away
from my friends back then.

I'm sorry, Heather.

Well, I'm doing better now.

You know, we're doing better.

I know.

I can see.

But I need more time with her.

- Something more permanent.
- Dell.

Maybe we can work it out.

You and me.

Without court.

Okay ?

I just...

I need to know she's safe.

Apparently I'm a misogynistic,
manipulative son of a bitch.

And ungrateful.

You agreed to do something
you didn't wanna do,

and I should have been more gracious.

- Are you protecting my honor ?
- I don't like bullies.

Maybe he was right.

Oh, I hate him.
I hate his arrogance and his pushing and...


If Claudia was my patient,
maybe I'd have done the same thing.

- Pushed to make it work.
- Addison,

you saved her life.


if you wanna work with Wyatt again,
work with Wyatt again.

Don't not do it because of what I say.

- You comfortable with that ?
- No, I'm not comfortable

thinking that my advice colors
what you say or, you know, what you do.

Hate him for yourself. Or not.

You wanna go get a drink ?
I could use one.

No. I am going to take my own advice

and decide something for myself.


Come on in.

I wanted to finish the conversation.

From the elevator.

I meant what I said, Violet. I like you.

And I'd like for us to be friends.

And I'm not exactly sure
how one goes about doing that

because I'd like to get to know you better.
Not go out on a date,

but just go out as friends.

And without all that pressure of sex

and dating and...

I just...

I think we'd be good friends.

I think you're right.

Hey, Kevin.

It's me.

Yeah, I...

I miss you.
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