02x04 - Past Tense

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x04 - Past Tense

Post by bunniefuu »

- I can't take any more.

I just came back from a run
on the beach alone.

I had lunch alone.

I run my errands
over the weekend alone.

- It is what it is.
- What does that even mean?

I want my friend back.

Well, that could be tough
the way you sandbagged her.

We have to fix this.


Maybe Sam and Naomi

should work together.
Maybe that's the answer.

Maybe it is what is.

There's something wrong with you.
I'm calling Violet.

No, don't. Don't call Violet.


VIOLET: Hello?
- We need to do something.

- Tonight?
- About Sam and Naomi.

- There's nothing to do.
- Are you with Pete?

- Conference call.
- Remember the good old days?

Sam and Naomi together.
The practice, running in harmony.

You didn't work here then.

That's not the point. The point is
we must return to the way it was.

- To the days of yesteryear? Bad idea.
- No, actually, it's a great idea.

- Hold on. I'm gonna get Coop.
- No, don't get Co...


How come I didn't know
any naughty school girls?

- I did.
- Pete, are you at Violet's?

- No. Technology. Conference call.
- We're doing an intervention.

Ending the w*r. Sam and Naomi.

- Peace at the office.
- Oh, I'm in.

I'm not getting involved, people.

We're gonna put them in a room
and create a supportive,

non-threatening environment.

- I need someone to lick my lollipop.
- I gotta go.

Don't hang up. Are we agreed?


Yeah. Tomorrow. First thing. Operation:

Get Naomi and Sam back together.

I gotta go. Uh, Kevin's here.

If you hang up, does that mean...?

- Chinese takeout.

- Bottle of wine. Fancy subtitled movie.
- Ooh.

Hot action movie.
Whichever you need to be happy.

This is exactly what I need.

How do you feel about rules?

Do you think we should set rules
for Naomi and Sam?

No, no, no. Rules about dating.

- Sex rules?
- Yes. That's right.

- Is this you trying to bond with me?
- No. I'm seeking your professional opinion.

- Thinking about setting rules for myself.
- Is this about the SWAT guy?

- Mm-hm.
- You two haven't...?

- Nope.
- Wow, you're one of those women.

I'm not one of those women.
I'm cautious. I'm trying to be cautious.

VIOLET: So you don't like him?
- I do like him. I just...

Once you sleep with someone...
In the past, I messed up.

I just don't wanna do that again
so if I made some rules...

- But you wanna sleep with him?
- Yes. But my rules.

- What rules?
- You need to see a therapist.

Therapists are overrated.

Okay, I saw them in the lobby.
On their way up.

- Together? That's a good sign.
- They're not talking.

That's a bad s... Hey, you're back.

I am, I am, I am.
Full-time as of today. Okay. Okay.

- See, back to the way it was.
COOPER: Come up.

All right. Be strong.

Be firm.
And don't take no for an answer.

I thought we said
no more secret meetings.

- It's not secret.
- There's cupcakes.

- What is this?
- It's an intervention.

Somebody have a problem
that I'm not aware of?

No, no, no. It's for you. For both of you.

To get you two
back to the way it used to be.

Our leaders. Together.

- No, that's... That's not gonna happen.
NAOMl: Sorry.

Okay, I was being polite.
That is exactly what is going to happen.

We canceled your morning patients.

You two are gonna sit in this room,
you're gonna eat the cupcakes,

and you're gonna remember
why it is that you started this practice

in the first place together.
And then you are going to agree

on a way to move forward

with this practice together as a family.

Don't come out until you're done.

Braden doesn't speak.

Doesn't understand when I do.

We've been to five doctors.

But my friend Beth
said you were amazing with her daughter.

Check this out.

Look at that. It's got ladders,
there's a little guy in there.

Please, don't just tell me he's autistic.

Braden might be processing
more than you think. And if he is...

Augmentative communication therapy?

Sensory integration programs?

They haven't worked for him.

So he started speaking and he...
He just stopped at 4?

So now you say it could be environmental,
genetic, could be anything.

Sometimes kids just become autistic.

it's one of those disorders

that just isn't that well understood.

You know, you look familiar.

- Do we know each other from somewhere?
- Do we?

I don't know,
maybe I just wanna know you.

- So you'll do something for Braden?
- I'll take a look.

I'll see what we can find,
and I'll do what I can.

- I promise.
- Okay.

Hey, Braden.

Can you follow the light for me?

Here. Can you look up?


Here. Here you go.


You're on.

It's working.


It is what it is.

What does that even mean?

- You think we're back?
- I think we might be back.

Hey. Well,

- we agreed.
- You see?

We're all gonna vote.

- My way or Naomi's.
- What? No.

You choose which one of us
runs the practice.

- We'll abide by the decision.
- This is a bad idea.

- This is gonna tear us apart.
- I warned you.

We can't keep on
the way things have been going.

So we will campaign fairly.

Right. No dirty tricks, no bribery.

Civil. Democratic.
The way the practice should be run.

Are you suggesting
that I want anything else?

Do I get a vote? I am part of the practice.
That was the deal, right?

- Yeah, of course you are.
- Right. I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, uh, tomorrow,
at the close of business.

Right. We vote.

Tomorrow. All right?

So seeing as you're gonna need votes,
I wanna start shadowing you.

I don't have your vote?

After I bullied Sam
into taking you back?

You're the reason that I left.

You're doing a gamete micromanipulation
on Friday. I want to assist.

Oh, uh, the Coles.

- Um, that's difficult.
- It is what you promised.

- I need the hours for my certification.
- I know.

It's just that the Coles
can be a little bit jumpy.

So let me think about it, okay?

You think about it.

Vote's tomorrow.

Sharb... Sharbat Qalzai.

I'm Sharbat's father, Idrees Qalzai.

Hello, how do you do?
I'm Dr. Montgomery.

Sharbat identified you
as the top doctor there is for ladies.

I would like for you to give her the exam
you give your very best patients.

All of my patients get the very best,
and Sharbat will be no exception.

So why don't, uh...?

Why don't you come back?

Stay right here.

Hey. I'm not gonna know anything
until I get his labs back.

- I remember where I know you from.
- Nicole?

- You're the one naked on that website.
- What?

The dating site for adults?

- You saw that.
- You are a doctor.

- A pediatrician.
- Please, Nicole.

- How can you work with children?
- Okay, that site has nothing to...

My personal life does not impact
the care I give my patients.

How can it not?

You should not be a doctor.

So you've
been having some discomfort?

- Sort of.
- Where exactly are you feeling pain?

I know discussing these things
can be uncomfortable,

but let's see if I can help?

My daughter was att*cked.

By a man.


I'm so sorry.

- When did this happen?
- A few months ago.

And, uh, this is something
that you reported?

No, that's not what I want.

It is not something we'd do.

If you were r*ped,

Sharbat, you really should speak
to someone. We have a psychiatrist here...

- That's not why I came here.
- Okay.

Are you still feeling pain
from the attack?

There is no pain.

- Oh.
- No. Please.

I need you to make me a virgin again.

You can make her virgin again.

I know it's possible.

In our culture, sometimes it is done.

You're talking about hymenoplasty.

That's not something to be done lightly.

It is a real surgery.
With real potential complications.

And as much as we can repair
the hymen,

it doesn't make you a virgin.

I am engaged to a man in Afghanistan.

He will take me and my parents
back to our country.

Where we will be married.
Where he will take care of us.

And he doesn't know
about what happened to you?

I have not met him yet.

He can't know.

Her status, it is checked.

And Islamic law
says sex before marriage is not allowed.

- We would be disgraced.
ADDISON: I understand.

But do you understand

that what happened to you,

is not your fault?

I need to be pure.

Can you help me?

- Coop, do you think maybe we should...
- Sorry, man. A little later.

Okay, this afternoon then.
I just need a couple minutes. Thanks.

His vote is spoken for. It's for Naomi.

Wait, nothing's decided
until election day, Violet.

This is a campaign about ideas.
You hear me? L...

- Lost cause.
- No.

Nobody's a lost cause.

Except for maybe Dell.
Dell's a red state.

- I'm not getting involved.
- Well, I did give him his job back.

But he and Nai, it's gonna be hard
to get over what they had.

I'm not getting involved.

You know, he quit because of her.
Should I remind him of that?

- I thought you said it was gonna be civil.
- So civilly, I'll remind him

of how bad it was.

Bad timing, Coop.
The board's got a couple of bigwigs in,

and if I get one more complaint
about how many surgeries I should be...

- I am not in the mood.
- My day's worse.

I don't feel like having sex ever again.

- Then what are you doing here?
- I came to talk.

You wanted to talk. You're not talking.

Do you think I'm a pervert?

- I am too busy for this.
- Hey, does this not bother you?

We're both in the middle of tough days,
we can't even discuss it?

I don't wanna discuss it.
I wanna get through it.

That's the difference between you and me.
I don't know how to get through mine.

- What happened?
- A patient's mother

recognized me from an adult website.

She does not want me
to treat her son.

- That's absurd.
- You don't worry?

- Patient recognizing you from private life?
- One has nothing to do with the other.

Besides, I took mine down.

You didn't?

How many sites are you on, Coop?


- Ten?
- Ish.

Your patient might be right.

There is something wrong with you.

I'm a good doctor.

I wanna help this kid.

She wants to be re-virginized?

Essentially, yes.

But I just can't see sewing her back up,
it just feels wrong.

Okay, so wait a minute.

You're going to deprive this girl

of the life that she wants
because you have issues with it?

She's a victim,
and you're not gonna help her?

I just feel like I am colluding
with the whole system.

- Well, you are. You have to tell her no.
- On what grounds?

Legal, moral, humanitarian.

What did you get in ethics?
The test is beneficence and autonomy.

What is beneficent about helping
a young girl indulge a chauvinist fantasy

by sewing up her vag*na?

But the question's not whether
the doctor thinks it's right.

It's whether the patient does.

She should really talk to someone.

I already asked. She's not interested.

- She wouldn't call the police.
- Call the police?

PETE: Addison has a patient
who wants to be re-virginized.

So she can marry a man
whom she's never met.

- And that's against the law?
- She was r*ped, Sam.

Oh. Well, that's awful.

Yeah, it's awful.
But if Addison does this,

and the girl goes back to Kabul
to marry a man she doesn't know

who'll only have her
if her hymen is untouched?

That's wrong.
It's like violating her twice.

- Yeah, but it's her choice, isn't it?
WOMAN: Choice?

That girl will likely live
under a veil in a clay hut,

in a country where she could be stoned
for listening to a Madonna album.

You think she understands
she's choosing that?


Hello, Peter.

- Meg?
- Meg?

He ever mention her?

If you vote for me,
I promise to tell you everything.

- Sam.
- I'm just kidding.

Who is she? She was, uh...

She was something.


Where do you think
he knows her from?


- So you will do this?
ADDISON: Please sit.

I ran your labs.

Is someone still hurting you?

- No.
- You said you were r*ped months ago.

But there are traces of sperm, Sharbat.

Which indicates something
is still happening.

It's not r*pe.

There was never a r*pe.

I didn't mean to lie, to take it this far.

I have a boyfriend here, and I love him.

But your father arranged a marriage
to someone else.

My parents, they do not know
about the boy. He's not from our culture.

And so I told my mother,
I told her I'd been r*ped.

I thought she'd understand this meant
I could not marry this man.

Only she found a way.

A way for us all to be happy.

- Happy?
- My father drives a cab.

He used to teach university.

My mother, she is lonely.

They came here for me,
but they are miserable.

This man, he will bring us all back
and take care of us.

But only if you're a virgin.

If I am a virgin, we can go.

We can be happy.

I want them to be happy.

I just wanted to apologize
for pushing you so hard

when I first took over. That was wrong.

And, uh...

All right, look. I know that you and Violet
are joined at the hip.

And she's gonna go for Naomi.
But you are your own man.

- And I've got a lot of great ideas...
- Know anything about acquired aphasia?

- Uh, a bit.
- This kid came in, he presented

with what looked like late-onset autism.

- I think it might be something else.
- Why?

Well, we had this moment
of eye contact.

All right.
Well, autistic kids make eye contact.

I know, but this was real.
It really seemed like he was connecting.

Kid stopped talking at 4.

Any chance he's having seizures
in his sleep, so maybe nobody noticed?

- You think I'm grasping?
- I think you're a good doctor.

And if you feel
that there's something going on,

then there probably is.

Oh, this vote thing
makes you and Naomi nicer.

Well, not everything is about the vote.

You're a good doctor.
You'll figure it out.

Big office.

View of the ocean.

Patients who can pay the bills.

So, what's wrong?

You were here
for a Developing Nations Conference.

You never mentioned psychoanalysis.

I thought I'd stop in while I was in town,
but look at you. You need help.

Your eyes, your face,

your energy.


The practice
is going through a rough patch.

You're going through a rough patch.

You know...?

I always hated the way you did that.

Knew everything.

It's a curse.

But come on.

You need a change.

Like what?

- Aid mission to the Congo?
- Ghana.

I'm going to Nalerigu
to organize a malaria program.

Oh, the Peter I remember
never hesitated.

He jumped in
and did what needed doing.

Then again, the Peter I remember
would've thrown me down on this desk

ten seconds after I walked in.

- They come out of Pete's office yet?
- Yeah...

The blinds are still drawn.

- I don't know what to do.
- Wait until they come out.

Then we interrogate him. Or her.

No. About my patient, Sharbat.
She lied. She wasn't r*ped.

- She lied?
- She has a boyfriend.

She freaked out.
Couldn't tell her parents the truth.

- Knew it would come out.
- You don't lie about r*pe.

- I know, but...
- There's no "buts."

That's what makes people
doubt women.

One woman does that, I don't care
the reason, it's bad for everybody.

Damn it. I hate that.

You shouldn't do this, the surgery.

- But I thought that...
- She lied, Addison.

If she's some girl sleeping around
and telling lies

and making real victims look bad.
No. She made her bed.

You don't lie about r*pe.
That's one of my rules.

Now that's the Peter I remember.

Just doing what has to be done.


- What's that on your back?
- Sand fly bite.

I get them all the time.

You get sand fly bites all the time?

Yeah. I live 20 meters off the Kunu River
in Nigeria. That's the least of my problems.

Sand fly bites
don't have annular lesions like this.

Stop worrying.

It's a bite.

It's an insect bite, right?

Wow, what bit you and did that?

Oh, probably a sand fly.

I've been living in Nigeria.

- How do you know Pete?
- We were residents together.

Then we did Doctors Without Borders
for a couple of years,

- before he moved here.
- Whoa. Pete did Doctors Without Borders?

- When was that?
- Fifteen years ago.

He was supposed
to take a couple months off.

But then he met somebody.
Married her.

Settled down here.

- He never told you about it?
- No. But you can tell us.

- Pete's a very private person.
- He's very shy.

- He doesn't like to brag.
- Trust me, he's not shy.

Well, I didn't mean shy
in the shy sense...

So, what was he like then?

Amazing. Amazing doctor.

- Well, you know.
- We've seen Pete do Eastern Medicine.

We've never seen him in action.


One time we were, uh,
treating these children in Bosnia.

The orphanage was under mortar fire.

An evacuation was ordered,
but it was impossible to get the kids out.

Peter refused to leave the kids behind.

He stayed with them through the night.

Most of the kids survived
because of him.

- Pete did that?
- Our Pete?

You know, it's funny.


To me he was always "Peter."


Got a minute?

To snoop about Meg
or hock me for a vote?

This is not about the vote.
This is about the practice.

- Okay.
- The direction that it's headed.

- Nai...
- And I think that I can sum up everything

you need to know about the difference
between Sam and me,

and the way we see this practice
into one word:

- Defatalator.
- Defatalator?

It was an experiment.

A lead-in to a total wellness program.

- Shame you didn't have it in West Africa.
- He didn't have a choice.

Another doctor in the practice
was pressuring him

into trying to bring in business.
Something I would never do.

- Hi, I'm Naomi Bennett.
- She's campaigning.

- You're the anti-defatalator candidate?
- It's a little more complicated.

Is it?



To what do I owe this surprise?

I've got this coming weekend off,
and I was thinking, "You, me,

Cabo San Lucas. Weekend away."

Palmilla. Very fancy.

Perfect clear blue waters.

We could get away.



- Too much?
- No. Yes. No. Ye...

Yes. No, here's the thing.

We've been out a few times, um,

and it's been great. L...

I really like you.

Is this where you break up with me?

No, no. It's just, um...

I have these rules.

They're stupid rules, really.

But in the past,
when I don't have rules,

it didn't go so well.

So my... My point is that

now that I have my rules,
I don't want to break them. You know.

Yeah, I have no idea
what you are talking about.

I wanna know. But, um, rules?

- Sex rules.
- Rules about sex.

You know, a hotel means a room.
A room means a bed. A bed means...

You have sex rules.

- I'm waiting.
- Until marriage?

- No. No.
- Heh, heh, heh.

No, no. I just don't... Um...

Until it feels right. Until I'm sure.


So we'll wait.

I'm good with waiting.

I'm happy we're waiting.

- Really?
- No. But I can wait.


And I am sure.

- Go away.
- This will just take one second.

I don't wanna hear
your rationalizations.

Braden might not be autistic.

- Is this some sick idea...?
- No.

He might
have Landau-Kleffner Syndrome.

In kids like Braden, they lose the ability
to communicate, be having seizures.

At night. You don't notice them.

But it causes problems
with the synapses in their brain.

They start misfiring, it impairs their ability
to communicate. And they withdraw.

Thing is, with corticosteroids
and anticonvulsants, it might be treatable.

The first page has the name
of three pediatricians.

The rest is all the research I could find.

You know,
we were both on the website.

In order to know I was on the website,
you had to be on the website too.

So, you know, just saying,
you're the pot calling the kettle


I'm a good doctor.
I wanna help your son.

Dell. I've been thinking a lot
about what you asked this morning,

and I still don't think that you assisting
with the Coles is a good idea.

But the Hennesseys are coming in
for a similar procedure.

- How about shadowing me then?
- Yeah. That would be nice. Thank you.

Thank you.

Look, Dell,
I know we've had a difficult patch.

But we have a history.

And I hope you know how important
you are to me. And to the practice.

SAM: Though I'm the one
who gave you your job back.

Yeah, well, after I begged you to.

Excuse me. Dell.

I know you're the person
that keeps this practice running.

I understand
that you wanna be doing more.

And I think you should. You're ready for it.
Ready for more than just "shadowing."

Sam. Uh, Dell and I were talking.

Oh, I'm sorry. All right.
When you're done with all...

Stop by my office for a few.
All right. There you go.


Know what, Sam doesn't care about you.
All he cares about is the bottom line.

Oh, well, you've seen what the bottom line
with Naomi is, right?

Keep her secrets, hide her mistakes
then wait for the ax to drop.

Sam doesn't care about this place.

Well, this place wouldn't be anything
but broke if she's running things.

Is this how you expect to get my vote?

- You can't change what you did.
- And we can't live with what you're doing.

Why are you fighting with me?

I'm making progress here, all right?
I'm getting us up out of this hole.

Because people aren't happy.

What, people aren't happy, or you're not
happy because it's not your way?

NAOMl: My way?
SAM: What it comes down to.

NAOMl: At least I have a way!
- Democracy in action.

SAM: Admit it.
NAOMl: What are you talking about?

I'm the one who did everything
in the beginning!

I think lies are contagious.

- Not telling us about his past is not a lie.
- It's an omission.

Fine. That's one thing.

- You lied about Charlotte.
- I told you.

And now I have to not tell everybody else?
That's a lie.

- Sam?
- Secretly sleeping with Naomi.

Lie. Lie.

- Dell?
- Kept Naomi's secret.

Omission. Lie.


Well, her patient lied about being r*ped.
I guess I can't hold that against her.

You may be the only one here
that's trustworthy.

Low bar.

Do you really think you could help him?

If we give Braden prednisone now,

it'll absorb into his bloodstream
in a matter of hours.

Before he goes to bed
we could know if it'll help.

Did you work in Africa,
treating kids with river blindness?

Have you heard about him
and the Bosnian orphans?

NAOMl: No.
- Where did you hear that?

- In the ladies' room.
- What do you people do in there?

Why didn't you tell us
you had this whole past, Pete?


- Peter?
- It was a long time ago.

You really like her.

Look, Sharbat.

I know you want this.

- You think you want this.
- It's the only way.

It may be the only way for this man
you're supposed to marry, but for you?

You need to figure out
what's right for you.

Look, you told your mother
about the r*pe.

Tell her about this boy you love.

Do you really want your future
to be based on a lie?

Have you been having fatigue,
headache, joint pains?

I've been on and off airplanes all month,
in half a dozen different time zones.

Yes, I have.

Oh, come on, Sam. What is it?

It's... There we go.


- That was in my back?
- Yeah, it's the remnants of a tick.

Probably been in there a week or so.

Pete was right.
These things can cause a nasty infection.

If you would've let it last any longer

you could've wound up with serious
cardiac problems, encephalitis...

Wow, thank you.

Well, you can thank Peter.

I don't suppose I could pay you off
to say it was a sand fly bite?



- You decide what to do?
- I decided the truth seemed better.

Speaking of which

why is it that no one seems
to know anything about you?

- You know me.
- We don't even know your name.


Look, the past is the past.

I'm not one to dwell on it.

But Meg,
she seems like a good part of your past.

She's here now.

Then she'll be gone.

- So it is what it is.
- Unless it isn't.

You could not let her go.

You know what your problem is?

You are a romantic.

You don't want them running this place
together, you want them together.

Sam and Naomi, the way it was.
You and Naomi the way it was.

What's wrong with that?
I like the way it was.

Thank you.

What Sharbat is asking for,
what she wants to give up is a lot.

I thought you should know the truth.

I knew.

Mothers are mothers.
What she couldn't tell me, I knew.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

You let her say she was r*ped?

If she broke the trust
that her father and I have in her,

it would be her sin.

She would have felt shame.

It was easier for her to say
it was someone else's.

We've talked.

Now will you do the surgery?


Sharbat, no matter what I do,

I can't make you forget
what you had here.

I love my parents
more than anything in this world.

I just want to take them home.

Please, if I don't bury my past,
my family will have no future.

- I'll tell you what.
SAM: Stop talking and listen...

NAOMl: I'm gonna tell you what,
you got me out of the marriage,

now you and Addison can go ahead
and take over the practice.

Maybe I'll go work over at St. Ambrose.

Maybe I'll do that. No, really.

I'm sure that I could find a job there
because I'm sick...

- We're trying to have a conversation.
- I don't care.

Oh, great.

Look, maybe this is my fault.

I pushed us to try to recapture the past.

What we had,
what this place used to be.

But the past is cluttered with anger
and mistakes and we need to bury that.

It doesn't matter who did what when.

It matters what we want to do now, what
we want this place to be going forward.

We need to focus on patients.

And we need to earn money.
We need Naomi and we need Sam.

The best of both of you.

And this vote?

It's a bad idea.
An idea that we might never recover from.

We shouldn't do it.

Let's sit down and figure out
what we want this place to be, together.

If you force us to choose between you,
that will create scars that won't heal.

We need to move forward, not back.

We vote at the end of the day.


Are you ready?

He's just a boy.

He's a nice boy.

But we would not last.

He's young, he's got college.

He's so American.

He's not my future.

I want to do this.

So, yes, I am ready.


Thank you for the truck.

You're welcome.

He started 45 minutes ago.

He woke up.

Whatever you are,
you are a wonderful doctor.

So we're really gonna do this?

I'm not voting. I won't be a part of this.

Well, let's just...
Let's count the votes we have.




Okay, whoever did that, it is not funny.




No, no, no.

No, no.

- Nice speech.
- You won my vote.

Congratulations, boss.

Even you voted for me?

If either one of them had won,
this place still would've been divided.

What am I supposed to do now?

Figure out what the future is.

Figure out what the new rules are.

You think rules really work?

So long as you remember
they're meant to be broken.

Hey, Violet.

About what happened in your office...

- I don't wanna talk about that.
- You sure?

We're not...
We're not going there, Addison.

It is what it is.

I'm sorry, Naomi.

If I could can go back
and change what I did,

how I treated you

I messed up.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

For worrying about me.

You know,
I really could use you in Ghana.

But don't you remember
what it was like?

No matter what godforsaken
part of the world we were in,

no matter what disaster
or disease we were fighting,

people always responded to you.

That's a gift.

Don't waste it here.

I'm part of something I believe in.

Building it, making it work.

I like it here.

I also like you here.

Yeah, except for the smoking.

I forgot you came with cigarettes.

So is that an invitation?

Something like that.

But you've got to quit smoking.

I don't change for anyone.


Nice outfit, Fr?ulein.

Get over here.


Do I look like a person
who takes no for an answer?

I would very much like it
if we could spend the evening talking.

Again with the talking?

We're gonna get to know each other.


Because, Herr Charlotte,
I want us to be about more than sex.

Because I wanna know you
and you to know me.

Like normal people.


For instance, me.

I'm from Akron.

I'm an only child.

I was adopted, and I never cared.

I never sought out my birth parents
because my parents were great.

Are great.

And I spent summers working at a camp
in Indiana,

which is when I realized
that I loved children. Uh...

And decided
I wanted to be a pediatrician.

My favorite color is chartreuse

because I like the way it sounds
coming out of my mouth.


- Chartreuse.
- Chartreuse.

That is a good word.

And now it's your turn.

Well, um,

I'm from Monroeville,


- Home of Harper Lee. Who wrote...
- To k*ll A Mockingbird.


Which is my favorite book.

Yes, I read.




- Hey.
- Hey.

- I'm glad you called.
- Yeah.

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