04x28 - Forever Royal pt. 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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04x28 - Forever Royal pt. 1

Post by bunniefuu »

SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First

-MAN: Hyah! Hyah!

MAN: Hyah!
GIRL: Mommy, look! The princess!

MAN: Whoa! Whoa!


Our old shop.
What are we doing here, Mom?

Oh, you'll see.

Wow! It's just how we left it.

Mm, almost.

I made something for you.



They're beautiful!

Happy graduation, Sofia.

-Thanks, Mom.

Okay, now, you better change.
We have to leave soon.

What do you think?

Oh, Sofia!

You look so grown-up.

I can't believe this'll be
my last day of Royal Prep.

I still can't believe
you went to Royal Prep.

Or that I'm a queen.

[SIGHS] We have come a long way.


Oh, are you all right, Sofia?

The other students chose me
to give a speech at graduation.

Oh, that's great!

I know.

If I only knew what to say.

After all these years,

what do you tell everyone
on such a big day?

It's not that far
from our village to the castle

But it seems that I've come
such a long way

At first I thought
I wasn't ready to be royal

But I proved I belong
I proved I'm here to stay

So when I stand in front of
all those whom I care about

I wanna rise and shine
but still there is a little doubt

I really wanna wow 'em

But I'm not sure just how I'm

Gonna find all the right things to say

On such a big day

I never thought
you would wind up being a princess

But I'm proud how very much
you have grown

You may have started out
a young girl from the village

But you proved you are strong,
you proved it on your own

So when you stand in front of
all those whom you care about

I know you'll rise and shine,
of that I haven't any doubt

Just like the stars above you

Forever will I love you

I'm sure you'll discover the way

On such a big day

On such a big day

I must prepare myself
for when I am the queen

And now I finally know
exactly what that means

I'll need a good heart
to be a big success

But first I must start
with the queenliest dress

I wish that I could wear
my armor to the school

Oh, how I'd like to show them
all my knightly moves

I just have to wait
until the time is right

When we celebrate at the party tonight

The party tonight

I can't believe
you are really graduating

I remember cradling you in my arms

It's time to go, we cannot keep
the whole school waiting.

Ha! What would we do without

Our Baileywick alarm?

Oh, here she comes, the princess
we have all been waiting for

On this most special day,
let's show her what we have in store

There's nothin' that can beat food

To put you in a sweet mood

What a tasty way to say, "Hooray!"

On such a big day


You know how much I love
your crisp pink apple tarts

And so I thank you
from the bottom of my heart

Remember, Princess,
you made rubies just for me

[SIGHS] Sure.


In this tiara now

They'll fit you to a T

[SIGHS] It's beautiful!


Seeing all my friends and royal family

Amber, James, oh, Rollie, dear

Guess it means we'll soon
be on our way

So happy everyone is here

But as long as I
have all of you beside me

Where were you hiding that new dress

I know I'll work it out
I know I'll be okay

So as we go to honor
all those whom we care about

For all that you've achieved

It's time to give a cheer and shout

Our proudest graduation

We give congratulations

Somehow I'll find
the right thing to say

I'm sure you'll discover the way

ALL: Now let us be off and away

On such a big day

A big day

Such a big day

All right, everyone, it's time to go.

All right, everyone, it's time to go.

You don't want to be late
to your own graduation.

Uh, I need to check
on something before we go.

I'll be right back.


Sofia! You have to come with us!

Azurine spotted Prisma
on the Isle of Crystals.

Every Protector of the Mystic Isles
has been summoned there to find her.

That includes Protectors in training,
like you!

Climb aboard
your trusty steed, my Princess.

Uh, I can't go
to the Mystic Isles now.

I'm about to graduate.

"About to" means
"not right this second."

-Am I right?
-I guess.

Then grab your gear,

-and get a move on!

If we let Prisma get her hands on
the Wicked Nine,

she'll transfer all the power

of those magical objects to herself!

Then she'll be unstoppable.

Sofia, where are you?

What's going on?

I have to go to the Mystic Isles.

But everyone's waiting for you.

Just tell them I'll meet them
at the graduation, Amber.


[SIGHS] Okay. But be careful.

I will. Promise.

Meet me upstairs.

-Climb aboard, my Princess!

-Let's go, Skye.
-Quick as a lick!

Chrysta, why would Prisma
be on the Isle of Crystals

if she's after the Wicked Nine?

We locked them up
on the Isle of Protectors.

What if it's a trick?

What if Prisma is trying
to lure us all

to the Isle of Crystals
so no one is guarding the Wicked Nine?

We left Garish behind
to guard the Protectors' Vault,

which has a totally

Uh, but Prisma stole
my Necessi Key.

You don't think that would work
on the Vault, do you?

I don't know. It might.

We better check out your hunch,
just in case!

To the Isle of Protectors, Skye.

Right away, my Princess!



[CHUCKLES] Now, where
did you come from?

I'm sorry, but there
are no cats allowed here.

-No birds, either. Scoot!

Come on, now, both of you.
Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

-Scram, you varmint! [GRUNTING]

-Scoot! Ugh!
-CHRYSTA: Garish! Behind you!

-We can't let Prisma get in there!

What? How did she escape her cell?

The diversion, it worked!

Nice try, Princess.

-You're too late!

My transformation will begin!

We have to get in there and stop her!

CHRYSTA: Open it up!
PRISMA: We have liftoff!

Orion! Vega! You've been tricked!
Prisma got into the Vault!



[GRUNTS] Hurry!

-Come on!
-PRISMA: [EXCLAIMS] I'm flying!

We will bring together
the power of the villains

who have come before you.


We can't let her complete the spell.

VOR: Release the Wicked Nine!

Feel their power!

Oh, I feel it.



BOTH: Garish!

Chrysta, hurry! Make a wind whip!




PRISMA: Finally! The power
of the Wicked Nine is all mine!

No one will be able to stop me!

Sofia! She's too strong!

We have to hold on!

[GASPS] Sofia! My Enchantlet!

Quick! Grab on!

We've almost got her!


[GASPS] Huh? What?

[STAMMERING] What is this?

What's happening? Oh, no!

No, but... No! Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Wait! This isn't fair!



I think we broke the spell!




Ah, the locket!


You're not going anywhere, Prisma.


I'll take that Necessi Key.
Good job, Sofia!

You caught her just in time.

-Where is Prisma?
-Right there!

My trainee stopped her. Again.

Well done, Sofia.

We'll take it from here.

GARISH: Come on, you.

Garish, take Prisma to the tower.

Right away, Vega.

[GROANS] So close! I could feel it!

Here. This is yours.

And this is yours.

ORION: The locket is destroyed.

Perhaps the spirit of Vor
is gone forever.

What do you mean, the spirit of Vor?

Eons ago, an evil being named Vor

used the power of her magic ring

to spread her evil across our worlds.

The Protectors defeated her.

But Vor's spirit could not
be extinguished.

So it was imprisoned in that locket.

But her magic ring was lost.

Some say it was broken up,

and the pieces placed
inside the Wicked Nine.

That's why Prisma wanted them!

She wanted all that power for herself.

But if she had completed that spell,

she might've released
the spirit of Vor from the locket.

Thankfully, you prevented that
from happening.

Well done, trainee.

Thanks, Mr. Orion.

But if it's okay with you,
I really have to go now.

-Of course.
-Happy graduation!


It's time to begin, everyone.

Please take your seats.

Thanks for inviting us, Your Majesty.

Where's Sofia?

That is a good question.

[WHISPERING] Where's Sofia?

She's on her way.

I hope.



-And this year's graduating class.

FAUNA: Oh, my.
How you all have blossomed

into such fine princes and princesses.

Thanks, Skye. Desmond?

Oh. Hi, Sofia.

What are you doing back here?

It looks like they've started already.

I know. If I'd realized
being the best student

meant I'd have to get up
and speak in front of everyone,

I would've failed more tests.

[CHUCKLES] At least
you prepared a speech.

I still don't know
what I'm going to say.

FAUNA: And I am proud
to introduce our valedictorian,

[CHUCKLES] Prince Desmond!

-Here! You can give my speech.

-I can't do that.
-Well, I'm not going up there.

FAUNA: [CLEARS THROAT] Prince Desmond!

-I know!

Here we are, Miss Fauna!



We're going to give
our speech together!


Oh, no!

Uh, did you happen
to memorize your speech?



When I first came to Royal Prep,

I really didn't know anything
about being royal.

I felt like I had
a lot of catching up to do.

But I had some help.
From my brother, James.

-From Vivian, and Clio...

-SOFIA: ...Hildegard,



...Jun, Maya, Khalid, Desmond,

Zooey, Kari, Hugo,

Penelope, and Mike.

-And especially,

my sister, Amber.


I had help, too.
Sofia helped me overcome all my fears.

Even my fear of speaking
in front of lots of people.

The teachers taught us
how to be better rulers,

but we taught each other
how to be better people.

So, as we all prepare
to go off to other schools,

let's take a moment to remember
how we showed each other

what being royal is truly all about.

At Royal Prep, step by step

We gained wisdom and pep

Heeded the call and we're all

We could be

Every task, every test

We gave it our best

And they did the rest

You see


We won't forget our motto

To which we'll be true

"Rule over others as you'd
have them rule over you"

We're royal all the way

All the way

At good old R.P.A.


It's step by step

With wisdom, grace, and pep

At Royal Prep

Here at Royal Prep

-MAN: Bravo!




So, we had a bit of a setback.

[LAUGHS] That was more
than a setback, Twitch.

That presumptuous little princess
foiled me again!

I failed.

VOR: You did not fail.


Who said that?

I did.


Open your hand.

My power is restored,

and I am freed from the locket.

[GASPS] So then you'll
give me the power

I so desperately deserve?


No. I will give myself
the power I deserve.

Say goodbye, Prisma.

Goodbye? Why?

Because now, you will become Vor.

[GASPS] Finally!


You have a new master now, my pets.

And unlike your old masters,

I know that the only way
to obtain what you want

is to be truly, madly, deeply evil.

-So, get ready.

Because it's time to get wicked.

Now that's what I'm
squawking about. [CAWS]

The world has never seen
someone as mean

As yours truly

I was villainously vile
and completely unruly

But then those pesky Protectors

Caught up to me

They locked me in that locket
and they threw away the key

So I pandered to Prisma
and I offered her power

I would say or do anything
to get out of that tower

She thought she was winning
but I could not be stopped

The greater of two evils
has come out on top

Now I've got a new mission
that I must complete

To bring out the worst
in everybody I meet

I'll help them find their inner evil

By setting them straight

Being vicious and suspicious

Is deliciously great

So let's get wicked

Let's do some bad today

Get wicked, put on an evil display

Get wicked

The point that I'm making

Is when you get wicked

The world is yours

For the taking


I feel more wicked already!

And I am just getting started!

What is your plan, Your Vileness?

I have a whole menu planned.

The first course is revenge
against those who imprisoned me.

And that precious little princess

who keeps getting in my way.

We shall take her castle
and her kingdom.

And then, for the main course,

we shall wrap our claws
around the entire EverRealm.

You are the master of my dreams!

No! I am the master
of your nightmares!

ALL: So let's get wicked

Let's do some bad today

Get wicked, put on an evil display

Get wicked

The point that we're making

Is when you get wicked

The world is yours

For the taking

Get wicked

Get wicked

Why, hello, everyone.

Guess who's out of the locket.
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