02x04 - Martha to the Rescue / Martha Camps Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Martha Speaks". Aired: September 1, 2008 - November 18, 2014.*
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A family dog gains the power of speech after the letters in some alphabet soup wind up misrouted to her brain instead of her stomach in this whimsical animated series adapted from books by Susan Meddaugh.
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02x04 - Martha to the Rescue / Martha Camps Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Martha was an average dog *

* She went... and... and...
(barking, growls)

* When she ate
some alphabet soup *

* Then what happened
was bizarre. *

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

* She's got a lot to say

* Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

* Martha speaks

* Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks *

* And speaks and speaks.

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

* Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

* She's not always right,
but still that Martha speaks. *

Hi, there.

* She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two.

* Hear her speak

* Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... *

* Communicates, enumerates

* Elucidates, exaggerates

* Indicates and explicates

* Bloviates and overstates


* Hyperventilates!

* Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. *


I mean, "Ah!"


Today's episodes
are all about danger.

Danger is when something happens
where someone might get hurt.

So watch out for all the words
about courage and danger,

words like "hero," "guard,"
"protect," "brave" and...

Ooh! Hot dog!

"Hot dog" isn't
a danger word.

May I? No?

(cartoon music plays)

No. Nope.

(channels changing)
Not that.

That looks g...

No chance.

Oh, that...
No way.

Life's too short.

I wonder if this happens
to everyone

when their dogs get the remote.

This looks intriguing.

That's Courageous
Collie Carlo.

(chorus sings
dramatic theme song)

"Courageous" must
mean good looking.

Whoo! Check out the coat on him.

Carlo's got nice hair,

but courageous means
he's not scared of danger.

What danger?

I'd call that danger.


(panting and grunting)

The cellar door is stuck!

The tornado's coming!

We can't escape!

We're in danger!

Danger frightens me.





Oh, no!

Carlo didn't get to
the cellar in time.

This'd be a bad time for Carlo
to want to lick his nose.

Shh! He might get hurt.
He's in danger!

Bite down, Carlo!

We escaped harm
because Carlo saved us.

Thank you,
Courageous Collie Carlo.


Wow, Carlo is so
strong and brave.

I wish I could be like him.

Martha, it's a TV show.
It's not real.

Carlo is so inspiring...

(dramatic march plays)

* She's Mighty Mutt Martha

* She's come to rescue you

* She'll pull you
out of danger *

* And says,
"You're welcome," too! *

(cracking and rumbling)



I lost my balloon.

Oh no!

Thank you so much!

Oh, I need help!

Red five on
the black six.

Thank you,a!ighty
Mighty Mutt Martha!

You're very welcome.

Helen, up until today I've
been all talk and no action,

but that's about to change.

What do you mean,

Hey, Helen!

Want to go to the Boxwoods'
Halloween Spooky House?

Unless you're too frightened,
like last year.

Don't be afraid.

Mighty Mutt Martha
will protect you.

That means you're going to take
care of me, right?

You bet.


With you protecting me,
I won't be frightened.

Alice said this
year their house

is extra?super-mega-
ultra-very spooky.

Um, you know, let's skip it,

they won't let Martha in.

Why wouldn't they?

Well, maybe there's
no dogs allowed.

And I'm a dog?

Their cat and parrot
are in there,

so I'm sure dogs are allowed.

(cat meows)

(gasps) A cry for help!

I'm off to the rescue!

To the rescue?

You mean you're going
to save someone?

Yes! A courageous dog must help
anyone in need.

If you can believe
what you see on TV,

and why shouldn't
you, right?

But what about protecting me?

I think Martha's asustada.
She's afraid.

But we're not
afraid, right?

No. Yes. No!

Right. Not afraid.

Ooh, I'm in trouble.


Don't worry.

I'm Martha, your local,
brave doggie hero

come to the rescue.


I'm here-- whoa!

Not a strong branch.

Don't move.
I'll save you.


Hey! What was that for?



Oh, dear.


Oh, hello, Skits.

I'm sort of in trouble.

Can't get down.


Hey! Where are you going?


(siren wailing)

Oh, how embarrassing...

This dog saved you.

He came to the fire station
and wouldn't stop barking.

Then he led us here.

He's a hero.
Everyone loves a hero.

Especially a doggie hero.

Put me down, please.

Thank you, firefighter.

No trouble at all.

And thank you, Skits.


Yes, Skits, I have seen
Courageous Collie Carlo,

and no, you're nothing
like him. (gasps)

A fire!

A brave dog must save
those people from harm!


No, a brave dog!

Not you! Me!

Slow down!


While he's just barking,

it's Mighty Mutt Martha
to the rescue!

Excuse me, ma'am.
Saving the day.

(gagging and coughing)


Why, I ought to...


Uh, you may want to turn down
that water pressure, ma'am.

It's kind of strong.

Oh, I'll never be as heroic
as Courageous Collie Carlo.


They gave you the hot dogs
that fell on the ground

for not wrecking
their barbecue?!


No, I wouldn't
like a hot dog.

Oh, I should have
stayed with Helen.

(spooky music playing)

Alice, that's
so interesting.

I'm going back through
a third time.

Helen, are you
ever coming in?

Are you scared?

I want to go in, but Alice was

telling me about these great
breakfasts she makes.

Go on, Alice.

Well, I put the bread in, push
down the handle, then wait.

When it pops up, it's toast!

You're getting
her recipe for toast?

But I burn it a lot.

Then the smoke alarm goes
off and I get in trouble.

Just admit you're scared.

I am not scared.

Are, too.

Am not!
Are, too!

Why do you keep
following me?


I don't need help.

I am going to help people!

(gasps) Like her!

Four-letter word that means

"a person admired for brave
deeds and courage..."


Oh! Did I ask for help?


You've ruined the fun of
figuring it out myself.

Bad dog!


Am not!

Are, too!

Fine. Let's go in.


It's much scarier if
you go sola-- all alone.


Now I'm really in trouble.

Just keep walking.

Don't stop.







(imitates Helen's shriek)


You didn't even go
through the whole thing!


Maybe I'm not cut
out to be a hero.


That's Helen!
She's in trouble!

Come on, Skits!


I'm coming, Helen!





Oh, boy, this place is spooky.




Admit it--
you're scared.


That's Martha!

She's in trouble!











No, it's only a parrot.


No, it's only a parrot.






What are you doing in here?

I heard you yelp and
came in to protect you.

I wasn't in here.

I only came when I
heard you yell for me.

Uh, so...

Which way to escape?


That... way.

(takes a deep breath)

(both screaming)


(grunting and screaming)

She did it.
Maybe she is brave.

Hear that?
We did it!

Even though I had
my eyes closed.

That was so courageous of you
to go in there and save me.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

It was heroic of you
to go in and save me, too.

So now that
you've seen it,

want to go through
the Spooky House again?



(channels changing)


Not that.

Not that.


No chance.

No way.
No way.

Life's too short.
Life's too short.



This powerful storm will carry
our boat off course!

We'll never escape!



Carlo, our only hope

is if you're strong enough
to bring me the anchor.

Helen, I'm starting to think

this stuff on TV is
just not realistic.

Oh, I don't know...


(dramatic music plays)

* He's Courageous
Collie Carlo *

* When danger's near, he doesn't
whine or snarl-o! *


* Oh, "Courageous"
means he's brave, oh *

* He's not afraid
of danger and... *

* He'll risk his life and always
try to save you. *

* So if you are in danger,
afraid you might get hurt *

* Call the mighty dog who's
strong and so alert. *

* Call Courageous Collie Carlo

* He'll rescue you

* Unless he's out
taking a walk. *

Brave and courteous...

loyal and a friend.

A Junior Gopher Scout
guards nature to the end.

Oh! And remember, troopers,

the Flea Island campgrounds are
reopening this weekend.

So if any of you need to earn
your camping merit badge,

I'll be available to supervise.
Just ask.

Ooh, ooh! Yeah!
Ooh, ooh! Uh-huh!

This is going to
be so much fun.

Look! Awesome!




I'm all right.
I'm okay.

It'll be great
to get the camping merit badge.

Then I'll only have five more
badges to go.

Why do they call
them merit badges?

Because it's a patch you wear on
your clothes,

like a deputy's badge.

You get them when you
learn a new skill.

Something useful-?
something that has merit.

Something that has merit...

Maybe I could earn a merit badge
for cleaning spills,

or-or chasing squirrels or
digging deep holes.

They don't have merit badges
for anything like that.

Only for stuff like
canoeing or camping or...


You guys are going
camping? (whistles)

You are brave.

You wouldn't
catch me camping.

Not with Big Minnie
on the loose.

Big Minnie?
Wh-Who's Big Minnie!

Knock it off, Ronald.
You can't scare us.

Who's Big Minnie?

I'm just saying, if it was me,
I'd be really frightened.

How do you mean, frightened?

I mean...


Big Minnie!

like that.


Who's Big Minnie?

Oh, some monster.


Yeah. She's supposed
to be some kind

of abominable snowman
or big foot, I forget.

Don't let Ronald
frighten you!

It's just a tall tale.

Yeah. There's no such
thing as monsters.

You hope.


You don't scare us!

We're not afraid.
Right, Martha?



Ronald! Ronald, wait!

What's all this
about Big Minnie?

Well... no one's ever gotten a
good look at her.

Some say she's just a myth.

But she's real, all right.

She lives deep in the forest
over by Dog Head Lake.

They say she's seven feet tall
and covered in fur.

Her paws are as big as a

And she has these
beady, red eyes.

And when the moon
is full, she howls.

Like this: Aaahhooow!


Whoa, the troop leader
should give them two badges:

one for camping
and one for bravery...

if they survive.

I wouldn't have the
courage to go camping.


Yeah, well, I don't believe in
that monster stuff.

See you.


Big Minnie?!

Now there's a name I
haven't heard in years.

Helen, don't forget
your poncho.

You see, Helen? You see?

Your mother's heard
of Big Minnie.

She's real!

Oh, no.

She's a figment of someone's
overactive imagination.

See? She's not real!

At least I think Big Minnie is


Well, when I was a girl, all
these strange things happened.

Mailboxes knocked over;
fences torn down.

Everyone said it was Minnie.

Who was it, really?

We never found out.

Probably just el viento,
the wind.

Or Minnie!

What are you doing?

I'm trying
to be helpful.

You're not being helpful.

Helpful means you make things
easier, not harder.

I'm just trying to protect you.

It's dangerous.
You shouldn't go.

I have to--
I have to earn

my merit badge.

Can't you just say
you camped out?

Who's going to know?

That would be cheating.

To earn something, you have
to work to get it.

That's what "earn" means.

Like Helen earns her allowance
by doing chores.

Which reminds me, take
out the garbage, please.


I'll be fine.
You'll see.


(nervous whimpering)

(girls laughing)

This is fun.

I'm glad we didn't
let Ronald scare us
out of going camping.

(heavy footsteps)

(footsteps grow louder)

What's that?

I don't know,

but whatever it is,
it's getting closer.



It's Big Minnie!
It's Big Minnie!



Martha? Martha!


Oh, it was horrible.
It was Minnie!

She was huge!

You were dreaming.

If you're going camping,
I'm going with you.

Someone's got to protect you.

Oh, Martha.

Are you sure it's okay if Skits
and Martha come camping, too?

I don't see why not.

We'll make them
honorary Junior Gophers.


It's when you're invited to be
in a club

because you're so special.

Even though our rules
say no dogs are allowed.

All right!

We'll be the most superb

honorary Junior Gopher Scouts
you ever saw.

Thank you, Martha.

Thank you, Skits.

It's so nice not to get your
feet wet.



Ew, dog stink water.

So, what's a Junior Gopher do?

I-I mean, an honorary one?

A Junior Gopher
is loyal and true.

I'm a dog!

Loyal and true
are my middle names.

And brave.

Check, again.


I am not afraid of
the vacuum cleaner.

Am not.

Am not.

Am not.

This looks like a good spot.
Let's put up those tents.

This looks like a good spot.
Let's put up those tents.




We should clear that brush
before we start the fire.

Well done, girls.

And you two have been
extraordinarily helpful.

You're superlative honorary
Junior Gophers.


Good night, girls.

Sweet dreams.

Okay, Skits. We've got
to guard this camp.

It's up to us to
protect those girls.

If Minnie shows up,
we got to be tough. You hear?

Let me see your tough face.


Ah, good.
Now let's hear a growl.



Pretty good.

I wasn't scared.

I was just practicing
the escape route.

Making sure you
knew where to go.


(teeth chattering)

Yeah, yeah, save it.

(distant howl)


That was really good.

You almost got me that time.

How do you do that without
moving your mouth?

(distant howl)

It's Big Minnie!

We've got to protect
those girls.


What's happening?!

Wha-wha-what is that?!

It's Big Minnie!

How can you be sure?

Ronald told me!
He did Big Minnie's howl.

That's exactly what
it sounded like!

Wait a minute! Ronald did Big
Minnie's howl for you?

And it sounded just like that?

Alice, stop!

(distant howl)

That's not Big Minnie.






Oh, no!


Big Minnie!

(girls laughing)

Way to go, you guys!

We got him good!


You were really frightening!

I was almost afraid myself.

And I knew it was you.

ALICE (yawns):
What do you say we hit the sack?

Hit the sack?

Why don't you just fold
your paper bags?

It's an expression.

It means "let's go to bed."

Why didn't you say so?

I'm all for it!


(low growling)

Hey! Keep it dow...!

Wh-What I meant to say was...

how do you do,
Big Minnie, ma'am?


Oh, you can count
on us, Minnie.

We're Junior Gophers.

We'll leave everything
just like we found it.


And lastly, camping merit badges

were earned by Helen Lorraine
and Alice Boxwood.

Good work, girls.

And then, I pulled back the
tent flap, and there she was.

Big Minnie, in the fur!

(all laughing)

Oh, Martha.
It was your imagination.

There's no such
thing as Big Minnie.

Why won't you believe me?

don't you, Skits?

You do?

Well, tell them!
Tell them!


Oh, right. You can't.

It's okay. At least
someone believes me.

And I tried to tell them
how brave I was,

and no one believed me.


Oh. "Brave" means
you do something,

even though you're
scared to do it.

It's a lot like courage.

So I was thinking,

maybe if you came
to town with me,

everybody would be convinced
that you were really real.


Aw, c'mon.

There's really good
garbage in town.

You wouldn't believe what people
throw away.

You can have some alphabet soup.

Who knows?
It might make you talk!


Why don't monsters ever do
what you want them to do?

Hi! That was exciting,
wasn't it?

Let's review some
of those words, shall we?

A cry for help!
I'm off to the rescue!

To the rescue?

You mean you're going
to save someone?

How do you mean "frightened"?

I mean...


Okay, Skits. We've
got to guard this camp.

It's up to us to
protect those girls.

So long for now!

To dig up some more fun words
and games,

* Who's that dog? *

* Who's
that dog? *

* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *

That dog is Rugby.

My name is Allison, and
Rugby is a reading partner.

"Martha's family had a wonderful
party trick."

Rugby listens to me
reading to him.

"Her pals were scratching,
sniffing or snoozing."

A dog will pay attention.

A dog won't say
you're bad at reading.

They just roll with it.

"She was..."

* He's that dog... *
* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *
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