01x09 - A Trip to the Enchanted Garden / A Trip to the Crayon Factory

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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01x09 - A Trip to the Enchanted Garden / A Trip to the Crayon Factory

Post by bunniefuu »

- I love strawberries!
And today we're going

to the Enchanted Garden
to pick some!

And then we're going to learn
how crayons are made at
the crayon factory!

I'm so glad you're coming
with us!

Be right back!

** It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood *

* A beautiful day
for a neighbour *

* Would you be mine?
* Could you be mine?

* Won't you be my neighbour?

- * It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood *

* A land of make-believe

* Won't you ride
along with me? *

- * Ride along

- * It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood *

* So much to do,
so much to see *

* Won't you ride
along with me? *

- * Ride along

- * I've got lots of friends
for you to meet *

* In this land of make-believe

* A friendly face
on every street

* Just waiting to greet you
* It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood *

* A beautiful day
for a neighbour *

* In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood **

- Good morning, neighbour!


Strrrretch with me!

Reach your hands up, like this!

Stretch, stretch, stretch.

Rrrah! That felt grr-ific!
Come on inside!

Morning, Dad!
- Morning, Daniel.

Oh, good morning, neighbour!

Look at my Enchanted Garden

You see? It's a little copy
of the real Enchanted Garden.

- Oooh. How did you get
the pretend apples

to stick on the trees?
- Aha.

* We gotta look a little closer
to find out what we want
to know *

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *

Look, I see little drips of glue
next to the pretend apples.

Did you use glue?
- Ha! Ha! Good looking!

Yes! I did use glue!

- That's what I thought. Neat!
- Daniel,

do you want to help me
make strawberry pancakes?

- OK, Mom. Yum!

Strawberries are

- And the first thing we need
for strawberry pancakes is...

- Strawberries!
- Right! Uh-oh.

- Uh-oh, what?

- We don't have any

- Uh-oh!
- Hm-hmm!

- Can we go to the store
and get some more?

- How about we go
to the Enchanted Garden
and pick our own strawberries?

- I like that idea!

- Let's go see if Dad wants
to come too.

- Dad, Dad, Dad!
- Is it strawberry pancake time?

- Not yet. We don't have
any strawberries.

- Uh-oh.
- I know.

But we're going to go strawberry
picking in the Enchanted Garden.

Want to come?
- I'd love to...

- Yay! Let's go! High five!

- But there's just one problem.
- (Daniel and Dad): What?

- You're both still wearing
your PJs!

- (Daniel and Dad): Oops.
(Daniel chuckles.)

- (Daniel): Bring this...
- (Dad): Oh, let me get
my camera.

- (Daniel and Dad): Ready!
- OK, now we can go.

- Hi, Trolley!
(Trolley dings.)

We're going
to the Enchanted Garden!

- * We're off
to the Enchanted Garden *

* To pick some strawberries

* Won't you ride
along with me? *
- * Ride along!

- * Won't you ride along
with me? *

(Trolley dings.)

- Bye-bye!
- Goodbye, Trolley!

- Bye, Trolley!
- Daniel,

do you remember how to get
into the Enchanted Garden?

- Mm-hmm.
Press the three red roses...

One... two... three!


- Wow.

- Come on, let's go in!

- Photo op!

(camera click)

- Whoa! Look at all the flowers
and fruit!

- * Hello, you lovely
flowerbeds *

* It's time to wake
your flower sleepy heads *

- Mom, are you singing
to the plants?

(Mom chuckles.)
- They like it!

(Mom humming)
(Daniel humming)

- I wish the plants would
sing back.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Do you want to make believe
with me?

Let's make believe...

that all of the plants were
singing to us!

- ** Welcome
to the Enchanted Garden! *

- * We are the roses,
tra, la, la, la, lee! *

* We smell nice
and we're quite pretty *

- * We are the daisies,
tra, la, la, la, lo! *

* Our petals are white
and our centres are yellow! *

- * We are the tulips,
tra, la, la, la, lee! *

* Using your imagination,
you heard us sing! *

- * This is the enchanted
garden! **

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Daniel, come over here
and see the strawberry plants.

- OK. Are all of these
strawberry plants?

- Yes, they are.

- But... why doesn't this one
have strawberries?

- * You've gotta look a little
closer to find out what
you want to know *

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *

Ooh. When I look closely,

I see some little green things
on this plant.

They have lots of little dots
on them,

just like a strawberry!

And they have the same shape
as a strawberry--

big on top, and pointy
on the bottom. Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Interesting observation,

So, you looked closely.

Now, what did you find out?

- Hmm... Are those little green
things strawberries?

- Good thinking, Daniel.

Those little green things are
baby strawberries!

- Hey, I looked closely,
and I found out

that they're baby strawberries!
Hi, baby strawberry!

- And when the baby green
strawberry grows up,
it turns red.

(camera click)
That's when we know
it's ready to be picked.

Like this one here!

- Perfect for strawberry

Grr! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Will you pick five red
strawberries, please?
- I will, I will!

(Mom and Dad humming)
Count with me!

One, two,

three, four, five.

Five strawberries!

Thanks for helping me.

- Do you have
five strawberries?

- I do! Look.
- OK, great.

Let's go back home and make...
- * Strawberry pancakes!

- Yay! Bye, garden!

* Thank you
for the strawberries *

- Daniel, are you singing
to the plants?

- What can I say?
They like it!

(Trolley dings.)
- Please take us home, Trolley.

- * We picked some yummy
strawberries for our pancakes *

* Won't you ride
along with me? *

- * Ride along!

- * Won't you ride
along with me? *

(Trolley dings.)
- Thanks, Trolley!

- OK, let's wash up
before cooking.

We'll just pop the strawberries
down over here.

- Here you go, Mom!
- Lather up!

Make sure you get every part.
- OK, OK.

Hey, it's splashy.
(all chuckling)

All clean.

- I'll wash and cut up
the strawberries

while you two mix up
the batter, OK?

- (Daniel and Dad): OK!

- All right, step right up,
Chef Daniel.

We'll just put this apron
on you.

And a Daddy apron for me.

We just need a few little things
for our pancakes.

- A few things?

- Sure! Now, here's
a measuring cup for you.

- OK!
- Flour...

- Flour...
- Aha!

- Deeee-licious!
- Baking powder.

- Baking powder!

- Salt.
- Salt!

- Milk. Careful.

- Then it's milk.

- And eggs.

- And finally... eggs.

- OK, Chef Daniel, time for you
to mix the pancake batter.

- Thanks, Chef Dad!
Mix with me!

Mix-a! Mix-a! Mix-a!
Mix-a! Mix-a! Mix-a!

- And the most important
ingredient of all...

- (all): Strawberries!

- Mix-a! Mix-a! Mix-a!

- Yeah. Nice mixing.
No lumps!

- Daniel, why don't we clear off
the table while Dad cooks
the pancakes?

- OK, Mom.

(Daniel humming)

One cup for Mom, me, and Dad.

- Strawberry pancakes,
straight from the garden!

- Heart pancakes!
Wait a minute.

Where are the strawberries?
- Aha!

* We gotta look a little closer
to find out what we want
to know *

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *

Now I see! The strawberries are
INSIDE the pancakes!

(Dad laughing)
- I would never leave

the strawberries out
of our strawberry pancakes!
Because strawberries are...

- (all): Deee-licous!

- This is yummy!

- ** We've gotta look a little,
look a little, look a little
closer *

* To find out what we want
to know *

* We've gotta look a little,
look a little, look a little
closer *

* To see just how things go

- * Which home does that pretty
blue bird like best? *

- * Let's look into the trees
and find a bluebird nest *

- * At night, do my fishies
fall asleep too? *

- * Well, we can look
into the t*nk and then
we'll see what they do *

- * We've gotta look a little,
look a little *

* Look a little closer

* Why does a clock go
tick, tock, tick? *

* Let's open it up
and get to the bottom of it *

* We've gotta look a little,
look a little, look a little
closer *

* To find out what we want
to know *

* We've gotta look a little,
look a little, look a little
closer *

* To see just how things go

* We've gotta look a little,
look a little *

* Look a little closer *

- Dad, will you take a picture
of my pancake?

- OK. Say, "Strawberry!"

- (Daniel and Mom): Strawberry!

(camera click)

(all laughing)

- Mmm! Yummy!

Did you see those little
strawberries inside my pancakes?

I had to look really closely
to see them.

What do YOU want
to look closely at?

I bet you'll find out a lot!


- Hi, neighbour!
Meet Victoria.

- Hi, Victoria!

- (Dad): She's going to give us
a tour of the crayon factory.

First, crayons start
as a really hot liquid.

- (Elaina): Then a secret
ingredient is added.

- (Dad): This white powder makes
the liquid thick

and the orange powder makes it

The liquid is poured
into something called a mould,

where it cools off
and becomes hard.

- (Elaina): The mould gives
the crayon its shape.

- (Dad): The machine scrapes off
the extra dried wax,

and that will be used
to make more crayons.

- (Elaina): Now they look
like crayons!

- (Dad): The machine takes all
the crayons and puts them
in a row.

- (Elaina): Off to the label

- (Dad): That's the machine that
wraps the crayons with labels
one by one.

- (Elaina): A label is the paper
that goes around a crayon.

- (Dad): A person has to do one
final check to be sure each
crayon is just right.

(Elaina laughing)
- (Elaina): Victoria wanted
to help check the crayons too.

There are so many
orange crayons!

- (Dad): All the different
colours are brought together

in a big room.

- (Elaina): It takes a lot
of people to make a crayon!

- (Dad): It sure does!

All the colours are
put into this machine.

- (Elaina): Then they get put
into boxes.

- (Dad): Every box has
one crayon of each colour.

The smaller boxes are put
into bigger boxes.

(Elaina laughing)
- (Elaina): That's a big box!

- (Dad): Then the crayons are
packed up and sent to stores

so families and children can
enjoy them.

- (Elaina): And that's how
people make crayons!

(Daniel humming)

- Oh, hi, neighbour.
See my crayons?

I'm making pictures.
Want to see?

Look! I drew me,
and this is my house.

Do you like to colour
with crayons?

I do. Hey,

I forgot to make my stripes.

Yup. Stripes!
Now I want to make the sun.

I have to colour in
the who-o-ole sun,

and I can make a blue sky too.

Watch this.

I can colour with my crayon
sideways. Ha! Ha!

It makes more colour that way.

- Isn't it tiger-tastic

that Lady Elaine invited us
to go to the factory today?

- It is! I can't wait
to see how crayons are made.

You'll come too, right?

(Trolley dings.)
Trolley's here!

- And away we go!
- Hiya, toots!

- Hi, Miss Elaina.
I'm so excited!

We get to see
how crayons are made!

- I know! I'm EX-CI-TED
that my mom is going to show us!

- OK, Trolley, let's go pick up
O the Owl and Katerina Kittycat!
(Trolley dings.)

- * We're off to see
how crayons are made *

* What a special day
* Won't you ride along
with me? *

- * Ride along!

- * Won't you ride
along with me? *

- * Ba-da-da-bum-bum!
(all laughing)

Hi, Katerina Kittycat.
- Hi, Katerina.

- Hi, Daniel Tiger.
Hi, Miss Elaina.

I'm so excited for your mom
to show us how people make

- Where's O the Owl?
- O the Owl!

- Hi, friebs!
- O, are you OK?

- I'b sick! I hab a cold
in my beak. Hoo.

- Oh. So, you can't come
to the crayon factory?

- Nope, I hab to stay
at hobe and rest.

Hoo... hoo... ah-choo!

- Poor O, meow, meow.

- You go rest, O.
We'll check in on you later.

- OK.

(Trolley dings.)
- Rest up.

- Feel better.
- Feel better, O.

- I'm sad for O.
- Me too.

- Me, three.

- It is disappointing
that O can't come to the factory

and see how crayons are made.

- Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe my dad can take pictures
at the factory for O!

- Meow, meow, then O can see
how crayons are made too!

- Boomerific idea!

- I'd love to take pictures
for O.

- Thanks, Dad.

(Trolley dings.)
- OK, kids,

let's all go
inside the factory!

- Wow.
(kids gasping)

- Look at all the crayons!

- (Katerina): So many colours,
meow, meow!

- Crayons! Crayons! Cray-ons!
- Wow!

We have to take a picture
of all of these crayons for O!

- All right!
(camera click)

Here you go, buddy.

- I bet O will have never seen
so many crayons in one place!

Hey, do you want to make believe
with me?

Let's make believe

that all of these crayons sing
to us!

- ** Welcome to the crayon
factory! *

* We're all as different
as can be! *

- * Green makes grass
and leaves *

* It's the colour of the trees

- * I'm the colour of the sun

* I'm yellow, look at me,
everyone! *

- * I'm a blue crayon,
my, oh, my *

* I'm the colour of the sky

- * You know, black and orange
are out of sight! *

* 'Cause, when we work together
we make tiger stripes! **

- * Yeah! *

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Hello!
- Hey, Mommy! Hi, Mommy!

- Hi, Elaina-berry! Hi, kids.
Hi, Mr. Tiger. Hi, neighbour!

- Hi, Lady Elaine!

- Welcome to the Neighbourhood
of Make-Believe Factory!

Today I'm going to be
your guide

and show you
how people make crayons!

Using this--ta-da!--

- (kids): Oooh!
- How does that machine work?

- Well, if you want to know
how it works, you're going
to have to...

* Look a little closer to find
out what you want to know *

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *

- Righty-o! So...

* Look a little closer
This is... wax.

And... wax is what crayons are
made of.

- Dad! Take a picture of the wax
so O can see!

(camera click)

- To make crayons, we need
to add colour powder to the wax.

This is the special
colour powder.

What colour crayons do you want
to make?

- Pink! Meow, meow!
- Red!

- Banana!
(Elaina laughing)
- Banana? That's not a colour!

- I know!
(Elaina laughing)

I mean yellow,
like a banana.

- Let's do banana yellow,
meow, meow.

- Yeah, yellow.

- Alrighty-roo,
yellow crayons it is!

We need to use
the yellow powder.

And we pour it
into the hot, melty wax.

- What's going to happen
to the wax?

- * Look a little closer to find
out what you want to know *

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *


- (Katerina): The powder is
making the wax turn yellow.

- (Elaina): Yellow
for the yellow crayon!

- The machine mixed
the yellow powder with the wax

to make yellow wax!

You looked closely
and found out!

(camera click)

Now the hot yellow wax is poured
into this machine.

- (Elaina): What happens next?!

(Daniel gasps.)
- (Daniel): Look at that!

(mechanical whirring)

- (Elaina): Look! Something is
coming out of the little holes!

- (Daniel): It's the crayons!

- (Katerina): Now they really
look pointy, like my crayons
at home.

- Excellent job looking closely.

(camera click)

Next, the crayons cool down.

- But how do they get
the paper part put on them?

- Look closely
to find out.

- * We gotta look a little
closer to find out what
we want to know *

- Ohhh, I see.

A machine wraps up the crayons.

- Wowza!
- Meow! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!

(camera click)

- You really looked closely!

And that, my friends,
is how a crayon gets made!

Now, who wants
a yellow crayon?

- Me! Me! Please! Thank you!
- Meow, meow, me, please!
- I do, please!

Thanks, Lady Elaine.
- Meow, meow, thank you.

- Thanks, Mom.

- Can I have one for O the Owl
too? He's home sick.

- Oh, why, surely!
What a thoughtful friend.

- Well, Lady Elaine,
that was great.

Visit us at the clock factory
any time.

- Good idea, toots!

Elaina-berry, want to stay here
with me?

- Oh, yes!
I love the crayon factory!

- Meow, meow, bye-bye!

- Bye!
- Toodle-oo!

- Trolley, please take us
to O the Owl's house.

I can't wait
to surprise him

with all the pictures we took!
(Trolley dings.)

- * We learned so much
at the factory *

* What a special day

* Won't you ride
along with me? *
- * Ride along!

- * Won't you ride
along with me? *

(Trolley dings.)
- Thanks, Trolley!

- Bye!
- Bye!
- Meow, meow, thank you!

- Hoo-hoo, hello, Daniel.
Hello, Mr. Tiger.

- Hi!
- How in the world are you?

Did you learn a lot
at the crayon factory?

- We did! And we brought
some pictures to show O!

- Well, how thoughtful!
Now, come inside.

O is in his bedroom.
- Thanks, Mr. Owl!

Hi, O.
- Hoo... hoo, ah-choo!

- How are you feeling?

- I'm still sick...

(O coughs.)
But I'm feeling a little better.

- That's good.

- So... did you learb
how crayons are made?
- Yup!

* We gotta look a little closer
to find out what we want
to know *

- * Look a little closer to find
out what we want to know *

- And... surprise!
We took pictures for you.

- You did? Dow I can see
how crayons are made too!

- And... I even brought you
your very own yellow crayon!

- Hoo-rific!
You're a good friend,

Daniel Tiger.
- Thanks, O. You are too.

(both laughing)

** When I wondered how crayons
were made, I could tell *

* Once I visited the factory
and saw for myself *

- * Do you ever wonder
how strawberries grow? *

- * Look closely in the garden
and then you'll know *

- * We gotta look a little, look
a little, look a little closer *

* To find out what we want
to know *

* We gotta look a little, look
a little, look a little closer *

* To see just how things go

* We gotta look a little,
look a little *

* Look a little closer

- * How do ants build
their anthills high? *

- * Well, let's take
a closer look, guys *

* So we can find out
how and why *

- * We gotta look a little, look
a little, look a little closer *

* To find out what we want
to know *

* We gotta look a little, look
a little, look a little closer *

* To see just how things go

* We gotta look a little,
look a little *

* Look a little closer *
(O yawning)

- Thank you, Daniel.

I'm going to look closely
at the pictures...

(O yawning)
...after my nap.

(Daniel chuckles.)
- Good idea.

Thanks for coming with me
to the crayon factory.

I'm glad we got to tell O
all about it.

Now you can tell someone
how crayons are made too!


- ** It's such a good feeling
to play with family
and friends *

* It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand *

* You wake up ready to say
- Hi!

- * "I think I'll make
a snappy new day" *

* It's such a good feeling

* A very good feeling,
a feeling you know *

- * That I'll be back

* When the day is new

* And I'll have more ideas
for you *

* And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about *

* I will too *

Because it's you I like.
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