01x08 - Something Special for Dad / I Love You, Mom

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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01x08 - Something Special for Dad / I Love You, Mom

Post by bunniefuu »

Guess what, neighbour?
Today we're going to visit...

Mr. McFeely's Post Office!
And then we're going to...

Baker Aker's Bakery!

I'm so excited to spend the day
with you.

And I'll be right back.

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbour ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
♪ Could you be mine?

♪ Won't you be my neighbour?

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face
on every street

♪ Just waiting to greet you
♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbour ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's

- Hi, neighbour!
I'm glad you're here.

Dad and I are about to check
the mail. Check with us.

- Up you go.

- Look, we got a letter!

[Dad grunting]
- OK.

I wonder who it's from.
- Come on in.

La, la, dee, doo, dee, doo, doo,
la, la, la.

- Here we go. Look.

The letter is
from Grandpere Tiger!

- Yay! Grandpere!

Grandpere is MY grandfather
and YOUR father, right?

- Right.
Let's see what he wrote.

"Hello. I'm having lots
of adventures sailing.

"I wanted you
to see the big fish I saw.

it's almost as big as Daniel."
- Wow.

- "I miss my tiger family
and think you often.

Love, Grandpere."

Awww, I miss Grandpere.

- I miss Grandpere too.

- But getting a letter from him
makes me feel so happy

because I love him.
- Yeah. I love Grandpere.

And I love you. Grr.
- Love you too, little tiger.

I know, I'm going to go put
Grandpere's picture
on the fridge.

- Did you see how happy my dad
was? He really liked getting
that letter.

- Hi, honey. What's that?

- A letter from Grandpere.
It made Dad really happy.

- Hmm, well, Dad loves getting
letters from people
he cares about.

- Hmm... Mom?

Do you think Dad would like
getting a letter from me?

- He would love a letter
from you.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- Hey! I can make Dad a letter
with a picture

and send it to him,
just like Grandpere's letter.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

There. I drew a heart
because I love Dad.

Will you write the words?

- All right.
- Dear Dad.

- "Dear Dad..."

- This heart is for you.
Love, Daniel.

- "Love, Daniel."
- Did you write that?

- I did. Now, let's get
your letter ready to mail.

- OK.

- First your letter has to go
in an envelope.

- Careful, careful.
- Yes, carefully.

Want to lick the envelope?
- Yes!

taseth fthunny.

- OK, now we write down
our address

so our postman, Mr. McFeely,
knows where the letter is going.

- To our mailbox!
We live on Jungle Beach.

- That's right.
Now we need a stamp.

- Ooh, I like this one.


- Great. Now let's take it
to the post office.

- [whispering]: Let's make it
a surprise for Dad.

- [whispering]: Dad loves
surprises. To the post office.

Daniel and I are going out!
We'll be back soon!

- Dad loves surprises.

- Shush, shush, shush, shush.
- [Dad]: OK. See you later.

- Let's go.

- Hi, Trolley.
[Trolley dings.]

Please take us
to the post office.
[Trolley dings.]

- ♪ We're going
to the post office
to mail a special letter ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪
- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- There's the post office.
[Trolley dings.]

- Look at all of the mail!

Where do you think
this mail is going?

- Hmm, well, that could be
going anywhere.

- Look at all of the packages
in the post office!

They all have something
different inside.

Like this one.
What do you think is in there?

It could be a book, or a toy,
or a trolley!

Hey, I have an idea.

Let's make believe...

that the packages could sing
to us and tell us what's
inside of them!

- ♪ Welcome
to the post office ♪

- ♪ Where letters and packages
are sent out every day ♪

- ♪ Can you guess what's
inside of us? ♪

- ♪ Come on let's play

- ♪ You'll wear these on your
feet all day, what's inside? ♪

- Socks!
- Socks!

- ♪ This is a soft
little snuggly friend ♪

- ♪ What's inside?

- A teddy bear!
- A teddy bear!

- ♪ We're having fun pretending
but our song must be ending ♪

♪ We're going to be sent
in the mail! ♪

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Well, lucky me, lucky me.

I get a visit
from Daniel Tiger today.

And hello to you, Mrs. Tiger.

- Hi, Mr. McFeely.
- Hello, Mr. McFeely.

- So, what can I help you with
today, Daniel?

- I made this letter for my dad,
and I want to send it to him

to say, "I love you".
- Well! What a delightful idea!

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say, "I love you" ♪

- You know that song too?

- Word travels fast when
you're speedy delivery.

- So, can I send my letter?

- Of course. First we need

to put it through this machine.
See this marking?

It means the post office got
the letter

and will send it
to the right place.

Now we put the letter
in the right bin.

- Come on.

- These letters go
to other parts of the world.

And these letters go
to different places

in the neighbourhood.
- Like to Jungle Beach.

- Exactly. I was just getting
ready to deliver some mail
to the neighbourhood.

Would you like to come with me?
We can deliver your letter too.

- Sounds like fun.
- Oh, yeah!

- Well, then, let me just grab
my mail bag, and away we go!

Speedy delivery to you.
- Speedy delivery!

- Hello, Trolley. Will you
help me deliver the mail?
[Trolley dings.]

We have some special
helpers today.

- Buckle up.
[Trolley dings.]

- ♪ We're delivering the mail,
it's a speedy delivery ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪
- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪
[Trolley dings.]

- Here's our first stop.
- It's Katerina and O's house.

- Yessiree, and we have
one letter for Katerina,

and one for O. Would you like
to put them in their mailboxes?

- Who do you think
gets the letter with
the ballet sticker on it?

I know. Katerina.

And the letter with the book
sticker is for...


- Good job, Daniel!

Now, on to our next stop!
- [all]: Speedy delivery!

[Trolley dings.]
- ♪ We're delivering the mail,
it's a speedy delivery ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me ♪
- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride
along with meeee? ♪

[Trolley dings.]

- Hi, house! We're at my house
on Jungle Beach.

- Yes, indeed-y.
Time to deliver your letter.

- Grr!
- Oh, my!

- I can't wait for Dad
to get this letter.

Thanks, Mr. McFeely.

- My pleasure, my pleasure.
Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go to the castle
to make another...

- [McFeely and Daniel]: Speedy

- Bye, Mr. McFeely!
- Bye, Mr. McFeely!

[Trolley dings.]

- Dad's gonna be so happy when
he gets the letter I made.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- Did I just hear Mr. McFeely's
voice out here?

- Yup, you did.

Um... did you want
to look in the mailbox

and see if there are any new
letters or anything?

- Uh, OK.

Ooh. Well, looky here.

It's a letter for ME!
It must be my lucky day.

- Yup.
- Hmm, I wonder who it's from.

Now, let me see...


- [both]: "Dear Dad,
This heart is for you.

Love, Daniel."

- Daniel, did you make me
this letter?

- I did. Are you happy?

- Oh, Daniel, this picture makes
me so happy!

- I made it for you
because I love you.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- I love you too. Roar.

- ♪ I could make up a song
to say, "I love you, I care" ♪

♪ And I would sing right along,
'cause I love you, I care ♪

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say, "I love you" ♪

♪ I could even bake
a special cake ♪

♪ 'Cause I love you,
I really love you ♪

♪ And even if it got smushed

♪ I'd still love it
'cause it was from you ♪

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say ♪

♪ "Oh, I love you

- Hi, you two. Anything good
in the mail today?

- Oh, yes, there sure was.
I got a surprise--

a letter
from a very special tiger.

- Dad was surprised.

- You know, I think you're
both very special tigers.

- My dad really liked the letter
I made him.

Maybe you can make something
to say, "I love you"--

a letter, or a picture,
or even a song.


- ♪ I could make up a song
to say, "I love you, I care" ♪

♪ And I would sing right along
'cause I love you, I care ♪

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say, "I love you" ♪

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say ♪

♪ "Oh, I love you

- Hi, neighbour!

I'm so glad you're here.

Mom and I are playing inside.
Come and play with us.

[Daniel humming]

We're playing store.
Here's my cash register.

I make necklaces.
Check this out!

[door chiming]
Hello, tiger lady
who came into my store.

Hup, da-da-da-da-da-da!

Would you like me to make you
a beeeeeautiful bead necklace?

- Well, that would be lovely.
Thank you.

- What colour bead would you
like first for your necklace?

- Oooh, I would like
a beautiful red bead, please.

- A red bead.

Where is the red bead? Um...

Here's the red bead!

Now I just have to put the bead
on the yarn like this... There!

Now which bead do you want?
A star, a heart, or a flower?

- Oh, I love the hearts
because they mean love.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
You're very love-y.

Where is the heart bead?

Here's the heart bead!

The heart bead goes
on the necklace like this...

- Can I have a purple bead?
- Sure!

Where is the purple bead?

Here's the purple one.

It's a star!
Here it goes on the string!

All done!

Do you like it?

- I like it a lot.
And I love that you made it.

- Thanks, Mom.
- Did you know that...

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- ♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

Like making you the necklace?

- Yes, just like making me
my beeeautiful necklace.

- Well, I do
love you, Mommy.

- And I love you, too.

- Ugga-mugga.

- Hmm, all this pretend shopping
has made me hungry.

I think I need a snack.

You don't have any banana bread
in this store, do you?

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Nope, just necklaces.

You LOVE banana bread.

- I do.
It's deeeee-licious.

- Do we have any banana bread
in the kitchen?

- Nope, but that's OK.

I'll just have
a yummy banana instead.

- Deeee-licious!

[Mom humming]

[Daniel humming]

[Daniel gasps.]

- Hi, Daniel. I found a shell
for your collection.

- Thanks, Dad.
- Where's Mom?

- She's in the kitchen.
She was hungry.

She really wanted
some banana bread.

- Heh! Heh! Heh!
Mom loves banana bread.

- Hey! Maybe we should surprise
Mom and make her banana bread

- ♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- Good idea!
To the kitchen!

- To the kitchen.

- Uh, uh-oh. One problem.

- What's the problem?

- [whispering]: Mom's
in the kitchen.

- Oh, yeah. And we want
to surprise her.

What should we do?
Um... I know.

We could go
to Baker Akers's Bakery

and make the banana bread
with Baker Aker!

- Another good idea,
Daniel stripin' Tiger!

To the bakery!
- [whispering]: To the bakery!

- Honey, Daniel and I are going
for a ride on Trolley. Shh.

- [whispering]: To make
a surprise for you. Shh.

- OK, buckle up
on the trolley, Daniel.

- I will, Mom.

I'm so glad we're making
something for Mom.

She's going to love
her surprise. Come on.

- All right!

I'll bring my camera.
- Hi, Trolley.

Please take us to the bakery.
[Trolley dings.]

- ♪ We're going to the bakery
to make a surprise for Mom ♪

♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- [both]: Thanks, Trolley.
[Trolley dings.]

- Here we go.

- Mixa, mixa, mixa!
Mix, mixa, mixa, mixa.

Hello, my favourite
tiger family.

Hello, neighbour.
How can I help you today?

- We want to surprise Mom
and make her banana bread.

- What a nice idea.

- We want to make it
for her because...

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- Oh, yes.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

I can make it with you, and then
you can take it home to her.

- Oh, boy!
- So, what ingredients

do you think we need
for banana bread?

- Bananas. Lots and lots
of bananas.

- Right you are.

First we peel two bananas
and mash them up.

- There we go. Perfect.

- OK, Daniel, mash away.

- Mash! Mash! Mash!

- And now we need two eggs.

- OK, Daniel, I'll crack
the eggs if you count.

- OK, Dad. Count with me.



- And now we need
the flour mixture.

And, Daniel, will you add
three shakes of this cinnamon?

And you can add one cup of milk,
Mr. Tiger.

- Here comes the milk.

- Shake! Shake! Shake!

- Nice! Now let's add
a little love.

- [all]: Muah!

- And now, the... mixing!

- Mixa, mixa, mixa, mix!

- Mixa, mixa, mixa, mix!
Mix with me.

Mixa, mixa, mixa! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Then we pour the batter
into a pan.

- It's a heart.

- And then you put it
in the oven until...

- It dings!

- And now
for the hard part.

We wait.

- Oh, waiting is hard!

But I know what we can do
while we wait.

We can pretend!
Let's make believe...

that the cooking stuff
in the bakery could sing

and dance! Ha! Ha!

- ♪ We're baking
a loooove cake ♪

- ♪ First we add some hearts
to make it sweet ♪

- ♪ Some kisses too
for a special treat ♪

- ♪ We're baking
a loooove cake ♪

- ♪ Then we add some sparkles
just for fun ♪

- ♪ And we'll mix it all
together till we're
done, done, done ♪

- ♪ We're baking
a loooove cake ♪

- ♪ We're backing a
- ♪ Loooove cake

♪ Yeah!

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Oh, goodie!

Our banana bread is ding!
I mean done.

- Mmm!

Mom is going to love
this surprise, don't you think?

- All right, everyone,

[Camera clicks.]

[Aker humming]

- Here you go.
Hope she's surprised.

- Thanks, Baker Aker. Bye!

Hi, Trolley.
[Trolley dings.]

Please take us home.
We have a surprise for Mommy.

I'm going to hold it
very carefully.

- ♪ We've made
a special surprise ♪

♪ Mom won't believe her eyes
♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

[Trolley dings.]
- Thanks, Trolley.

- Ready to surprise Mom?

- Mom! Mom!

- Yes, Daniel?
- Surprise!

- Oh, wow!
- All right, everyone, photo-op.

[Camera clicks.]
- Oh, I love this.

I'm-- What is this?
I'm surprised.

- Dad and I made you banana
bread because we love you.

♪ Making something is one way
to say, "I love you" ♪

[all laughing]
- I love you, Daniel Tiger.

And Dad Tiger.
[all laughing]

- ♪ There are many ways
to say, "I love you" ♪

♪ There are many ways
to say, "I care about you" ♪

♪ Many ways, many ways

♪ So many ways
to say, "I love you" ♪

♪ Now, there's the sharing way
to say, "I love you" ♪

♪ There's the caring way
to say, "I think about you" ♪

- ♪ The hugging way,
the listening way ♪

♪ The singing way
to say, "I love you" ♪

- ♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say ♪

♪ "I love you and I care
in a special tiger way" ♪

♪ You could blow a kiss
or give a hug or two or three ♪

♪ 'Cause making something is
one way to say,

- ♪ "I love you"

- ♪ There's many ways
to say, "I love you" ♪

- Now, who wants
some banana bread?

- But... it's for you.

- Oh, but I want to share it
because I love you.

Mmm, mmm!

This is banana bread is

- [all]: Deee-licious!

[Daniel and Dad laughing]

- What can you make
to say, "I love you"?

I like making my mom and dad
things because I love them.


- ♪ It's such a good feeling
to play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say
- Hi!

- ♪ "I think I'll make
a snappy new day" ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling

♪ A very good feeling,
a feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back

♪ When the day is new

♪ And I'll have more ideas
for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too

Because it's you I like.

- ♪ We're baking a
- ♪ Love cake

- ♪ First we add some hearts
to make it sweet ♪

- ♪ Some kisses too
for a special treat ♪

- ♪ We're baking a love cake

- ♪ Then we add some sparkles
just for fun ♪

- ♪ And we'll mix it all
together till we're
done, done, done ♪

- ♪ We're baking a love cake

♪ We're baking a love cake

- ♪ We're baking a
- ♪ Love cake

♪ Yeah
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