09x11 - Redcorn Gambles with His Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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09x11 - Redcorn Gambles with His Future

Post by bunniefuu »

( people chattering ) Buon giorno, what can I get you? Well, what do you recommend to a couple of real big spenders? My boyfriend likes the surf n' turf.

Medium cheese pizza, two waters.


Thanks for inviting me out, sir.

Yeah, yeah, well, this ain't a social call, son.

You know the Strickland Propane Family Fun Day? The Strickland Propane Family Fun Day?! We haven't done that in five years.

Well, glad you liked it 'cause this party is what I'm giving everyone instead of health insurance so we can't mess it up.

That's why I'm putting you in charge.

I will treat this picnic with all the gravity and seriousness it requires.

( microphone feedback ) ( tapping on microphone ) Good evening and buon giorno.

The live entertainment portion of our evening is about to begin, so would you please give a warm welcome to John Redcorn and Big Mountain Fudgecake.

John Redcorn? ( strums electric guitar ) ( microphone feedback ) Maria's Pasta and Pizza, are you ready to rock?! There's a hole in my pocket where my money should go ( loud '70s rock plays ) There's a hole in my heart where you used to go There's a hole And a hole And a hole! Big ol' hole ( rock guitar solo plays ) ( yells ): Let's get the hell out of here! ( loud music continues ) So, sir? What specifically did you have in mind for this picnic? Uh-uh! I delegated.

You're the lead monkey on the back of this ostrich.

So go make me a picnic! Hank.

Oh, uh, hey, John Redcorn.

You finished already? We are finished forever.

Got fired from playing for free.

It don't get any lower than that.

That dang manager never got what Fudgecake is all about.

No one ever does.

We're either ahead of our times or possibly way behind, stuck in some more classical time.

But either way, us and our times aren't seeing eye to eye.

Yeah, well, uh, I'm sure you and your times will work it out.

I couldn't help overhearing you have a big event coming up.

Yeah And we sure could use a break, Hank.

We'll, uh Don't you like to rock? Wow, you're sure giving me a lot to think about here, uh, but I got the family waiting at home.

I'll get to work on him.

Dang it! That is the third piece of toast you've broken.

And you're always so careful with your toast.

What's wrong? ( sighs ): Strickland Family Fun Day.

Do you think if I got good enough meats it would count as entertainment? You got to have live entertainment, Dad! Music, magic Some people even do both.

Entertainment is the only thing that distracts people from realizing how much they don't like each other.

So what am I gonna be listening to while I eat this? I don't know.

Finding a band for under a hundred dollars is harder than you think.

Hey, Hank! The picnic's going great, sir.

Good, good, 'cause I just got back from Strickland West and they've had a tough year in terms of general disgruntlement.

Really need this picnic to be fun.

You see what kind of pressure I'm under? You're like one of them astronauts, honey.

Hank? Uh hey, John Redcorn.

Did you find a band for your picnic? No, he didn't.

And the poor bastard's all twisted up over it.

In the animal kingdom, many animals work together in symbiosis.

The oxpecker bird will eat the ticks and parasites off a zebra.

You and I can be zebra and oxpecker, too.

But why don't I let our demo tape do the talking? ( rock guitar plays ) I am the reaper The collector of souls I am the taker And the smasher of bowls Mothers cry Children die Alone ( music stops ) ( sighs ): Okay, I'm sorry, John Redcorn.

I'm not hiring you.

No way.

I I see You know, you start doing massage to pay the bills and you tell yourself, "Just a few more years of this, Johnny.

" And one day you look up and you're 40.

You're 40, Hank! Okay, there, John Redcorn, you, uh, you make some good points.

( door closes ) Look, maybe you should stop waiting for other people to make things happen for you.

What does that mean? Uh, well maybe what you need to do is to, uh, bet on yourself.

A lot of really successful people did that.

Bet on myself? Sure-- it's your dream, you make it happen.

Bet on yourself.

Wow, Hank.

You are very wise.

Thank you.

Thank you.

( air hissing ) Dang it, Joe Jack, that helium is for the picnic.

( squeaky ): Sorry, honey.

HANK: The guy asked me if I wanted honey mustard and I almost took a swing at him.

Long story short, I got a good deal on classic yellow.

The pony guy said what? What the hell is pony season? What in the? Joe Jack, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Hey, John Redcorn, what's going on? Doing a little improvement on your land? I'm doing an improvement on my life.

On all of our lives.

You said it.

Isn't it exciting? I'm following your advice, Hank.

No more relying on other people to wake up and "get" us.

Now, I'm gonna have a permanent place to play with my band.

I'm betting on myself and opening a casino.

But that's crazy.

No, it's brilliant.

Now we have a permanent venue for Fudgecake to play.

Like Wayne Newton and the Stardust.

You're a genius, Uncle Hank.

There's a hole in my pocket where my money should go There's a hole And a hole! Wheedle-leedle-leedle ( imitating guitar ) Oh, God.

So John Redcorn is opening a casino.

I always wanted to see a white tiger before I died.

I feel like it's my fault.

I'm the one who told him to bet on himself.

If I wasn't so dang busy finding entertainment for this picnic, maybe I could've done something to stop him.

Relax, Hank.

You know what loosens the caboose of any party? Big Mountain Fudgecake! Want me to see if they're available? No.

They've got a super boffo Bachman-Turner Overdrive meets Deep Purple versus ELO kind of sound.

What are you, their manager? Yes! Can you believe the slot was open? I guess you were wrong, Hank.

Dreams do come true.

( hard rock ) ( clapping ) Evening, gentlemen.

Where can I find John Redcorn? Oh, he's the visionary right over there, the one dripping with sex appeal and turquoise jewelry.

Hello, brother Indian.

I am Henry Mankiller with the Tribal Gaming Corporation.

You got my e-mail! Cool Web site.

Yes, and I hope you are enjoying your subscription to Gaming Nation.

Exactly what kind of Indian are you? I am 1/64th Creek on my mother's side.

So about your casino.

Actually, it's just temporary.

To get our band going.

Let's show him.

Gotta get money for the things I wanna buy Gotta get money so in the plane they'll let me fly Gotta get money or else I'm gonna die ( dogs howling in distance This is where the drum solo usually goes.

With a sound like that, you're not going to need gaming for long.

I completely get that.

But we can accelerate the process.

We are, after all, in the dream building business.

We got a dream that needs building.

You see we are one-stop shopping for everything casino.

We can save you the hassles of dealing with the white man's loan officers by financing everything through our tribal development division.

That means your band is making gold records that much faster.

This pen has been used by many of our people to apply for financing.

Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? I just want a picture of a got-dang hot dog! Dad, the news is not good.

Swing band no.

'50s tribute band no.

Even the polka band no.

Well, there was this one guy.

I think he felt sorry for us.

His name is Bloomers.

He does "imagitainment.

" Well, I have a band.

Call Bloomers.

You're almost there.

A little more.

That's it.

Let's open with "I Need Money.

" We can transition to "Gotta Get Money" and do a whole money medley.

I love that song! Gotta get money for the stuff I wanna buy! We are going to do some serious rocking.

And then people are going to hear us and love us and we're gonna be huge.

This is so exciting! Ooh, ooh, ooh, I bought a whole bunch of make-ups for y'all to wear.

( groans ) Uh, Luanne? Can I speak to you, outside? Listen, Yoko.

I'm the manager of this act and I'm sick of you trying to split them apart.

What's a Yoko? Okay, Missy, that's it.

If you ever come within 100 feet of Fudgecake again, I will spend the rest of my life making you miserable.

I'm gonna my purse is inside Get! Is this fun? I suggest you book Fudgecake now, because after the casino opens, they might be too big for you.

They're gonna be helping kings and dignitaries get their groove on.

They're not right for us, Dale.

There are going to be little kids at this picnic.

And we already hired someone.


Fine, but can I at least count on you all to be there tonight for the Fudgecake when they open the casino? Well, I do have to be there to keep an eye on Buck.

He wants to "parlay" the picnic money on the gaming tables.

Don't be surprised if Buck forgets all about that because the power of rockin' does things to a man.

It's true.

I made a lot of my life decisions at a Foghat concert.

I stand by them.

This night is full of magic.

Which one of these tables looks lucky to you, ol' top? Well, I'm not sure, but why don't I hold on to the picnic funds so you have more room for your winnings? Ooh, what about that one? What about? Hold on, I gotta rub that waiter's head for luck.

Hank, thank you.

None of this would have been possible without your advice.

Yeah, that's okay.

I don't really want to take credit for any of this, but, uh you're welcome, I guess.

Hugged by an Indian! We're winning big tonight! Everybody, put your hands together for Big Mountain Fudgecake! ( polite applause ) Thank you, Arlen! And now, here's a song about a band A band that no one gave much of a chance to, until one day that band showed everyone that they could rock! A one and a two and a MAN: Freeze.


( electric guitar grow silent) All right, folks, it's over.

Okay, everyone, let's have a nice orderly egress.

Is this some kind of joke? We're shutting you down, sir.

This is an illegal gaming establishment.

But we're on Indian land.

Look at me.

Look at all the headdresses.

Yes, sir, and that land is in Texas where there is no Indian gaming.

No Indian gaming? Didn't you wonder why there weren't any other Indian casinos in Texas? I thought it would work to our advantage.

They're wheeling away our shot at glory, just like they're wheeling away them shiny machines.

Fudgecake's in a bad, bad way.

( yells ) But this is my land.

My one chance to be heard.

I've already spent all the money I borrowed.

How can this be happening? Texas tribes traded their federal gaming rights for state recognition of their tribes.

Now, you can let the folks play for trinkets and combs and whatnot, but not for money.

But that's incredibly lame.

Well, yes but legal.

Hot damn.

That's blackjack! Congratulations, sir.

Very lucky.

Blackjack pays a stuffed lion.

How am I gonna stick this in a G-string? Where's everyone going? They're gonna miss our show! This is a sad, sad day.

The white man never stops putting you down.

"The white man"? How could you not know there was no gaming in Texas? Look, the dream business is not extremely detail-oriented.

Anyway, just stopped by to give you a friendly reminder.

You still owe us $23,000.

I could sue you.

Possibly, but you'd spend years in the white man's courts fighting the white man's lawyers-- which we have a lot of.

Instead, I have a solution that's good for all of us.

Permit to allow toxic dumping? Unless you have another way to come up with the money.

Oh, and, uh, keep in mind your topsoil will become very flammable.

Not only have I failed as a musician, I'm going to have to destroy my own land.

My people's land.

Come on, guys.

Did we give up when I left the "E" off of all of our merchandise? No.

And we wore those "Fudgecak" T-shirts with pride.

Now, you guys keep focusing on being stars, and I'll focus on a way to fix this.

You look like I feel whenever I run over one of my dogs.

Everybody seems pretty happy.

Bloomers has good buzz.


We sure pulled it off.

No, Hank-- we all did.


I mean-- we did! Psst.


Get in the car! Why? I just got here.

Hey, I'm driving you to the green room, ese.

I got all kinds of cheeses back there.

Gribble? Got him.


Make him disappear.

You want me to k*ll him? What?! No! Although No, just drive him around, but I'm happy you're being pro-active.

There are no bad ideas.

I wanna go! I'm bored.

You said this would be fun! I thought there was gonna be Bloomers.

Make Bloomers be here.

Where the heck is Bloomers? Dad, things are not good.

I've been circulating among the kids as "Roberto Hillenbrand," and they're bored.

If Bloomers doesn't show up, there's talk of a possible egging.

Hank, what the heck is going on? I just got a backful of raw hamburger.

I don't know what happened, sir.

Now they're tipping over port-a-johns.

If you got a plan "B," you better put it into action pronto.


Strickland makes a good point.

All hell does appear to be breaking loose.

At least if you book Fudgecake, you tried something.

BOY: Ooh, let's tip this one over.

MAN: Occupied, honey.

( crashing ) Dale, get me Fudgecake.

We got a gig.

We got a gig! Aw, wow.

The Strickland Family Days Picnic.

Family Days? That ain't rock and roll.

What does it matter? An audience is an audience.

Fudgecake don't play family picnics.

It'd send the wrong message.

I ain't going.

And I double ain't going.

Are you crazy? This is a paying gig with hundreds of people! Yeah, well, the 'cake don't sell out.

( people muttering ) REDCORN: Hank.

What in the heck is going on? Where's the rest of the band? I thought I owed it to you to tell you in person-- we broke up.

Fudgecake is dead.

( sighs ) Well, I guess I'll go break it to the crowd that we don't have any entertainment.

They'll probably yell and throw stuff at me.

Then Buck will yell and throw stuff at me and fire me.

( sighs ): Well, maybe that'll be entertaining for folks.

Hold on a second, Hank.

John Redcorn, you're the heart and soul of the 'cake, man! You can play this gig yourself! Alone? Me? Besides, kids aren't going to want to listen to me.

The BMF sound is universal.

You can adapt.

Hmm I guess there is that song about k*lling myself.

I could rewrite it so it's about personal hygiene.

Love it.

Now, go! Hello, and welcome to the Strickland Family Fun Day.

I am John Redcorn.

Here's a song I wrote after government agents shut down my gambling establishment and I wanted to die.

Wake up, just want to Wash myself Clean my wrists Scrub my brains out Hey, ya, hey, ya, hey-ya-hey Hey-ya-hey, hey-ya-hey They'll miss me when I do So, you and your son having a good time? Hey, ya, hey, ya, hey Hey-ya-hey, hey-ya-hey There's a hole in the jar where the cookies should go There's a hole in the t*nk where the fishies should go There's a hole, and a hole, and a hole Yeah, when I first found Redcorn, he was in some go-nowhere, Whitesnake-meets- White-Lion-meets-Great- White rip-off group, but I recreated him as the Native American Raffi.

Hey, ya, hey, hey-hey, ya REDCORN/KIDS: There's a hole, and a hole, and a hole There's a hole, and a hole, and a hole.

( metal guitars playing ) I'll tell you, Elvin, this is rock and roll.

Hell, yeah! Wheedle-leedle-leedle ( imitating guitar )
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