08x02 - Face-Off!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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08x02 - Face-Off!

Post by bunniefuu »

Ok! There's this
really bad dude named Hacker.

THE Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the cyberworld
from Motherboard.

The three kids
are sucked into cyberspace

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Ok, here's the plan.

So they travel all over

and run into
all these weird creatures.

And have all
these awesome adventures.

It's totally
up to them to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only
one way to find out.

Tune in to CyberChase.

CyberChase, we're movin'

we're beating
Hacker at his game.

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time.

Freaky places that we've seen.

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Oooh, what have we here? !

"The new Power For-Ever
Recharger Chair will keep

even the crankiest
borg charged all day."

"Never go without
energy again!"

Buzz! Delete! My
energy problem is solved!

With unlimited power, those
earth brats will never stop me!

What is it, boss?

What'd you read?

The brand "new Power
For-Ever" Recharger Chair!

For the low, low price of
only five thousand snelfus!

Isn't that...a lotta snelfus?

Yes. It is a little pricey.

But I want it! I need it!

Set up a meeting with
my financial advisor

-Barton J. Moneyborg!

Surveillance devices,
ten thousand snelfus...

...excavation equipment,
seven hundred snelfus...

computer viruses,
four thousand snelfus..

implements of destruction-- Ugh!

Face it, Hacker, you've
squandered too many snelfus

on too many failed schemes.

Listen, Moneyborg, conquering
cyberspace isn't cheap!

How much money do I have left?

Taking into account all
outstanding expenses,

you have exactly...
thirty- five snelfus!

Here's my bill!

Thirty-five snelfus?

Good financial
advice isn't cheap.

You mean, I'm--

Broke! Busted! You're
in the poorhouse, Hacker!

I don't care what house
I'm in, Moneyborg -

I want the Power
For-Ever Recharger Chair!

Advise me how to get
the money to buy it!

Um...um Ice skates!

Yeah...ice skates!

Ice skates?

Yes, ice skates.

That gives me an idea.

Dateline, Penguia.

The hockey world is riveted
with the upcoming game

for the prestigious Penguia Cup
featuring the plucky Penguin

Village Voyagers and the
undefeated Tundra Town Titans.

The Voyagers are having
a, um, difficult season.

In fact, they're last
in the league in wins...

And first in defeats.


Twenty years ago, PJ Penguin
scored the winning goal

in the Cup's most famous match.


...his son, Fluff, will
lace up the very same skates

in his first-ever game
against the Titans!

Are they supposed
to be this bad?


But I hear this
rivalry is legendary.

That's why Motherboard
asked me to write about it

for Cybersports Illustrated.

I hope Fluff does okay.

He's so pumped up about
playing for his dad's old team!

At least I'll get
some good pictures!

Hey, Matty, say CyberSquad.

Team meeting --
locker room - NOW!

If you ask me, it's
gonna take more than talk

to get this team to play better!

Watch this!

He sh**t... he scores!


The skates of the
future for today!

Be cool!

Be the top scorer
on your team!

CYBERBLADES! Guaranteed to make
you skate twice as fast -

or your money back!

Rule the rink...

What do you think, guys?

Those skates look
pretty cool, huh?


Did you see how
fast you can go?

I want a pair!

I bet we could play a lot
better if we had those skates.

I say we all buy 'em!

All in favor say 'aye'!


Guys! Wait a second!

Tomorrow is the big game!

Instead of rushing
off to buy new skates

because they look
good in a commercial...

shouldn't we be practicing?

Fluff's right.

The big game is tomorrow...
and that's why we have to buy

those skates...now!

Cyberblades! Cyberblades!

Maybe Cyberblades would help
the Voyagers play better...

Just because they look
good in the commercial

doesn't mean they'll
make you a great skater.

The commercial says they will.

Yeah, but that's what
it's supposed to do -

say things that make you
want to buy the product!

Well, part of the commercial
has to be true ...doesn't it?

Check it out, Fluff.

"Rule the Rink!"

That's what we
wanna do, right?

Rule the rink -
beat the Titans!

You really believe all that
stuff about Cyberblades, Bernie?

Yeah, I do!

See what the ad says?

You can skate twice as fast
- and be really cool, too.

You do wanna beat the
Titans, don't you?

Well, yeah...

but I think I can do
that in my Dad's skates.

After all he wore 'em
when he played the Titans -

and scored the winning goal.

That was your Dad - not you!

Oh, sorry.

C'mon, Fluff, just
do it for the team.

Everyone else is getting them.

Sorry, Bern...

I'm gonna stick
with my skates.

Suit yourself, Fluff!

I'm buyin' 'em!

You've sold out?


That's amazing!

I mean...we'll get you more!

My assembly team is
working at full capacity!

More skates!

We're workin' on 'em, boss.

Hold the skate
right there, Deedee.




I knew they'd go for it!

These skates are
selling like hotcakes.

It's the day of the big
game, and the Voyagers are

practicing their
sh*ts, using the old

"angle in equals
angle out" rule.

All but one of the team has
traded in their old skates

for the cool new Cyberblades.

As I watch them practice,

they look like a
more confident team.

Hey, Captain.

How do you feel about
the big game today?

With these new skates -
there's no way we can lose!

Like the commercial says,
we're gonna "Rule the Rink"!

You shoulda
bought the new skates

like the rest of us, Fluff.

The whole team's
talkin' about you.

They are?


They say you're not
being a team player.

Do you feel that way, too?

Fluff, I'm your best
friend, so I'm gonna give it

to ya straight: You need
to get the new skates.

C'mon, you'll go
twice as fast!

But I don't need new
skates to go faster.

I'll show you!



You do know the game starts
in just a few hours, right?

I know, Ice.

I just lost my balance.

If you'd been wearing
the new skates,

you wouldn't have fallen.

But... I just tripped!

What if you trip
like that in the game?

Fluff, you gotta
get the Cyberblades

or you're not playing!

But I...I...oh, forget it!

I'm going home.

Ah, poor Fluff.

C'mon, Inez.

I've got an idea to help him.

We got a problem, Ice.

We're short a player
without Fluff.

Don't worry, Bern,
he'll cool down.

He'll see we're right...

and come back
wearing the Cyberblades.

Just wait.

With just a few
hours till game time,

the big question is:
Will Fluff be back

for the opening
face-off...or not?

You should wear the
skates you want, Fluff.

And it's all right if
they're not my old ones.

But you have to
make up your own mind.

OK, dad.


Hey, guys.

The team misses you, Fluff.

They really want you to play.

I really want to play, too.

I just don't
know what to do...

I want to wear my dad's
skates but I don't want

to let my team down
-especially Bernie.

He's my best friend!

We got you some Cyberblades,

in case you want
to give them a try.

Your teammates really
think they'll help

make them play better.

Maybe they will -
but maybe they won't!

Just because my team believes
if they wear Cyberblades then

they'll play better doesn't
mean I have to wear them.

I've got it!

It's all started with
that commercial we saw.

But commercials
are full of language

that tries to persuade you...


Maybe if we look at
the commercial again,

we can figure out what's
persuasion and what's fact.

That'll help us figure out
if there are good reasons

to use Cyberblades.

If there are, you'll try 'em.

And if there aren't, then
we tell my team and maybe

then they'll let me
wear my dad's skates!

It's worth a try!


He sh**t he scores!


The skates of the
future for today!

Be cool!

Be the top scorer
on your team!


Guaranteed to make you
skate twice as fast -

or your money back!

Rule the rink...


OK, what does the
commercial really say?

It says you can rule the rink!

And that you'll become
the top scorer on your team

if you use them.

And you'll skate twice as
fast - or your money back!

Whoa, there are all kinds
of claims in that commercial!

We need to get
organized - what's fact,

what's just persuasion?

Let's write
everything down here,

then check them one
claim at a time...

This recharger chair will
supply me with so much energy

that I'll be the most
powerful cybervillain

in the history of Cyberspace!

Ohh...I can't wait
till it gets here!

You sure you have enough
money to pay for it, boss?

Of course I do!

We're making so much
money on these skates,

it'll be a drop in the bucket!

What if the Power For-Ever
Recharger Chair doesn't work?


What if it's a lemon?

No problem!

Look at the ad!

It says right here:
"Money back guarantee!"

And the final claim
the commercial makes

is that Cyberblades make
you skate twice as fast.


Now let's separate the true
facts from the false arguments

the commercial makes
just to get us to want

to buy the skates.

This isn't gonna be easy.

Let's start with the
claim that you'll be

the top scorer on your team.

That sounds like a
good reason to buy.

Yeah, it does sounds
good...but wait!

If everyone on the
team has the skates,

we can't all be the one
and only "top" scorer!

Good reasoning, Fluff.

So that claim can't be true.

If it can't be true
- then it's a false argument -

and a bad reason to buy.


"Rule the rink."

How about that one, Fluff?

Would you buy the skates if
you could "rule the rink"?

Well, yeah...but what
does that really mean?

That you'll be the best?

You'd need lots more
than good skates for that.


Claiming you'll rule the
rink doesn't make it true.

That takes us to the
money back guarantee.

What's a guarantee?

It's like a promise.

If the skates don't do
what the commercial says

-you can return them
and get your money back.

That sounds like a good thing.

It is.

A true fact and a
good reason to buy.

OK, last claim.

Cyberblades make you
skate 'twice as fast'.

Would you play better if
the Cyberblades make you skate

twice as fast as
your Dad's skates?

Well, sure!

But how do we
know that's true?

Now that's a
claim we can test!

It's almost game time, Ice.

Maybe you should let Fluff
play wearing his dad's skates.

Sorry, Bernie.

We can't risk it.

But we don't have
enough players.

I'm worried, Didge.

It doesn't look like
Fluff is coming back.

Matt, we need another player.

I wish I could, Ice...

but I'm covering the
game for Motherboard.


Me? Go out there?

It's an emergency,
Didge. We need you.

The Titans are
coming on the ice!

YOIKES! Look at those guys!

Don't worry!
We've got Cyberblades!

There's no way we can lose!

Matty? Whaddaya think?

Digit, the most famous
cyboid in cyberspace,

is a last minute
substitution for the Voyagers.

No he's not!

The question is,
can the little bird

with the big heart
make a difference?

Go get 'em, Didge!


The things I do
for my friends.

Okay, Fluff, three laps
with the Cyberblades -

then three with
your Dad's skates.

That's a fair test.

It should tell us which
skates are the fastest.




Ten point four seconds.

Ten point four
seconds - got it!

Eight point five
seconds for the last run

in the old skates.

Got it!

So...which skates are faster?

See for yourself!

All eights compared to tens!

I knew it!

I'm faster with
my Dad's skates!

The Cyberblades didn't
make you go twice as fast -

you actually went slower!

So far there's only one good
reason to buy Cyberblades -

the guarantee that you can
take them back if they don't

do what the commercial says.

And they don't!


The rest of the
commercial is filled with false

and misleading claims!

C'mon, guys.

I gotta talk to the team!

Near the end of the first
period, it's Titans two,

Voyagers nothing.

Is the big game
a big mismatch?

Oooh, that hurt!

The first period
ends with the score:

Titans three - Voyagers nothing.

Okay, so they got
off to a great start -

but we have the Cyberblades.

We should be twice
as fast as they are!

We should rule the rink!

Hey, guys!

Fluff, you're back!

Yeah I'm back - and
I've got news for you.

Those Cyberblades aren't what
that commercial says they are.

They aren't?


We wrote down every
reason the commercial

says to buy the skates.

And we found out they
aren't very good reasons at all.

Oh yeah?

What's wrong with 'em?

We'll show you.

The trick is
you gotta pay attention

to what the
commercial really says.

Take reason one:

the skates will make
you the team's top scorer.

But think about it - that
doesn't make any sense.


Everyone here has
the Cyberblades.

But everyone can't be the
top scorer on the same team.

It's not possible,
so it can't be true.

She's got a point, Ice.

Yeah, I guess.

But how about "rule the rink"?

You gotta admit, that's
a good reason to buy.

It does sound good - but you
have to get past that and ask,

what does it really mean?

If it means to be the best,
then it isn't just skates

that make that
possible, it's skill.


So "rule the rink" isn't a
good reason to buy, either.

It's a false claim.

The next reason
is the guarantee.

That's the only good reason
we found to buy the skates.

If you don't like 'em - you
can get your money back.

Wait - what about
"twice as fast"?

That's definitely a
good reason to buy 'em.

Just one small problem
- it's not true!

Cyberblades aren't
twice as fast.

That's right.

Fluff tested them
against his Dad's skates.

And he skated faster in his
Dad's skates than he did

in the Cyberblades!

Wow...and I thought the new
skates would make us better.

That commercial
fooled all of us...

except you, Fluff.

Listen, everybody, you
can't win a big game

just by buying fancy new skates.

You win because you work
hard - and play as a team -

and never say "I quit".

Ooh, this kid's on a roll!

Remember, it's what's in
your heart that counts,

not what's on your feet.

Let's go out there
and give it our all!

What'dya say?


So Ice, you gonna let me play?

Hey, I never really liked
these new skates anyway.

Okay, Voyagers - put on
our old skates and let's take

the game to the Titans!

As the last period
gets underway,

the Voyagers look
like a different team.

Great move, Fluff!

Way to go!

Ice scores the first
goal for the Voyagers

on a beautiful pass from Fluff

...making the score three to
one in favor of the Titans.

The Voyagers are suddenly
playing with energy,

teamwork and passion!

Go, Voyagers, go!

We're only one goal behind!

The Voyagers tie the
score with just ten seconds

left in the game!

Can they complete this
astonishing comeback?

Another goal for the Voyagers!

What an amazing finish!

The Voyagers come from
behind to win the big game!

And Fluff - just like his
father did twenty years ago -

scores the winning goal!

Way to go, guys!


What's this?

Made in the Northern Frontier?


The Power For-Ever
Recharger Chair is all mine!

Now, how does this thing work?

Uh, Boss--

Can't you see I'm busy?

Turn on A, flip switch B...

Ahhhhh, the music of
cyberworld domination!

But Boss, we--

Not now, you dunce bucket!

I'm about to give
myself the energy boost!

I know, but--


Just let me enjoy
my-- Eeeyaah!

W-W-W-W-What's wrong?

We were tryin' to tell you

-there's a big
warning label here.


Do not wear wig gel
when using this product.

May permanently damage
the energy source."

Why didn't you tell me?

Cyberblades Incorporated.

They didn't?

Okay, okay, you'll get it.

Deedee, send another
refund check to Penguia.

Will do, Buzzy.


Who said they could
get their money back?

Uh, you did, Boss.

Your commercial said the
Cyberblades are guaranteed

to go twice as fast
or your money back.

And they didn't
go twice as fast.

They didn't?

What, that gives me an idea.

Give me that!

This is The Hacker.

I want to return my Power
For-Ever Recharger Chair.

Your ad says satisfaction
guaranteed or your money back.

Fine print?

What fine print?

"May not be
returned if removed

from its original packaging."

I've been tricked!


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