13x10 - Master of Puppets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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13x10 - Master of Puppets

Post by bunniefuu »



Did you guys watch last night's
episode of Survivorguy?

I can't believe he used
a snake like a lasso

to swing across that ravine!

That was amazing.
Dang ol' hardcore, man.

Survivorguy's not tough.

I've been using snakes as lassos
since the second grade.

Dale, the man braves
the world's roughest terrain,

armed only with willpower
and a knife.

He's the greatest
American hero ever born.

In Canada.

Okay, you want to see willpower?

For the next seven days,

I will eschew modern luxuries
and live entirely off the land.

I'll even postpone date night.

Date night?

Every Friday, Nancy and I share

a romantic evening on the town.

And we don't go home until
Nancy's out of money.


I haven't taken Peggy
on a date since...


Hank, man, you talkin' about
that thing about women, man,

you got to keep that dang
ol' flame alive, man,

pitch woo, too, man.

Woo, huh?

Well, I did see a coupon
to the Pasta Garden

in the Sunday paper.

A free iced tea with
the purchase of any appetizer.

I'd love to take
advantage of that.

I hope Peggy knows
how lucky she is.

Hey, there...


Hank, what are you doing?

I am approaching you
with romantic intent.

Peggy, will you go
on a date with me this Friday?

A date?

Why? We're married.

Wait, are you gonna
tell me something awful

in a public place
so I won't make a scene?


Can't a husband
take his wife out on a date?

I want to show you off.

Is that crazy?

It is the sanest thing
you've ever said.

But what about Bobby?

Friday is our game night.

Bobby's 13 years old.

I don't think he wants
to spend Friday night

with his parents anymore.

Come on, we could make this
a regular thing.

Like cleaning the gutters
or re-grouting.

Hank Hill,
if you treat me as tenderly

as you treat those gutters,

it's gonna be quite a night.

Guess who found a bottle of
Old Spice underneath the sink?


Ladies and gentlemen,

game on!

Okay, last week, things
got a little hot,

but I promise not to flip
over the board tonight.

Honey, your father and I
are going out on a date.

We were thinking of making
Fridays our regular date night.

Date night?

Oh, you got me!

Okay, you can be the little car.

Nice bluff, Mom.

Wait, you're serious?

Come on, Bobby.

I know the box says
ages eight to 80,

but it's supposed to drop
off a bit in the middle.


I'll hit the mall with Joseph
and his football buddies.

But don't blame me when
your dinner conversation stinks!

Tell you what, we will
pick you up on our way home.

Let's say 9:00?

Fine, great, sure.
See you at 9:00.

Have fun. Okay, then.

I'm stranded out here in the
wild plains of Arlen, Texas...

The Devil's Epiglottis.

As the temperature plummets

into the low 60s,
a sturdy shelter

is all that stands between me
and certain death.

It's funny.

Out here, I'm so vulnerable
to the elements,

yet more than anything,
I just miss my family.

The loneliness,
that's what gets to you.

Date night.

What's that about?

The Hills used to be
a Bobby-centric family.

What if I'm not the center
of their universe anymore?

My dad and I
never do stuff together.

He says it's safer
if we spread out.

I can't believe I'm stuck at
the mall when I should be home

watching my dad
tip over the Jenga stack.

The guy's all thumbs.

It's hilarious.

You sure love
your parents, dude.

You're gay.

Look at us, Peggy.

We're on a date.

Isn't it exciting?

So, Hank Hill,

do you promise
to have me home by curfew?

Well, sure.

Unless the service is slow,

I don't anticipate
there being a problem.

Oh, uh,

w-we didn't order these.

They're complimentary, sir.

Complimentary salad
and bread sticks?

Hank, did you call ahead
and set this up?

I wish I could take credit.

This place just seems
to specialize in class.

I don't care
if she doesn't have a head,

that chick is hot!

You guys keep at it.

I'm just gonna go

wait outside for my parents.

Uh, are you kicking me
on purpose?

Hank, I am not kicking you.

I am playing footsie.

Oh, right.

You're it.


Boy, what a meal.

I had no idea
what kind of things

they were putting
inside ravioli these days.

My friends, I hope you saved
room for coffee and dessert.

Actually, coffee sounds great.

Really? Well, in that case,

uh, maybe I'll try
this thing right here.

A wonderful
choice, Mr. Hill.

Our Mount Vesuvius hot lava cake

takes about 20
minutes to prepare.

Will that be okay?

Go for it, Hank.

Lucky for you, I have
a 20-minute anecdote.

When you're eight years old,

New Orleans seems like the other
end of the world to you.

So this is how it ends.

Date night!

I wonder if it's too late
for me to coach in the NFL.

I don't need to be
head coach right away.

I'm willing to start out
as an offensive coordinator.

Peggy, would you join me
on my side of the booth?

Hank Hill,
you are blowing my mind.



That's all you got?

Just what the heck is going on?!

What do you mean?

We're finishing dinner.

We'll be there
to pick you up at 9:00.

Oh, really?

Well, you might want to
check your watch, buddy boy.

It's 10:30!

Oh, my God.

Peggy, it's 10:30:


Where's Bobby?!

Bobby, where are you?

I'm at the Get In/Get Out.

I hope you're happy.

I'm watching prostitutes
buy panty hose.

He's at the Get In/Get Out.

Bobby, uh, sometimes
married people

get caught up in a
meal, and they...


Honey, the thing is...

Don't want to hear it!

Honey, we had...

La-la-la, nope!

I can't believe it.

I-I don't leave my sunglasses
in the car overnight,

but I leave my boy
in a parking lot?

If he takes a hammer
to our heads while we sleep,

I would not blame him.

It was an honest mistake,
but we apologized.

Everything will be okay
in the morning.


He'll be okay in the morning.

Hope you enjoyed your dessert.

What's that?

Hmm? Nothing.

Oh, Bobby!

Good morning!

How do you figure?

What is this?



this is a homemade
chocolate chip waffle

topped with strawberries
and whipped cream

and surrounded by
a bacon perimeter.

Guess I was feeling creative.

Oh, Bobby, your father and I
feel so bad about last night.

We lost track of time,

and, well, your father
just had to have this lava cake.

So you're saying
this is Dad's fault?

We could spend all day
pointing fingers at your father,

but would that
solve anything, Bobby?


Well, all right.

Morning, Bobby.

Morning... Father.

Make way for some hot syrup!

Thanks, Mom.

That meal was
unnecessarily decadent.

It was a breakfast bribe.

She's trying
to make me the scapegoat.

Hey, Hank Hill!

I knew rednecks abandoned
cars and refrigerators.

Guess we can throw kids
on the list, too.

Ah, dang it!

Peggy told Minh, didn't she?

She's gonna sell me out
to the entire neighborhood.

Sweet, helpless Hank,

you wouldn't last
one day in the wild.

Any skilled outdoorsman knows
the female of a species

is always the most fierce
and calculating.

That's why you never
fight a lady monkey.

Yeah, Peggy Hill savage.

She going to turn
your son against you...

Unless you match her
bribe for bribe.

You expect me to bribe my son?


Uh, hey, there, Bobby.

About last night, uh...

see, the thing is,
I was all ready to leave

when your mother ordered
a cup of coffee.

I'm not trying to say your
mother is responsible for this.

In fact, that's what
I'm trying very hard not to say.



Hey, uh, why don't
you hit the arcade.

Go sh**t yourself some...

zombies and such.

Um... okay.


Enjoy, Bobby. On me.

Your dad.

First a five-star breakfast
and now free cash?

Dude, your parents are
competing for your love!

You're like a child of divorce!

Wow! I didn't know kids with
divorced parents had it so good.

Oh, it's a sweet gig.

My mom and dad are trying
to prove who loves me more.

What should I ask for next?

The Cane Skretteburg concert.

This Saturday night!

It'll be wild and loud
and overflowing with chicks!

My parents would
never let me go to that.

It's perfect!

Unlike the majestic
North American cow,

I can't subsist on grass alone.

I'm going to need to hunt
for food if I want to live.

And I do.



Dang it, she made him nachos?

Come in.

Hey, Bobby.

Did you have a good time
with the money I gave you?

Eh. Guess I'm
just feeling

a little down today, you know?
Well, sure.

Your mother
chose coffee over you.

That would upset anyone.

Oh, I can't stay mad at her.

She does so many little things

to let me know
how much she cares.

Uh, is there maybe one
big thing someone might do

to show you they care?



Well, there's a thing
I was hoping to go to

on Saturday night, but... What?

Well, it's a rock concert,

and I'd need to stay out
a little past curfew.

Guess I'll just ask Mom.

We don't need her.

How much past curfew?

The concert would probably end

at about the same time
I was being offered marijuana

at the Get In/Get Out
the other night.

Oh. Uh...

Well, if it's really
important to you...

And I've been thinking,
maybe I should get a new bike.

You know, something that
could safely deliver me home

when there's no one
I could count on to pick me up.

I'm, uh...

I-I’ll be back.

I think this looks
about right for my son.

Okay, so, do I
wheel it up front?

Hank! What are
you doing here?


Uh... nothing.

What are you doing here?

Well, I... I also
am here for nothing.

Wait. Are you buying
Bobby a bike?

That depends... are you buying
him a cart full of toys?

Are you
accusing me of bribery?

Are you guilty of bribery?


Oh, Hank, I feel so awful.

I neglected
our sweet little Bobby.

He needed me,
and I was not there for him.

Ah, yeah, we
both messed up, but...

spoiling him with
ridiculous gifts

isn't gonna make things better.

Oh, you're right.

This all started
because of our date night!

He just wanted
to spend some time with us,

and we excluded him.

I know what we have to do.

So... we're
getting the bike?

Not getting the bike?

What am I doing?

Joseph, a lesser man would have
stopped at concert tickets.

But I, being a dreamer,

sent both my parents
on a shopping spree.

Pardon me a moment.

Um, hey,

you guys need help
unloading anything?

The cars are empty, Bobby,
but we are not empty-handed.

In fact, we got you
something very special.


You? You're giving me you?

All you wanted was
to be with your parents.

Well, Bobby,
consider that wish granted.

We promise never to leave
you alone ever again!

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever!

...and five, six, seven!

Well, how about that!

Looks like I'm spending
the night at the Hotel Bobby.

My Triple-A card is registered
in the name of Hank Hill,

though I'm currently
traveling as a shoe.

Will that be a problem,
Mr. Hotel Manager?

Good morning, Bobby!

How'd you sleep?

Did you miss us? Ooh!

We missed you!

Well, I barely slept at all.

I was too excited
about all the things

we're gonna do today
as a family.

More family stuff?

Last night didn't get it
out of your system?

Are you kidding? We're
just getting warmed up.

Okay, here's the thing:

Hanging out with you guys
is all kinds of great,

but tonight's the concert
at the Funzone.

A rock concert?

Bobby, there's nothing fun

about going to a rock concert...

...without your

Oh, God!

In the wild, there is
no greater survival skill...


did you steal this stuff
from the neighbors?

No. I trekked through the wild
and foraged for it.


There is no
greater survival skill

than the ability to start a fire
without matches.

Lucky for me,
the Arlen plains are rich

in natural
propane t*nk deposits.

Come on...

Can you feel the electricity?

We are gonna rock it
hard-core tonight!

What do we do till
the show starts?

You know,

there's an arcade game
I want to play,

but I just remembered,
it's a one-player game, so...

I'll have to play by myself.

I'll check you later.


It's awful, Joseph.

My only moment of privacy today

was in the bathroom...
And even then,

my mom sat outside
the door and sang to me.

Dude, that's pretty weird.

Unless... What song was it?

Hey, Bobby! Look at me!

I'm skiing! Bobby!

Oh! What happened?
Did you win?

Are you dead? Those
trees are so blurry.

I think you're
going light-speed!

Hey, Bobby.

Joseph said you're going

to the Cane Skretteburg concert.

We should headbang when
they play "Screeching Weasel."

Well, I was planning
to go to the concert, but...

Hi! Peggy Hill!

I love Cane Scattersmith!

I also love my son, Bobby!

Um... have fun.

Hank! Grab Bobby's hand!

We'll be a family chain!

No more!
No more family time!

No more following me around!

I can't gotdang take it!

But... you wanted
to be with us.

You felt so alone;
you had nightmares.

I was faking.

Now, don't get me wrong,
I was upset when you forgot me.

I would've gotten over it

but then I found
myself at the center

of a full-blown
gift-giving competition.

And that's not
a bad place to be.

Your father should not
have tried to pay you off.

That was wrong.

Peggy, you woke up at 5:00 a.m.
to cook the boy breakfast.

Only because
he was acting so upset.

He wouldn't even talk to us!

Because you guys left me alone

in a scary parking lot
for an hour!


I guess we all
made some mistakes.

But if time to yourself
is what you really want...


Now I guess you're gonna
need a new shelter.

Good thing you're such
a skilled outdoorsman.

Okay, I quit.

The skies have grown hostile.

I've got a lot of work to do

if I'm gonna make it
through the night.

So... we're getting the bike?
Not getting the bike?

What am I doing?
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