01x06 - Stuntmania!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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01x06 - Stuntmania!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seatbelt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

[Crowd chanting]
darrington! Darrington!

- Yeah!


- Hey, I'm blaze.

- And I'm a.j.,
His driver.

- This is our friend,

He loves to do tricks
and stunts.

- ♪ Darrington

Almost a perfect landing.

[Both laughing]

- [Coughs]
oh, thanks, guys.

- So, darrington, are you ready
to do your biggest trick ever?

- You bet I am!

I've been waiting
my whole life for...

♪ Stunt mania

- Check it out.

Stunt mania has the biggest
stunt track ever built.

It's a super track.

- No one's ever ridden
the super track before...

Until now.

- That's right.

I'm gonna be the first monster
machine in history

To race through all those loops
and jumps.

[Drum fanfare]

It's showtime!

Got to go!

- Good luck, darrington.

- Ladies and gentle-trucks,

Put your tires together
for the star of stunt mania:

The one, the only

- Whoa!

Thank you!

Thanks for coming, everyone.

[Crowd chanting]
darrington! Darrington!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Look, crusher.

Darrington is about to ride
the super track.

- Oh, it's not fair, pickle.

I want to be the first one
to ride the super track.

- Oh, yeah.
That's a shame.

- Wait a second...

With a little cheating, I can
ride the super track first.


I'll make...

A bouncy boot machine.

- Uh-oh.
What's that thing do?

- [Giggles]

My bouncy boot machine is gonna
give darrington the boot!


- Hold on to your hubcaps,

Darrington is about to ride
the stunt mania super track.


- Okay, everyone.
Here I go!

- But wait!

Something strange is coming up
behind him!

It--it looks like some kind

Bouncy boot machine?

- Bouncy boot ma-what?

- Oh, no!

Darrington has been booted away!

[Crowd gasping]

- [Giggles]

Don't worry, everyone.
Don't worry.

Now that darrington's gone,
I will ride the super track.

- Oh, no, you won't.

- Blaze!

- You cheated, crusher.

You sent darrington away

So you could go
on the super track first.

- So what if I did?

The important thing is,
no one can stop me now.

Not you,
not you--

- Uh, what about him?

[Both screaming]

- Oh, no!

Darrington's gone.

Crusher's gone.

Who's gonna ride the stunt mania
super track now?

- It's darrington's trick.

He should get to ride
the super track.

- Then we've got to find him
and bring him back

Before crusher gets there first.

To find darrington extra fast,
we'd better use blazing speed.

To make me go super fast
and use blazing speed,

Say, "let's blaze!"

Both: let's blaze!

- ♪ Come on,
let's hit the road ♪

♪ Get ready,
here we go ♪

♪ Here we go,
one, two, three ♪

All: ♪ let's blaze!

♪ Let's blaze!

- ♪ Come on and follow me
- whoo-hoo!

- ♪ G-g-give me some speed
- yeah!

- ♪ One, two, three
all: ♪ let's blaze!

♪ Let's blaze!

- ♪ One, two, three, and four,
keep the pedal to the floor ♪

♪ Seven, eight
all: ♪ let's blaze!

- Hmm.

Darrington must have landed
out there somewhere.

[Machine beeping]

- B-blaze?

Can anyone hear me?

- [Gasps]
it's darrington calling!

- We hear you, darrington.
Can you tell us where you are?

- W-well, I'm not s-sure,
but w-wherever I am,

It's f-freezing cold!

- Hang in there, darrington.

A.j. And I will find you.

- Darrington said
he's someplace cold.

Let's use my visor to find
the coldest place around.

Switching to visor view.

Now we can measure all
of the different temperatures.

Places that are hot look red.

And places that are cold
look blue.

What looks blue?

The mountain.

It must be really cold.

Visor, zoom in.

Look, there's a cave on top
of the mountain.

And darrington's inside!

- Brr!

- Come on, we've got to hurry
and get him out of there.

- Faster, blaze!

- Yeah, let's use acceleration.

Whenever you're going one speed
and then you start going faster,

That's acceleration.

- Acceleration!

[Wheels screeching]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!

- Crusher!

Crusher, where'd you go?

- I'm down here, pickle.

You're sitting on my head.

- [Laughs nervously]

- Oh, I can't believe I got
booted away

By my own boot machine.

- Well, look on the bright side.

Now you can make a snowman.

Or--or an igloo.


A snow angel!

- No, I don't have time
for that.

I have to get back to
stunt mania before darrington

So that I can ride
the super track.

Me! Me!


- Whee!

- Blaze, look.

There's the mountain.

- And this path will lead us
right up to the cave

Where darrington is.

- Baa!

- Huh, that was a weird sound.

- Baa!

- Whoa, what was that, blaze?

- I don't know,

But something just bumped me
right in the bumper.

- Baa!
- [Gasps]

It's a bighorn!

- Baa!

- Baa!

Both: whoa!

- Gaskets, those bighorns
are everywhere.

- And they do not want us
driving up their mountain.

- Baa!

- Hey, look.

That one's going back
to his hiding place

Behind a really big rock.

- Baa!

- And so is that guy.

- The bighorn trucks are so big,

They have to hide behind
the biggest rocks.

So to keep away from them...

- We need to say away
from the biggest rocks.

- Careful, there are rocks
up ahead.

Which rock is the biggest?

- That one.

Better stay away.

- Baa!

- Phew, we were right.

There was a bighorn back there.

- More rocks ahead.

- Which one is the biggest?

Yeah, that one.

- Baa!
- Not today, bighorn.

- Here comes some more rocks.

Quick, which one's the biggest?

Yeah, you got it!

- Baa!

- [Giggles]
missed me!

- There's only one more
group of rocks.

- Which rock is the biggest?

That one.

- Baa!


- Look, blaze.

There's the cave
where darrington is.

- All right!
Let's go get him.


- Look, there he is.
- Darrington!

- Blaze, a.j.
You made it.

Oh, this is stupendous.

I knew you guys would come
and rescue me.

- Oh, well, we're just glad
you're okay, darrington.

- Now let's hurry and get you
back to stunt mania

So you can ride
the super track before crusher.

- I'm right behind you.


- Uh, darrington?

Why aren't you following us?

[Motor roaring]

Well, i--i don't know.


I just sort of
can't move.

- Hmm.
We'd better see what's wrong.

- Uh-oh.
- What's the matter?

- Darrington, you're frozen
in ice.

- Frozen in ice?

Oh, no!
This is horrible!

- Don't worry, pal.

A.j. And I will find a way
to get you out of there.

- Hmm, we've got to find
some way to melt that ice.

- Right, and to do that,
we need to heat it up somehow.

- I know.

We could melt the ice
with a blast of super hot air.

And we know a machine
that blasts hot air:

A hair dryer.

- I love it.

Come on, help turn me
into a giant hair dryer.

First, I need a heating coil

To make the air inside
the hair dryer really hot.

To make one, say,
"heating coil!"

Heating coil!


Now we need to blow
the hot air out.

And to do that, we need a fan
and a motor that makes it spin.

To make the motor, shout,


And to make the fan,
shout, "fan!"


All right!

We turned me into a
hot air-blowing monster machine!

- Wow, look at you, blaze.

- Hold on, darrington.

This hair dryer is heating up
and ready for action.

[Motor roaring]

- It's working, blaze.

You're melting the ice
into water.

- Hey, look.
My tire's free.

And my other one too.

you did it.

I'm free!

[Both laughing]

- Thanks, you guys.

- You're welcome, darrington.

- Baa!

- Boy, I wonder who made
that sound.

- Wasn't me.
- Me neither.

- Huh, and it wasn't me,

It must've been that guy.

- Lug nuts!

That's the biggest bighorn
I've ever seen.

- Baa!

- Let's get out of here.

[Motors roaring]


- Baa!

[All cheering]

- This way, fellas.
Follow me.

- [Laughs]

Yeah, let's do it.


[Yelling and cheering]

[Both laughing]

- What a ride.

- Yeah, but where'd
darrington go?

- ♪ Darrington


[Both laughing]

- Nice one, darrington.

High tire.

- Guys, look up ahead.

It's crusher and pickle.

They're on their way back
to stunt mania.

- But crusher can't ride
the super track.

That's my trick.

- We've got to hurry,

And get you back there
before crusher.

We need a little acceleration.

[Engines revving]

- ♪ Come on,
let's accelerate ♪

♪ And change our speed
from stop to go ♪

♪ Come on,
let's accelerate ♪

♪ Increase our speed
from slow to whoa ♪

♪ Acceleration

♪ We're speeding up
and going faster ♪

♪ Acceleration

♪ From slow to fast

♪ And fast to faster

♪ We're gaining speed

♪ Give me some steam

♪ Acceleration

♪ We're speeding up
and going faster ♪

♪ Acceleration

♪ From slow to fast

♪ And fast to faster

♪ Acceleration

- Get those engines revving,

It's almost time
for stunt mania.

[Crowd cheering]

Some lucky racer is gonna ride
this amazing super track.

But the question is,
who's it gonna be?

Will it be crusher?

Or will darrington
get there first?


Well, buckle up,
because we're about to find out.

- ♪ Stunt mania,
stunt mania ♪

♪ I'm gonna ride the stunt mania
super track ♪

- Uh, crusher?
- [Scatting]

- Crusher?

- What is it, pickle?

Can't you see I'm almost
at the super track?

- Uh, but crusher,

Someone's catching up with you,

And his name
rhymes with shmarrington.

- Shmarrington?

That sounds like darrington!

[Engines roaring]

Oh, no!

I can't let darrington beat me
to the super track.

I've got to make something
to stop him.


He'll never get past this.

An earthquaker maker!


- Oh, hey.

I wonder what that is.

- No, darrington,
look out!

- Whoa!

Oh, boy.

- Hang on, darrington!

- Phew!

Thanks, blaze.

- Uh-oh, that machine is making
more cracks.

- Come on, let's hurry.

- Oh, that crack
is getting closer!

- We need to go faster.


- Switching to visor view.

To go faster than the crack,

We've got to go at least
this number: 13.

Right now, the speedometer says
we're going eight.

Are we going fast enough?

No, we've got to speed up.

- Whoa!

- Count to 13 with us.

Start at eight.

All: 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 13!

- Whoo-hoo!
We did it, guys.

- The earthquaker maker
just made another crack,

And it's moving even faster.

- To get away from this crack,

The speedometer says we need
to be going 20.

Right now we're at 13.

Are we going fast enough?


- Hurry, it's getting closer!

- Help us accelerate to 20.

Count with us.

Start at 13.

All: 13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 18,

19, 20!

- Oh, yeah!

- Stunt mania,
here we come!


- [Laughs]

Stunt mania is just up ahead.

Look like I'm gonna ride
the super track first.

- Yup, nothing could possibly
go wrong now.

- [Horn beeping]

- [Yells]

- Well, folks,

I guess no one's gonna ride
the stunt mania super track.

[Crowd sighing]

Hold on, someone's coming.

It's darrington!

He's back!

[Crowd cheering]

- Yeah, he made it!
He made it!

- Oh, dude,
I totally knew he'd make it.

- Way to go, darrington.

Now you can finally ride
the super track.

- Thanks, blaze.

But you know, I don't feel
like doing the trick

All by myself anymore.

- Why not, darrington?

- Because I want to ride
the super track with you guys,

My best pals in the whole world.

Come on, what do you say?

- Yeah!
- Let's do it.

[Engine revving]

- And up they go,

Darrington and blaze to the top
of the super track.

- Super track, here we go!

- And they're off!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoa!

- There they go,
side by side,

Through the loop-de-loops.

- Whoo-h-h-hoo!

- Whoo!

- Coming around the final turn,

They're headed
for the flaming star.

Will they make it?


- ♪ Darrington

Oh, whoa!
- Gotcha!

- They've done it!

They have completed
the stunt mania super track.

- We did it, blaze.
We really did it.

- We sure did, darrington.

We did it together.

[Fireworks popping]

- Whoa!
What a trick!

I mean, did you see blaze
and darrington?

They were, like,
zoom through those loops

And then the flaming star
at the end?

I mean--
oh, that was incredible.

- Oh, it's not fair.

I wanted to do the jumps
and the loop-de-loops

And have everyone cheer for me.





- Mmm.

- [Sighs]

- ♪ It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with blaze ♪

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines
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