04x01 - Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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04x01 - Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm #aillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

And me!

And me!

And me!




You okay?

-Fine, I'm fine.

-Mmm, Smells to me like it's
going to be a beautiful day.

-Ahh... Smells the same to me.


-Oh, well, might
as well enjoy it.

-Gilbert is one of
my best friends, my hero.

I want to be just like him.

Hmm... That's not easy.

He's fast and
can do lots of things.

I can't.

I'll try.

-Caillou! We're leaving
now! Where are you?


I'm playing dinosaurs.

-You and Rosie
have been inside all day.

-Can I bring my dinosaur?

-Why don't you bring
your bucket and shovel inste?@

Then you could
ay in the sandbox.


-Caillou was happy to
see that Leo and Clementine
were at the park, too.


Can I help build
the sand castle?

-Watch it, Caillou!



-You broke my bucket!

-We don't want to play
with you, you breakeverything!

to break Clementine's bucket.n

He felt very badly.



-What's the matter, Caillou?

-Leo and Clementine
donWt want to play with me.

-Did you tell them
you wanted to play with them?

-Caillou didn't
tell his mommy that he

had broken Clementine's bucket.

He was sad and angry
all at the same time.

-I don't want to
play with them anymore.

I don't like them.

I want to g.

-But we just got here Caillou.

sueWs awe.
Why don't you play for a
little while longer okay?

-Leo! Clementine!

Come play on the slide with me!

-Leo and Clementine
were so busy playing they
didn't even notice Caillou.

Caillou didn't find it
was as much fun sliding alone.

He really wanted his
friends to play with him.

-Mommy. Can you
push me in the swing, too?

-Aren't you a little big
for the baby swings, Caillou?

-Can you push me
on the big swings, Mommy?

-Caillou, I can't push
you on the big swings right now.

I'm pushing Rosie.


-It was no use.
Caillou tried and tried,

normally Mommy or his friends
would push him to get started.

But there was one thing that
Caillou could do by himself.

Climb the monkey bars.




-Why don't you go and play
with Leo and Clementine Caillou?

-They don't want me
to play with them anymore

because I broke
Clementine's bucket.

-Well, why don't
you lend her your bucket?

-Here Clementine,
you can have my bucket.


It's a nice bucket.
Alot bigger than mine.

-Can I play with you?


Sit over there! You can help me.

-Caillou knew that Leo
and Clementine were once again

his best friends
in the whole wide world.

-Mmm... Gotta keep these
claws in good condition.

-Oh yeah, just
hate it when they're not.

-Rexy, you don't have claws.

I mean claws like mine.

-Oh, uh, right.

Oh, now that
is going to be tricky.

-One of Caillou's
favourite things to do was

play Spaceman with
his best friend Leo.

-Beep boop, gla-gla lump!

-Come back, spaceman!

Oh no! He's gone!

decided that Gilbert could
help him find the spaceman.



-Leo didn't hear
anything and checked to
see if the coast was clear.




Oh no you don't!

Beep boop, glug glug - Ow!


-Yay! I win!

-Ow! Ow! Ow!

-Caillou was so
happy that he had won,

he didn't notice
that Leo was hurt.

-I want my Mommy!

-What's wrong, Leo?

-My foot hurts!

-Caillou didn't know
what to do. He felt scared.

-Mommy! Daddy! Help!

Leo hurt himself!

-Where does it hurt?

-My foot.


foot hurt him so much that
he couldn't even stand on it.

-You'd better take Leo home.

His parents may want to have his
foot checked at the hospital.

-Good idea.

-The hospital!?

-Caillou was worried
that his friend might
have to go to the hospital.

-Don't worry, Leo.
Everything will be alright.

-I want my Mommy!

-Is Leo okay, Mommy?

-We'll find out soon, Caillou.

But first, he needs to have his
foot checked at the hospital.

-Caillou had never
been to the hospital.

He was very curious
about what would happen there.

-What will happen
at the hospital?

-Well, the doctor
will look at Leo's foot and
find out what's wrong with it.

He might take a special
picture called an x-ray
to look at Leo's bones.

I have to call
Luspanow. Will you
please watch Rosie for me?



-Yes, Caillou?

-Will Leo be okay?

-I'm sure he'll be okay.

But he probably won't be running
around much for a little while.

-Caillou hoped Leo would
get better fast so they would be

able to play
spaceman again soon.


Maybe that's Daddy
calling about Leo!

-Hello... Uh huh.

Alright. See you soon.


-Was that Daddy?

-Yes it was.

And he says Leo
is already home from the
hospital and is doing fine.

-Do you think he
can come over and play now?

-I don't think so Caillou.

Leo has a broken
toe, s'll have to stay
off his feet for a while.

-He will?

-What's the matter, Caillou?

-Caillou was disappointed
that he wasn't going
to be able to play with Leo.

-I want Leo to come ovez.

I want to hear about
the hospital and play spaseman.

-Weleo cAé't come over here,
but you could go and visit him.

-I can?

-Sure, in fact,@
he asked Daddy if you could
come over and see him later.

I bet that would
really cheer him up.

-Caillou couldn't
wait to see Leo and had a
great idea to cheer him up.

-I'm going to draw
Leo the best picture ever!

-Caillou wanted to draw
something for Leo. But what?

-A spaceman! Leo loves spacemen.


-Can I see it?

That's beautiful, Caillou!

Maybe you can also
put the finishing touches on
the cookies I'm making for Leo.


That one's for Leo!

-Leo can't wait to see you.


I made him a drawing.

Can we?

-Hi Leo.


-Caillou was happy
to see that Leo was okay.

-A spaceman, Wow!




-Does your foot hurt?

-It did at first, butit's okay
as long as I don't walk on it.

I forgot to tie my shoelaces
and I tripped on them and fell.

-You went to the hospital?

-Yeah, and the doctor
too a funny picture of my toes!

-You wanna play space alien?


-I'm coming in for a lAéding.

-The coast is clear!

Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.

-Caillou and Leo were back
to doing what they love best.

Playing together!

-I've never seen you
up a ladder before. Be careful.

-I can do it.


Oh, I forgot
to check my food bowl.


Oh. Being Gilbert's friend
is harder than I thought.


But there's no
way I'm eating cat food.

-Caillou was feeling
very sorry for himself.

-Whatever's thematter, Caillou?

You don't look very happy.

-I've got nobody to play with.

-Don't you have any friends?


I don't.

-At that moment
Caillou really thou ht
he i n't have any friends,

and that made him feel
even more sad and lonely.

-I'm sure you
must heme friends.

Let's see if
we can think of one.

What about that
nice girl Clementine?

-Clementine loves candies.

Can I?


Okay, want some?

Oh no.

I'm putting the
yellow ones in a row.

candy was on the floor.

It's not going in ur mouth.

-Wait a minute.
I have some more here.

They're clean.

-Well that's one friend.

Do you have any others?


I don't think so.

-Let's see, now.

at abou?

-Leo's funny.

-What's so funny, you two?

-Nothing, Mommy.

-Well now. That's two
frnd Do you have any others?



What about Gilbert?


a out Gilbert.
-Caillou had forgotten

Of course Gilbert
w shis friend.

-Yay. Gilbert. You're my friend.

-Caillou was mushhappier now.

He started out thin ing
he didn't have any fruends.

But now he knew hu had three.

Caillou began to think
about whether he had any more.

-Rosie's my sister, Grandma,
but she's my friend, too.

-That's right.


-H everybody.

-Hello, Mr. Hinkle.

And Mr. Hinkle's my friend too.

-Yes. You do.

Look who's coming.

-It's Mommy and Daddy.

Mommy. Daddy. You're my friends.

And so's Rosie, and
Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle.

And Clementine and Leo.

-Are those all your friends?


-Aren't you forgetting someone?

-Oh yes,...

and u're my
friend, too, grandma.

Hi. My name is Bianca,
and this is my friend Shoshauna.

-Best friends.

What do you like to
do with your best friend?

-Hi, I'm Christian, and
this is Ryan, my best friend.

-My name is Tati, and
this is my best friend Amika.

-You can do almost
anything with a best friend!

-Oh, hi Rexy!

You seem to be everywhere today.

-I do?


Well... I feel an Ode coming on.

Gotta be ready for it.



Umm... I need
an Ode pad and pencil!

♪My best friend, My best friend.

♪I like her! She likes me!

♪We play to-ge-et-her everyday.

♪We always have fun
in our own special way.

♪Her laugh makes me giggle.

♪She loves to climb and slide,

♪and when we're at the
park, we're always side by side.

♪My best friend, My
best friend, My best friend!

♪My best friend, My best friend.

♪I like him! She likes me!

♪We play to-ge-et-her everyday,

♪we always have fun
in our own special way.

♪When I'm sad he
knows just why I am blue,

♪then he gives me a
hug, and I know what to do.

♪My best friend, My
best friend, My best friend!

♪My best friends,
My best friends.

♪I like them! They like me!

♪We play to-ge-et-her everyday,

♪we always have fun
in our own special way.

♪My best friends
My best friends My best friends!

-Caillou, this usdré.

His Mommy and I have been
friends sunce we were little.

-Caillou didn't t ink
dré was little at all.

In fact André seemed very big.

-You're already
a big boy, André.

How old are you?

-I'm six.

-Now, whydon't you
play with André while we talk?

-#e onLet's build a castle.

-Do you have any
games we could lay?

I know, let's play catch.

ot inside.



You broke my castle.

-No I didn't.
You knocked it over.

-Well let's play
something else then.

Let's play hide and seek.


I'll go hide.


I'll cou.@




Here I come.

Here I come.
Caillou, where are you?

Caillou, where are you?

-Caillou couldn't
resist that bare foot.

He had to tickle it.



-I found you.

-That's not fair. I tripped.

-Yes, it is fair.

You're i Caillou.

-Let's play something else.

-Well, OK.

Do you have
any toys in your room?

-André was up;etting Caillou.

-Wait for me.
I'll go get my robot.

André I got my robot.

at was that?

You broke my chair!

-André, are you hurt?

-He broke my ;pucial chair!

He's not my friend any more.

-André, I'm so sorry.

b ndage that cut.
Let me get a little

-It's okay!

-Caillou wa;
very angry.

But when he saw the
cut, he felt sorry for him.

-Is André hurt, Mommy?

-I'm sure he's ng
to be all right, honey.

-I didn't mean
to break Caillou's chaiz.

It was an accident.

-Why don't you two play soccer
outside for a little while?

-But the soccer
ball is stuck in the tree.

-I san reach it.

-Hey watch this.


Look, kick it like this.

-Got it.

-Caillou was having
fun playing with André now.

-Hi-y .

-Look. The ball
went in the tree again.

Oh! Are you drawing a picture?

-Uh. Well. I. um...

-Well you're welcome
to be here, Rexy, but

you need to be quiet,
because I'm creating an Ode.






-Oh, the garden
is so inspirational today.

-Oh inspirational!

It so is.

What's inspirational
mean, Gilbert?

-Oh, uh, it means it's
full of great ideas for my Ode.

-Oh, it sure is.

-Yes, yes, yes, yes.

-Yes, yes, yes, yes.





-Ah ha.

Ah ha!

I knew you were up to something.

Why are you copying me?

-Well, Teddy's off
with Caillou at Grandma's,

and you're one of
my best friends and I, well,

I wanted to be like
you. Do things like you.

-Oh, Rexy, you
don't have to do anything

but be yourself
to be my best friend.

It's just that right now,
I'm creating a brilliant Ode.

-I am too. Just like you.

-You've written an Ode?


-Like me?


-Well, then, lets hear it.

-Right now?

-Why not?


but Gilbert?


-Um... I'm just a little
dinosaur trying really hard

to be an Ode writer like you.


And I would love to hear it.

-Okay, it goes like this.


Ode to An Ode Writing Cat.

You're a cat, that's that.

You're not a bat, or a rat,

just a cat-

that likes to
do a lot of Ode writing.

Do you like it?


If I might just make
the tiniest suggestion.

-Oh, sure.

-Well that last line
should rhyme with bat and rat.

-Then it should end in cat.

-May I?

-Go ahead.


You're a cat, that's that.

You're not a bat, or a rat,

just an Ode writing cat.


Gilbert, Gilbert, Gilbert!

-I've been doing
it for quite a while.

-Oh! When I grow up,
I'm going to be just like you.


-Oh! Oh! Rexy?


-If you're going to be just like
me, we have to work on the hug.


-Oh my.

-Come play with me again!

Oh! Oh! That's me Rexy!

I'm a prehistoric reptile.

That means a dinosaur.

I'm a great dinosaur adventurer.

Although sometimes
I have a little trouble

getting passed the garden gate!

I love to play games.


Even though I'm not
good at everything, every
day I'm getting better.

That's why Caillou, my family
and friends love me so much.

Just like yours love you!







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