02x08 - A Whale of a Tale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x08 - A Whale of a Tale

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: help all kids learn
and grow with pbskids.

Thank you for supporting
your pbs station.

ok, there's this really bad dude

Named hacker.

Hacker: "the" hacker to you.

Narrator: whatever.
He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[Kids gasp]

The kids are sucked
into cyberspace,

And they use brainpower
to help save everybody.

ok, here's the plan.

so they travel all over

And run into all these
weird creatures

And have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to
them to save cyberspace.

Can cool kids and a wacky bird
outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never.

Matt: there's only one way
to find out.

tune in to "cyberchase"!

Singers: ♪ cyberchase,
we're moving ♪

♪ We're beating hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic worlds ♪

♪ Freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power ♪

♪ Of , , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪

♪ We'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on ♪

♪ Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r chase ♪

Hacker: the mean mobile!

The fastest getaway vehicle
in cyberspace!

Now I can create chaos
anywhere I wish

And escape in the blink
of an eye.

Even I'm impressed.

Buzz: hey, boss, look!

The new act at the water park.

Announcer: cinch up your
circuits, boys and girls.

It's time for the amazing
acrobatic artiste glowla

And her sensational cyberwhale,

The fabulous glowla,

The only artiste
who radiates pure energy.


Hacker: that's it. Pure energy.

With glowla by my side,

I'll never run out
of power again.

[Laughs diabolically]

[Crowd chatter]

Cotton candy?

Get your extra fluffy
cotton candy here.

Jackie: I'll take one!

Matt: make it two.

Hacker: uh, that's snelfus.

Matt: here's a .

Back, please.

Hacker: your change.

Digit: hey! How can snelfus
that look alike come to ?

Inez: you better check
it, matt. It doesn't make sense.

Matt: I've got a four, a four,
and a four.

That's .

That's too much.
I owe you one.

Hacker: keep it!
Buy something for your friends.

Matt: huh. That's weird.

Inez: he sure
was in a hurry to leave.

Jackie: forget about it.
It's show time.

Announcer: and now the fabulous
glowla and her partner spout

Will perform the daring
and dangerous

Triple flip water dip!

[Hacker laughing]

Kids: glowla!

[Glowla screams]

Glowla: spout? What happened?

[Hacker laughs]

Inez: what's going on?

[Kids gasp]

Matt: it's hacker!

No wonder he was in
such a rush.

and he's got glowla.

Digit: where's everyone going?

[Digit gasps]

[Spout roaring]

Jackie: yikes! It's spout!

aah! What's happening to spout?

All of a sudden,
he's a bad guy?

Delete: according to this,

We're supposed to meet the boss
right about here.

Buzz: hey! Hey! I can't see!

[Both shouting indistinctly]


Ohh. Oh, boy.

The boss won't be happy
about this.

quick. Open the door.

Buzz: ah. Ahem. I--i don't
think that's a good idea, boss.

Hacker: open it.

Buzz: oh! I told you.


my beautiful mean mobile!

it's just a little scratch.

Hacker: a little scratch?

I want this car fixed now!

In the meantime, I'll find
a place to hide glowla.

Delete: don't blame me.
You were driving.

[Buzz chuckles nervously]

Sam: this is
sam vander rom reporting

From the scene
of panic and mayhem.

Spout has gone on a rampage.

mad whale on the loose!

Sam: why did spout
turn into a raging beast?

And where is his partner--

Man: run for your lives!

Sam: egad! Here comes spout now.

[Spout roars]

[Citizens screaming]


Jackie: how did this happen?

What could have made
spout become so mean?

Digit: I don't know, but
we'd better figure it out fast.

Jackie: since glowla's the one
that built that robotic whale,

She's the only one that can
make spout normal again.

But how are we ever
going to find her?

Digit: you got me.

I hope matt and inez are having
better luck than we are.

no sign of glowla anywhere.

Matt: look!

the ride's over, glowla.

Glowla: who are you?

Hacker: who am i? Who am i?
The hacker, of course!

The meanest dude in cyberspace.

Now, come with me.

Glowla: no way. Yuck!

Hacker: fine. Have it your way.

what's happened to my whale?

Inez: come on!

Where are we?

Matt: somewhere under r-fair
city, I think.

Glowla: help!
Matt: this way!


Inez: what is it?

Oh, how do we get across?

Matt: easy. I'll jump.

Inez: wait. You
can't see how far across it is

To the other side.

Matt: I don't have to.
Check the sign.

The gap's only one meter wide.

I jumped three meters
at the track meet last week.

[Matt laughing]

Inez: yeah, but you could
see where you were landing.

We can't see
the other side here.

inez, the sign says one meter.

I can jump that far
in my sleep.

So stand back.
I'm going to jump it.

Inez: matt, ask yourself:

Does that number, one meter,
make sense?

If it does, jump.

If it doesn't,
you better check again.

Because if you don't,
you could be toast.

Matt: I'm not wasting time
to check what I already know.

I'm going for it.


Inez: matt!

good thing you found us.

Inez: I tried to stop him,
but he wouldn't listen.


Digit: matty, you ok?

Matt: I'm fine. I just can't
believe I didn't get over.

I mean, look at that sign.

It's only one meter.

I'm going to try again.

Inez: matt, if it is
only one meter across,

You would've made it
the first time.

Jackie: inez is right.

The answer of one meter
just doesn't make any sense.

Matt: hmm, I guess
I should've double-checked.

Inez: I would estimate that
sign to be about one meter wide.

Jackie: and there's room for
maybe three more signs after it

Before you can't see anything.

Inez: so the gap has to be
at least four meters across.

Matt: no wonder
I didn't make it.

The farthest I've ever jumped
is three meters.

hey! The smoke's clearing away.

And guess what.
That's not a one. It's a .

The paint's peeled off.

Jackie: so it's really
a -meter gap.

Inez: matt, next time you
risk your life on a number...

Matt: I know. Ask myself first,
does my answer make sense?

hey, guys, it's motherboard.

Go ahead, mother b.

Motherboard: spout
is heading for the midway.

Must stop him at once.

Sam: tension is mounting
with reports

That spout is coming this way.


Yes! It's him!

It's spout.

Buzz: hand me the spodeomotron,
uh, deedee.

Delete: here you go, buzzy.

Buzz: no, no!

Not the planetary torque


the mean mobile fixed yet?

Buzz: almost. Uh,
just another few minutes,

Uh, everything will be
as right as rain. Heh heh.

is this the spodemotron thingy?

Buzz: no!

Oh. We'll never get
this thing fixed.

Hacker: those
dysfunctional dunce-buckets.

I've got to hide you
till my getaway car is fixed.

eww! What's that on your chin?

Hacker: my chin?

Hey! Come back here!

Sam: everyone is safe now,

But what was once
a place of fun and games

Has become a set
of broken toys.

Inez: have you seen spout?

Sam: yes. He's gone to the end
of the midway.

Matt: thanks.

Sam: sir, do you think
that spout can be stopped?

Or is r-fair city doomed?

of course he can be stopped!

Inez: it's just a question
of figuring out how.

Matt: hey. I have an idea.

Jackie: hacker's gotta be here


Digit: what was that?

Jackie: it's glowla.

Digit: and guess who.

Jackie: come on!

I know you're in here, glowla.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

Why do you think spout
went out of control?

It was all my doing.

I reprogrammed
your precious whale.

Digit: did you hear that?

Jackie: yup.

Hacker: face it, glowla.
I'm running the show now.


Hacker: not so fast.

[Citizens screaming]

[Hacker laughing diabolically]

Jackie: ok, here's the plan.

I'll create a diversion

And when hacker comes out
to look,

You go inside
and change places with glowla.

Digit: beautiful.

You create a diversion,
I go inside and--


change places with glowla.

Digit: do you have a plan b?

Jackie: come on, didge.
We've got to free glowla,

But we can't let hacker
know she's gone.

Hacker: I'm afraid
you don't recognize the genius

You're trying to outwit.

Glowla: I guess not.

Is there one here?

Jackie, spooky voice:

Hacker: who said that?

Jackie: hackerrr...

Hacker: who's there?!

I demand you show your face.

Wait right here!

Glowla: who are you?

Digit: shh! The name's digit.
I'm here to save you.

Give me one of your costumes.
We're switching places.

Glowla: no way.
I can handle hacker myself.

Digit: maybe. But right now,

Spout is making
a mess out there.

Glowla: you're right.
Spout needs me.

Quick! Put this on.

[Glowla chuckles]

Digit: yikes!

Glowla: you're gorgeous.

I'll never forget you for this.

Matt: pops, where are you?

Pops: is--is it safe?

Matt: it'll be safe if you have
a big cage to put spout in.

Pops: cages I've got.

Walk this way.

Inez: let's see.

You've got cages
starting at five meters

And going up
to meters tall.

Matt: we'll take
the ten-meter cage.

Well, that should be big enough.

Pops: yeah. Maybe, maybe not.

matt, we need to double-check.

If it's too small,
it won't work.

But if it's too big,

Spout could bang around inside
and hurt himself.

Matt: right. We need some way
to tell how big spout is.

Then we'll know if that's
the right cage or not.

Jackie: how are we going
to do that?

may I draw your attention

To this lovely poster
on the wall?

Matt: if we knew how tall
glowla was,

We could measure spout
in glowlas.

she's just under two meters.

I sold her a costume.

Inez: great!

, , , , , , , glowlas.

Oh, no! The poster doesn't show
spout's tail!

Matt: yeah, but that's
a good ballpark number.

If one glowla
is two meters,

Then eight glowlas
is meters.

Not counting the tail.

No way the ten-meter cage
would have worked.

Our estimates showed
it was too small.

Inez: ok, so the ten-meter cage
doesn't make sense.

But we still don't know
how big spout really is.

Matt: too bad spout's not here.
Then we'd know for sure.

Sam: spout continues
to run wild.

He was last seen
rampaging past the aqua towers

On his way to the new
construction site.

Matt: look. Spout's just
a little taller than that hotel.

quick! Count the floors.

Matt: , , , , , .

Six floors.

And each floor is about...

Three meters high.

Three times six is .

Then the hotel is about
meters tall.

So spout should fit into
the -meter cage.

Pops: I hear you.

One cage, meters tall.

Ha ha! You got it!

Hacker: you know, glowla,

With you by my side,
we can be a great team.

Digit, imitating glowla:
what about spout?

Hacker: I don't need spout.
I need you!

We'll achieve greatness
beyond your wildest dreams.

Digit: can you do a triple flip?

I can do better than that.

We'll rule all of cyberspace.

You and me
together forever.

[Heavy thuds]

Inez: here he comes.

[Spout roaring]

Matt: come on, boy.

Just a little closer.

Matt and inez: now!

Inez: sorry, spouty.
We had to do it.

Matt: mission accomplished,
jax. The whale has landed.

[Spout rattling cage]

Matt and inez: aah!

Sam: spout has escaped!

And I'm sorry to report

That our two heroes
are trapped inside.

Matt: whoa! This is awesome.

Inez: I know.

But which button do you suppose
stops a rampaging whale?

Matt and inez: whoa!

Inez: hey! It's jackie
and glowla!

Jackie: matt, inez,
we know you're in there!

[Belching sound]

Sam: one can almost smell
the fear in the air.

Matt: I have news for you,
vander rom.

That's not fear you smell!

Spout just burped.

Inez: matt!

Matt: what?

Sam: I'm here with glowla

As she watches her
beloved spout run amuck.

Glowla, how do you feel
at this very moment?

not now, mr. Vander rom.

Glowla, tell us how
to reprogram spout, quick.

Glowla: matt, inez,
find the red lever.

That should stop him.

Inez: got it!

Glowla: pull down hard!

Matt and inez:
whoa! What's happening?

Sam: there's no telling
what will happen next.

we've got to do something.

Matt: I'm running out
of things to push and pull.

Glowla: I need to get
inside and reprogram him.

It's the only way.

[Powering down]

blue must be my lucky color!

Jackie: he stopped.

Glowla: he'll remain frozen
for seconds.

That's enough time to get in
through the blow hole.

Jackie: the blow hole?

You must be kidding.

look at us, glowla.

All cyberspace
will bow down to us.

Our names will make everyone
shiver with fear.

Digit: hmm, glowla and hacker.

Hacker: no, no.
That's "the" hacker and glowla.

[Cyberphone rings]


Buzz: we're ready to go, boss.

Hacker: excellent!
We'll be right there.

Come, my pet. Destiny awaits.

Digit: uh, could you
give me a minute?

I've got to do
my laundry first.

Hacker: I'll give you
all the clothes you need.




Digit: the resemblance
is amazing, isn't it?

Sam: in a daring attempt
to stop spout

From doing any further damage,

Jackie and glowla are entering
the giant beast.

um, maybe you want to go first.


Glowla: he's starting up.
Get in there.

Jackie: whoa!
Glowla: oh!

Inez: you're just in time.
Matt: yeah!

Inez: we're on the move again.

Glowla: oh, no. The power plant.

if spout goes there...

Oh, man. I don't want
to think about it.

Just reprogram him. Quick.

Glowla: ok, ok.

I have to figure out
the security code first.

press that button.

Read those numbers to me.

Inez: plus plus .

Glowla: I have to add them
together to get today's code.

[Spout roaring]

Kids: whoa!

hey, here's the answer:


Matt, see that keyboard?

Punch in the code
and don't make a mistake.

Matt: give me that answer again.

Glowla: ,.

Matt: hold on. Your answer
doesn't sound right.

Did you check your addition?

Glowla: what? We don't have time
for this.

Inez: we don't have time
to get it wrong!

Sam: spout is approaching
the aqua power plant.

We are now in code yellow.

Repeat, we are now
in code yellow.

Matt: just turn those three
numbers into friendly numbers.

Glowla: friendly...what?

Matt: numbers.

Easy ones you can add up
in your head. See?

Each one is close to .

So the sum of the friendly
numbers is .

Your answer isn't even
in the ballpark!

Something went wrong
with your addition.

will you guys please hurry up?

Sam: code blue.
We are now in code blue.

ok, let's check your work.

Look, you carried the one,

But you put it in the wrong
column by mistake.

Now, plus plus
equals .

That makes sense because it's
close to our ballpark estimate.

Glowla: yeah! Now the answer
makes sense.

[Spout roaring]

Sam: this is it!

We are now in code red!

And I'm sam vander rom
signing off!

Jackie: we're all going to be
out of here permanently

If someone doesn't punch in
the code.

Matt: .

[Matt and inez cheering]

Glowla: there we go, spout.

You're reprogrammed.

Matt: we did it!
Inez: yeah!

all right! Good, spout!

And good work, you guys.

Jackie: whew!

Matt: hey, jackie,
where's didge?

digit! He's still with hacker.

We have to save him!

I've got big plans for you,

You conniving cyberturkey!

Digit: does it have anything
to do with achieving greatness

Beyond our wildest dreams?

[Hacker growls]

Buzz and delete: spout!

don't worry. We'll get him.

Buzz: the whale's coming
after us, boss.

Hacker: to the wreaker!

Buzz: we lost 'em, boss!

yeah, they went swimming. Ha ha!

All: aah!

Digit: aah!

You know, spouty,

When you're not on a rampage,
you're my kinda guy.

Sam: I'm sam vander rom

Back reporting with the young
heroes who saved r-fair city.

Well, here you are,
back where it all started.

How does it feel?

uh, if you don't mind,

It feels like
we want to see the show.

Care to join us?

and now the fabulous glowla

And her partner spout!


Digit: is that the best trick
you've ever seen or what?

[Kids cheering]
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