02x01 - Hugs & Witches

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x01 - Hugs & Witches

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

* Cyberchase!

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one, two, three, four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase

* We'll meet him
face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!

* Just wait and

hold still, you quivering

we're tryin', boss! Hurry!


Easy...careful! Ugh. Ow.

Yes! Ah-ha.

The princess of parallelograms
will finally pay the price

For posing a threat
to the hacker!

Your computer genius will never
be used against me!




My dear doctor marbles,

I must see you at once.

The future of motherboard
depends on it. Ada.

[Dr. Marbles]
you haven't told me, ada.
Why the urgency?

[Lady lovelace]
it's hacker, he's tracked me

No! I thought you
were safe here.

He wants to destroy
all my work -

And just when I've come close
to finding a cure

For motherboard.

But I have a solution.

My new time travel machine!

Ada, it's amazing!

[Lady lovelace]
I can store all of my
information inside -

And go anywhere in time
I please.

He'll never find me!

you're right!

Because I've already found you!
Get 'em, boys!

[Buzz and delete]
alright boss.

Do something, marbles!

pause, you two! This is
unacceptable behavior!

Oh, yeah? Show 'em
unacceptable, deedee!

[Dr. Marbles]
oh no!


[Lady lovelace]
what are you doing?!

To make sure you never cure
motherboard's virus -

I'm sending you both
on a little trip.

Make that a big trip!

When the timer reaches zero,

Your machine will take you
so far back in time -

No one will ever see you again!

You two stay here in case these
lovebirds try something funny.

I've got business to attend to!

will do, boss!

we got it covered!


how about vermilion?

vermilion? What kind of colour
is that?

come on, matt.
Get in the spirit -

The card's for motherboard.

ah, I'm not big on valentine's

It's a girl thing.

Hacker alert! Hacker alert!

mother b! What's up?

Marbles is in trouble. Trapped
in time with lady lovelace.


trapped in time?


where's digit?

up here!

lovelace manor.

must be the place!

according to motherboard,
lady ada lovelace -

Is the daughter of lord byron,
the famous poet.

and she's the one of the first
computer programmers, too.

Would you believe?

Hey - what's this?

if you find this - find my time

that's what mother b meant!

Dr. Marbles must be trapped
in a time machine!

open it, matt!

like berries, numbers often
come in bunches,

Some are large, some are small.

When you cannot use your

Find the one that stands
for all.

hm. What's it mean?

I don't have a clue.

Wicked, I don't understand!

Why must I choose colours to be
the new ruler of cyberspace?

Hacker, darling. You hired me
to plan your inaugural -

And every inaugural event
has theme colours.

I thought we were having
a ball.

Anyone can have an inaugural

But you are a tyrant - a despot
- a dictator!

You need an event.

Yes, yes, an event it will be!

Let me see those colour
swatches again.

Of course, the colour will have
to complement the gown of your
first lady.

Everyone knows that.

But, I don't have a first lady.

You're in luck!

It just so happens - I know
someone who's available.

You've got yourself a date!

[Dr. Marbles]
hurry, ada!

[Lady lovelace]
(gasp!) Access denied!

Hacker's frozen me
out of the program!

[Dr. Marbles]
there must be another way
to override the system!

[Lady lovelace]
there is! There's an emergency
modem, only it's outside.(Sigh)

I'm afraid we're stuck with
each other for good, old chum.

Hm, lost in time with ada

Reminds me of when we tried
to apply fermat's theory

To prime numbers.

Backspace, my dear, marbles.

We tried to apply the theory
to polygons.

Ah, yes, I remember it well.

Awww, ain't love grand?


man, talk about gloomy!

We'll never find that
time machine out here.

it's scary!

I keep waitin' for dr. Jekyll
and mr. Hyde to show up.

uh, they were the same person,

Forget jekyll and hyde.

Keep your eyes open
for jack the ripper!

Um, did jack the ripper
have birds?

I don't think so. Why?





what are you people doing

um, we're looking for lady
lovelace and her time machine.

Do you know where she is?

You know what?
I've got my own problems!

See those rocks over there?

Each pile used to be
in the shape of a big heart.

Every hundred years
on valentine's day

A goblin is chosen to build
a new heart next to the others.

It's a big honor.

that is totally cool!

you'd think so - but I have to
use the same number of rocks

That were used to build
the other five hearts.

What's the problem with that?

Well, look at those piles.
That's the problem!

Those rocks are old and broken.

I can't tell how many were
in each heart-

When they were first made!

Can you?

sorry, mr. Goblin, can't help
you right now.

We have a time machine to find.
Let's go.


nice birdies. Want a stick?

on the other hand, mr. Goblin,
we'd be glad to help.

Right, guys?

yeah, right!

When we're done, I'll tell you
where that time machine is.

When we're done, we need
to borrow your cart.

And if I say 'no'?

Then we don't help you.


Hmmm...all right!

But don't ask
for anything else!

Let's see. We've got five
bunches of rocks.

Five bunches...

The poem! Read the poem!
It talks about bunches!

Good idea, didge.

Like berries, numbers often
come in bunches,

Some are large, some are small.

When you cannot use your

Find the one that stands
for all.

well, we have to start

Let's look for numbers
in bunches.

Cool! Start counting how many
rocks in each pile.


I got one !

Six. Six here, too!

I've got seven in this one!

Five here!

Six in mine!

what'dya know?!

These numbers all bunch around
five, six and seven!

the number we're looking
for has to be:

A five, a six or a seven!

Yes, but which one?

I don't want to lose my chance
of a lifetime.

Which one is it!

The little guy's
got a point!

Nothin' personal, gobby.

what are you doin', jax?

you know me, I need
to organize.

Maybe if we put the numbers
in order we'll get an idea.

all right. There are more sixes
than any other number.

so I think six is the number,
mr. Goblin.

It's the most popular.

Six, great!

But how do I know for sure?

well, I could show you
a picture.

Each number stands for one pile
of rocks.

Now look at them stacked.

ah-ha! Only one pile has five

And only one pile has seven

but three piles have six!

Since six rocks happen
most often,

It must be the best number
to use! I'll go with six!

excuse me. Which way
to the time machine?

it's on the other side
of the bridge... That way!

Then, through the marsh,
over the bog,

In between the prickly bramble,

And uh, oh yeah, watch out
for those thorns!

Oh great.

thanks mr. Goblin!

This reminds me of when we were

In that mysterious cyber

Equilateral, I believe.

A right triangle, actually.

It took us days to get free.

Maybe we can think our way
out of this!

(grunt) oh yeah!

How long we supposed to wait
here, buzzy?

Till the boss tells us not to!

Why do our outfits
need to match, anyway?

Because the first lady has
to look just as powerful

And glamorous as the tyrant!

what? It's that troublesome

I have to stop them!

You can't leave now,
we have to plan our event!


If I don't stop those children
- there won't be any event!

Now let me up! Please.

buzz... Delete... Listen up!

Those meddling children
and that tin turkey

Are heading your way.

Stop them before they reach
the time machine!

ooh. I love it when you talk
tough, hackiepoo.


yech! Can you believe that?

C'mon we better stop those

Did you hear that?

Our cybermates from earth
are on the case!

But will they find us in time?

faster, matt, faster!



this is not good at all!

The bridge! C'mon!

[Snippy troll]
halt! No one passes without
paying the toll!

but we need to get to the time
machine -

It's on the other side!

Lot's of things are
on the other side!

okay. How much money do you

[Snippy troll]
not money -


The same number of scones
as the number of warts

On a troll's face.

Guess the wrong number,
and you don't get across!

scones! We don't have any
scones! What are scones?

A thick doughy bread sometimes
baked in the shape of triangle.

Oh, those things! Why didn't
you say so! Ahem.

Digit, you're a wonderbird!

Let's start counting warts!

Ew. That is just so, ew.

-----. I've got six over


I counted five warts here.

Looks like four warts here.

another five here -
this one has four.

Six warts on this troll.

another six, inez.

five on my last one.

and four warts on mine.

wuh-oh, problem.

The official wart count is

you mean different trolls have
different numbers of warts?

I don't mean to be rude,

But we thought you all had
the same number warts.

Some of us were born with more
- some with less.

I woke up one morning and found
this beauty right here. Heehee.

I lost one of mine in a battle.

It used to be right here
on the tippy-tip of my nose.

check the poem again, nezzie.
It helped us last time.

Like berries, numbers often
come in bunches,

Some are large, some are small.

When you cannot use your

Find the one that stands
for all.

And lose the nezzie!

okay, okay!

let's see what happens
if I stack the numbers

So we can see exactly how many
trolls have how many warts.


Three trolls have four warts -
three have five warts -

And three have six warts.

time out! If each number
happens three times -

That doesn't help us.
We can only pick one.

Hmmm, I'm stuck.

There's gotta be a different
way to look at this!

Wait a minute. There might be.

Look at our cluster of numbers.

Five has something special
about it -

That the four and six don't

You're right!

Five is the number in the
middle of the cluster.


And the same number of trolls
have less than five warts

And more than five warts.

It's a slam dunk!

The number we're looking for-

Has to be the one that splits
the group evenly -

The one right in the middle:


Five scones it is!


If you give us your goat, you
can have butter and jam, too.

[Lady lovelace]
the frequency modulator
is jammed tight!

Well, at least we get to spend
valentine's day together.


you guys sure we're going
in the right direction?

I can't see a thing!

How can we save marbles if we
can't even see each other?

Ew! Ew! Double ew!

That's weird,
it's clear up here.


No wonder!

Buzz and delete!

Not you two again!

hey! It's clearing up!

didge, where have you been?
We thought we lost you.

Uh, let's just say I have
friends in high places.

[Buzz and delete]
whoa! Ahhh!

c'mon, we're running out
of time!


Trolls, a goblin and now

What's my life coming to?

excuse me, mr. Jester.

Do you know how to get to lady
lovelace's time machine?

I do indeed, but we're very
busy right now.

[Plate spinning jester]
we're due at the castle
to audition for the king -

But we don't know if he's short
or tall.

What difference does that make?

Well, we don't want to insult
him -

So we want to send someone
who's not too tall

And not too short.

But we don't know which
one of us that is!

if we help you -

Will you tell us how to get
to the time machine?

It's a deal!

how can we possibly measure how
tall these guys are?

They're jumpin' all over
the place!

Didge is right, it'll take

time out.

We should be able to find
the middle -

Just like we did with
the rocks and the warts!

I've got an idea!

Let's line them up from
shortest to tallest.


Ok, you jokers, line up!

No, no, no...

Line up side by side
so the clown on your right

Is shorter than you are -

And the clown on your left
is taller.


They lined up just like we
lined up the numbers before.

Okay, but remember, the best
jester to meet the king

Is the one of middle height.

Find the one that stands
for all!

how do we do that?!

well, the middle splits things
in half, right?

So there should be the same
number of short guys on one
side -

As there are tall guys
on the other.

let's simplify!

Let's take the guys
on the ends away-

Since they can't be the middle


Okay, you two
on the ends - recess!

let's do the same thing again.

(Whistle blast)

off with the end jesters!

Sorry end jesters, bye-bye!

One more time!

we did it!

The guy on one side is shorter,

The guy on the other side is

We found our middle jester!

Jester of middle height -
you are going to meet the king!

Thank you for your help.

The time machine is just over
that hill.

[Lady lovelace]
oh marbles, I was so close
to a cure for motherboard,

And now we're about to be lost
in time!

Don't despair, my lady,

The children haven't
failed us yet!

doctor marbles!

lady ada!

we're here!

[Lady lovelace]
quickly! The computer -
under the door!

found it!

[Lady lovelace]
type in the stop code!

One like the sun-
three like the sea-

Four like the moor-
and two like the dew!

excuse me, but could you please
just give me the numbers?

Sorry. The poetry thing just
happens. One-three-four-two!


Well done, cybermates!

You stopped time just in time!

You must have used my poem
to get here.

yes, well, about that.
Your poem was helpful...

...and extremely well written -

But next time,

Maybe you could just leave
a note with directions.

there they are!

Get 'em!




[Lady lovelace]
quickly! Close the door!

Have a nice trip.


[Lady lovelace]
don't forget to write.

Won't you come back with us,
my dear?

I'm afraid that's impossible.

But tell motherboard I'll
continue to work on a cure.

It was wonderful to see you
again, old chum.

yech! I am so outa here!

bye-bye, lady l!

so long!

Until we meet again, my lady.

you look absolutely fabulous,

With my help, you could be
twice the tyrant you are now.

maybe even thrice, my lovely,
talented witchiepoo!

Shall we dance?

stop the music, hacker!


I thought you'd like to know-

That lady lovelace and doctor
marbles are safe and sound.


Happy valentine's day! Hacker.

You tricked me, you cybersneak!

You're probably working with

Ohhhh! This is the last time
you insult me...

You puffed-up pipsqueak!

wicked? Don't leave me like
this - I take it back.

Buzz... Delete...
Where are you?

boss! Help!

save us!

gee, dr. Marbles and lady l
really like each other.

what's this, matt?


to nezzie and jax.

Roses are red,
violets are blue.

A guy couldn't have better
friends than you.

Happy valentine's day... Matt.

Oh, that is so sweet.

and we thought you hated
valentine's day.

Oh, man.
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