01x12 - Plastic White Female

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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01x12 - Plastic White Female

Post by bunniefuu »

Sensors detect a ship on an intercept course at warp speed.

Should we go to red alert? Make it so.

I'm having a party next Sunday.

- Can I come? - I guess.

Arm the photon torpedoes.

Is there gonna be cake? No.

This party's gonna be different.

Different how? There's gonna be girls.

Fire! In 1983, disaster struck Mrs.

Alma Campbell when she got her hair chemically relaxed at the Casa Linda Salon in Las Cruces.

What was the issue? Miss Platter? - It didn't look good? - No.

Miss Johnson, enlighten us, please.

The stylist failed to detect the subject's habitual overuse of henna which prevents penetration of chemical relaxants like sodium hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate.


Remember, the most difficult cut in beauty school is the cut that separates first-year students from second-year students.

Think about that while you study for next week's final exam, Miss Platter.

A manicurist with a seven-inch file is on a train heading east at 80 miles per hour.

Not another manicure question.

Why do I need to learn all this stuff? Beauty is an art.

It's not something you can learn in school, like gym or study hall.




Why do we keep getting Bill's mail? Uncle Hank, want me to give you a whole new look? Why would I want to do that? You don't mess with success.

But I need as much practice as I can get before my final.

Please? Well, it has been almost a week since my last haircut.

- What the heck? I could use a trim.

- Great.

I'll be right with you.

- I can't see any highlights.

- Yes, you can.

You love them.


Hey, what's cooking, good Well, I do not like it either.

But I am trying to be supportive of Luanne's education.

And I expect you to do the same.

Uncle Hank! One chair, no waiting.

No way, Peggy.

My hair is our livelihood.

The advantages of propane don't always sell themselves.

All set, Uncle Hank.

Luanne I'm thinking about just letting my hair grow.


Have you ever considered a different color? Men don't do that.

Sure they do.

Even President Reagan did.

If Ron Reagan dyed his hair, and I'm not saying he did it was only to show his strength to the Communists.

Joseph's having a party.

A boy-girl party, with girls.

You're gonna need some chaperones, especially if my Bobby's there.

Don't worry, I got it all under control.

There's not gonna be any hanky-panky at my house.

Hey, John Redcorn.

Yeah You know, it's about time Bobby got bit by the love bug.

Boy, when I was his age, I was so girl-crazy they called me Ricardo Montalban.

- After the actor.

- Yep.

Joseph's getting to be a real lady-k*ller, too.

I reckon he gets that from his old man.

Hey there, Bobby.

I guess they found a cure for the cooties.

I don't know.

What are cooties? When I was a boy, that's what we called the germs you got from girls.

You mean, like chlamydia? What are you two talking about? Bobby was invited to his first boy-girl party.

A boy-girl party? Already? I don't think I want to go.

That's just fine, Bobby.

Would you like a juice box? Wait a minute.

Son, why would you not want to go to a boy-girl party? Parties are fun, Bobby.

Everybody dresses up.

And you get to touch dance.

Touch dance? I don't know.

- What if I get felt up? - You just need some practice.

Luanne's right.

All you need is practice.

Do you think Jeff Foxworthy just woke up one day and took some funny pills? And that's why blondes don't necessarily have more fun.

All right, class.

Let's take a few moments to discuss next week's final exam.


Hernandez, hand them their heads.

You have to demonstrate a year's worth of theory on your practice head.

Be advised, in beauty school, as in life you only get one head.

You will need to use both to pass the exam, Miss Platter.

- Hey, watch where you're going.

- Okay.

What have we here? Hey, Bobby, want to eat? What? Okay.

Are you going to Joseph's party? No.

My dad won't let me be around boys until after I'm married.

- Are you going? - No.

Joseph's got a birthday in nine weeks.

And I don't want to get partied out.

Which bolo tie do you want to wear to the party? The cow's skull or the bull's skull? - It doesn't matter.

I'm not going.

- What? - It's just a dumb party.

- A dumb party with girls.

I don't like girls.

Peg, honey, close the screen door.

- Can I speak with you? - In a minute.

- In the kitchen.

- This better be about dinner.

Why don't you just drive him out to Hollywood and put him on The Dating Game? He's almost a teenager.

It ain't normal not to be curious.

It is perfectly normal for a late bloomer to be a little He is not a late bloomer.

How can you even think something like that about your own son? He obviously is not ready to socialize with the opposite sex.

The way you baby him, he never will be.

Do you know anyone who would like a hot fudge sundae? Look, I got my practice head.

It's got real hair and everything.

- It's a very nice head - Don't touch it! I can't let anything happen to it before my final exam.

This is my chance to show everyone it doesn't matter that I wasn't paying any attention.

I may not be Bobby and I are going to the mall.

There is a sale on jockey shorts at Sears.

Maybe I'll go with you.


Bobby, vamanos, come on.

I just remembered.

There's an after-school special on.

It's about Jesus.

Well, you cannot miss that.

Okay, Luanne, it's just you and me.

Okay, bye.


Hi, I'm Bobby.

I'm sorry.

We're all out of diet.

You look really special tonight.

You want to dance? - Hello, sweetheart - Nothing! Hey, Dale, Bill, Boomhauer.

Don't you "Dale, Bill, Boomhauer" us.

You said noon.

It's 12:15.

Do you have any idea how long we've been waiting? I overslept.

My damned hair's getting so long it's rustling on my pillow and keeping me up all night.

Uncle Hank! I've never seen you with such long hair.

Come on.

Let me trim it.


Sorry, I love my long, long hair.

Why don't you practice on your practice head? But I only get one chance to cut that hair.

Hey! We got a whole busload of new recruits coming on the base today.

You could practice on them.

Thanks, Mr.


I'll go get my instruments.

Boy, I can't wait for her to get that damn test over with.

I know.

You know, I feel for that kid.

I remember when I was starting out as a young barber, I felt so alone Nobody cares, Bill.

Clean lines.

Nice shape on the cowlick.

Primo cut, Luanne! Thank you, Mr.


Wow, you look good.

You look better than good.

You look like a weather man.

I'm just gonna have some fruit and a glass of skim milk.

- I want to slim down for Joseph's party.

- Atta boy! But you said you didn't want to go.

I changed my mind.

He changed his mind.

Bet I know why.

Bobby Hill has a girlfriend.

- He does not.

Do you? - No.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about, son.

Hell, I'm proud of you.

Hell, I'm proud of you, too, Dad.


See, Peggy? Our boy is perfectly normal.

Hey, Courtney.

How you doing, Ashley? Looking good, Maria.

I'll catch you later, Bonnie.

Man, when did you get to be so slick? What do you mean? Yo, Sharise, you stone-cold fox, what up? You are gonna be the most popular guy at my party.

I hope your lips don't fall off.

From what? From kissing.

We're gonna play Spin the Bottle.

Guess who? You look so tense.

I have something special planned for tonight.

Bobby! Honey, I need some help with the groceries! Bobby? Relax, baby.

It's just you and me.

- Bobby! - Mom! You must've got it wrong.

Maybe he just fell on it or something.

Hank, he was kissing it.

I saw it with my own two eyes.

I'm gonna be seeing it for the rest of my life.

Now, Peggy, it's not your fault.

- Why'd you say that? - I just said it's not your fault.

Well, it did not need saying.

I know it is not my fault.

If anything, this is your fault.

You made him go to that camp with no toilet doors.

Don't point your finger at me, woman.

You're the one who parks him in front of the TV and makes him watch all them Muppets.

They got frogs kissing pigs.

What did they think was gonna happen? We are not gonna get anywhere by attacking each other.

We have to do the sensible thing.

- We'll move to Berlin.

- What? Bobby will be accepted there.

I read somewhere that Germans, they're a very tolerant people.

Their culture admires all kinds of freaks.

Our boy is not a freak.

He's just confused.

I'm gonna cut those apron strings you got him tied down with and set that boy straight, I tell you what.

Bobby? We are heading down the hall towards your room, son.

That's us knocking, your mother and me.

Come in.

Okay, then.

We're coming on in.

Bobby, how would you like to go for a car ride? Look, Bobby, I'm as open-minded as the next guy.

But just so you know, most states won't let you marry a plastic head.

I don't want to marry it.

I just needed to practice my first kiss, so I don't look like an idiot.

You're kissing a plastic head, and you're afraid of looking like an idiot? Son, I'm doing this for your own good.

You're just using this head as a crutch.

It's not a crutch, Dad.

It's something I've come to rely on to help me through life.

Well, I'll make you a deal.

Go to your party.

Afterwards, if you still want this head, you can have it.

But I won't need it after the party.


Let this be the end of it.

Well, that just tears it.

I have tried to be patient.

But now it's time for a little tough love.

Wait! - What's going on? - I don't know.

No, Dad! No! Hank! Stop, Hank.


Oh, no.

Please, not my head! My test! What about my test? Passable.


First, this is not the plastic head you were issued.

Second, just look at the way you shaved against the grain here, here, and here.

And these are the worst sideburns I've seen since Chair 3 which makes me suspect you cheated.


That means, you fail.

What a bitch.

Don't cry, Luanne.

This is the best haircut I ever had.

The hair is all nice and uniform which is tough 'cause I have bumps here and here.

I noticed.

I layered on the upslopes and tapered on the down.


This is my all-time favorite haircut.

Thanks, Uncle Hank.

Miss Platter? I'm sorry.

I've been mean and unfair.

I guess I just got so far from the hair and so into the whole power trip of running the academy I forgot the most important principle of the beautician's art.

Repeat business and referrals.

You pleased your customer.

You pass.

Come here, Ladybird.

Come here.

You're so pretty.

Bobby, your father told me you were just kissing the head for practice.

Now, I know he made that up to protect me.

But I am your mother.

And I have decided that I am gonna love you no matter what.


I realize I am just as much to blame for your condition as the media and the devil.

I have been overprotective.

You're not a baby anymore.

You are gonna have a long and interesting life ahead of you.

And it's time for me to just let go.

Just let go.

So you go on.

You go to the party.

That's right.

Just spread your wings and fly away, little bird.

Watch out! Hey, aren't you going to Joseph's party? I can't.

It's a make-out party.

And my dad took away my plastic head.

What a buzz k*ll.

I've been practicing, too.


What a great idea.

I want my first kiss to be perfect.

You know, something sweet I can keep with me my whole life.

Hey, Bobby, can we practice on each other? - You want to kiss me? - No, just practice.


Close your eyes.

This is stupid.

Let's try it with our eyes open.

Was that right? I think so.

Do I have any hickies? I don't see anything.

Kahn Jr.

, come home for dinner.

Your prawn's getting cold.

Well, I better get to that party.

Hey, good luck.


All right! Why is it so quiet down here? What are you kids up to? Dad! - Let's leave them alone.

- You can't leave them alone.

- For Pete's sake.

- Told you this would happen.

We get them boys and girls, leave them alone we get all that hanky-panky going on.

But that's what's supposed to happen.

It's the damn sugar.

Sugar, what?
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