01x26 - Out of Sync

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x26 - Out of Sync

Post by bunniefuu »

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ok, there's this really bad dude

Named hacker.

Hacker: "the" hacker to you.

Narrator: whatever.
He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[Kids gasp]

The kids are sucked
into cyberspace,

And they use brainpower
to help save everybody.

ok, here's the plan.

so they travel all over

And run into all these
weird creatures

And have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can cool kids and a wacky bird
outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never.

Matt: there's only one way
to find out.

tune in to "cyberchase"!

Singers: ♪ cyberchase,
we're moving ♪

♪ We're beating hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic worlds ♪

♪ Freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power ♪

♪ Of , , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪

♪ We'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on ♪

♪ Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r chase ♪

Pan: on the far horizon,
we have the parthenon,

One of the prides of delphi.

Pin: delphi? We're in corsica,

You goat-headed fool.

Pan: corsica? Fat chance,
you fool-headed goat.

We're in delphi.

uh, try athens, guys.

The parthenon was built
in the mid-fifth century b.c.

To honor the greek
goddess athena.

Digit: I knew that!
Both: you did?

Digit: well, I knew
matt knew it.

The kid's a walking
encyclopedia of geek mythology!

Inez: ha ha!
That's greek mythology, didge.

where's everybody going?

Pan: to listen to the music
of the spheres.

Pin: when the music plays,
all is right on our cybersite.

Happens three times a day.

Pan: twice.
Noon and, uh, sunset.

Matt: what could be better?
A vacation and a rock concert.

Inez: a siren, a muse,
apollo, and a beast.

check it out. Cyber-tv.


Pin: zeus says that if
the band doesn't play the music

Exactly right, it will lead
to total chaos and cacophony.

Digit: chaos and what?

Pan: noise! If the music
isn't just right,

The balance of our cybersite
will be destroyed!

man, talk about pressure.

what's taking so long?

Where are you?

we're in, boss. We're backstage.

Delete: want any autographs
while we're here?

Hacker: just mess up
the music of the spheres.

Mc: what's up, dudes?

Both: groovy!

Mc: "groovy"?

[Muffled conversations]

hey, the group must be in here.

Apollo: I'm so handsome,
I should be cast in bronze.

Himaropa: hate to tell you,
apollo, honey,

But big muscles
went out with hercules.

My unique sense of
style is what our fans crave.

Calliope: I weep for you both.

If not for the poetic
inspiration that burns

Within my tortured soul,

Our band would be,
like, a mere nothing.

your inspiration, calliope?

Perhaps you're forgetting

The beautiful tone I bring
to my gong.

[Hits gong]

Himaropa: you play with the
subtlety of a cyclops, apollo.

It's my horn that whips people
into a frenzy.

Calliope: no, children.

Our group would be nothing

Without the intense
spirituality I bring to my lyre.

Beast: and our songs wouldn't
be anything if I didn't--

yeah, yeah, right!

Calliope: we know.
Apollo: who cares?

Beast: I care.

Buzz: hey, uh, beast?
Uh, y--you want a donut?

[Overlapping conversations]


Mc: and now the moment
you've all been waiting for.

Our first musician
is the greek god of prophecy,

and musical inspiration.

Let's give it up for apollo!


Mc: the only way odysseus could
resist this next little lady

Was to tie himself to a mast.

Say hi to everybody's favorite
siren, himaropa!


Jackie: that is so cool.
I have to learn how to do that.

Mc: here she is, just back from
inspiring plato's "republic."

Hold your chitons
for everybody's favorite muse:



And last but not least--
his hair may be a tangled mess;

His smile may not launch
a thousand ships;

But he's the best darned
drummer on four hooves!

Give it up for the beast!

Man: that's the ticket!
Way to go! Yes...

Mc: um, here he is: the...

The beast!

[Audience murmurs]

what are we going to do?

Apollo: let's play.

what about the beast?

Apollo: ah, who needs
him, anyway?

Ok, go.

[All playing out of sync]

Matt: it sure didn't sound
like this on the video.

Jackie: they're totally off!

Inez: you can't even clap to it.

[Audience grumbling]

Digit: refresh my memory.

What did zeus say will happen

If the music
isn't exactly right?

Pan: chaos and cacophony!

Pin: total destruction!

Matt: you thinking
what I'm thinking?

All but matt: yep!
All: hacker!

Hacker: it's working!
The music is awful.

Soon this site will be mine.
Ha ha ha!

Mc: the only weird thing I saw
were these two roadies wandering

Around backstage.

Tall metal guy
with funny-looking horns

That went "zzz"

And a short stubby one eating
a donut.

Both: buzz and delete!

If buzz and delete were
here, hacker can't be far away.

Inez: and something tells
me, if we find hacker,

We'll find the beast.

Jackie: motherboard,

It looks like you-know-who
made off with the beast.

Motherboard: must find
him before the sun sets.

If band plays just right
by then, site will be saved.

don't worry. We'll find him.

Motherboard: if not, one of
you must replace the beast

So band can play.

Inez: w--wait a second?

You mean
take his place in the band

And play his part?

yes. Situation desperate.

Inez: how can we take
the beast's place?

I mean, all we know
is he beats the drum.

But we don't have a clue
when in the song he does it.

Matt: let's ask
the others in the band

What the beast's part is.
They have to know.

Digit: while you're doing
that, I'll look for the beast

And the hack pack.

There's no time to waste.

catch up with you later, matt.

[Glass breaking, apollo weeping]

Apollo: I was bad.

Me, the greek god of music.

What will I tell zeus?

Matt: excuse me. Mr. Apollo?

Apollo: ah, a fan
come to fawn at my feet.

Matt: uh, thanks.

But i, uh,
well, I really came to help.

Apollo: help?

Matt: if I can find out
what went wrong with your music,

Maybe we can fix it by sunset.

it was all himaropa's fault.

That hair-obsessed stage hog.

She threw us off.

Matt: I thought it was
because the beast didn't play.

Apollo: the beast?
Who needs the beast?

All he does is bang that drum
of his.

Oh, he's so loud, it gives
me a headache.

Matt: well, we're looking
for the beast now.

But in case we can't find him
in time, can you tell me

When during the song
he beats the drum?

Apollo: let's see. He always
starts us off with a beat.

That's all I can remember.

Matt: ok, so he starts.
Then what do you do?

Apollo: I count to three,
striking my gong on three,

Like this: , , .

, , .

Matt: and you keep going?

Apollo: over and over.
The gong on three.

I repeat my part
until the song is over.

It is not as easy as you think.

Matt: so that's the deal, guys.
The beast starts them off.

Then apollo counts and strikes
his gong on three.

how many times does he do that?

Matt: till the song ends.

Whenever he reaches three, bang,
he hits the gong.

Jackie: good job, matt.

Seems like apollo's part

Is some kind of sound pattern
that repeats over and over.

Inez: I bet the others
have sound patterns

In their parts, too.

Matt: maybe if we figure out
all the instrument patterns,

We'll discover the part
that's missing, so we can play

The drums if we have to.

I'll log in apollo's pattern.

[Two clicks play,
then gong sound]

Motherboard: hurry. Mount
olympus is beginning to fall.

you need to go solo, big fella.

Forget about apollo.
Blot out calliope.

Put himaropa out of your mind.
They don't care about you.

Beast: but I care about them.
We've been together for eons.

Hacker: loyalty? You want
loyalty? Stick with me, pal.

I'll make you a star.
You deserve the best.

A chauffeured limo,

A private jet,

Elegant dinners.

What do you say, handsome?

Beast: hmm. I don't think so.
Our cybersite needs me.

Hacker: then think about this.

I might
even give you a pointy chin.

that's it. I'm leaving!

Hacker: ok, ok, ok, kay-kay.
Forget about the chin.

Digit: let's see.

Orpheus said go right on
the road to corinth. Did that.

Left at the temple of athena,

And that's where I'll
find the beast.

Oh, beastie. Come out,
come out, wherever you are.

Yikes! Wrong beast!

[Cerberus growling and barking]

Homer: ohh. How about
a trilogy on the olympic games?

nah, it's been done.

Homer: ohh.
What am I going to do?

I haven't had a good idea
in eons.

Calliope: you know what, homer?

To be creative, one must commune
with the forces of nature.

Take a hike.

Inez: hello.

don't mind homer.

He's just got a bad case
of writer's block.

Inez: actually,
I came to see you, calliope.

of course you did.

Pull up a cushion.
You from a magazine?

Inez: no. I came to talk
about the beast.

Calliope: I don't have time
to pay attention

To the mad drummings of
an ungainly beast.

Inez: but if you don't play
the music of the spheres

Exactly right at sunset,

Your cybersite
will be destroyed.

Tell me about the beast.
I need to know what he plays.

Apollo says he always
plays first, starting you off.

Calliope: that sounds right.
I can't recall the rest.

But let's talk about something
more exciting--me.

Inez: ok.
Well, what about your part?

Calliope: I count to two

And pluck my lyre
on the second beat.

Here. Let me show you.

, , , , , , , ...

Inez: and your pattern
repeats again and again

The--the same way each time?

Calliope: every other count
until the song is finished.

I've got it! I've got it!

An epic of heroic proportions--
the trojan w*r.

ahh, it's good to be a muse.

Inez: hey, guys, more info.

Matt: go for it.
Jackie: I'm with you.

Inez: after the beast starts,
calliope counts ,

And plays her lyre on .

Her pattern is
to keep counting , , , .

, . And she always
plays on .

Matt: cool. Now we've got
two different sound patterns.

The gong repeats every
third count...

[Two clicks play,
then gong sound]

The lyre every other count.

[Click plays,
then lyre twangs]

Jackie: it's beginning
to sound like something,

But we really need to
know himaropa's part of the song

Before it makes any sense.

I'm almost there now,

Matt: hurry, jax!

If digit doesn't find the beast
soon, one of us is going

To have play those drums
and play them right.

[Bongos playing]

Hacker: excellent, excellent!

love you in castleblanca!

If I can just keep that
bongo-eyed beast here

Until tonight's concert is over,
mount olympus will be mine.

Beast: you expect me
to play on these?

A rock star of my caliber
deserves better.

Himaropa: the beast? Ha!

How should I remember what that
fur-challenged mastodon plays?

Don't you want to hear
about my part?

Jackie: uh, sure.
I was just going to ask.

Himaropa: I count to
over and over.

And every time I get to ,
I play.

can I hear how it sounds?

The future of your cybersite
is at stake.

I know. What are we gonna do?!

Jackie: calm down.
Just play your horn for me.

Himaropa: well, I don't
usually give private concerts,

But if you count, I'll show
you how my part goes.

Jackie: ok. , , , .

, , , .

I get it.
What else can you tell me?

Himaropa: well, we all play
together for one beat,

And then the song repeats.

Divine, girls. Simply divine!

Jackie: guys,
I've got the horn part.

After the beast starts,

Himaropa toots her horn
on the fourth count.

, , , . , , , .

And they all play together
on one beat

Just before the song repeats.

Matt: all right!

We've got a sound pattern
for each musician.

Inez: but our chart
doesn't show us any time

When they all play together.

Jackie: maybe they have to play
longer before it all repeats.

Try repeating apollo
and calliope's parts

A few more times and see
what happens.

[Two clicks play,
then gong sound]

[Click plays,
then lyre twang]

It's going to work!

Add one more
of himaropa's part.

[Three clicks play,
then horn sounds]

Matt: we did it. Look!

We found a place where
they all play together. Cool.

All three patterns match
up on the th note!

Jackie: and if they keep
playing the same patterns,

The music will repeat over
and over again.

Inez: but that still doesn't
tell us when the beast plays.

you've got a point there.

Let's get the band to rehearse.

Maybe then we can tell
what's missing

And figure out
the beast's pattern.

Matt: come on!

[Apollo, himaropa, and
calliope playing out of sync]

Matt: oh, man.
It sounds worse than before!

they're playing their parts

The way they told us they do.

Inez: but something's
definitely missing!

Pin: oh, no! The sun is setting!

Pan: we're running out of time!

Matt: come on, guys.
Think! What do we know?

Inez: we know that each musician
plays their own sound pattern

Over and over.

Jackie: and without the beast,

Their parts
don't seem to fit together.

His drum part must be
the pattern they all depend on

Or they wouldn't sound
so bad without him.

Inez: but how do we figure out
what that pattern is?

Matt: back to the chart.

I'll mark each beat
in the pattern with a number.

So now what do we know?

Inez: we know the beast starts
playing on the first beat.

Jackie: and we also know
he plays on the th beat

With the others.

Himaropa told me.

Inez: look! No one
plays on the fifth, seventh,

Or eleventh beats.

Maybe the beast plays
there, too.

Jackie: I think
we're getting somewhere.

Let's hear what it sounds
like with the real instruments.

Matt: inez, you play
the drums for the beast.

Inez: me? Oh, why me?

Jackie: desperate times
call for desperate measures.

Inez: who said that?

Jackie: you did.

[Musicians playing out of sync]

Inez: uh, no good?

Well, I guess
that wasn't the right pattern.

Jackie: no wonder
it didn't work.

Look, the drum doesn't
have a regular pattern

Like the others.

[Drum beat, clicks,
drum beat, click, drum beat]

[ Clicks, two drum beats]

Don't you see?

Jackie: I'm not sure.

Matt: jackie's right!

We need to find a pattern
for the beast that repeats.

Jackie: something simple,

that helps the others play.

Remember when we saw
the video of the band,

How I was tapping my foot?

Matt: yeah, and I was
snapping my fingers.

and I was trying to clap.

Well, what's your point, jax?

Jackie: what was the pattern
when I tapped my foot?

Matt: beats me.
Jackie: exactly.

A simple, steady beat. Watch.

The same beat over and over.

, , , .

Inez: so are you saying
the beast plays on every beat?

Jackie: I think so.
They all started off together.

Inez: but that pattern
sounds so simple.

Matt: let's chart it.

[Adds drum beats]

Touchdown! All the patterns
fit together.

Jackie: and look! You can
repeat the song after beats.

Inez: that's got to be it!

The beat
of the beast's simple pattern

Keeps the other three together.

Matt: let's play it on the big
board and see what we've got.

[All instruments playing]

Apollo: there's no more
time to experiment.

We've got to play now.

Inez: but...

Himaropa: come on, inez. I'll
find something for you to wear.

Inez: uh, but...

[Structures falling in distance]

[Drums beating]

Hacker: only a few more minutes
till sunset, then cyber-chaos.

Digit: guess again, hacker!

Delete and buzz: digit?

Mc: and so tonight
we have a special treat!

Give it up for the earth girl
with the glasses, inez!


Inez: this is not good.
This is not good at all.

Digit: don't you see
what hacker's trying to do?

If you don't play with
your band, mount olympus

Will be thrown into chaos!

Hacker: listen to me, beast.
I'm going to make you a star,

Starting in castleblanca
tomorrow night.

Digit: no, he isn't.

He's lying to you so he
can wreck this cybersite.

Hacker: get him!

ask him where in castleblanca

You're going to play.

Ask him!

Beast: where in castleblanca
am I going to play?

Hacker: where? Well, i, uh...

see? He doesn't have a clue.


I know that the band treated
you badly,

But they won't take
you for granted anymore.

They need you.
Cyberspace needs you.

enough! Let the chaos commence.

Admit it, you faux-feathered
fowl. You've lost.

[Hacker gasps]

Oh, mama.

out of the way, rabbit ears.

Hacker: go ahead and play,
but you're too late.

Soon the hacker
will be the king of cyberspace.

Zeus: silence!

Digit: get him, zeusie!

[Zeus laughs]

[Citizens screaming]

Inez: I hope I can do
this, guys.

you can do it, inez.

just follow your inner muse.

Inez: ok, and you
just follow my beat.

[Tap tap tap]

Oh, no! I lost the pattern
of the beat.

Matt: try again, inez.

It's your drum that's keeping
everyone together.

Jackie: just remember,
play on every beat. , , , .

Inez: ok, guys, one more time.
On the beat.

[Tap tap tap]

Mc: the beast has returned!

Stop the music!

you sure you still need me?

Inez: you bet we do, beast.
Let's rock this joint!

Beast: actually, let's see if
we can stop the rocking. Hit it!

[Tap tap tap tap]

[Playing in sync]


they're playing together!

The patterns are working!

and the shaking stopped!

Both: yes!

[Fans speaking excitedly,

Jackie: you did it, inez!

Hacker: you can beat
those drums, you conniving kids,

But you'll never beat me!

Matt: oh, yes, we will, hacker.
We'll beat you every time!

Jackie: you can count on that.
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