01x24 - Size Me Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x24 - Size Me Up

Post by bunniefuu »

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Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one two three four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

you have come to the right
place, senor digit.

We have beaks galore.

Do you see something you like
more than the one you have?

it's not that I don't like
my own beak -

It's just that it keeps
scrunchin' up on me.

si, I understand.

We have chisel beaks,
prober beaks, strainer beaks

And our latest model -
the all-purpose spooner beak.

can it drill through rock?

And metal.

Can it turn into a key?

any kind of key you wish.
As a matter of fact-

motherboard to digit!
Motherboard to digit!

I'm here, motherboard. What's

hacker virus alert...

Bring kids to cybersite

Fourth quadrant... Hurry!

Gotta run!
Motherboard's in trouble!

Hold my nose for me, okay?

check it out! We're giants!

and I'm straight from

it's the mirrors.
They change the size things

Heh - wouldn't it be funny
if we were really-

Yikes! Digit!

Sorry to break up the party,

But hacker's about to send
another virus to motherboard!

how? When will it reach her?!

I only know where we have to go.
Come on!

put the fun and games on hold,
guys - motherboard needs us!

welcome to the fourth quadrant
of proportiona!

man, these trees are huger
than huge!

whoa! You could fly first class
on that thing!

you think we've shrunk?

no, we'd be spilling out
of our clothes if we had.

But everything else
is a whole lot... Bigger.

it's like everything has
been multiplied in size!

how come motherboard wants
us here?

she doesn't!

I do!


(Evil laughter)

virus alert...
Bring kids to proportiona.


not exactly!

gotcha! He-he-he!

don't you just love how I fooled
your beak-challenged cyberturkey

Into bringing you here?

well, you see, it was like this,
i... I... Um...

I'm sorry! I blew it!
Hacker tricked me!

don't worry, didge.
We'll handle this.

what's this all about, hacker?

just this: later tonight I'll
be sending a logic buster

Via email to your beloved

a logic buster?

yeah! A virus that slowly
works its way

Into a computer's hard drive
and destroys everything!

why... That's absolutely

and tonight, when motherboard
opens the email

Addressed from you kids -

It'll be the last file
she ever opens!

you'll never get away with it!

we'll warn her!

I don't think so!

You see, motherboard has no idea
where you are!

And in case your wondering -
there's no way off of this site!

wait a second, boss. What about
the portal on the island-

that's enough!

Now, download this, kiddlings!

Not even the rabid ramblings
of my sap-headed sidekick

Can stop me now!

Next time you see me,
I will rule all of cyberspace!

We've got to warn mother b
before she opens hacker's email!

matt to motherboard!
Matt to motherboard!

Ugh! I can't get through!
The skwak's not working here.

We've got to find another way
to warn her.

didn't delete say something
about a portal?

Yeah! On an island somewhere!

come on! Let's go

whoa! That is one humongous


and ugly, too!

Oooh - did something just land
on my head?


kiss him back, jax!

You never know -
he could be a prince!

hey, guys... Over here!

He's stuck!


give us your feet, didge!

thppt! I hate mud!

Yoikes! That's not a mud hole!

It's a footprint!

if that's a footprint,

Can you imagine how big
the person is who made it?

what if it's not a person?

hey guys, check this out!

Whatever made it has a footprint
that's ten of my feet end to

then mr. Bigfoot must be ten
times your size!

That's not good.

What's that??!


we're in the land of giants!


and giant dogs, too! Run!



hurry! Into the house!

gimme a boost!


[Giant mom]
don't let those big boys
bother you, dear.

[Giant boy]
they're always picking on me -

All because I'm the smallest
in the class!

he's the smallest in his class?


A mouse hole!
Bet it leads outside.

Mmm, something tells me inside
is a lot safer.

quick! We can hide in the closet
till it's safe to leave.

Okay, so maybe the closet
wasn't such a good idea.

I still can't get through
to motherboard to warn her!

What are we going to do?

c'mon guys - this is a tight

But we've been in tight ones

Hmmm. Think we can fit through
that keyhole?


Hmm... I don't know. It'll be

only one way to know for sure -
we've got to get up there.

how? It's pretty far up.

well, if we can tell how big
things are in this world,

Then we can figure out how far,
far is!

well, that kid's foot was ten
times as big as my mine.

So... Maybe everything here is
ten times the size it is back

Hmmm... Okay. I know my hand is
the same size as my head

From thumb to pinky finger.

And this baseball cap is...

One... Two... Three... Four...

Six... Seven.... Eight...
Nine... Ten!

Ten hand widths across!

then things here are ten times
the size of things in our world!

how far up you think
that doorknob is?

well, a doorknob in our world

Usually comes up to about
my waist.

that's about... Half your

so it's five times my height
to the knob!

where are we going to get a rope
that long?

yo-yo anyone?

mirror, mirror on my pinky,

No one's more handsome than I
am, I thinky!

Why aren't you two crossed wires
ready for the party?!

huh? Party?

what party, boss?

I told you! My inauguration as
king of cyberspace!

Nothing fancy, of course.

Just guests, a seven course
meal and piece band!

ooh ooh! Sounds like fun, boss.

But eh, shouldn't we send
motherboard that email first?

yeah! Let's do it now!

where's your sense of drama,

You collection of corroded

Let's wait for the guests
to arrive!

I want everyone to witness
motherboard's demise!

(Evil laughter)

another few feet, inez,
you can do it!

I hate heights!

just don't look down, guys!

what do you think - we're nuts?

Yeah matt! You gotta be -

Gasp! Yikes!

Uh... Okay... Not looking
down... Not looking down.

(Sigh) phew!

man, it's a little crowded
up here!

allow me!

All clear! Come on out.

you really think this is going
to work?

positive! It's like a bungee

Just aim for the sweat socks!
On three!

one... Two... Three!!!


ew! Ten times bigger means
ten times smellier!

(Barking, growling)


this way!

We've got to get to the bed!

this is hardly the time for a


hang on!

to the mouse hole!


look out!

watch out, nezzie!




quick! Run this way!


phew! That was close!

sure was, but it seems we're
doin' lots of runnin'

And gettin' nowhere fast!

digit's right. But I've got
an idea...

matt, could you please tell me
why we're climbing this thing!?

simple, jax.

The higher you are,
the farther you see.

So maybe we can spot the island
from here.

Hey! That must be it!

And there's our ride!

something tells me we're going
to need a smaller boat!

much smaller!

it would take all of us just
to pick up an oar!

I think we need to make
our own boat!

Just like this one,
only one that fits our size.

okay, what do we know?

we know the scale of everything
in this world

Is ten times larger
than our world.

So to make a boat that'll fit

We need to make it one tenth
the size of this one!

All we need are the parts.

you mean, like these

cool! Model boat kits!

this is perfect, didge!
All we need-

[Giant kid]
look at my boat! It's a racer!

quick! Hide!

oh no! More giants!

These boat parts must belong
to them!

hey, it looks like they can't
see us way over here!

good. Then they won't mind if we
borrow their leftovers

For a while!

Yeah! All we need are a couple
of sides,

A bottom and a back! Let's do

Two sides!

I've got a back!

I got the oars!

And I've got the bottom section!

This is going to be a piece
of cake!

A piece of cake, huh?
I don't think so.

something is definitely off

It sure is.
The back's way too big!

and the bottom's way too small!

No wonder these parts don't fit
together -

Each part came from a different
sized scale model!

Now what?

what we need to do is measure
the giant's boat

So we can figure out exactly
how big to make ours.

These blades of grass are all
about the same length.

We can use them like rulers.

Inez, you measure the sides.

Jax, you do the bottom.

Didge, you do the back.

And I'll write it all down!

Okay, here's what we've got:

The sides of the big boat
measure forty grass blades long

And ten high.

The sides of our boat need to be
one-tenth of that.

Check! This side is four grass
blades long...

And one blade high...
One-tenth of the big boat.

The perfect proportion!

Cool! The big boat has a bottom
that's forty grass blades long

And twenty wide.
Let's find a match.

I think I got one!

It needs to be four grass blades

Which is one-tenth of forty....

And two wide, which is one-tenth
of twenty!

Ets, guys! Exactly to scale!

all we need now is a back.

The back on the big boat is ten
grass blades high and twenty

I got the back, I got the back!

It's two grass blades wide -
and two high!

I'm afraid that's too big,

Your width is right but your
height is wrong.

One-tenth of ten is one - not

I knew that.
I was just testing you.

This one's the right size!

One high, two wide, and
one-tenth scale! Let's start

yes! The poddles! Wicked!
Binary! Two-headed sam!

Even those plump little pigs
from happily-ever- after!

They'll all be here!

Oh gee, boss, that's great!
I can't wait to see 'em!

yeah, uh, tell us again why
they're coming?

To pay homage to the new ruler
of cyberspace...

nobody will come for that.

...yours truly!


they may come to see that!

I'll be right back!

okay guys, the sides and bottom
fit. Let's see about the back!


now let's get this baby
in the water!

Wait a second!
We forgot about the oars!

no, we didn't!

Already measured to scale!

One-tenth the size of the oars
on the big guy!

Any questions?

Way to go, didge!

Come on - we've got a portal
to find! Let's get rowing!

to the island!

[Giant boy]
hey, that's mine!

[Giant bully]
now it's mine!

[Giant boy]
gimme gimme gimme...

get ready... Duck!


[Giant bully]
fine! If I can't have your boat
I'll take this one!


[Giant bully]
I just gotta get rid of these
weird bugs!


aaaaahhhhh!... Ooof!


Well, that was one way
to get here!

Look! Down there!

now we're the giants!


this is awesome!


a giant! Aaaaahhh!




Maybe we can get through to
motherboard now.

Inez to motherboard!
Come in, come in!


Let me try something.

Yes! A map of this island!

And there's the portal
we're looking for!

But where is it?

hold it, buster!

You think you can just drop in
here and take over?

Well, I'm hank and you don't
scare me!

relax, hank. We're friendly.
And I bet you're ticklish.




wow, thanks! Guess you guys
are okay.

...five, six, seven, eight...

...nine boxes plus hank.

Since each box is the same size
of hank -

Then we're ten times the size
of everything here. Yiikes!

maybe you can help us, hank.

Do you know where this spot on
the island is?

Yeah, sure I do!

the portal's inside that cave?!

if you say so. I play there all
the time -

But I've never seen a portal.

What are we waiting for?
We're big -

Let's walk across the river.

um, I wouldn't do that.
It's really, really deep.

okay. We'll swim then!

Uh-uh. The water's freezing

but someone has to get through
the portal to warn motherboard!

No problemo!
A little wing room, please.

I'll say hi to motherboard
for you.

Ah... Ah...



what happened?!

what's wrong?

Rust! It must be from all
the water back there.

I can't fly!

it doesn't matter. You're too
big to fit in that cave, anyway.

Hold on, hold on... I may be
rusty, but all is not lost.

hey hey!

meet widgit, everybody!

oh, wow, he's just like digit!

hey, widge, how's it going?

isn't he cute?

bada-boo, whadda-wurvis!
This is widgit, at your service.


digit, you're a genius!

Widgit can fit through the cave
and get to the portal!

let's make sure.

hey! He's as tall as two of me!

He should just fit through
the opening!

start flying, widge.
You can do it!

uh, you wanna tell 'em or you
want me to?

ach-hem. Well you see, I haven't
taught him how to fly yet.

Oh, man! How are we going to get
him across the river?

I know! We build another boat!

the boss ain't gonna be happy
about this.

I've never been to a party
with no guests.

Ah, this new tuxedo is much more
appropriate! You like the color?

ooh yeah, boss!

the color is great!

What a party, huh?

There's nobody here!
Nobody came to my party!!

Well! No more mr. Nice guy!

It's time to say bye-bye
to motherboard!

remember, since widgit is the
size of two hanks,

His boat needs to be twice
the size of hank's little boat.

So we need something to measure

Hey hank, can I borrow your

Sure, matt!

Thanks, man!

Ok, hank's boat measures three
hank belts long.

so twice that size means
that widgit's boat

Needs to be six belts long.

what about the width?

Two belts.

that means four for widgit's.
What about the height?

one belt high!

So widgit's boat needs to be
two belts high.

c'mon, g*ng! Let's get busy!

perfect fit! It's all to scale!

launch me!

boot me up, boys!
Motherboard is going down!

he's right on course!

row, widgit! Row, widgit!

Make me proud, mini-didge!

Yes! Am email from her loyal

Motherboard will open it faster

Than an electrical pulse through
a cd rom!

Say nighty-night, motherboard!


we did it!

We got widgit to the portal

I just hope he gets to
in time.

you've got cybermail.

an email?

Ah, from the kids!
Better open it now.

Don't open your mail!


That email contains hacker's
logic buster!

Whatever you do, don't open it!

What should I do with it?

No problemo!
The widge has an idea.

as the new leader of cyberspace,

I'll need to introduce my bill
of rights.

First amendment:
all subjects of cyberspace

Will be free to praise me
morning, noon and night! Second

you've got cybermail!

[Buzz & delete]

Ah, an email from motherboard.
She must be giving up.

I'll just open it up and see
what she has to say.

Ah, victory - how sweet it is!

Oh, no! Motherboard sent back
my logic buster!


you little guys sure come up
big, hank!

Thanks for your help... Good
job, cybermates. Time to go

bye, hank.
Bye, everyone.

See ya again, sometime!

bye, bye.

hey, motherboard - can you drop
me off at beaks galore?
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