01x21 - Less Than Zero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x21 - Less Than Zero

Post by bunniefuu »

Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase! ♪

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on! Just wait ♪

♪ And c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

[Dr. Marbles]
I call this secret meeting
of the cyber council to order.

On behalf of motherboard,
I wish to assure you all

That because of the recent
interface of the earthlies,

The hacker will not
be the corrupted server

In your sites for much longer.

But he's getting more powerful
by the day!

When-oh-when will motherboard
be fixed?

Patience! It won't be long
before motherboard-

Is back to full power
and hacker is defeated!

(evil laughter)

How considerate of them
to all gather

In one convenient location.

Get the documents!

we'll get 'em!

right away, boss!

hey, they were right here!
Where are they?

you saw 'em last!

I did not - you did!


After marbles and the rest
of those cybernobodies

Sign on the dotted line -

I'll control it all
in one fell swoop!

You empty-headed heaps!

You were supposed
to get the brakes fixed!

eh, sorry.

but we found the documents!

and so I implore you, download
a little courage and hold on.

A brighter cyber-future awaits
as all!

don't bet on it!


sit down!

See here, you can't speak
to a king like that!

your presence will not
be tolerated, hacker!

Unless you sign my bill
of surrender,

Anointing me ultimate ruler
of cyberspace -

I'll be forced to scramble each
of your sites - one-by-one!

Never! We'll sign nothing!

we'll see about that.
Meet the freezerator!

This machine is capable
of freezerating any cybersite

With the push
of a single button!

you wouldn't!

Oh, wouldn't i?

Pretoria parker, kingy-boy.

he would.

relax, kingy. That was just
a hologram, a little preview

Of what I might do if you don't
all cooperate.

Nothing happened...yet!

Now then, let's take a look
at the agreement, shall we?

So in conclusion, I hereby
agree that the hacker,

By virtue of his extraordinary
wit, his remarkable guile,

His dashing demeanor, his
chiefly chin...

And his stunning aptitude
for chaos,

Will be the one and only ruler
of cyber-


uh, oh! Someone needs
a recharge!

this is our chance.
Let's upgrade out of here!

I suggest you reconsider!

No! Not solaria!

here are the rules! When
I return from recharging,

The agreement will be signed
by each and every one of you...

Or else!

You're bluffing!

he's bluffing!

try me!

no! Don't try him!
We believe you!

keep your walkie-talkies
on in case I need

To get in touch. And if anyone
gets out of line

Call me at once!

where are those guys?

Am I the only responsible one

I can't rescue the entire
cyber council by myself!




hey, didge!

what's going on?

What's up?

Motherboard didn't tell you?

she told me I was going
to the cybergrand tower.

Then she conked out.

same here.

I hate to be the one to break
it to you -

But hacker's got the doc,
the king, ava,

And a bunch of other

whoa, a cyber crisis!

That's not all.

He's got somethin' called
the freezerator -

A machine that can freezerate
an entire cybersite

- Ba-da-boom - just like that

An entire cybersite??

where are they?
Where's he keeping them?

according to motherboard-

They're in the main conference
room - level eighteen.

let's go! We'll take
the elevator up!

they're not working! Hacker
probably jammed the system!

Hurry! The stairs!

It's locked!

oh man, this is hopeless.
We gotta get up there.

It's the hacker!

I wonder what he's up to?

first, a recharge - then...
The world!


Methinks I need
to get my chair fixed!

if hacker's gone - that means
buzz and delete

Must be watching the council.

I think we just might have
a chance to save everyone!

what level did you say
they were on?


Only ? Great! The elevators
aren't working -

The stairs are blocked...
Just how are we supposed

To get up there?!

Can you say...'Window washer'?

Everybody strapped in tight?

you okay, didge?

who, me? I'm a cybord,

I've flown over treetops,
mountains, canyons-

Don't sweat it, didge.
I'm a little nervous, too.

Hey, level eighteen is a long
way up! Just don't look down.

Thanks, nezzie.

Come to think of it,

We'd better keep track
of the levels as we go.

We don't want to end
up on the wrong one.

No problem! We'll just number
them as we go.

Here, we'll start with number
one - and then work our way up.

Makes sense to me. Here we go!

well? Well?

That recharging chair
is the least of your problems,

Pal. Your fusion drive
is rusted,

Your brake pads are shot--

just fix my chair, you
longwinded monkey wrench!

I don't care about that other
stuff. I want my chair fixed!!!


There we go. Ten, and counting
up the line!

I just hope we aren't too late!

Take 'er up, jax!

de-dum-dum ha-ha-dum-de-dum...

will you cut that out?! What
if you accidentally press

A button? Hah? What then?!

it's popsicle time!!!

What are you doing?

sending motherboard a signal.

hey, buzzy, you should
see this!

There's all kinds of neat stuff
to do here. They got a gym,

Bowling, swimming...
They even have a disco!

I love disco!

Boogie! Oh!

knock it off, twinkle toes.

Hacker told us to stay put,

ladies and gentlemen, thanks
to the window washing wonder,

May I present - the th floor!

Only one problem -
how do we get inside?

Stand aside, earthlies! Make
room for the master!

Don't try this at home.

now that is totally cool!

I'll go in first!

allow me. I can take care
of buzz and delete myself!


unless the council is having
a mud bath -

We've got the wrong floor!

I don't get it!
What went wrong?

I don't know. We numbered
the building so carefully.

We probably made
the world's biggest ruler.

motherboard said level .

And, that's where we are,

Wrong! It just hit me:

We may have made the world's
biggest ruler -

But we made a big mistake, too!

what? What did we do wrong?

when you use a ruler
to measure,

Does the ruler start at one?

well, it, uh... Hang on a sec.

Let's find out.

You're right, jax! You start
your measurement at zero!

Hold the phone here.
Zero's a number?

How can nothing be something?

look at it this way, didge.
How many baseballs do I have?


now how many?



none. Zip!

Hey! You got zero baseballs!

see? Zero is a quantity, too.

and speaking of baseball, get
ready for a monster homerun!

Check this out!

Because we didn't start our
numbering with zero...

We never got to level -
we actually stopped at !

We were on the wrong floor
all along. Come on!

There we're back in business!

are you sure you've fixed
recharger chairs before?

Sure I'm sure.

Then hurry! I have a cyberworld
to dominate!

Oh, yeah? Well, I got a roast
in the oven.

Ok, let her rip!

no! Ahh! Stop it!

this yours?

up one more!

Last stop -
the real level eighteen!

Above zero!

The council should be right
behind this window!

don't forget - once we find
the freezerator,

We have to disable it!

if it doesn't freezerate
us first!

Do your thing, didge!

we're too late!!

they were here alright!
But where did they go?

up... Down! Up... Down!
Up... Down

C'mon, c'mon!

now isn't this much more fun
than waitin' for the boss-

In that stuffy old conference
room? Have some fun!

hey! Yeow! Help! Stop!

I hope motherboard picks
up my signal.

dr. Marbles has an electronic

a locator? Cool!

the council has been moved
down... Three levels.

down three levels.
Got it, mother b!

quick! The stairs!

they've been blocked...
You will... Have to...

have to what??

have to go outside again!

ok, guys, ready to drop
and enter? Down three!

just to be sure we do it right,
let's doublecheck the numbers

As we go down.

Down one...

down two...

and down three. Which brings
us to level fifteen!

Do your stuff, didge!

I can't believe it!
We're wrong again!

maybe the doc's locator
is loco!

you're not wrong... Council
on the move... Down eleven...

Up four... Down six...
Up three... Down eight more!


buzz and delete
are out of control.

what else is new?

the council needs your help!

now what do we do? There's
no way we can keep track

Of these movements!

hold on, maybe there's
a shortcut -

Something we can do so we don't
have to go up and down so much.

Matt, do you have anything
to write on?

Thanks. Okay, we've been going
up and down floors

On our giant ruler, right?

Let's make things simpler.

that looks like a number line!

exactly! We can use this
to count out the moves

That motherboard says buzz
and delete have made

And then go directly there!

let's try it!

ok, right now,
we're on level fifteen.

As motherboard said, we need
to down eleven. Then up four.

That puts us at level eight.

now down six... To level two!

now up one, two, three...
That puts us at level five.

great! And our last move
is down eight levels.

To exactly where
the council is.

One, two, three, four, five...

but that's impossible -
that puts us at zero!

We can't go down any further -
and we still have to go down

Three more levels!

I can't take it anymore.
My beak is killin' me!




hellllllllp! Yeow!

Yoikes! Oh!


Whoa! Help!!! Hellllp!!!

hang on, didge, we're comin!



do you see what I see?



whoa! Look at that!
I can't believe it!

it looks exactly the same
as the purple part

Of the building up here!

only it keeps going down - with
floors below the ground level.

I've got an idea! Let's see
what happens if we extend

Our numberline down and
add more floors below zero

Like so!

one below zero... Two below
zero... Three below zero...

don't you call numbers below
zero 'negative' numbers?

Why don't we label them
so we can tell which is which?

good idea! I'll use
the negative sign.

Negative one... Negative two...

whoa-whoa-whoa, slow down
a second. Negative numbers?

you know, like when
the temperature-

Is ten below zero. Or a parking
lot is one below ground level.

Oh, I get it. Negative numbers
are less than zero.

let's locate the council!

we started at level fifteen
and went down eleven to four,

Then up four to level eight.

then down six to level two.

then up three to level five.

and motherboard's
last direction

Was to go down eight levels.

One, two, three, four, five -
past zero -

Six, seven, eight...

Which brings us three floors
below the plaza!

so motherboard's directions
were right!

level negative three - that's
gotta be where the council is!

Let's go!

Hey! You forgot
to get the brakes fixed!

okay, let's take a vote.

Which cybersite should
I freezerate first?

no! None of them! Oh no! No!

What do you think, deedee?

I think we should
go to the grand ballroom -

We haven't been there yet.
Nice, huh?

yeah, not bad. What a perfect
place for the signing-

Of the agreement that'll make
the boss the supreme ruler

Of cyberspace!

I must say, the freezerator
is certainly

An impressive item.
Any idea how it works?

well... I, uhh....

well, it gets its super cooling
power from

The transistor crystal
on the grim wreaker!

it does???

I say you're bluffing!

There is no transistor crystal
aboard the grim wreaker!

Who asked you?!!

oh, dr. Marbles-
are you alright?

I'm fine - except my locator
is at the bottom of the pool!

buzz - delete, where are you?

we're in the pool room, boss.

You're where?!
You moved the council?!

Listen to me, you duncebuckets,
those irritating kids

Are on your tail -
or hadn't you noticed?!

Now here's
what I want you to do.

right, boss. Right -
get the documents signed.

Eh, we'll be in the grand

those brats have been the stuck
space bar on my keyboard-

Long enough! Once I take
control of cyberspace...

...they'll be sorry they ever
heard of motherboard!

hurry, didge!

hacker's comin'
in for a landing!

Maybe not!

what happened?! What's going
on? I'm going out of control!

I don't believe it!

we reached the negative three
level like motherboard said -

And nobody's here!

sorry... They moved again.

where'd they go this time?

not sure... Marble's locator
isn't... Isn't sending...

busted! We'll never find them

or maybe we will! Look!

The grand ballroom -
level negative five!

negative-five? I'm on the case!

let's see. Which way should
I go?

I'm at three - and five
is greater than three

Which means I need
to go up, I guess.

Meet you up there!

Wu-oh! Negative two?!
That can't be right.

we know, wrong way. We'll show
you why on the way down.

Negative is actually less
than negative three!


yes. Watch - negative numbers
are numbers below zero, right?

That means to reach numbers
that are more negative

We go down...
Here's negative three

here's negative four...

and here's negative five!

that means to reach a numbers
that are more negative

We go down.

below negative three
on the number line.

Got it! Now they're gonna
get it! Step aside!

now...sign those papers or I'll
start freezerating cybersites,

Starting with... Poddleville!

Oh no! Not poddleville!
Eh, eh- I'll sign!

Be strong, mayor, do not sign!

in that case, marbles,
why don't I start with-

Control central?! Now sign
the agreement or--

don't sign anything!

welcome to the party, kids!

yeah, he-he-he we can turn you
into a popsicle too!

you okay, doc?

I'm fine, digit.
We're all fine.

But don't do anything foolish -

The freezerator
just might work!

freezerator?! Haven't I seen
that someplace before?

eh, you ain't seen nothin'
like this before.

You'll see how it works just
as soon as the boss gets here.

I'm coming in! Just as soon
as I use the brakes! Eh! Huh!

That merry mechanic! I told him
to fix the blasted brakes!

that's it! That's
no freezerator!

That's a piece of the grim
wreaker's braking system.

I knew they were bluffing.

eh...uh, uh...
We were just kidding.

buzzy, I don't think all this
mud's good for my rust problem.

congratulations, my friends.

You've preserved the safety
of cyberspace yet again.

hey, anytime.

yes! The forces of good must
stay united

Until motherboard
is finally repaired.

until she is, we'll be there
to help.

you can count on us!

that goes double for the didge!

to motherboard!

until next time, thank you all.

Stay right where you are.
It's cyberchase for real.

come on, you can do it!

Work it! Work it!
Make it burn!

Keep practicing,
I'll be back...

In a couple of years.

I'm training for
the northern hemisphere games.

They're held every four years.

This year, they're
in new orleans.

I've always wanted to go there,

But first I have to qualify.

Problem is there are some things
I'm really good at,

And others... Well,
I'm pretty stinky at.

Fifty points doesn't sound
like much,

But if you're really bad
you can score a negative number-

Like below zero!

If you score a negative

You would have to get a positive
score just to get to zero!

harry wilson?


for your qualifying routine

You must score a total
of points in four activities.


Ice skating, gymnastics and...

please let it be rock climbing.

Rock climbing,
rock climbing, rock climbing.


bowling? They might as well
have picked deep-sea fishing.

It's the one sport
I haven't practiced.

Skating is my best activity.

I started skating before
I could walk.

I'll end with grinding the


Negative !
I'm in the red zone.

I'm gonna have to kick it up
a notch just to get to zero.

My chances of going to
new orleans are all but gone.

I've got a zero! A zero!
There's nothing stopping me now

This is it. Gotta think
positive! Gotta think positive!

Can I try a couple
of practice throws?

How 'bout a couple of million?

Okay, I'm ready.

harry. You didn't make the team,

But you made a great comeback.

So we want you to try again next
time, okay?


"Astronaut training program -

Must be able to score high
marks on physical activities

Must be able to travel."

I've always wanted
to go to florida.
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