01x16 - Codename: Icky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x16 - Codename: Icky

Post by bunniefuu »

* Cyberchase

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one two three four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

behold! My super-snooper
satellite is nearly complete!

This devious device will allow
me to listen in

On every transmission
motherboard makes!

well, that's the biggest
and ugliest thing

I've ever seen!


hee-hee! He looks like you,

what is that?!!

this is the most fascinating
creature in all of cyberspace:

The giant cyber-slug
of aquari-yum!

Amazingly, this giant slug
feeds only on energy!

that's it! The perfect strategy
to defeat motherboard!

but I thought that

Was your perfect strategy?

Forget that super-snooper! What
we do is capture that slug -

Drop it onto motherboard's
control central -

And watch it drain her circuits

welcome to aquari-yum.
My name's binary.

And your name is...?

(Coughing) excuse me, that
wasn't very nice!

the hacker has invaded

A feeding ground for rare
aquatic cyber-creatures.

feeding is right! Everything
looks like food.

Like that reef - it's shaped
like a hot dog!

and that seaweed looks like

Maybe hacker went there
for lunch.

I doubt that, matt. But hacker
would go there for...

The giant cyberslug!

eeeeww...it's so icky!

perhaps...but it feeds
off the natural energy

Of aquari-yum, if it didn't -
aquari-yum would boil over

And be destroyed!

The slug...is the last
of it's kind

In all of cyberspace!

An endangered species?!
Well, icky or not,

We can't let hacker
get his hands on it!

(crying) my first day
on the job.

They didn't tell me something
like this could happen.

(Sigh) just be a gate guard,
that's all they said.

How difficult is that?

Don't worry, binary - we've
dealt with hacker before.

If he's after icky - we'll stop

icky? Who's icky?

that's the nickname we gave
your slug.

Any idea where can we find him?

hard to say. They told
me he... Icky--

Moves around from one energy
source to another -

And camouflages himself to hide
from trouble.

Oh, one other thing. Icky needs
to feed on energy constantly -

Or he'll wither away
to nothing.

let's go.

thanks, binary.

(coughing) again with
the bubbles!

icky could be just about

What if hacker finds him before
we do?

Hang on, I have an idea.

Hey, guys!

what's up, matt?

let's split up. We'll cover
more ground that way.

aye aye, captain!

motherboard must know I'm after
that slug!

oh, maybe those kids know where
it is?


If only we could hear what
they're sayin' to each other.

ah, but we can!

It's time to test
my super-snooper satellite!

Quickly, direct it toward

right away, boss.

no problem!

[Sweet girl's voice]
mary had a little lamb...


[Boy's voice]
well, humpty-dumpty
sat on a wall, humpty-dumpty-

you incompetent duncebuckets!

You tuned in on happily ever

Move! I'll do it myself!


no sign of icky here. That
slug's gonna be tough to spot.

yes! Now I can listen in on all
their radio messages!


aaahhh! Buzz, you bubble-brain!

You sat on the microphone

Those kids can hear everything
we're saying!

sorry, boss.

hacker's hacked into
our communication system!

now if we send messages back
and forth about where icky is -

We're telling hacker, too!

wait a second! Icky camouflages
himself to hide, right?

Well, what if we camouflage
what we're saying

So hacker can't understand us?

you mean like this? A-hem.

Ackerhay oesn'tday arescay

oh, I don't scare you? Well,
I'll do more than scare you

If you ytray otay opstay emay!

hacker knows pig latin!

good thing our subs can merge.

It's the only way we can
exchange information

Without hacker overhearing us.

but that'll take too much time
away from looking for icky.

oh. Well, make room - I gotta

I can't believe hacker knows
pig latin.

pig latin is just a way to make
a secret code.

It's easy if you follow
the rule.

it has a rule?

yeah. Just take the first sound
of each word -

Put it at the end,
and add a-y...ay.

so hacker becomes...uh uhm

you've got it!

And to decode pig latin, just
reverse what you did,

Drop the ay sound and put
the last sound first...

Acker-hay means hacker!

but if hacker 's got it, too -
it's not much of a secret,

Is it?

what we need is a code with
a rule

That hacker doesn't know.

And that rule is...?

I don't know. I gotta keep

hm, this is getting dangerous.

I better check my health plan.
And I better get some help.

(Whale sound)

whoa! There's some serious
thinkin' goin' on here.

I've got it! What if we make
a code-

By replacing the words
of our messages with numbers?

Okay. But it will have
to be a rule

We can reverse too, one that
will turn those numbers

Back into words!

and its gotta be a rule that
the hacker doesn't know!

Okay - anybody got an idea how
we can match up words

With numbers?

Books! Books have words -
and every page has a number!


look, didge. We can find a word
that fits the message

We want to send - give the page
number the word's on -

The number of the line
it's on -

And what number our word
is on that line!

Great idea, inez. All we need
is a book!

did someone say book?

"The cyber chef", by digit

A treasure trove of exotic

A cook book?

yeah - aquari-yum has lots
of places that look like food.

We can use food words in our
messages to show where icky is.

you have another copy? We need
one for each sub.

I got tons of 'em. It wasn't
exactly a bestseller.

You want me to autograph it?

Later, okay? Let's look
for icky!

stop! It's him - it's icky!

He's by that reef that looks
like a hot dog!

We've got to tell inez
and didge!

send 'hot dog' as our message.

They can find it on the map -
and know right where we are.


Page , line , word , hot!
Word , dog!

, , ... , , .

, , ...and , , .

to decode the message we find
page ...

...uh, line number , word
number , hot!

page , line number , word
number , dog... Hot dog!

icky's at hot dog reef!
Let's move it!

I hope the guys
got our message.

they did!

and so did i!


how did you figure
out our code?

you forget, child, you're
dealing with a genius!

I practically invented the code
in a book gambit!

oh, bravo-o, boss!

yeah, you're the best!

and, oh yes, I just happen
to have--

That tin turkey's cook book!
(Evil laugh)

and once I take care
of all of you -

That energy-eating slug
is next! (Evil laugh)

help! We're trapped!

so long, kiddies! Don't forget
to write.

tell me again, what did
motherboard say would happen

If icky was taken away?

she said aquari-yum would boil

I was afraid you'd say that.

he's so busy eating, he doesn't
even see us.

oh, no! Icky, look out!

where'd that overfed slug go?!!

eh, that way, boss! Over there!

no, that way! No, over there!

(coughing) at least icky
got away.

C'mon, let's help those kids.

Okay, fluff - do your stuff!

Icky's really scared.

He's doing his best to hide
from hacker -

But I don't know if he can keep
it up.

I'll see if I can find him!

how was I supposed to know
hacker kept a copy of my book?!

He wouldn't even let
me go on a book tour!

Time! We all agree that hacker
cracking our code

Was a bad thing -

But just maybe we can turn
it into a good thing!

... ... .

I repeat, ... ... !

ha! Those pests are sending
another coded message.

maybe they escaped, boss.

yeah, maybe they found that

we'll find out soon enough!

Page , line , word ...

uh, what's a croissant?

A croissant is a rich, flaky,

Crescent-shaped pastry.

sounds delicious.

never mind what it tastes like!

We just need to find something
that looks like one!

ha, now that we've sent hacker
on a wild goose chase...

...we can make up a new code
for sending our messages.

we need a rule that
no one knows but us.

and one that doesn't
use my cook book, okay?

Digit, you're brilliant!


Let's use pictures for our new

Each picture will tell
us something different -

Like who we're talking about -
what to do, and where to go.

Say, cheese.


This picture could mean 'up'!

I've got all kinds of pictures
we can use for words,

In my album!

we've got hacker...the grim
wreaker... Motherboard...

hey didge, you've even
got postcards in here!

Pizza canyon...donut volcano...

There's even one of icky!

who knows, we could win
the academy award

For best picture code!

two copies of the code - one
for each sub.

can we take this one over,
I wasn't ready?

Hey, there's a number
on the back!

I wrote them so we could radio
numbers to each other

Instead of words - that's what
makes it a code.

say this is the message I want
to send to you.

Can you read it?

um...icky...i-is at donut

right! But to send the message
in code -

You turn the pictures over...

And radio the numbers: ... !

So you find the pictures you
want -

Put 'em in order to tell your
message - turn 'em over

And radio the numbers
in the same order...i got it!

Let's find the ickster!

over there, boss! That looks
like one of those cross-ants.

for once, delete, you're right.

Let's see if that slug's

ain't no slug in here, boss.
Nuthin' but nuthin'!

Don't be so sure. Remember,
that overstuffed ball of slime

Can camouflage himself! Keep

no sign of icky here.

... ... !

they found him!

didge, look for the numbers
on the back of the pictures:

, , .

got 'em!

now arrange them in the same
order as the coded message.

... ... ! Done!

now turn them over, read
the pictures -

And tell me what the message

icky...bottom...pizza canyon!

we're on our way!

no wonder we couldn't find icky
- he's not here!

good thinkin', buzz.

page , line , word
in digit's cook book

Is 'vigorously'.

Does that sound like a place
icky would be?

I've been had! They found
out I cracked the book code -

And made a new code -
one I don't know!

we're movin'!

we're movin'!

now that we've found icky -

How are we going to warn
him about hacker?

too bad he doesn't talk.

I can see why they call this
pizza canyon.

I just hope there are
no anchovies down there -

I hate anchovies.

if we decoded the message

Matt and jackie should be right
down there with icky.

there they are! And there's

hit the reboot,
you duncebuckets!


camouflage won't help you this
time, sluggo!

I know exactly where you are!
(Evil laughter)

Release the net!

Time to make my special
delivery to motherboard!


somebody! Heeeellp!

Down here...help...somebody!

earthlies, is that you?

Hang on, I'll get help!

(Whale sound)

You know the drill, boys.

thanks for the help, binary!

where's icky? Have you seen

I'm afraid hacker's got him.

what's going on?!

we're beginning to boil over!

Hacker must have taken icky
out of aquari-yum!

and if icky doesn't have energy
to feed on -

He'll shrivel away to nothing!

we've got to do something

but where would hacker take

hack attack... Hack attack!


soon my domination
of cyberspace

Will be uncontested!

By the time that slug
is through with motherboard,

She won't have enough strength
left to sneeze! Hee hee!

we need a portal!

can you do it, mother b? Can
you bring us back?

I'll try...

gosh! What an exciting first

whoa, poor icky!

poor motherboard!

poor cyberspace!

But we can't let him keep
feeding off motherboard!

up this way.

it's those kids again, boss!

yeah, they're gonna ruin your

we gotta stop 'em!

relax. That slimy slug is much
too heavy to move.

careful, didge!

listen, ick, we're here to help
you, okay?

We just need to figure out how.

I can't believe it -

I'm talkin' to a slug
like he knows what I'm sayin'.

didge! Maybe he does know what
you're saying!

that buzzing he makes -
what if that's how he talks!

What if it's a code?!

too bad it's not our code -
then we could talk to him.

what if it is our code?!
Maybe he saw us make it!

matt, did you bring
the pictures?

I've got them right here.
If icky has learned our code -

We can tell by decoding
the numbers he's sending.




- - , flip 'em over. Let's see
if the message makes any sense.


He does know our code!

He's telling us he wants
to go home!

let's send him a message back!

the four of us...friends...
Of icky!

one clap...

Six claps...

Five claps!

he got the message!

it looks like they're talkin'
to him, boss!

yeah, they're comusticating!

don't be ridiculous! What
do you think they're doing -

Asking him to leave! Really!!

we know he wants to go home -

But he needs to keep feeding
to survive.

if only there was somethin'
else to feed on.

there is! I just hope he gets
the message!



boss, what's goin' on?!

what's happening?!

we've been att*cked!

oh, get rid of 'im, boss!

do something!!!

we're taking him back
to aquari-yum!

ya, alright!

we saved motherboard!

way to go guys!

what'd you tell icky?

claps, claps.

grim wreaker... Food!

c'mon, boss, let's go!

get us outta here!

I can't! We're out of power!

(whale sound)

Gee, I can't wait
'til tomorrow.

you ineffectual ions!
This is all your fault!

Now get us out of here.
Get us out!!!
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