01x15 - Find Those Gleamers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x15 - Find Those Gleamers

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one two three four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

I go to poddleville -
they're there!

Castleblanca - they're

They're everywhere,
I tell you! Everywhere!!

speak to me, hacker, baby.
Who's everywhere?

motherboard's little

Those miserable,
meddlesome kids!

listen to me!

You, my friend,

Are suffering from what we
in the biz call

A perception problem.

You've got to change
the way others see you.

Prove to the citizens
of cyberspace that

You're smarter than
those kids.

You mean...show them up once
and for all?

Aha, bingo dingo! Then
the hack - will be back

On the attack!

Yes! Yes! I like it!

I'm afraid I have some
disturbing news.

Hacker has
the encryptor chip!

The encryptor chip!?

No way!

I say he's bluffin'!

The hacker hasn't told

The truth since the day
his simulator

Was energized!


[Evil laughter]

Listen up, kiddies!

Inside this miniature
version of the grim wreaker

Cleverly ensconced in this
unbreakable glass safe...

Is the one thing
that will make

Motherboard strong again

The encryptor chip!

It's yours for the taking.

what do we have to do
to get it?

To begin with...

Hey! Duncebuckets!

You must accept my challenge

That will be broadcast to
tv's all across cyberspace!

Take notes, children.

The wreaker two runs

On glow power provided
by the rare and radiant...


I will release the gleamers
onto the island.

All you have to do is fill
this power panel

With enough gleamers
to start the ship

And fly it off by sunset.

If you succeed the encryptor
chip will be yours.

If you fail [laughing]
bye-bye kiddies.

but how many gleamers do
we need?

yeah! And how many power
glows does it take

To start the ship?

and how many power glows
does each gleamer have?

Ha ha! You expect me to
simply give you

All the answers?!

Figure it out for
yourselves, think it over.

I don't like it...

why not, mother b?

don't know if the chip is real.

maybe we don't. But just
think - if it is real,

Dr. Marbles can use it
to fix you!

and even if it's a fake,

Here's our chance to show
the cyberworld

That hacker's not

and on tv, too!

Island - turns inside-out
at sunset!

but we'll get the chip way
before sunset,

Won't we guys?

greetings, game show fans!

We're coming to you from
high above

Topsy-turvy island

In the southern frontier.

Today is a classic
confrontation between good

And ...better!

Nothing less than supremacy
over cyberspace is at stake!

I have in my possession
the key to victory...

Or, depending on the outcome
the symbol of defeat!

My beautiful gleamers!

Below me, on an uninhabited
island, are the contestants!

The rules: if they can power
up the wreaker two by sunset

The encryptor chip is

If they don't, they won't
get off the island

And i, the hacker,

Shall be proclaimed
the ultimate overlord

Of cyberspace!

And now, here comes
the moment

You've been waiting for.

It's time to play:
find those gleamers!

here they come!

and there they go!

we'll never find them
in all those trees!

hey, didge!
What's with your beak?

I didn't used to work for
the hacker for nothin'.

This beak of mine's got
gleamer sensors. Follow me!

hey, boss! You forgot about
digit's gleamer sensor!

Excuse me.

Listen to me, you

I don't care if he lights up
like a christmas tree!

Those kids are going down!

get your nets ready,

We're about to glom
a gleamer!

got it!

how do we know how many
power glows this one has?

no time for that now!

All we gotta do is catch up
enough of them,

Put them in the power panel

And we're outta here
by noon!


out of here by noon? Hah!
Clearly, game fans,

That phosphorescent
cyberturkey has forgotten

That he's up against
the hottest thing

To hit cyberspace since
instant messaging!


Hacker, baby.

You're coming off stronger

Than judge
trudy's sweat socks!

I got it!

there's another one!

man, the hacker's

can you get it, didge?

all the way up there?

I'll get it!

you sure?

Watch me!

Be careful, jackie!


Jack-ie! Jack-ie! Jack-ie!

put the third one in,

hit the switch, didge.

Let's see how much power
we have.

Oh, and matt...
Don't call me nezzie!

we have glows of power!

think is enough?

only one way to find out.

Hang onto your hi-tops,

Guess we're a little short
on gleamer bugs.

well, at least we found out
we need more than

Glows of power-

We just don't have a clue
how much more we need.

not only that -

We don't even know how many
power glows

One gleamer bug has.

Hmmm...if we take out two
of them -

We can see how much power
the one left behind has.

Except... They won't come
out. Huh!

what a pity! I'm practically
moved to tears -

Tears of laughter, that is.


okay, what do we know?

Well, we know
that gleamer bugs

Produce glows of power

So what's that got to do
with anything?!!

I don't know,

But maybe if we draw a
picture we'll get an idea.

those are the silliest
looking bugs I ever saw!

get off her case, matt!

Jackie, if you use a letter
to stand in for each

Of your bugs,

You can still do
what you want

And not have your
bug-art criticized.

okay, since they're bugs,
let's use b.

B, b, b.

Oh great, now we gotta deal
with letters instead

Of bug pictures?!!

Hold on! I'm getting
an idea.

B stands for bug but it
could also stand for

The power glows

Each bug puts out.

We've got three bs putting
out units of power.

B is .

Hmmm. Three times what
is ?

Three times six is !

The glow power of one bug
is six.

see didge?

Letting the letter b stand
in for the power

Of a gleamer

Helped us figure out the
part we didn't know.

okay...but we've got five
slots here.

How much power will we get
if we fill them all

With gleamers?

Let's see. Hmm.
Five bugs...five bs.

If one bug gives off six
units of power,

Then five bs will be five
times six...

I got it! Five times six
equals .

and since there aren't any
more slots to fill -

Glows of power should get
the wreaker started.

and we win!

let's get those gleamers!

My beak is
twitchin' already!

Two red gleamers -
north by northeast!

For motherboard!!!


Whoa! Where'd those bugs
go to?!


Ha-ha-ha! Bye, bye, kiddies!


ok guys, start swinging!

I can't believe those
gleamer bugs

Were a hologram!

i, I shoulda known
the hacker would cheat!

Cheat? Moi? Can I help it if
I'm a genius -

And they're not?

ok, so this is going to be
tougher than we thought.

But let's not panic.

I say we split up! We can
cover more ground that way.

Matt's right.

And we only need to find two
gleamers to fill the panel.

and I think I know where one
of them is!


now I ask you, game fans,
with that ridiculous excuse

For a bird leading the way-

-Do you really think those

Oh, uh, I mean children,
will find enough gleamers

By sunset? I doubt it.

So let's talk about
something more important.

Is your wig constantly

Does your toupee slip off
your head

On that all important

Well, I'm here to introduce
a startling new advance

In fake-hair technology.

The hacker's wig-gel!

Don't worry, cyberworld -
we'll find those gleamers!

[Coughing] got 'em!

hi, didge.

hey! Why the long faces?

we struck out.

we didn't even catch one

I did!

Why didn't you say so?!

C'mon, let's put it in
and see what happens!

if one bug gives off six
units, then four bugs

Should give us units
of power.

How can that be enough?

we'll never know until
we try.

Let's see what we've got.

Thanks buddy!

Wow, it's a tight fit!


That's weird!

How could bugs total
if one bug is worth six!

wait a second!

This isn't one bug,

It's two bugs stuck

That's why the total's

This bug is a -b!

So why'd we get ?

look didge, here's what
we had.

B plus b plus b.

And since this bug is
a double,

What we really have is b
plus b plus b plus b!

you mean we really collected
b of power glows?

yup! And if b is six, then
b is .

Just like the meter says!

We got our anyway

Let's see if
the ship starts.

Standby for blast off...
I hope.

Oh, man, we'll never get off
the ground!

At least we know now
it's going to take more

Than glows of power
to do it.

but how many more?
That's the mystery.

You didn't think hacker was
going to make this easy,

Did you?

Hey, what's this?

let's see it, didge.

The wreaker two,

Manufactured by cybercrafts
for bad guys.

Forty glows of power needed
for lift off.

Digit, you're a genius!

So let's go get
another gleamer!

whoa, hang on a sec, matt.

There's only room for one
more gleamer -

But if it's a single

...we'll have b.

And times is only
units of power!

Not enough power to take

[Sigh] you're right.

Wait! What if we catch
another double-gleamer?

Okay, let's look at it. That
would give us b.

And times is !

which is more than enough
glows to get

This baby airborne!

We've gotta find a double
gleamer! Let's go!

uh-oh! The boss isn't gonna
be happy about this!

huh! He's too busy sellin'
his wig stuff

To even know
what's goin' on!

The more you put on -
the better it is.

Once the gel sets -
you can be in a tornado and-


Hack, sweetheart,

Pick up the phone!
Pick it up!

You're blowing it!

Hurry up, nezzie!

Don't call me that!

I got it!

They did it!

They got it!

all gleamers in place!

let'er rip, didge!

forty-two! We've got power
glows to spare!

prepare for lift off!


boss! Boss! Forget
the wig-gel!

the kids are takin' off!

They're what???


game over!
The encryptor chip is ours!


We're losin' power!!!



I can't believe it -
I'm stuck!

Ahhh! Now I'm really stuck!

what's happening?!

I smell the hand of hacker!


In case you're wondering,
game fans,

Changing the power level
of the gleamers

Is all part of my master

- A way to give those

A little extra test.

this is not good.
This is not good at all.

Ok, let's think this out.
What's changed?

We had enough power - then
we didn't have enough power.

didn't the boss say
he changed the glow power

Of the gleamers, buzz?



Zip it!

So that's what happened!

Hacker cut the gleamers's
power so we'd crash!

okay, so we need more power
but how much?

if we figure out

What the power of the
gleamer bugs changed to

We'll know how much
more we'd need!

We can do that!

look, b stands for the power
of one gleamer

And we still have
our bs, right?

But b doesn't add up to
units of power anymore.

right. It says b is .

So what times seven is ?

four! Four times seven
is !

Hacker changed each gleamer's
power to . B is !

Let's see if that works.

... Is right!

The power of one gleamer bug
is now !

excuse me, but we still need
units to take off!

How do we do that?

We've already got bugs
in every slot?

what if we make them
all doubles?

five slots of doubles will
give us b.

Well, if b is four,

Then b is times ,
or . Hey, that's...

just what we need to take
off! Two bugs in each slot.

It gives us enough power
to take off by sunset!

Only one problem,

We can't get the tubes back
out to put in more gleamers.

Not so matty,

When I bent my beak chasing
that gleamer

I remembered that hacker
makes a secret switch

For everything! Ta da!

yeah! All right, didge!

We need to find
three more gleamers

Before the island turns
inside out!

Let's find 'em!


Um, boss? Uh, we got
a problem.

Tell me about it!

I'm coming down!

hang onto those gleamers,

Matt! Enough with
the nezzie!

Okay nezzie! Inez, inez!

we're gettin' closer!

where's the gleamer?

over there!

it's a single - just what
we're looking for!

So how are we going to get

Hold the tree for me!
I'm going across!



This is tough on the cpu!

I got it!


I wonder if these guys have
an agent?

Boss, boss! They've got all
the gleamers they need!

They're gonna take off!

last one!

Load 'em up, matt.

That should give us
glows of power!

Let's rock 'n roll!

we've got lift off!



We're number one!
We're number one!

what a day!

Great job, cyber-mates.

thanks, motherboard.

But what about the encryptor

Is it real?

As I thought...
A cheap fake.

Why am I not surprised?

at least we showed up

and on cyberwide tv!

It was sweeps week, too.
Time to go home

Until next time.
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