01x14 - Cool It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x14 - Cool It

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! ♪

out with the old...

don't forget to wave
at the camera.

in with the new.

morning, motherboard.

Sorry about this,
but I promised.

'A tune-up a day while
the doc's away'.

Say, ahh.



are you...as hot as I am?

well, I like to think
I'm not unattractive.

Check... Cryoxide!

Yeah, yeah, I know.

The virus has you burnin'
up coolant extra fast.

I put in an order for more
cryoxide last night.

I'll just make sure
it got here.

Hey! What is this stuff?!
Cryoxide is blue - not blech!

I'll pretend that didn't

Motherboard, calm down!

digit, is that-that you?
The system is too hot...

Much too hot! Burning up...

I gotta do somethin'...think

Yoikes! There's gotta be a way
to cool her down!

Cold, cold...i need something
cold! Carrots, cauliflower,

Cholesterol free custard, corn,

Sheesh, if only dr. Marbles
would alphabetize his food!

Ham, hotdogs. Ah-hah! Ice.

That's better!

Blue falls cryoxide? What?

No, please don't put
me on hold!

No! This is an emergency!

I need help here.


Let me guess. Motherboard's
virus is worse.

she needs fresh cryoxide!

good thing I just came from
baseball practice.

Looks like you need these.

thanks, matt.

sorry, I only have two. What's

follow me.

Cryoxide is the coolant
in her t*nk and radiator

That keeps her from overheating
and melting her cpu!

all I see is green, yucky goop!

that's the problem.

What happened?

I don't know. I was just going
to check the security camera.

Here's our regular delivery
of cryoxide.

are you sure?

it's buzz and delete!

buzz... Delete? Hack...
Haa-ack attack!

they must've filled
motherboard's t*nk

With that soupy stuff - that's
why she's overheating.

So motherboard needs a fresh
t*nk of cryoxide, right?

How much cyroxide in a tankful?

I don't know - but there's only
one place to get it...



Not again!

I can't reach them so we have
to go there.


okay, guys, let's get

If we have to bring back
the cryoxide,

We need something to carry
it in.

Hmmm... I don't think any
of these jars will hold

As much liquid as motherboard's

They're tall enough -
but too narrow.

And this looks wide enough,
but it's way too short.

hey, look what I found!

A little taller and almost
as wide. It's a match!

They should both hold the same
amount of cryoxide.


what's she doing?

ski... Army... Go-go-go...

I think she's trying to reboot.

don't worry, motherboard.
We'll be back in no time.

there it is - the doc's
new -seater cybercoupe!

let's motor!

Um, we have a problem.

yeah, no cd player.

I meant there's not enough room
for all of us.

I'll stay here with motherboard
- just in case she needs help.

and I'll stay with digit -
in case he needs help.

there's an onboard tracking
system -

Already programmed
for castleblanca.

hey! Who said you get to drive?

You drove last time.


Wait! There was no last time.

no, uh-uh...too small!

Much too small for the next
king of cyberspace!

Hmmm, wide is good but I need
something bigger,

More impressive!

Afterall, it's going to crown
absolute greatness!

boss, boss! We're watchin'
motherboard like you said -

And we just saw those pesky

yeah! They just left control

Don't bother me now you
snivelling cyboids! I'm busy.

I just want to know if that
contaminated concoction

Of cryoxide has motherboard
ready to blow her top?

she's smokin'! Smo-kin!

oh, yeah, boss, she's ready
to go!

Good! Now find out what those
kids are up to.

If they interfere with my plan,
I'll sever your circuits

One gigabyte at a time! Is that

oh yeah, boss, clear as a bell!
We're on it.

hey, boss?


nice crown.

Move it!!!

according to the tracking

That's blue falls castle down

don't you think you should slow
down a little?

Why? Is there a speed limit
in cyberspace?

only for landing. Look out!

not bad for an earthly, huh?

I'm impressed.

uh-oh! They must be lookin'
to get some new cryoxide!

ahhh... The boss isn't gonna
be happy about this!

What do we do, buzz, what
do we do?

we stop 'em, that's what
we do!

Put this baby down somewhere.


hope this is the right castle.

you see any other blue castles?
This has to be the right one!

That's what we said last time.

If dracula answers the door -
I'm gone!

this is a good sign.

this isn't.

halt right there!

hey! Didn't you used
to be at another castle?

Aren't we all from someplace
else? What do you want?

And make it short - I like

we came for cryoxide.
It's important.

so am i. Walk this way.

I'll get the head man up here.

Oh, I gotta fix that sometime.

man, I thought we had a tough

I guess we should wait in here.

wow! What a place!

the cryoxide business must
be good.

matt? Did you ever
see the phantom of the opera?

yeah. And I have that terrible

We're going to see him again.

[gasp, screaming]


whoa, that was close!

[Sam ]
snazzy chandelier, what?


You almost crushed us!

[Sam ]
hey, let the air out, sister.
No harm meant.

[Sam ]
yes, long time, no see.

last time we were here,
you were playing the piano

At the harvest ball.

[Sam ]
that was my day job. Is this
joint swell, or what?

very... Swell.

[Sam ]
what's with the jar, kiddo?

we need some cryoxide.
It's for motherboard.

hacker contaminated her supply
- and now she doesn't have any.

She's desperate.

[Sam ]
that's a real sob story -
you're breaking my heart.

[Sam ]
ah, mine too. But there's
a thousand cybersites -

And a thousand stories just
like yours. Come this way!


busy day. We must
be on the tour!

We're closed!

too bad! I'm from the health

Move aside, cone dome,
I'm checkin' for vermin!

[Sam ]
take a gander, kiddos -
cryoxide falls!

[Sam ]
nifty, hah?


and cold.

[Sam ]
you get used to it.

can you fill our jar, sams?
We're really in a hurry.


What's so funny?

[Sam ]
let me tell you something,
kiddo. This stuff is precious.

Everyone in cyberspace needs

[Sam ]
this coolant is hot, hot, hot!
We've got so many orders

To fill, there's barely enough
to go around.

[Sam ]
besides, motherboard
got her delivery already!

but we told you what happened!
C'mon, we're talking about

Motherboard- the protector
of all cyberspace!

yeah, you want hacker to take
over? You need her sams.

Don't let her down.





[Sam ]
oh, alright, listen. One jarful
- but that's it!

thanks, sams.

they're gettin' more cyroxide.

we gotta stop 'im, buzzy. You
heard the boss - do something.

not yet!

[Sam ]
there you go, kiddo.

And don't show your faces
'round here again, okay?

we won't.

[Sam ]
tell motherboard this one's
on the house.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have
a reservoir to fill.

hey, get ready to rumble!
We're makin' our move!


we made our move, alright!
Eh! Where are we?

oh, I don't have a clue!

out with this goopy pea soup

Bring on the cryoxide, guys!

this should cool her down.

it's working!

yeah! Oh yeah! We did it!
Way to go!

♪ she'll be...


♪ ...comin' round the moutain ♪

what happened? What's going

♪...when she comes...

she's heating up again!


no wonder! Her t*nk's not full!

that's impossible! Our
container's the same size

As motherboard's, it should
be full!

she's gonna blow! Take cover!

whoa! Her t*nk panel blew off!

and all the cryoxide we just
put in is gone.

the t*nk's totally empty!

and look! Her storage t*nk goes
all the way back here -

Way deeper than we thought!

that's why we didn't bring back
enough cryoxide.

Because our container doesn't
hold as much.

They don't have the same volume
at all. See?

hmmm... They're about the same
height and width, all right -

But her t*nk is way deeper.
We didn't know because

The rest of her t*nk
was hidden.

I'm looking...looking...just

she's on web walkabout. I think
she's delirious.

we need to get a lot more
cryoxide - and fast!

but we still don't know how
much we need.

all we know is the first
container was too small

And didn't hold enough.

what about these? They're
filled with all the gunk

We took out of motherboard!

didge, you're a genius!

I am?!

yeah! All of these jars
of contaminated junk

Can tell us how much cryoxide
we need to fill

Motherboard's t*nk.

jax are you saying that
the amount of liquid

Didn't change even though
we changed containers?

that's right.

How can that be?

None of them are the same shape
as motherboard's t*nk.

it isn't their shape that
matters didge,

It's their total volume,

How much cryoxide they can hold

c'mon guys, dump all
the contaminated stuff

Into motherboard, then you can
take all the empty jars

With you and measure
out a tankful for motherboard.

cool! A tankful is a tankful,
no matter what shape it's in.

I knew that.

sorry motherb,

But it's the only way I know
how. Now, start pouring guys.

yeah, boss, we can hear ya'.

what are those kids up to?

nuthin'! Uh, we're watchin'
'em-- just like a hawk.

don't worry, boss. We won't let
'em have anymore cryoxide.

more cryoxide? What are you
talking about more cryoxide?!

not cryoxide -outside! Yeah,
that's it - we're outside.

We were inside - now were

Oh... Don't worry, boss,
we're on it!

how many more empties?

how many more?

how many more, didge?

last one coming!


Don't worry, don't worry.

It's not broken just a little

Well, maybe a lot cracked.

I don't think it will last
the trip.


it's okay, didge, we can find
something else to hold

The same amount of liquid.
Only, I don't see one.

how about this one?

let's check it out.

this jar holds as much
as the one that cracked!

We're back in business!

what if sams says no? What
do we do then?

he's not going to say no.

but what if he does?

What's going to happen
to motherboard then?

inez, he won't say no!


we gotta find a way outta here,
buzz! I'm startin' to rust!

hang on, hang on. Hey wonder
what this thing here does?

lucky us. Those kids are still

and I think I hear 'em comin'.

what are we going to do now?

Motherboard has to have new
cryoxide or else--

Oh, no! Look!

all the jars are broken!

who would do something like

oh, matt, this is terrible!
Even if sams had said 'yes',

We don't even know how much
cryoxide we need anymore!

well, he didn't say yes--

So we don't have to worry about

We do have to worry about it!

If we don't get some
for motherboard,

Hacker will be able to take
over cyberspace!


oh boy, oh boy!

if motherboard's as desperate
as you say -

I'll give you cryoxide.
But only what you need.

No more - no less.

what about sams?

sams doesn't always see things
the right way,

You know what I mean?

So, for now - there's no place
like gnome.

gee, this is really nice
of you.

alright, let's not get mushy!

What are we putting
the cryoxide in?

well, we were going to fill up
these jars...

But now they won't hold

at least there'll be more room
inside the coupe

When we go back.

room? Inside? Matt, that's it!

We can use the coupe to hold
the cryoxide.

we can?

sure! Look at the coupe like
a big container...

A roomy inside space...

A floor and walls that enclose

Think of it as...as a flying

let's see...

The coupe had enough volume
to hold the jars

Of cryoxide before they were
broken -

So- it has to hold more than
enough without the jars!

yes, all we have to do is keep
the doors shut

And fill it up through the sun

not so fast! I said you can
take what you need -

But no more!

but we don't know how much
we need now.

I mean, we did - before
the jars broke -

We knew exactly how much
we needed!

well, you better figure out
exactly how much you need again

- That's the deal. Take
it or leave it!

wait a second! We may not know
exactly how much we need -

But somebody does!
Jax, it's me!

Have you got the cryoxide?

not yet. How's motherboard
holding up?

her laser printer's acting up -
but we've got it covered,

For now.

her t*nk's still filled with
the contaminated stuff, right?

to the brim, matt.

okay. We need to do some

For every scoop of glop you
take out of her t*nk -

We'll pour the same amount
into the coupe.

into the coupe?

I'll explain later.

only one problem. Whatever
we use to measure with -

Has to hold the same amount
of cryoxide

As jackie's measure,
or it won't measure the same!

Oh, matt, this'll never work!

inez! That's it! Let me have
that helmet.

jackie! You still have that
batting helmet I gave you?

I have mine!

got it! Are you thinking what
I'm thinking?

two identical batting helmets!
Both with the same dimensions.

which means they both hold
the same volume!

batting helmets for measuring
cups! Totally cooool!

start measuring, didge!

that's one!

fill 'er up!

this is goin' on motherboard's
bill, you know.


that's two!


we gotta stop 'em
or the hacker's

Gonna be really, really mad!

We gotta disconnect that hose.

all the way up there??!

start climbing!

that's fourteen!

here's the last one: fifteen!

Fifteen helmets hold the same
amount as motherboard's t*nk.

we got it! Fifteen helmets

ahhh, I don't like this, buzzy.

keep goin'!

Okay! Unscrew the hose!

hang onto my feet!

not the suction hose!


[Screaming walla]


ahhhhhh...that's so much

thanks for the refill

good thing we figured out that
different containers

Can hold as much cryoxide
as your t*nk.

yeah! Different shapes,
but the same volume. Amazing!

I'm amazed that we measured
the volume of your t*nk

With baseball helmets!

you certainly hit a home run

That reminds me - I've got
to get back

To batting practice!
It's my turn to hit!

Oh, matt. Before you go back,
I have a little tip for you.

Choke up on the bat - and hit
the ball where it's pitched!

Gee, you really think so?

I know so. My team won the
cyberworld series last year.


thanks motherb, see ya!
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