01x12 - Of All The Luck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x12 - Of All The Luck

Post by bunniefuu »

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game *

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard *

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen *

* We got the power
of one two three four! *

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face *

* We'll stick together,
all the time! *

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! *

I'm constantly foiled
by motherboard

And those pesky kids.

What am I missing?
What am I doing wrong?

Perhaps good fortune awaits me.

"Sorry. You have run
out of luck."

Of course! Ahh! That explains

I know how to fix this lack
of luck.

I should start by getting rid
of you!

"Once you have gained

Of the ten good luck charms
of cyberspace,

The best of luck will rain down
on you forever!"

That gives me nine of the ten
lucky charms of cyberspace.

Only one more to go until
I have all the luck I need!

Buzz! Delete!

Go to the forest and bring
me the last good luck charm

Of cyberspace! Now!

okay, we're in the forest.

Eh, what's that lucky charm
again, er?

how about this little wormie?
Are you a lucky little wormie?

(Screaming walla)

About time you got here!

motherboard said hacker's
looking for luck or something.

What's up with that?

He's looking for the ten good
luck charms of cyberspace.

He's already found nine of 'em.

which means?

Which means, if he finds
the tenth one -

He'll have good luck forever!

any idea where the charm is?

yeah, somewhere in this forest!

well, what is the last good
luck charm?

A bunny!

You think I'm doin' this 'cause
I need the exercise?

but which one is the lucky one?

I don't know, motherboard never
told me.

Ahhh! This is not working!

you're right - this
is so impossible!

There's a bunny over here,
a bunny over there...!

and they're all mixed up with
the other animals.

something tells me this would
be a lot easier

If the bunnies were all
in one place.

that's it! We need to make
a dbp.

A what?

a designated bunny place -
a dbp!

what am I going to do with
those two dunderheads?!

I know! I'll get rid of them
once and for all!

henchmen r' us.

The hacker here! I'm looking
to replace my henchmen.

I need someone who's good
and evil.

Good and evil? Of course you
know we don't carry anyone

Who is good and evil
because that's impossible.

You can't be good and evil.
It's illogical.

I meant good and evil
as in...very, very evil.

Oh, never mind, forget good
and evil!

Just send over everyone who's
evil or cheap.

I'm on a tight budget.

Are you sure you know what
you're asking?

Of course I'm sure -
I'm the hacker!

Evil or cheap - right away!


So many to choose from?!

so, now we've rounded up all
the bunnies in this pen.

yeah, and all the other animals
are outside the pen,

So we don't even have to think
about them.

but there are so many bunnies.
How are we gonna figure out

Which one is lucky?

I think we need help.
Motherboard, can you hear me?

We need more info on what
the lucky bunny looks like.

The bunny is blue or the bunny
is tall.

Oh dear, I can't quite recall.
Blue or tall. I...

motherboard! Motherboard!
She's gone.

that's it? The bunny is blue
or tall?

that's enough for me! There's
a blue one right there!

and another blue one over

Next to that red and yellow

The blue bunnies are all over
the place!

calm down, didge. First we need
to get all the blue bunnies

Together by themselves.

what we need is a bbp! A blue
bunny place.

hey, you're good!

I got a bad feeling, delete.


if we don't find a lucky charm,

Hacker'll get rid
of us for sure.

okay, let's put all the blue
bunnies in the circle.

hey! You hear what I hear?

(Gasp) the kids!

(Gasp) the kids!

so which blue bunny
is the lucky one?

they're lookin' for the lucky
charm, too!

pull up a seat and get comfy,

We're gonna let 'em find that
lucky charm for us!

what about the tall bunnies?

Mother b said the lucky bunny
was blue or tall.

let's see here.

Suppose this rectangle
is the pen that holds

All the bunnies and this circle
holds only the blue bunnies.

hey, why not have another
circle for tall bunnies?

that makes sense! They'll each
have their own circle that way.

one home for the tall bunnies!

we'll find the good luck charm
in no time!

I certainly hope so!

oh no! Those two blue bunnies
are also tall!

no biggie! I'll just move
'em to the tall circle.

didge, wait! Since they're tall
or blue,

They should really be in both

so how can we put them into two
circles at once?

maybe put them between the two

Now move the two circles close

oh, no! I moved the circles
too far - they're overlapping!

but look! The tall, blue guys
are now part of both circles -

Tall and blue. This works!

cool! Let's move the real
circles together!


henchmen r us.

This is the hacker again!

You sent over too many

Sir, I sent over exactly what
you asked for:

Henchmen who are evil or cheap.
Now deal with it!

two tall bunnies
in the overlap!

So let's figure out which
one of these is the lucky one

And get out of here!

mother b said it's blue
or tall!

well, the bunnies outside
the circles can't be it

Because they're not blue
or tall -

But the ones inside the circles
can be,

Because they're all blue
or tall.

so where does that get us?

oh, man, there are still way
too many tall or blue bunnies!

and no way to tell which
is the lucky one.

it's motherboard!

Just remembered ...good luck
bunny is blue and tall...

blue and tall? That's what
she told us last time.

no, she said blue or tall last

This time she said blue
and tall.

big deal. She just changed
the word "or"

To the word "and". What
difference does that make?

I think it helps us out big

mmm... Us, too!

if motherboard's right this
time and our lucky bunny

Has to be both blue and tall--

--that can only be one place:
where the two circles overlap!

The tall and blue area is part
of both circles!

I'm with ya, I think...

and both those bunnies are blue
and tall!

but which one is lucky?

wait a sec, one of them has
a white tail,

He's not totally blue.

So there's only one bunny
that's tall and blue!

the one on the left must
be our lucky bunny.

The last lucky charm
of cyberspace!


come back here!

got'cha, mr. Bunny.


(gasp) it's buzz and delete!

they got the lucky charm! Come

i...i...i wasn't made
for running?

Did we...did we lose the kids?

look how soft and furry this
bunny is, buzzy.

I'm gonna love him and keep

And I think I'm gonna call
him george.

call 'im whatever you want,

But we gotta get 'im back
to the boss. C'mon!

which way did they go?

If I know the hacker -
and unfortunately I do,

There's only one place they
could go! Follow me!

alright, listen up. I want all
henchmen who are evil or cheap

To step forward.

Still so many choose from!
How do I sort this out?!

Wait a minute!

Could there be a difference
between 'and'...and 'or'? Hmm.

I want all of you who are evil
and cheap to step forward!

Excellent! Who are you?

the name's baskerville,
my liege. I'm evil and cheap.

I'm givin' the bunny to hacker!

hey, the carrot was my idea!
I'll do it!

no way!


hey! Who are you?!

my luck is so bad even
my recharger chair

Needs a recharge!

your good luck charm, my liege.
No charge.

The tenth good luck charm
of cyberspace! Ha ha!

Well done, baskerville.

hey, what about us, boss?
We're the ones that found it!

yeah! We found
it - not baskerbill!

don't bother me - I'm reading!
Hold this!

"When you have the ten good
luck charms of cyberspace

In your possession, turn
the page.

"Got them all, you're no longer
stuck - all life long,

You'll have good luck."

Funny, I don't feel any
different. What's this?

(Gasp) my extra-power-booster

ha, we lost that ages ago!

gee, boss, your luck's changin'

ohhh, yes, I'm lucky at last.
And you two are fired!

Come, baskerville, you're



allow me, my liege.


Remember how much I said
I'd pay you to be my henchman?

I do.

well, I'm only going to pay you
half of that!

as you wish, my liege. I told
you, I work cheap.

I love cheap!

Are you the hacker?

I am indeed. And you are?

We are the cybersite
clearinghouse prize patrol.

Hold onto your socks because
you are

The cybersite clearinghouse
grand prize lucky winner!

All seven hundred and thirty
seven cybersites shown here

Are now yours! Congratulations!

oh! What a stroke of...luck!

we're too late! Hacker's luck
is already changing!

he's taking over cybersites
without even lifting a finger!

we've got to get those lucky
charms back... And fast!

you know, deedee, I really
hated my job.

I loved my job.

that's what I meant. I loved
to hate it.

wait! I have an idea how to get
our jobs back.

what is it?

I lost it.

Wait! The idea's back! Nah,
it's gone again.

It's back! Yup, it's still

what is it, what is it?!!


ssh! We're here to help.

calm down, you'll all be free
in a sec.

oh no they won't.

This is a forever lock.

Once it's closed for the last

It can never ever be opened.

are you sure?

oh yeah, I remember when hacker
got it.

maybe we can break them out.

told ya!

I hate to say this, guys,
but there's no way in...or out.

matt, this is no time to play
with your yo-yo.

We've got to think of a way
to set these lucky charms free!

I am thinking! I'm trying
to decide

If this is an around-the-world

Or a walking-the-dog problem.

Hey! Where did that come from?

it's called "the book
of the borgs".

And it's bookmarked
to a particular page.

open it, open it!

"how to stop the luck and send
the charms home."

Man, talk about luck! What's
it say?

it says "to stop the luck
and set the charms free -

Find the two nots and have them
join glee-ful-ly!"

definition, please!

I have no idea, but it says

"For help, press this button."

A button in a book? That's
a new one. Press it!


maybe it's a clue. I gotta
see this from another angle!

Guys! Come up here and take
a look.

Now, what do you see?

it looks like the circles from
our bunny pen.

"To break the luck
and set the charms free -

Find the two nots and have them
join gleefully".

That's all it says.

Find the two 'nots' - I don't
get it! What's a 'not'?

Like a knot you tie? Like
the knot in a tree?

I don't think so. I think
it's more like

When something's not like
something else.

matt, I think you're right!

I bet we have to find the two

That are not like the others
and put them together.

let's use the circles to group
the charms -

Just like we did with
the bunnies!

whatever we do, we better
do it fast

Before the hacker finds
us up here.

okay, let's try it out!
Hey clover -

Could you please stand in that
circle over there?

Yeah, that one.

how will we know if he belongs

I guess that's how we'll know.

clover! Try the circle
on the other side.

there you go. Let's try
the genie next. Mr. Genie...

go to the circle where clover

well, genie and clover sure
don't have anything in common.

try the circle on the other

Way to go, genie!

let me try one.

Hey, star bright, go over there
with clover!

Any questions?

yeah. How'd you know star
belonged there?

um, uh...i don't know.

three hundred and twelve more

Under your control, sir.

Something about an oversight
refund from the government.

at this rate, I should control
all of cyberspace by thursday!


That was lucky - I could have
hurt myself. What's this?

Uhh! Motherboard's operating
manual, by dr. Marbles. Ha-ha!

What a stroke of luck!

With this, disabling
motherboard will be a snap,

And all of cyberspace will
be really mine!

excuse me, m'liege. It sounds
like the charms are restless.

say good night motherboard!

Oh, I love being lucky!
Ha ha haa!

okay, we've got six charms
in the right places.

Who's next?

let's figure out where
the leprechaun goes.

he's green, so let's
put him in the left circle

With the other green charms -
the clover and the horseshoe.

sounds like a plan
to me. Mr. Leprechaun -

Go to the circle on the left,

That's weird.

He's green, but he doesn't want
to go there.

wait a sec! He's also
a creature,

So maybe he should go with
the other creatures:

The duck, the bunny
and the genie.

Try the circle on the right!

the guy's not making it easy!

I've got it! He's green
and he's a creature!

He needs to be in both circles
at the same time!

Go to the overlap area!

hey, it worked!

let's do the unicorn next.

that's easy! He's green...
And he's a creature -

Just like the leprechaun!

And where do you put a lucky

That's green and a creature...?

in the overlap area!

oh, dear. My liege
will not be happy about this.

okay, who's next? The lucky

what do we know about it?

it's not green - so it can't
go to the green circle.

it's not a creature, either -

So it can't go to the creature

Get down from my cage this

You insolent intruders!

oh, no! It's his royal

and your luck is about
to change!

hurry, we've got to place
the lucky seven!

okay, okay! We know it's not
green or not a creature,

Which means it's not like
any of the others!

that means, it's not going
to go in any of those circles!

and the only other thing not
in a circle down there

Is the lucky penny!

when I get my hands on you kids
you'll be in a circle

The rest of your rotten little

"to stop the luck,
and set tht charms free -

Find the two nots and have them
join gleefully!"

that's it! The penny
and the seven are the two nots!

They're not green, and they're
not creatures.

seven! Penny! Get it together

we did it! We found the nots
and stopped the luck!

and look! The lucky charms
are free and gone!

and we never had to open
the forever lock!

I bet motherboard will be glad
to get this back.

bye bye, bad guy.

help! Help!

latest update, sir.

You are in charge
of no cybersites.

Oh, by the way, I quit!

help! Someone help!

whoo-hoo-hoo. Look who's here,
our old boss.

Buzz, delete. Help me!

I'm sorry, we don't work
for you anymore.

Please help me.
I'll do anything!

oh, anything? Okay hire us back

And promise to never fire
us again.

I promise.

and I want... A bunny!

A what?! Fine fine.
Just get me out of here!

Those kids! Motherboard!
My cybersites are gone!

yeah, so's your luck, boss.

yeah, looks like your outta
luck again!

Zip it.
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