01x11 - A Day at the Spa

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x11 - A Day at the Spa

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We got the power
of one two three four! ♪

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait

♪ And c-y-b-e-r- chase!

it's always buzz do this!
Delete do that!

For once, I'd like to see
the hacker out here freezin

His circuits off!

All right, deedee!



I'll get it!

I'll get it!

Ow! Oooh! Ow!

if you two tin-plated,
snow monkeys are done,

I'll take my prize.

There you go boss, no problem!

At last, the crystal of kalamoor
is mine! [Evil laughter]

With this everlasting source of
energy, I will be invincible!

And now to transfer this
oh-so-evil energy

Directly to me, of course!

Soon I will be as mighty as I
was before marbles

Drained my power.

[Dr. Marbles]
you were created to serve
and defend motherboard.

Instead, you betrayed our trust
by trying to destroy her!

While I could permanently delete
you, hacker,

I've chosen instead to downgrade
your perpetual power supply -

And banish you
to the northern frontier!

someday...somehow, I'll return.

And when I do, I'll take over
all of cyberspace!

[Dr. Marbles]
page down, hacker.
Your file is closed!

Look at me now, marbles!

I'm a potent powerhouse
of perpetual pestilence!

Do you know what that means?

It means no more recharges!

It means I can come and go
as I please!

It means I have unlimited power!

And best of all,

It means I never have to rely
on you two numbskulls again!

gee, that's great, boss.

we're very happy for you. Ha,

Oh no!

Motherboard was right,

We got trouble!

Hacker just got powered up
from that black crystal-

And now he's free to roam

Without ever recharging!

This is definitely not good.

make room. I gotta pace.

If we could just get hacker away
from the grim wreaker,

Grab the crystal.

Excuse me, but how do we do

Listen to this.

The spa awful - grand opening.

Look your best while doing
your worst.

if hacker sees this, he'll be
there before it opens!

If we could just figure out
a way for him to see it.

Hey, I used to work for the guy,

Here's his fax number.

And here goes his fax!

Let's see, today I'll create
chaos here,

Tomorrow I'll plunder there,
then pillage here, and-hey?!

What this?

La spa awful - grand opening!

Look your best while doing
your worst.

Now there's an idea!

Although it's difficult to
improve upon perfection.

oh, you should go, boss.

Yeah, yeah, go. We want you
to look your most awful. Do it!

Ah, first I must set
the secret combination

To protect the crystal.

Choose a switch, choose a lever,
choose a button!


An unbreakable force field.

Now, I'm off to le spa awful.

As they say, I need to look
my best to do my worst!

anything you want us to do
while you're gone?

Not anymore. Mmm, tah tah.

you know, dee, I'm gettin'
the feelin'

Hacker doesn't need us anymore.



It worked!

cool! Didge, you come with me.

We'll keep hacker at the spa
as long as we can.

And we'll start looking for
the crystal. Let's go!

[Gasp] get down!

I thought less work for us was a
good thing, buzz.

What's the problem?

Hey, less work is good,
but no work is bad.

If the hacker doesn't need us

It's back to the cybercheese
factory for both of us!

Oh boy!

What we gotta do is prove to the
boss that he still needs us.

Let's start by movin' this tree
into the wreaker

Like he asked us to do last

You really think this'll help?

Hey, we get this thing inside:

We're golden! This tree is
the key to our future!

[Scream] ow! Ahhhh...


ah, mr. The hacker! May I help

under normal circumstances...no!

However, before I become the
awful ruler of all cyberspace,

Which will probably be tomorrow,
I thought I'd get a make-over.

Wonderful! I recommend
the plunderer's package plan.

It consists of hairstyle,
eye makeovers,

Four nose jobs,
numerous lip stylings,

And five different chin

Just pick one of each.

a-ha! The tyrant twist,

Oooh... The rebel redo...ha ha

The magnate mudpack-[gulp]

Argh, but there are so many
to choose from!

Let me see them all!

You want to see all of them??!

I believe that's what I said!

There are six hundred possible
combinations to choose from.

Pestilence perm, the rebel redo,
the magnate mudpack-

-And so forth as you see right

Just pick one.

Uh-uh-uh-uh...that one!

Excellent choice!

The mischief make-up,
the oppressor hairstyle,

The overlord manicure
and pedicure

And the fantastic facial

The first of your beauticians
will be with you shortly.

Thank you.

I think we got it this time!

go go go go!

this is harder than I thought!

[grunt] no kidding! I'm pooped.

perfect. Just stall hacker as
long as you can.

But even in this coat I still
look like me!

He'll spot me for sure.

Not if you're wearing a

With a wig and sunglasses he'll
never recognize you.

Pick one of each.

hmmm, I'll go for the green
frizzy and the red shades.

good choice.

But hacker's gettin'
five different treatments

Which means I gotta be five
different beauty-ticians.

No problem!

If you just switch the wigs
and glasses around,

You have all kinds of choices.

Hmm, not bad. This makes two,


Hey, didn't I try this combo
already? I'm confused.

me too. There's so many ways
to combine them.

Too bad we don't have pictures
of all the different disguises

It would be a lot easier
to keep track of them.

Pictures, comin' up!

there! A picture of each one
of your disguises.

it's like a list of all my

By switching the glasses and

I get six different disguises.
Who knew?

Think you'll be all right?


I'll go help the others find
the crystal. Here,

Take the skwak pad, just in

I just hope this works!

this must be the crystal.

it's totally awesome!

And totally dangerous!
Let's get it out of here, fast!

I don't think so!



The crystal of kalimore isn't
going anywhere.

But you are.


There's a door!

but no doorknob!

How are we supposed to get out
of here?

We're not!

bonjour, monsieur hacker!

I am jean-luc, here to give you
your number one choice!

That's the hacker, to you!

ze hacker, but of course!

You are legend! I even name
my first born son after you.


ah, oui. A lot of stress in your
line of work, monsieur hacker?

You look familiar!

not to worry, monsieur!

I will make your metal skin look
radiantly sinister.

Oh and rust proof!


If we can't get that crystal,

Hacker will be unstoppable!
Cyberspace is doomed!

And there's no way out of here!

Chill out, jax, we'll call inez.

Maybe digit knows how
to get us out.

inez, it's me. Inez! Are you

inez is heading back your way
to get the krsytal.

I hope, I hope.

we're locked in the grim
wreaker dungeon!

Is there any way out of here?

Buzz and delete used to get
locked in there by accident

All the time,

Hacker put in a secret
combination lock

So they could get out.

See the welcome mat on the
floor? Underneath there's a box

Got it!

Just pick the right key
and the right knob

And the door'll open.

Gotta go!

It's time for hacker's new do!

It didn't open!

Let me try a different

No luck.

here's another combination!

No dice.

Wait! Didn't we already try
that combo?

I'm not sure...i don't remember.

time out! We need to keep track
of each combination

So we can tell which ones we've
tried and which ones we haven't.

You're right!

And we need a way to be sure
we've tried them all.

So, let's organize our choices.

three knobs: orange, green,

And to make a combination,
we match a knob with a key...


But that's only three combos.

What happens if we lay them out
like this?

cool! Now it's like a grid
of possibilities.

This one is green knob plus blue

and this square is purple knob
plus red key.

A square for every combination,

And a combination in every

I think we're onto something!

three keys by three knobs
makes nine squares,

So we have nine different
combinations to try.

the same as the number of knobs,

Three, multiplied by the number
of keys, three!

I forgot which combinations
we already tried.

Let's start over and check off
the combinations as we go.

okay! The first combination is
orange knob, red key.

Wrong combination.

next up: orange knob, blue key.

Mark it!

Nope. Let's try again.

This is the last combination!
It better work.


With my new power
and even handsomer looks,

There will be no stopping me!
I will be a force, I will be-

like, don't say another word!
Whoa! You are like,

Radiating such cosmic vibes.

You must be someone powerful
and devious?!

[Sighs] guilty as charged.
I am the hacker.

The, the hacker? Like, wow!

I am like solar, the cyberworlds
most famous hairstylist!

And I am like, not impressed!

These wings look familiar.


Be gentle, won't you.

It's a wig.

be careful with this baby!
Remember, it's our future.


you broke the pot!

[scream] you broke my toe!

Now we gotta get a new pot!

I need a new toe!

okay, let's go check
the supply closet.




Where's the crystal?

How are we going to get it?

look at all this junk! I know
there's a pot in here somewhere!

hey, buzzy, look what I found!

Wow! Our electro-magnet! Hey,
I wondered what happened to this


Okay, okay what's my next

Uh- frizzy with the red?

No, no, yellow glasses
with spiky...

Uh, the pictures! I forgot!

Get a grip, didge, get a grip!

Phew, good thing I got these.

Ah, what a mess!

easy...easy...that's it!

hey, you guys seen matt and

huh?! Oh yeah, they're down
in the dungeon.


Get her!



We're stuck!

what happened?
I can't reach the crystal!

it must be a force field.

My pictures! Where are my

How am I going to know
what to wear next?

ahhh...there's just no way
to get it!

That's 'cause it's protected
by a special force field!


this is hopeless!

maybe not!

Maybe this little control panel
turns the force field on and off

But look at all these controls!
Even if you're right,

How do we know which of these
does what?

we'll try 'em all - one by one!

any other ideas?

digit! We need your help.

[Sigh] no digit.

okay, let's figure this out

We've got two switches,
two levers and three buttons.

choose a switch, choose a lever
and choose a button! Ha ha ha!

delete! Ah, yah! Shhhh!!!

choose a switch, choose a lever
and choose a button?

No wonder one at a time
didn't work,

It takes a combination
of all three!

This is taking entirely
too long!

I should be wreaking havoc
by now!

Greetings, I am petruska, the-

You look like that french guy!

Oh, yes, well, ah, you-you

Jean-luc and i, we're, um,

oh really?

Twins? Or...digit!

Ah! I knew it!

so a combination of one switch,

One lever and one button turns
the force field off.

But which combination?

c'mon, let's just try one!

but there are so many

Alright, look...let's make a
grid. Like we did with the keys

And the knobs so we can keep

But that grid worked because we
only had two groups

To choose from.

This panel has three!

There's no place on a grid
for a third set of choices!

We can use the skwak pad!

Let's see, we've got two

Two levers and three buttons.

so, if you choose one of each.

Cool! It's like a path.

and if you choose red switch,
green lever, and purple button

It's just a different path!

Every path is a combination
and every combination is a path!

how many paths can there be?

so to make a choice,

We just follow a path from
switch to lever to button

And make sure we follow every

I can see a bunch of different

Let's try a different

Whoa! Now the paths look like

and the whole thing looks
like a tree!

Man, talk about a tree diagram!

c'mon, we've got choices to

Okay, the first combination
is red switch...

The green lever!

And the orange button!


I guess that's a no.

Try the other combinations!

it's just so typical that
it's the last one! Blue switch.

Yellow lever!

And...the pink button!

that can't be!

impossible! Did we forget
a combination?

I don't see how...
Every path is crossed off!

outsmarted again!

Yeah, you'll never find the
hidden button! [Laughing]

Shut up will ya?

Hidden button!?

What's become of cyberspace
when an evil genius

Can't even get a makeover?

I found it!

that means there are four
choices for buttons not three.

That's why none of
the combinations worked!

You mean we have to start all

Hacker could be back by any

Hold on, hold on.

All we have to do is add the
brown button choice

To the other buttons on the

Everything else stays the same!

We just add the brown button
to the last set of choices.

all right! The tree shows us
there are four new paths

We haven't traveled. Call 'em

Red switch!

Green lever.

Brown button!

next combo. Hurry! Red switch!

yellow lever!

Brown button!

It worked!

get the crystal!

let's get out of here!

I don't think so!

but the magnet! How'd you...?

ewwww ewwww and double ewwww!

did you really think you could
outsmart me with this?!

nice makeover, hacker.

Hand over that crystal at once!

No way!

I'll give it to him.


Heads up, didge. Get ready to

I was just thinking,

Why don't you guys give it to
him? Make like heroes.

here you go, boss!
We got it back for you.

give it to me,
you delirious duncebuckets

I've got a cyberworld to

have a nice trip.


From the the matt dude,
to the duncebuckets,

To the hacker, to the didge.
What a combination.

we did it! We got the crystal!

let's get it to mother b
for safekeeping.

[giggling] looks like hacker a
great day at the spa.

like, I'm sure he'll love his
new look, okay?!

my crystal! My new power! Gone!

Those kids have messed with
the wrong awful genius

For the last time!



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