01x10 - Secrets of Symmetria

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x10 - Secrets of Symmetria

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: thehacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ] the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one two three four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

lift! Squeeze! Lift! Squeeze -
bend those knees.

c'mon, you cybernautic

Pump up your particles!

lift! Squeeze! Lift! Squeeze!

Lift ! Squeeze! Bend those

ow! It's hurts!... Ow! Ow! Ow!

we'll be right back after this

hi there, cybermates.

You say you're tired of being
surrounded by uneven,

Lopsided ugliness?

You need beauty, balance
and harmony

To add order and regularity
to your life.

I hate order!

here in symmetria, everything
we make has perfect balance,

Like this picture perfect


look at it this way - and what
do you see?

I know, I know! The top part
looks just like the bottom!

exactly! Turn it upside down...

It still looks the same!

So you can divide a donut with
this end...

Or this end.

oooh-ooh! I want one!

we build the secret
of symmetry into every design.

How? The symmetrizer,
of course!

the symmetrizer???

the symmetrizer makes each
and every one

Of our products symmetrical,
including the latest

In our line of all-purpose
cyberbots: the marblelettes.

The symmetrizer, by the way,
was invented

By the brilliant dr. Marbles.


The day he drained my power
is a day I'll never forget!


That symmetrizer is exactly
what I've been looking for.

Listen closely.

delete! Where are ya?!

Aw. It's not easy workin' with
a metal defective! Delete!

watch me, buzzy! I'm gonna
be a robot! Wheeeee...

you are a robot, you tinhead!

The symmetrizer's loose.

You pull when I twist -
and then I push and you jerk.

hey! Who you callin' a jerk?!

I didn't call you a jerk! Just
do what I said.

Now hit it!

yaaaa! Did you say push
or twist?

rrrrrrrr! Gimme that thing!

uh, guys, I think we have
a problem.

oh, oh. I see what you're
saying, inez.

The pickets aren't all
the same distance apart.


hey, don't blame me.

I'm just the cutter - you guys
are the nailers.

But look at the pickets you cut

They're all different lengths!
The fence looks all wonky.

yeah, well, check out your
spacing - first wide,

Then narrow, then in between.
That's what's wonky!

if we'd waited till I drew
up a plan,

This fence wouldn't be uneven
and lopsided. It's a disaster!

hack attack! Hack attack! Hack

what's up, motherboard?


Things change but stay
the same.

what's she talking about?

I don't know. Hacker's virus
has her talking in riddles.

symmetria. Go to the factory.

Oh, no! She's synched
out again!

Hey, we've got mail!

looks like mother b wasn't able
to finish the message.

so who do we contact when
we get to...

What did she say? Symmetria?




That must be the factory.

heads up! Whoa!!!!


sorry, doc.

digit! Glad to see'ya!

you nearly ran us over! You
okay, buddy?

yeah, yeah, a little bent outta
shape - but no biggie.

Ah, give it a tug, would 'ya?

just a bit... Ow, ow...

I wonder how this door opens?

That'll work.

where's matt?

am I having a moment,
or did that door just turn?

I don't think so. Nothing's

in here!

I knew the door moved!

It just looked the same when it

let's go!

yo, matty! Where'd ya go, pal?

over here! I'm floating!

sheesh! It's a miracle!

nope - a mirror. It just looked
like I was floating.

The mirror hid the leg
I was standing on.

how cool!

who are you?!

What are you doing here?!

hey! Those guys look just like
dr. Marbles!

lemme handle this.

Motherboard sent us! You got
a problem with that?

I have a problem with
a tin bird trespassing

In my factory!

listen, uh... Motherboard
really did send us.

how do I know you don't work
for hacker?

Why should I trust you?

matt, show her the note from

what is this? Some kind
of secret code?

It's meaningless!


what does ava mean?

got me.

ava. That's my name!
Leave it to motherboard.

oh, I'm matt. This is inez
and jackie.

What kind of factory is this?

hey, what am i, chopped liver?

we make the finest symmetrical

In all of cyberspace -
including the marblelettes.

dr. Marbles taught
me everything I know

About symmetry. He's like
a father to me.

what's all this stuff about

it's the secret that gives
our designs beauty, balance

And harmony.

does this fence have symmetry?

I mean, each picket is just
like the one next to it.

and it looks like the space
between them

Is always the same.

unlike some fences we know.

I will pretend I didn't hear

slide it back and forth
and tell me what you see.

When I move it just right,
the pattern stays the same!

You can't tell it moved.

the fence has slide symmetry.
It's the secret that makes

Our fences the best and most
beautiful in all cyberspace.

what about this bowl?

If I turn it partway, it still
looks the same.

turn symmetry. A joy
to behold, don't you think?

okay, I get it.

When something has symmetry,
you can move it

And it still looks the same,


With symmetry, things can
change but remain the same.

that's what motherboard said!

right, inez! Just like this

Because the pattern repeats
four times...

When the door turns a quarter
turn -

You can't tell it turned
at all.

ah, yes...the symmetrizer.

what's a cement-tizer?


Dr. Marbles invented
it to automatically

Make things perfectly

but what could hacker possibly
want with the symmetrizer?

now that I've reprogrammed
the symmetrizer

To destroy symmetry...

...instead of create it we'll
see who the real genius is!

It's time to wreak havoc!
[Evil laugh]

yeah, wreak away, boss!

ho ho ho! When you wreak, you
really wreak!

oh no!!!

this is not good. This is not
good at all.

I thought the symmetrizer
created symmetry!

hacker must have reprogrammed
it to destroy anything

That is symmetrical.

oh, oh. Does this tripod look
symmetrical to anybody?

[dodging scream!]

you know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking if we don't get
the symmetrizer

Away from hacker - he could
dismantle all of cyberspace!

Not only that -

What if he could somehow
get to the real world?

Just imagine what he could
totally destroy on earth!


I think we're safe here.

Hey, nobody's right
all the time.

[Gasp!] Where's ava?

ava! You okay?

I think so. But I'm stuck.

don't worry, ava, we'll
get you out of there -

And we'll get the symmetrizer
back, too!

the marblettes! They've been

maybe we can put the robots
back together!

Maybe not.

That's the plan!

We trade dr. Marbles
for the symmetrizer.

excuse me, jax.

But I don't see dr. Marbles
around here anywhere.

but the robots are here!

There are parts of him all
around us!

Make a robot that looks like
dr. Marbles,

And we can fool hacker!

I don't mean to lay an egg
in your omelet, earthlies-

But all this machinery to make
robots is befoozled!

wait! You can still do it.

Remember motherboard's note?

With the mirror, half was
enough to see my name.

uh huh.

crease the poster
of dr. Marbles

Right down the middle.

Now flip one-half over
the other half.

hey! His left half is a mirror
image of his right half!

Just like ava's name.

[gasp] this is so beauteeful!
The secret of flip symmetry!

it's going to work!

To make sure we build
a symmetrical dr. Marbles,

We just match up halves that
mirror each other.

I need half-an-arm that looks
like that.

try this one.

Perfect! It's like putting
together a jigsaw puzzle!

Make it snappy, jax.

totally excellent!
Thanks to symmetry, they fit!

we don't have much time!

There he is - the real deal!

Except for one thing. The real
dr. Marbles has a mustache.

no problem!

Way to go, didge!

and there's the remote control
to make him move.

got it!

Uh-oh, I just thought
of something!

Our robot can move -
but he can't talk.

How are we going to make hacker
think he's really

Dr. Marbles if he can't talk?

[Marbles' voice]
file name, marbles. I propose a
trade, hacker.

The symmetrizer for yours

Whoa! He's talking!


that was you?

Pretty good, huh? You wanna
hear me do deniro?

[chuckle] later, didge.
We have to contact hacker.

how about al pacino?
I do a great pacino.

Uh tom cruise?

imagine, just imagine
the chaos the disharmony,

The havoc I can wreak elsewhere
with this symmetrizer!

I can't wait to take this show
on the road! [Laughs]

[Digit as marbles]
file name, marbles.
Are you online, hacker?


[Digit as marbles]
I propose an upgrade. Trade the
symmetrizer for me.

let me get this straight,

You'll give yourself
up to me in exchange

For the symmetrizer?

[Digit as marbles]
you've entered the data

it's a trick, boss.

don't trust him!

how do I know you're really

[Digit as marbles]
recall the time motherboard
grounded you

For illegal downloading?



[Digit as marbles]
and the time you tried
to double your gigabytes

And crashed the data storage



Let's make a deal.

You in exchange
for the symmetrizer.

Where do we rendezvous?

[Digit as marbles]
symmetria. At the factory you

Bring the symmetrizer.
File closed.

way to go, didge!

he bought it!

we did it!

motherboard sent the right ones
to help.

you should hear
me do the hacker.

digit, you're a genius!

That's exactly what we have
to do next -

Build a hacker robot.

why? Isn't one hacker enough?

here's the plan. When hacker
comes here for marbles -

We use the fake hacker
to sneak aboard

The grim wreaker
and get the symmetrizer.

but I told hacker to bring
the symmetrizer here.

I know. But hacker won't bring
the symmetrizer -

He'll try and trick us.

We'll just have to beat him
at his own game.

why is everyone lookin' at me?

oh, I can't wait to get my
hands on marbles. Ha ha ha.

I'll make sure he never fixes

jackie was right!

Hacker didn't take
the symmetrizer with him.

I'll take your word
for it, matty.

I can barely see outta here.

well, get used to it. We've got
a job to do. Let's go.

[Digit voice]
slow down! I feel like
I'm walkin'

Inside a trash can.

get ready, didge - we're goin'

this is your captain speaking.
We're approaching

Cybersite parabola-
on behalf of your flight crew,

I want to thank you for flying
the grim wreaker.

[Digit as hacker]

yiiikes! Oof! I...i didn't
expect you back so soon, boss.

[Digit as hacker]

hey, isn't that one
of the kids

From the real world?

[Digit as hacker]
he's my prisoner! Now where's
the symmetrizer?

uh...right there, boss, right
where you left it.

[Digit as hacker]
get it!

got it.

One symmetrizer,
comin' up, boss!

Whoaaaaaa! Oof.

[Digit as hacker]
you leadfooted goofball! Outta
my way!

uh, boss. About your head -

nice place they have here.
Wonder who the decorator is?

good one, boss! You really
leveled this joint!

zip it! Yoohoo, dr. Marbles...

Come out, come out, wherever
you are.

I hope this works, jax.

we just need to keep them here
long enough for matt and digit

To get the symmetrizer.

okay, doc...this one's
for ava!

there he is! Get him!

you can run, but you can't

I don't know how much longer
I can play keep-away!

oh, oh! It's stuck! He's outta

you're mine, marbles!

[Gasp!] What???!

what are we going to do now?


The hacker to you!

Nice cape.

I do not appreciate being
tricked! However, children,

While I may not have
dr. Marbles - I do have you!!

we did it, didge!
We got the symmetrizer!

[Digit voice]
move that thing - I can't
see where I'm going.


[Digit voice]


that's not hacker -
I'm hacker,

You nickel-plated twit!
Get him!

but boss, what if he's you
and you're not?

yeah, you both look exactly

he's hacker!

he's hacker!

don't believe them!

[Digit as hacker]
silence, you impertinent

who are you calling
an imposter,

You forgettable fake! Why i...

Wait! I can prove I'm the real

Your left side looks just like
your right.

Where's your pocket protector?

[Digit as hacker]

ah-ha! That hack is a quack!



get him!!!

ooh hoo hoo...

hold it! You hurt digit

And I'll desymmetrize the grim

you'll what???

just like you destroyed
the factory -

I'll destroy your ship!

can he do that? Is the grim
wreaker really symmetrical?

I don't know.

Quick, punch up the wreaker
on your skwak pad.

you're bluffing! The grim
wreaker isn't symmetrical!

you sure about that, hacker?

There are three kinds
of symmetry, you know.

There's slide symmetry - like
uh...didge. I need two combs.

let go of me, you noodlebrains!

hold 'em high, didge.

two combs!

take a look, hacker.

The teeth line up. Every tooth
the same -

Every tooth the same distance
from each other.

Slide them over until
the teeth line up again,

And you can't tell that they've

wrong, comb-boy!

The grim wreaker doesn't look
like that at all!

he's right, matty.

grab the girls!

not so fast!

And then there's turn symmetry.

Could the wreaker look
the same when you turn it

Part way around? Guys?

Now watch closely as we check
for turn symmetry.

Turn the wreaker a quarter
turn... Or even a half turn...

Does it look the same?

wrong again! Turn it a quarter
turn - a half turn,

Whatever you want -
and it looks totally different!

No turn symmetry there at all.
Not even close! Fire away!

I will if you want -
but you've forgotten

Flip symmetry. If you slice the
grim wreaker down

The middle - from front till

Will one half look like
the other flipped over?

slice the grim wreaker down the

don't listen to 'im, boss!

ha. Let 'em blast it! Nuthin'll

don't be so sure, hacker.

here's the grim wreaker.

Cut it in half and what do you

mirror images of each other.
Flip symmetry!

Balanced and predictably

h-t-h, hacker.
Hope this helps.

do the math, hacker.

Or do you want me to lay
out exactly what will happen

To the grim wreaker when
I de-symmetrize it?

I despise symmetry! Now, listen
carefully, children.

You may have won this day - but
the hacker

Will indeed take control
of cyberspace.

Warning: do not get in my way

outta my way! Me first.

outta my way! No me!

let's put the symmetry back
in symmetria.

thank you for restoring beauty,
balance and harmony

To symmetria, my friends.
Come back and visit.

good bye! So long! See'ya!

and don't forget how to use
the secrets of symmetry!
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