01x04 - Snow Day to be Exact

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x04 - Snow Day to be Exact

Post by bunniefuu »

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game *

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard *

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen *

* We got the power
of one two three four! *

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face *

* We'll stick together,
all the time! *

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase! *

[Tour guide]
welcome to solaria!

Cyberworld's number one hot
spot for fun in the sun!

This vacation paradise is %
temperature controlled

By the famous, one-of-a-kind
sunisphere! (Laughter)

And, thanks to dr. Marbles'

Of orbtion reabsorbtion -
the ball never gets hot.

[The tourists]

[Tour guide]
yeah! No! Ha ha, I know!

power inducer's almost fixed,

You'll be cable-ready in a sec.

I wanna fix it! Let me!

gimme that thing before you
break it!

no way, buzz! I'm doin' it!

Listen, you tin-domed

I don't care who fixes it!
Just get me charged up!

no problem, boss! Heh heh.

you harebrained hubcaps!
I ought to... Yeow!!!

Sorry, boss.

bad hair day, boss?

it's fried, you fool!

What I need is a new power

Something that doesn't have
to be recharged.

Something that will last

Something like... (Gasp) that!

I want that golden sphere -
and I want it now!


Not me - the ball!

what's taking so long?!

Do I have to come down there
and do it myself?!

oh, oh. You know what happens

When the boss has to do things
himself. Push!



[Tour guide]
so, folks, thanks
to the amazing sunisphere,

Your vacation in solaria
is guaranteed

To be a hot and sunny one.
Bon appetite. (Laughter)

Oh, that's odd.

The sunisphere must
be dislodged!

It's getting colder! If I don't
fix it, we're doomed!

(Maniacal laughter)

twenty-nine, thirty, thirty
one, thirty-two...


(gasp!) Gatito, no!

Now I have to start counting
all over again.

Ok, you want to help?

According to this recipe,
I need jelly beans -

For each cookie. So we need
to count them out before

We start cooking. Got it? Okay.
Start counting.


inez, inez...hack attack!

Motherboard! Where?

Solaria. You're going in.

What about matt and jackie?

they're on their way.

bring me through, motherboard!


you may need these.

whoa! A winter wonderland!

heads up!

comin' through!

hi, guys!

have you ever seen so much
snow?! Cool, huh?

cool - but weird.

Since solar means sun - a site
called solaria should be sunny.

used to be.

Till buzz and delete stole
the sunisphere,

Their source of heat and light.
You must return it ...

To mountaintop... Before...

before what??!

before solaria freezes...

what happens then?

The entire site crashes. Hacker
gets unlimited power.

S'no time... S'no time...

s'no time to what?

s'no time to lose, if you ask

We've got to find that

fine. Except we don't have
a clue what it looks like.

[Tour guide]
danger! Danger!

Run for your lives!

I don't have snow tires on this

I tried, oh I tried, but I've

don't worry, motherboard sent
us here to help.

She did??

what can we do?

If we can find the sunisphere,

There's still time to put
it back where it belongs.

We have until the temperature
reaches here. And then...

I don't even want to think
about it!

we know. Bye-bye solaria!

but we need to know what
the sunisphere looks like

Before we can find it.

(Chuckle) my guess - it's a big
yellow ball! Look!

it's buzz and delete!

[Tour guide]
and they've got the sunisphere!

ah, I hate walkin' in the snow!

quick! Give us a ride
up the mountain!

[Tour guide]
oh, if only I could.

This tram isn't made for going
uphill in the snow.

You could walk faster than
I can drive!

there's got to be a faster way
up there.

We'll never catch them
if we have to walk. Hey!

The ski lift!

but it's way too high to reach!

not even close!

maybe if we pile stuff
up on the roof

And stand on it - we can reach

how much stuff do we need?

good question. Let's measure
how far it is from the top

Of matt's head to the ski lift.
Anyone have a long ruler?

[Tour guide]
.. Suntan lotion -

Number , of course. (Chuckle)
uh... No ruler!

whoa, whoa, time out!

We don't have to measure
the distance exactly -

We can just estimate how far
it is!

Estimate!?? As in guess? What
if we're wrong?

The future of this entire
cybersite is at stake -

And you want to estimate??!

estimate just means getting
a number that's close -

Rather than exact.
Is that so bad?

look, we don't have time
to measure exactly -

So close enough will just have
to be good enough.

What matters is that we reach
the lift!

I still say being exact would
be better!

hm, let's see.

It looks like my thumb matches
matt's height,

So from the top of his head
we measure one more matt,

Two more matt's and we're

We need to boost him up two
more matt's.

That should be close enough.

[Tour guide]
if we turn this picnic box
on end -

It's almost as tall as matt.

Here's another one.

toss 'em up!

[Tour guide]
here you go! Bon appetite.

Oh, I just love to say that.

hey, taxi!

our estimate worked! Let's go!

Come on! We gotta catch 'em.

put the ball in the basket
and let's say goodbye

To solaria!

We've wreaked enough havoc here
to feel good all day!

okay, hand me that thing.

here ya g-

Ay! Ged yer food oudda my moud!

you get your tongue offa
my foot! Oh oh...it's frozen!

We forgot. The boss said never
stick our tongues to metal

In the winter.

unless he dells us do.

and now I'm telling you to quit

And give me that sunisphere!

come on! Come on!

We're going make it. We're
going to make it...

we gotta do something! Hacker's
about to get the sunisphere!

hey buzz! Your shoelace
is untied!

huh? It is?



after it, you worthless
widgets! Get that sunisphere!


there it goes!

[Buzz and delete]

I'll take the snowboard, you
guys get on the toboggan.

hop on!

Wait, wait, wait!

Maybe it's better if I ride
in front and you -

inez! There's no time
to analyze this. Get on!


he's at the ten...the five...
...touchdown! Whoooo!

Oh, no.

[Tour guide]
woe is me! It's getting cold.
Solaria will soon be...

...a gigunda sized ice cube!

And I can't do anything about

I'll never get the sunisphere

Wha-? (Laughter) I've got
it back! Solaria is saved!

Ohhh! Nevermind-mind-mind...!

got it.

missed it!

bada bing, bada boom!



way to go, didge!

bada whoaaaa-oaaaaaaa-oaaaa...

Aaaahhhh! Yoikes!

ow! Nice to see you again,


I thank you. And the hacker
thanks you.


Yeah, thanks.

let's go, toboggan boy.

hey, buzz. You sure about this

sure I'm sure. Have I ever
steered you wrong?

well, actually there was
that... Buzz...??!!

Whoa! Whoa! Aahaahahaa!

there it is!

I'll get it. (Straining)

I know - I'll beak it.

can you get it?

no way! You gotta help me.

how do we get across?

there's a bridge!

matt! Wait!

be careful!

oh-oh! Whoa!


Whoa! Whoa!

you okay, matty?

yeah, that was close. There's
a humongo hole in the ice!

how deep is it?

I don't know - but it's too
wide to get over,

And we can't get around it!

what if we fill it with

Good idea, jax! Maybe there's
something in that shed.

barrels! Perfect. We can fill
the hole with these.

great! Let's figure out how
many we need.

We don't want to waste time
taking them

All the way over there -
and then find out

We don't have enough to fill
the hole.

how do we do that? We don't
know how big the hole is -

And we don't have anything
to measure with!

ummm...i know! Let's use
the barrels to measure

Just like we used you
to measure up to the ski lift!

but that won't be exact!

of course not. But it should
be close enough

To tell us how many barrels
it takes to fill the hole.

how many barrels fit
on the bottom?

four: by !

okay. So barrels makes
one layer.

How many layers you think
we need to fill the hole?

um...a hundred and two?

A hundred and two? We need
an estimate, digit,

Not a wild guess!

didge, what you need
is something to measure

How deep the hole
is - in barrels.

okay, you want an estimate?
I'll wing it!

Yeah! It won't be exact,
but it'll be close,

And in this case--

I know, I know. Close enough
is good enough.

My wing's about as long
as a barrel is wide.

Okay. Now see how many wings
it is to the top of the hole.

That's one! That's two! That's

We need three more layers!

alright! Each layer
is barrels -

So we need more layers
to fill the hole-

and times is , which
means we need more barrels!

uh-oh. Barrels? I don't
think we have enough!

we better double check.
Come on!

, , , . Oh oh. Not enough!

Well, so much for that plan.
While you think up another one,

I'll take a catna-- I mean
a boidnap.

Another barrel!

Now we've got eleven!

but we need twelve.

Maybe not. That was just
an estimate, remember?

One barrel short shouldn't stop
us from getting across. C'mon!

I declare this bridge
officially open!

Just stay to the right.

yeah! We did it!

Estimation rules!




what's goin' on??!

hope you like the cold,

'Cuz solaria's gonna be frozen

yeah! Like a block of ice!

tell motherboard the hacker
says 'hi'. Heheheh!

yeah! This ball is ours!


[Tour guide]
time is running out! Time
is running out!

Soon, we'll all be ice cubes!
Little ones...

then get us out of here!


be right back!

you want a ball? I'll give you
a ball!

And I know exactly where this
baby's ending up!


great shot, inez!

way to go!

uh-oh, the boss is not gonna
be happy about this.

is he ever happy?

can't you go any faster?!

[Tour guide]
don't yell at me - I'm not good
under pressure.

(gasp!)Oh no!

wonder where this goes?

there's only one way to find



[Tour guide]
we are definitely doomed!!!


wow! Look at all these seals!

the sunisphere!

give it back to us!

hey! You can't do that!

I guess they can.

call me a boid-brain, but
I think we need another plan.



I have an idea. It's a little
fishy but if we feed the seals,

We can keep them busy long
enough to grab the sunisphere.

but only if we feed all
the seals at the same time.

so let's get at least one fish
for each seal.

Right! I'll count the seals.

One, two, three...

Hold still! I can't get a good
count - the seals keep moving!

there's gotta be another way
to count them

Other than one-by-one.

Well...we could estimate.

did you say...estimate???

It worked with the barrels,

Only this time, we better
estimate high -

So we have more fish than seals
- just to be safe.

let's go for it!

let's see, the ice is cracked
into pieces -

And there's about the same
number of seals on each piece.

so we can count the number
of seals on piece -

And multiply that times .

there are ... ... ... Seals
on that piece of ice.

So seals times pieces
of ice totals seals!

but we want to estimate high -

So add extra seal for every
piece of ice,

Just to make sure.

So that's times , or fish
to feed seals.

... , Fish!

let's do lunch!

all right!

now let's get this back
to the peak quick!

oh, oh. Looks like things
are freezing over.

hope we're not too late!





well, well, well, look who's

Three rats...and a stool

One who'll regret the day
he ever ditched me

To work for motherboard!


now hand me the sunisphere!

[Tour guide]
hacker, wait! Where's your
sense of fair play -

Your concern for your fellow

Let the sunisphere be put back
before it's too late!

What'dya say, pal?

get with the program, will ya?
He's the bad guy!

precisely - and it's the hacker
to you!

Seize him!

Now hand it over, kiddies!

Or shall we do this the hard

the only way we'll get
the sunisphere

Back in its place, is to sh**t
a foul shot!

and you're the best sh**t,

but this isn't a basketball

I'll have to estimate where
the foul line would be.

show 'em who's boss, boss!

dee-fense! Dee-fense!

estimate all you like, kid.
Soon, you'll watching me

Slam dunk that sphere
in the grim wreaker!

draws a foul line
in the snow...

Lines up the shot...

Inez sh**t! The ball
is in the air!

It banks off the backboard...

...and in! A buzzer-beater!

What a shot! Motherboard wins!
Motherboard wins!


[Tour guide]
thanks to the sunisphere, we've
got our tropical paradise back!

good work. You saved solaria.

thanks, mother b. We cut
it kind of close, though.

Sometimes close enough is good

But one thing is certain:
you sure snowed hacker!


[Tour guide]
bye, bye. Come back for the hot
chili festival!

It's hot!

this is going to be easy, now,

I just need to know I have
at least jelly beans.

Let's see...

There's about... Across...
And the same number back.

So that's times - or about
beans on the bottom layer.

And it looks roughly...
Layers deep.

Twenty five times ten.
Two hundred fifty jellybeans!

That's close enough for me!

I have enough to make
my cookies - and enough for us.

stay right where you are -
in cyberchase for real.

I love broadway theater -
the bright lights, the actors,

Music - give my regards
to broadway.

But as much as I love seeing
broadway shows,

They do cost a lot of money.

This is a great place where you
can buy tickets

At a discount for the next

Hey, that's on my list
of things I want to see.

Wow, that's a hot ticket,
I better get in line.

Excuse me, is this the end
of the line?

no, sir, it's way down there.
All the way down.

Have you been waiting long?

no, we just got here too.

Is the line moving quickly?

we just got here.

This line is certainly moving

How many people are in front
of us?

a lot, man, a lot.

Duh. Was that guy in front
of us, or did he sneak in?

'Cause if he snuck in, then you
tell him that

That's just not very nice.

no, I think he was there.

The ticket booth closes at six

That's in minutes and I hope
I can get

To the head of the line before
all the tickets are sold out.

How fast do you think this
line's moving?

not fast enough.

if I can make it to the window
before it closes,

I get to see a broadway show
at bargain price - maybe.

Then again, I could cross
the street and see a movie

That starts in a few minutes,

But my problems is, if I wait
too long

I may not get a chance
to do either.

People this line would move
a lot faster

If you had your money out,

Thank you for your

It's greatly appreciated.

I told them how to make
the line move faster,

yeah I heard.

This line is moving so slowly!

I need a way to figure out how
fast this line is moving.

If it isn't moving fast enough,
I can't get my ticket

Then I should just
go to the movies now.

Is it just me or does it seem
like this line

Is moving slowly?

it's moving extremely slow.

that's what I thought.

I'm going to time how long
it takes to walk from here -

To there. Across one sidewalk

Oh, excuse me.

what time is it?

five minutes. Well, it's

Slowly, but it's moving.
Wait a sec-

If it took five minutes
to cross one sidewalk square,

Then all I need to do is figure
out how many more

Sidewalk squares there
are between here

And the ticket window.

One, two, three, four. Okay,
there are four squares left.

If the line keeps moving
at the same speed-

Five minute per sidewalk

Then five minutes times four
sidewalk squares is minutes

And that's not fast enough.

The window closes in fifteen

Next time, I'll come earlier.

This time, I'm off to see
a movie.

Is this line moving?

I don't know, I just got here.
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