03x06 - After Dark

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x06 - After Dark

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Teddy, in all your
years have you ever seen such
a beautiful moonlit night?

-I hope Caillou and his family
can see it at the campground,




Where did Rexy go?

-I haven't seen him, but he
must be around here somewhere.

-I am Rexy the dinosaur
spookindoodle hunter.

The spookindoodle has
spooked these parts for years

and I am going to save my
friends from being spooked too.

The spookindoodle,...

he has pointy
ears and a long tail.

Oh, I made hime up.

I'm looking through the most

dangerous deep dark forest
a dinosaur has ever been in

to find the
mighty spookindoodle.

-Caillou had his
new neighbours Jeffrey and
Jason over for some hotdogs.

At first the twins seemed
more interested in each other.


-What's the matter, Caillou?

Did you spill some mustard?

-It was-

Caillou didn't
know whether it was

Jeffrey or Jason
who had squirted him.

-I think Jeffrey
knows what happened.

That's why he's
going to help clean up.

Right, Jeffrey?

That's enough helping
for now, Jeffrey.


-Can we play a game
with this flashlight, Mommy?

-Hide and seek!

-Good idea, Jeffrey.

You kids can go
play in the back yard.

But not for long,
it's going to be dark, soon.

-Caillou decided he would be it
because he had the flashlight.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-Caillou was excited about
playing with new his friends,

but when he saw how the shadows

had begun creeping into
the yard, he felt a bit scared

until he remembered
his flashlight.

-Come out come
out wherever you are.

-Hey, you two!

You're hiding in a place that
Caillou will never come looking!

-While Jeffrey's
mom explained that

playing fair meant the
twins had to go back outside.

Caillou heard
something behind a bush.


-Now Caillou started
to get really spooked.

He faced his back yard again,
and with even thicker shadows,

it looked like a completely
new place to him.

-Uh, I don't
want to play any more!


-Oh, I'm sorry,
Caillou! I startled you!

-Mom, is Caillou a scaredy cat?

-Of course not.

In fact, he was pretty
brave, out here all by himself.

-It's scary out here.

-When Mommy turned
on the back yard light,

all the spooky
shadows disappeared.

They could even keep
on playing a little while,

but this time Mommy would be IT.

-No one will find me here.


-Can I hide with you?


Are you Jason?

-No. I am!

-Quick! Come in!


We'll get caught!

-I'm a scary monster.

-Gilbert, shhh! We're hiding.

-Caillou didn't
want to be found just yet.

to the game, he and the twins
were becoming fast friends.

There's kind of a magical
mystical feeling to the night

with a moon so bright.

-There certainly is.

-The spookindoodle
will think that I'm a flower.

And I know they
don't eat flowers.

Uh, at least I think
they don't eat flowers.

Now if I were a
spookindoodle, where would
I wait to scare somebody.



Behind a tree.

Sometimes my games are
so spooky, I spook myself.

Late one night, after
everyone had gone to bed,

Caillou was having a bad dream.

-Mommy! Daddy!

-What's wrong Caillou?

-I had a bad dream!

-There, there.

What did you dream?

-A scary monster was chasing me!

-Bad dreams can feel
pretty scary sometimes.

But it's okay,
it's over now, right?

Do you feel better now?

-Yes Daddy.

-Good, let's tuck you back in.

Goodnight Caillou.

-Goodnight Daddy.


-Caillou saw a shape on the
wall that looked like a monster.

He thought if he
hid under his blanket, the
monster wouldn't see him.

-My dinosaur!

-Caillou felt scared
being all alone in his room

so he decided to go join
Mommy and Daddy in their bed.

-Daddy wake up!


What is it Caillou?

-What's wrong?

-I don't want
to sleep in my room!

I want to stay here.

-I know, but you should stay
in your own bed like a big boy.

-But I don't want to!

-We all need our rest Caillou.

be tired and grumpy tomorrow
if you don't get some sleep.

-Mommy I want a glass of water!

-Okay. I'll be right back.

-Caillou wanted his Mommy
to stay and read him a story

so he went to over to
his shelf to pick out a book.

-Here's your water.

-Can you read me
a bedtime story Mommy?

-I'm sorry Caillou, but
it's much too late for stories.

-Just one, please?

-It's very late.

It's time to go to sleep.

-But I'm not sleepy!

-Yes you are... and so am I.

See? All of your
animals are sleepy too.




-What is it Caillou?

-Gilbert spilled my water.

-That's okay.

See? All gone.

was really trying to fall
asleep, but he just couldn't.

No matter which way he turned,
he didn't feel comfortable.

He felt restless.

Caillou was sure
he would feel better sleeping
in Mommy and Daddy's bed.


Caillou what are you doing here?

-I want to sleep
here. I don't like my bed.

-But this bed can't
fit all three of us and

your bed is the
perfect size for you.

And what about
Teddy and Gilbert sleeping
all alone in your room?

They'll be very
lonely without you.

-They can sleep here too!

-Nope, no room.

Come on, Caillou, back to bed.

-Wait, I have
to go to the bathroom.

-Gilbert and Teddy sure
are glad to have you back.

Now you can all get some sleep.

-I don't want to sleep Daddy.

Let's play a game.

-Look outside, Caillou.

What do you see?

-It's dark.

I can't see anything.

-That's right.

Everybody's lights
are out because they're all
fast asleep in their beds.

Even the sun has gone to sleep.

You know, when I
was a little boy sometimes I
used to have bad dreams too.



And I had a trick
that Grandma taught me
that could help you too.

When I was in
bed with my eyes closed,

just before falling asleep -
I used to think of good things.

Some of my favorite
things in the world.

-Like what?

-Like rainbows, and jumping
in big piles of leaves.

Things like that.

What are some
of your favorite things?

-Chocolate cookies! My trucks!

-Those sound perfect!

Goodnight Caillou.

And remember, think
of good things, okay?

-Caillou started thinking about
all of his favorite things,

especially his fire-truck!

The problem was, he
was thinking about them so

much that he
couldn't fall asleep.

Caillou decided
to get up and play.

-Vroom, vroom, vroom.

Beep beep.

Oh no!

-Caillou was worried
his parents might wake-up,

so he tried to stop the noise.

-What's all that noise?

Caillou why are you playing?
It's the middle of the night!

-Caillou was
really very tired now,

but he still didn't
want to sleep in his bed.

-Sweetie, you
just need some sleep.

Now, lie down and close
your eyes and you'll drift off.

-What if I have
another bad dream?

-Let me see your pillow.

-How come?


I've flipped your pillow
over to the good dream side,

now you're sure
to have good dreams.

Gilbert's asleep,
and Teddy's asleep,

and Dinosaur's asleep
and... Caillou's asleep.

Good night,
Caillou. Sweet dreams.

-Gilbert, you know,
tiny fairies could be

dancing on the
flowers in the moonlight.

-Oh yes, fairy footsteps
in the moonlight. Delightful!


It's so spooky looking
for the spookindoodle,

I think I'll move
closer to Gilbert and Teddy.


Oh, there they are!

-I'm planing a treasue
hunt for my grandchildren,

and I have to hide this in here.

I hope they don't
find it too quickly.

Here's your first clue:

"I'm protecting
you from the sun."

-Treasure hunt!

Got it?

-Got it!

I found it!

"You can use
me to play cooking."

-Okay, the next message is.

-Can I read it?
-"I'm green and"

"I'm green and tall"

-Alright, over here.

...green and tall.

-There it is!

-Okay, the next clue
says: "Look near the rhubarb."

C'mon, look near the rhubarb.

-There it is!

-So, let's see what it says:
"Come see grandma in the tent."

-Come on! Let's go!

-Good job!

-This is the surprise.

-A telescope!

are a whole lot of treasures
to hunt for in the sky.

-Great lights!!!

You know, if we were
ever going to spy a fairy,

this would be
the very night to do it.


-I say we go on a fairy hunt.

Shh. We've got to be quiet.

-This is so exciting!

-Good-night Caillou,
have sweet dreams.

-Sleep tight, don't
let the bed bugs bite.


Sleep tight, don't
let the bed bugs bite.


Bed bugs.



-Caillou, what's wrong?

-Bugs Mommy.

-There, all gone.

They were just shadows.

-But what about
the scratchy monster?

-I don't hear
a scratchy monster.

-There is a scratchy
monster in here.

He's making scratchy sounds.

-I'm sure you think
you heard something.

But there's no need
to be afraid of monsters.

Do you know why?

Because monsters aren't real.

They're just make-believe.

Good-night dear.

♪I'm not afraid of monsters,
I'm not afraid of monsters.





-It's okay, Caillou.

It's just your toy "Snaky".

-Yes, but, there was a flying
monster and the scratchy monster

it's in my room.

-You probably just imagined
you heard something, Caillou.

I can't find anything.

-But the scratchy monster

he went krsh-krsh-krsh-krsh.

-Try listening to the music box.

It'll make happy sounds
for you while you sleep.

Goodnight Caillou.



The scratchy
monster's, he's got me.


Aaaaaaa! A two-headed monster.

There was a, the music
box a, I heard a - eeeee

and a scratching noise and a-

-The wind was making
the tree branch hit the window.

That's what was
making the scary noise.

-See darling.

Sometimes ordinary
things can seem scary.

-So the scratchy
monster was just the tree?

Look. The scratchy monster!

It wasn't a monster,
it was just Gilbert.

-That cat.

-You'll be able
to sleep fine now dear.

-With a little help from Teddy.


I hope there won't
be any more scary sounds.

-I know how Teddy
can help make sure there

won't be any more scary sounds.

-Goodnight Caillou.

-Oh! Great gadoodles!

Where did Gilbert
and Teddy go to?

They were there a minute ago.


The spookindoodle!

Oh, he ate them
right up!! I just know it!

I've gotta save them!

Where is the spookindoodle?

Oohh! Oohh!...

♪When sunset turns to orange,
and darkness creeps right in,

♪stars begin to twinkle,
to let the night begin.

♪I snuggle up in bed,
a moonbeam for my light,

♪I close my eyes so dreams
come visit me all night.

♪Dreams are my imagination,
working while I sleep.

♪Oh they're beautiful,

♪They're magical,
The dreams I want to keep.

♪I dream of far-off places.
Of being strong and tall.

♪Hugging Mom and Dad
Finger-painting on the wall.

♪But if my dream goes to
a place Where I don't wanna be,

♪I wake up and change it,
'cause dreams are made by me!

♪Dreams are my imagination,
working while I sleep.

♪Oh they're beautiful,

♪They're magical,
The dreams I want to keep.

♪Oh they're beautiful,

♪They're magical,
The dreams I want to keep.


Where could they be.

-Oh! The sandbox.


If the spookindoodle
ate Gilbert and Teddy, then...

What if I'm just pretending,
but he really did eat them!

Oh great gadoodles!
Where are Teddy and Gilbert?


-Caillou and his Mommy
were packing his bags...

-Vrrrrmmmm... Vrrrmmm.


Now... Have
we forgotten anything?

-My pajamas!

-That's right!

If you're going to sleep over at
Leo's house, you need pajamas.

Now, is that everything?


-This was the first time
Caillou had ever slept over

at a friend's house,
and he was very excited.

-Get in, Caillou.

I'm sure we forgot
to pack something...

But what could it be?

Let's think: Pajamas...




-Teddy Bear...

-Teddy Bear!

We forgot Teddy!

-Good! Now you have
everything. Are you ready?

-Leo's Daddy had built
a tree house in his garden

and Caillou loved playing in it.

-Leo! Caillou! It's supper time!

Come on, you two!
Time to wash your hands!

-Caillou sure was
having fun at Leo's house...

But when supper came
Caillou started to feel lonely.

He was thinking about his
Mommy and Daddy and his home.

-Aren't you hungry, Caillou?


see who finishes first and
wins the the race to dessert!

-Pretty soon it was
bedtime for Caillou and Leo.

Caillou discovered
that even brushing his teeth
was fun at Leo's house!

But when it was
time to go to sleep,

Caillou missed his Mommy
and Daddy and his home a lot.

He was beginning
to feel very sad.

-Are you two
ready to go to sleep?

Get into bed, Caillou!

Goodnight, honey.

Oh, dear. What's
the matter, Caillou?

-I want to go home.

-I'll tell you what.

Why don't we go and
call your Mommy on the phone?

-I want to come home, Mommy!

-Hmmm... Does Teddy
want to come home too?


-Poor Teddy!

He must be feeling very
lonely stuck inside your bag.

And he was really
looking forward to sleeping
over at Leo's house.

-When Caillou
thought about Teddy,

he didn't want
to go home any more.

He fetched Teddy
and gave him a big kiss.

-Does Teddy feel better now?

-Yes! Because
I'm hugging him tight.


Night-night. Sleep tight.

-Don't let the bed bugs bite!

-This could be a very good
fairy place, don't you think?

-Mmm hmm.

Look down there.


The spookindoodle!

I thought so much
about him, now he's real!

He's right there and-

He.. he looks
like he's still hungry!

Oh, what am I going to do?

What am I going to do?

I know. Run for it!



Rexy, you scared us!

-Run! The spookindoodle
is after us!


-I think he said, doodle.

I made up a spookindoodle
in my mind and

I was having
fun with it and then,

you'll never believe this but,

he appeared!


-B-b-by the sandbox.

-There's nothing by the sandbox.

-He was there with his
pointy ears and a big belly

and long tail, kind
of like you, Gilbert.

-But, we were by the sandbox.

-You made him up.

-I did, but he got
so real he jumped right

out of my imagination
and over to the sandbox.



-It was just us.

-Just you?

-Nothing but two friends.


I am so glad to hear that.

What were you and Gilbert
doing at the sandbox?

-We were looking for fairies.


Are fairies real?

-Well, nobody
really knows for sure,

but they're more
fun to imagine after dark,
than your spooky monster.

-Come play with me again!








Of all the Teddy bears
in the whole wide world,
he's my most favorite!

Teddy is my favorite because
he's so much fun to play with.

He needs lots of loving.

Teddy always
makes me feel better.

He's the official hug authority!

That means, he's the best
hugger in the whole wide world!
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