03x01 - Imagine!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x01 - Imagine!

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

It's coming!



Another day
full of possibilities!

A great day for imagining.

Purrfect-ly beautiful.




What a beautiful sunrise.

Good day to imagine a song.

Kind of magical.



Oh! This is my kind of day.

It's just the right
day to play make-believe.


Um... first I have to think
of something to make believe

and then...

I'm going to make-believe it!

was going for a picnic in
the park with Mommy and Rosie.

He was very excited
to try out his kite.

-Ah, This looks
like a good spot.

What do you say
we have our picnic here?



-I'm going to fly my kite!

-Okay, but just
for a little while.

We're going to have lunch soon.

-Why isn't it working Mommy?

-First you have to make sure
that the string is long enough.

There, that should do it.

Take a few steps back.

-Let go Mommy!


-Maybe try to run a little bit.




-Oh no!

-Caillou was disappointed
that his kite wasn't working.

-My kite is broken!

-It doesn't look broken.

There's just no wind
right now, and a kite needs
wind to stay up in the sky.

-But I want to fly my kite now!

-Well if we wait a little
bit it might just get windy.

Who wants some lunch?


-Caillou felt bored.

-I wish it would be windy.

-One way to tell
if the wind has come back
is by looking at the clouds.

See how still they are?

-Mommy look, there's
a dinosaur in the sky.


Oh no! He's coming to get us!

-Look over there.

That cloud looks like
a big bowl of ice cream.

-I'm going to eat some!


-Caillou was having so
much fun looking at the clouds

that he forgot
all about his kite.

-There's a big tree!

Look! There's a train!

Choo! Choo!

Go get it Rosie!

-Choo! Chooooo!

-Mommy, push me too!

I'm going to touch the sky!


The clouds look like
bubbles in a bubble bath.

-I think it's
starting to get windy.

See look at the sky.
The clouds are blowing away.

-Bye clouds!

-Bye! Bye!

-Caillou, I bet this would
be a good time to try out-

-My kite!

Where did my kite go?

Hey! Come back!


Watch Mommy.


-Let's try to let the
kite find the wind on it's own.

If we take our time,
I'm sure it will work.


-Look! It's flying!

I want it to touch the clouds!

-I'm going to be
an orchestra conducter.

I need a baton.


Oh! Perfect.

Uh huh. It feels just the right.

It's got to be just right.


-Oh my.

A sunbeam dance is not that.



Ah yes. That's it.

This is going to be good.


-Ah, yeah.

My sunbeam song.

-Gilbert, wake up!

Look at my kite!


I'm going to the
park to fly my kite today!

-Caillou? What are you doing?

-Mommy, get dressed!

You said we were going
to fly my kite today, remember?

-I don't think we can Caillou,

they're calling
for rain all day!



-Caillou was very dissapointed.

He was looking forward to trying
out his new kite at the park.


-What's wrong?

-I have nothing to do now!

-You could play with Rosie!

-I don't want
to play with Rosie!

-Hey, I have an idea!

Maybe you could
have a friend over?


Hello? Can I
speak to Leo please?

Oh! Thank you.


He's not there.

-Caillou was discouraged.

He had no one to play
with and nothing to do.

-Cheer up, with
a little imagination,

I'm sure you can
find something to do!

-Hee hee, ha ha ha.

-I can't see
Rosie, where is she?



Hee! Hee! Hee!

-Hey! This is MY drawing!

-Caillou. She
was just looking at it!


-The pirate drawing and
Mommy playing with the sheets

gave Caillou an
idea what he could do.

-Okay Rosie, you can have it.

-Did you find
something to do yet?


-That's strange, I
could have sworn there was a-


-Caillou was building
his very own pirate ship.

He thought it would
be fun to pretend to be the
captain of his very own ship!


Gilbert, you wrecked my ship!

-Me too!

-Rosie! NO!

It's mine.

Rosie, let go!

-What's going on in here?

I'll settle this right now.

-Huh? But I was playing with it!

-You can only play in the living
room if you two play nicely OK?

-Rosie! This is MY game!

-Moo! Moooo!

Hee! Hee!


-Look Rosie I'm a
fish swimming in the sea.

-Caillou was having
fun now playing with Rosie.

He liked the fact that
he could always make her laugh.

-Wait Rosie! I know
where I can get a fish.

Look Rosie, there's
a fish in the water.


-Oh No!

Gilbert's a shark;
he wants to eat the fish.


-We're safe now but
we have to build a boat.


-I better swim to shore
and get some stuff for our boat.

-Boat! Boat!

-Hey Caillou!
What are you up to?

-I'm in the sea!

Me and Rosie
are going to build a boat
because Gilbert is a shark.

-Well I haven't seen
any sharks around here.

-Maybe he's hiding!

-Here, maybe you
could use this to find him?

-Caillou was having
a lot of fun playing pirates.

Now he was all set to build
his pirate ship with Rosie.

-Rosie, you're in the water!

Let's build our boat!

There! Now we can be
on the look out for sharks!

Look Rosie, an island!

Maybe there are pirates?


-Maybe the pirates took Gilbert!

-I see a pirate!


-Hurry, hide from the pirate!

He's going to catch us!

-Argh! I'm a fearless pirate!

Look at this, an abandoned boat!

Hmmm! I think I'm
going to climb aboard!

Oh no! I surrender!
You caught me!

-Okay mister pirate,
where's Gilbert?

-I don't know!

-Hey everyone, time for lunch!

-Can we have
a picnic on my boat!

-I think your boat is
a little too small, Caillou.

-Caillou knew what to do.

If his boat was too small, he
just had to make a bigger one!

-Mommy, can we
use the pic-nic blanket?

Gilbert! Haha! I found you!

-All right, I guess
a rainy day is a good reason
to have a pic-nic indoors!

-Here you go Gilbert!

Tuna fish!

-And so, on a rainy day
that began with nothing to do,

Caillou and his family had
a wonderful picnic by the sea!

♪I have a special place,
I keep it just for me.

♪No one else can come,
and I, can be what I want to be!

♪In my imagination.
Anything can occur.

can climb a rainbow in the sky
or sail the clouds - for sure!

♪I can ride a bucking bronco,
Or drift on a dragonfly. Whee!

♪I can be a hummingbird
and watch the world go by.

♪I have a special place,
I keep it just for me.

♪No one else can come and
I can be what I want to be!

♪I have a special place,
I keep it just for me.

♪No one else can come
and I can be what I want to be.

♪Sometimes when I'm imagining,
I love to play with you.

♪Play kings and queens,
or walruses, To paint
the world bright blue!

♪We can fight a nasty dragon,or
have tea right in his lair.

♪With costumes we can make a
world that two of us can share.

♪I have a special place,
I keep it just for me.

♪No one else can come
and I can be what I want to be.

In my imagination,
look what I can see.

A fish; a bat; an alien;

a face that smiles at me.

In my imagination,
look what I can do.

Paint a beautiful flower,
in red, green and blue.

In my imagination,
look what I can be.

Someone who builds bridges
that go across the sea.

In my imagination,
look what I can play.

An animal puppet story,
told in my very own way.

In my imagination,
look what I can do.

I can paint a snowy mountain,
or build a sweet igloo.

In my imagination,
I can be what I want to be.

A mommy, or a daddy,
or even a little baby.

-I like to use my
imagination because I can

do anything what
I want in the whole world

because then
I could see anything.

-In my imagination,
I fly right up to the sky.

I play play with my baby sister.

We have fun, she and I.

In my imagination,
I can be just like dad,

and fix the roof with
tools, in places where it's bad.

In my imagination, I
create things with my hands.

I made a tiny penguin,
look he even stands!

In my imagination,
when special days are here,

I make some decorations,
to fill the house with cheer.

-It makes me, like, be happy.

And after I'm done,

I look at my work and I
say, "Now that's a masterpiece".

Hmmm... What can I
use as my pretend orchestra.









-Have you seen Caillou anywhere?

He said he wanted
to help me with the car.

-I think he's in the
garden, driving his car.

-Beep. Beep.

Caillou's in his car.


-Now you probably
know that Caillou loves
anything to do with cars

and buses and trucks...

Ah. There you are.


-Did you forget?

You said you wanted
to help me wash the car.

-Vvvvvvrrooom. Vvvvroooom.

-Caillou imagined
he was driving the most
fantastic car you ever saw.

-Hello Mr. Lion.

WOW I'm really going fast.

This is fun.


Oh no!

Hey Caillou. Look
what you made me do.


Daddy. You're all wet.

What happened?

-Caillou had no idea
that he was the one who made

his Daddy spray
himself with water.

-Well... It was an accident.

Don't I look silly?


-Do you still want to help me?

-You bet.

I was driving the car, Daddy.

-Is that right?


I love cars, you know.

-Mmmm. I know you do.

I used to love cars
when I was little, too.

-And you still love cars.

-Look, Mommy. It's
all clean and shiny.

-Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go for
a picnic at the beach.

-Hello Mr. Lion.

Can I drive the car
when I'm bigger, Daddy?

Will you teach me?

-Of course, Caillou. Of course.

-Oh-ho-ho! Yes.

Now, I need a costume.

-Wheee... Yay.

-Caillou was playing
with his special friend George.

Caillou's friend George
was a very special friend.

-We could play dinosaurs...

-...Only Caillou knew George.

And nobody had ever seen him.

Caillou suddenly
had a wonderful idea.

-Yeah. Let's have a race.

Look Mommy. Look, Grandma.

I'm having a
race with my friend.

-I'm hungry.

don't you go and tell Caillou
it's lunchtime, OK Rosie?

-Okay, Grandma.

-I won. I won.


-As Caillou tried to hide
the mess, he decided it was all

George's fault that
the flower pot was broken.

-Caillou. Caillou. Caillou.



George runs really fast you
know, but I beat him in a race.

-Where does
George live, Caillou?

-I don't know
exactly where he lives.

-But I think he
lives in our basement.

George's probably
my bestest friend in
the whole world, you know.

-Caillou. Look. We've
finished eating and you've been

talking so much you haven't
even touched your food.

-Sorry, Mommy.

George had better go outside
while you finish eating OK?

-'kay Mommy.

-Thank you, George.
Caillou will be out soon.

-See you later, George.

-Hi, Caillou. Can
you come here for a moment?

Do you know anything about this?

-Uh... um.

George did it, Daddy.

-Are you sure George did this?

-Caillou's Daddy
knew that it wasn't

really George who
broke the flower pot.

-Yes, Daddy. We had a race.

And George knocked it down.

-Hmm. Well...
I think you might have had
something to do with it too.

Don't you, Caillou?

-Yes, Daddy.

-I'll tell you what... Why don't
you help me clean up this mess,

And the next time
you play with George,

I think you both should
be a bit more careful. OK?

-Caillou thought
it was a very good idea.



You just hold the dustpan
steady, and I'll use the brush.

-George is very
clumsy, isn't he Daddy?

-A bit like you, huh?

-I really like it when
you push me on the swing.

-And I really like
pushing you, Caillou.

-Oh! Oh! This'll be just right.

Imagine... imagine!

"The Sunbeam",
by Matthew Theodore Bear.

That's me.


♪Aaaaas I was
sleeping on my bed,

♪a little sunbeam
touched my head.

♪An invitation
from the sky to come out and
play while the sun is high.

-Oh, that was a beautiful song!

It's just what
I needed to dance to.

-It was exactly what
I needed for my orchestra.

-My song?


-You liked it?


-Oh, oh, oh, oh!
I have a terrific idea.

Why don't we put all the
things we imagined together.

-What did you imagine?

-Oh. I imagined I was conducting
a beautiful orchestra.

They were flowers.

-Flowers make beautiful music.

-I was dancing in
front of a huge audience.

And you know?

It was the sunbeam that
made me feel like dancing.

-Oh, well the sunbeam
made me hear music in my head.

-Oh, and it made me
want to make up this song.

I knew they were
beautiful, but I never knew
sunbeams were so magical.

-Oh, come on, let's
put it all together.

Come, come!

-Oh Yes!

-I'm coming!

-And a one, and a
two and a one, two three!

♪As I was sleeping on the bed, a
little sunbeam touched my head.

♪An invitation
from the sky to come out and
play while the sun is high.


-Come play with me again!








My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating except
it's not that easy at first.

And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up I wanna
be just like my daddy.
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