02x08 - Lost and Found

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x08 - Lost and Found

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!


Boy, this is discouraging.

I woke up this morning

I would have this really
exciting, unbelievable day.

And well, so far...




What's that?


I don't know what it is, but
this is something extraordinary.

Something amazing.

Something magical!

Just like in Caillou's story
last night about the wizard.

I can be a wizard
too, and do magic with this!


-Oh Caillou!

Come on in. You're soaking wet.

-I like the rain mommy.

I jumped in all the puddles!

I'm cold.

-Let's get you out of these wet
clothes and into something dry.

Well that's good,
you don't have a fever.

-My throat feels scratchy Mommy.

It hurts.

-Hmmm, maybe we should
give you some medicine
for that scratchy throat.

-I don't want to.

I don't like medicine.

-Here, try it,
it tastes like grapes.

Caillou, this will help
make your throat feel better.

Please try.

-Ow! It hurts Mommy!

-Caillou didn't
want to take the medicine,

but he didn't want
his throat to hurt either.

-There! That
wasn't so bad right?

Now I want you to
head straight to bed and get
a good nights sleep, okay?

-The next morning, not only was
Caillou's throat still scratchy,

but he found he couldn't talk!


-Caillou, time to get up!


-Uh oh. Sounds like you have
a frog in your throat, Caillou!


-No, not a real frog.
It just sounds like one.

You're not warm but
I think that scratchy throat

of yours has
turned into laryngitis.

Until you get your voice back,

I don't want to hear
a peep out of you understood?

We have to let
your throat get better.

In the meantime, how
about some breakfast, okay?

-Caillou, what can
I get you for breakfast?

You can have anything you want!

Do you want some pancakes?

French toast?

A bowl of cereal?

-Caillou didn't
know how to tell his daddy

that he wanted something warm
that woudn't scratch his throat.

-I know! We're going to play
a game of charades to figure out

what you want to eat okay?
Try and show me what you want.

-Game! Game! Yea!

-The fridge? It comes
out of the fridge right?


You're cracking eggs!

You're mixing up the eggs.
Could it be scrambled eggs?

-Eggs! Me too!

-I guess I better get cracking!

-Caillou spent
the rest of the day playing
charades so as not to speak.

Caillou woke up the next
mornig feeling much better.

His throat wasn't sore anymore.



-Good morning Caillou.
How does your throat feel today?

-Mommy! I got my voice back!

-That's great!

So I guess that frog in
your throat must be gone then?

-Ribbid! Ribbid!

Oh! Think, Diedi, think!

Where did you leave it?

Okay, now let's see.

I was here and
then I went uh, there,

and then I went-


But I didn't
have it in my hand...

and then... And then.

Oh, nutshells!

I can't remember.

This is hopeless.

I'll never find
my precious thing again.

Oh, and I loved it so much.


-Caillou and his best friend
Leo were playing in the backyard

when they had a little problem.

They both wanted to play with
the same truck at the same time.

-Farmer George
wants to drive his truck.

-It's Farmer Dan's truck.
He wants to put the cow in it.

-But Farmer George
had the truck first.

-But it's my truck.

Get Farmer George another truck.

-I could get
another truck and...

I could also get an airplane!

-You have an airplane?!!?

Let's go get it!

-Caillou and Leo went
to find Caillou's toy airplane

so they would both have
something special to play with.

-I don't see an airplane...

-It's not in here.

Maybe it's in here.

-Do you see it?


-Hey! I found a bulldozer!

-We can make roads for the farm.

-I wonder where my airplane is.

-Maybe it's under the bed?

-I can't see it.

-Hey, a wagon! A
farm has to have a wagon!

-Caillou looked
all over his bedroom

but he couldn't find
his airplane anywhere.

-Maybe the airplane
is under your pillow.

-Under my pillow?

That's silly.



-Boys! No pillow fighting.

-Mine goes faster.

-No, mine does!

-Maybe your airplane is in here.

A horse! We need
a horse for the farm.

-I want my airplane. C'mon.

-Caillou, Leo.

I want you to clean
up the toys and those messed

up papers that you just
took out of the cupboard.


-Thank you.

-Caillou and Leo weren't having
much luck finding the airplane,

but they did find some
pretty interesting things.

-My Daddy's screwdriver?

-I found money!

-What are you two doing?

-We're looking for my airplane.

-Looks like you've found
everything but an airplane.

My screwdriver

and Grandma's sunglasses!

Thanks! I've been looking
for this screwdriver everywhere.

-Caillou and Leo felt
very proud of themselves.

-You can keep the change.

BUT, I want you to put
the cushions back on the sofa

and leave everything the
way it was before you got here.

-Okay, Daddy.

-Caillou and Leo
were happy about the money,

but they still hadn't found
what they were looking for.

-Now we have
to find my airplane.

-Do you see
your airplane in here?


-Caillou! Leo!
What are you doing?

-Looking for my airplane.

-Teddy bear!

you found Rosie's teddy bear.
We looked everywhere for it.

-But I can't find
my airplane, Mommy.

-Maybe you should
look outside for it.

But first you need to
clean up this mess you've made.


Okay, Mommy.

-Caillou and Leo were a little
disappointed that after all

their searching they still
hadn't found the toy airplane.

-Maybe it's over there.

I found something.

-It's shiny!

-I found a dinosaur!

-That's mine! I lost it!

-We've found lots of things but
we didn't find your airplane.

I think your airplane is gone.


-CAILLOU!!! LEO!! Come here!

Caillou! I cleaned
your room up before
Rosie and I went shopping.

So I want you and
Leo to make the bed and tidy
up the mess you've made.

-Look, Mommy!

-Oh! I don't
believe you found this!

I lost it years ago!

Thank you, Caillou!
Thank you, Leo!

Wait till I show your Daddy!

-Caillou and Leo
were very pleased to make
Caillou's Mommy so happy.

-Now tidy up your
room and then you can come
downstairs for a snack.

-Okay, Mommy.

Leo. Look!!!

We found it!

-We did it!
We found the airplane!

-Caillou and
Leo were very happy.

After all their searching
they finally found the airplane.

AND they cleaned up
all the mess they made too.

-This is a great farm.

-Yeah. I have a train too.

-Let's get it!

-I don't know where it is.

-We can find it.

-After finding
so many lost things

Caillou felt sure they
could find just about anything.

I've got it! I will wizard
up some really neat magic.

I, Rexy, wiznible
wizard, through my magic.


My magic what?

Oh! My magic thing-a-ma-jig,
cast a magic spell to

make my friends
very very happy, all day.

That was a good one!

Oh, and I like it
when my friends are happy.

I wonder if it worked. Hmm.

Oh, oh, oh I have
a good one for Caillou.

I, Rexy, wiznible wizard,
with my magic thing-a-ma-jig,

want all Caillou's friends
to love to play him today.

Wow. That's big magic.

Caillou will be happy.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
and I want Gilbert and Teddy

to have a good car ride
to Caillou's Grandma's today.

Ah. That's good.

-It all started when
Caillou's Mommy and Daddy
went away for a few days.

Caillou and Rosie were staying
with his Grandma and Grandpa.

-Caillou. Where are you?

Are you in here?

I can't see him anywhere.

-Maybe he's hiding.

Look again.


Well now, what have we here?

It looks a bit like Caillou.

-Grandpa. Grandpa.

-What are you doing in there?

-I'm stuck.

-If I can just move this
box and grab hold of this thing.

And now, if I can
get hold of this thing.


-What on earth were
you doing in there, Caillou?

-Hiding in a hiding place.

-Hiding in a hiding place, eh?

That reminds me of something.

-Caillou wondered what
Grandpa was going to tell him.

-Can you keep a secret, Caillou?

-Yes, Grandpa.

-Well. I know where there's
a special hiding place.

In the garden.

Would you like to see it?

I'm sure this is the right tree.

Well if it wasn't on the other
side, it must be on this side.


-Go on then. Have a look.

Well? How is it?

-It's the best special hiding
place in the world, Grandpa.

Thank you, Grandpa.

-Why don't you
keep the flashlight?


Can I?

-Time to sleep, Caillou.
I'll be there in a minute.

-Caillou, Caillou, Caillou!

-NO. You can't come with me.


-This was Caillou's
special hiding place.

He didn't want anyone
else to know about it.


-Caillou. Are you in there?

You'd better come in the house.

Your Daddy'll be
here to pick you up soon.

Well, well, well
I just don't believe it.

-What is it?

Well, believe it or
not, Caillou, that's a toy

that belonged to me when I
was a little boy just like you.

-And when I was a
Daddy, just like your Daddy.

-You must have found
it in my special hiding place.

But it's your special
hiding place now.


Let's play hide and seek.

If you pick the
red one, you're it.

I count.




-Better hurry,
ten comes pretty quickly.

No no, not there! Too easy!







Ready or not, here I come!


-I found you!

-I am the most
wiznible dinosaur wizard in
all the whole wide world.

And my magic is amazing.

It works every time!

-I can't believe it's gone.


Diedi? What's wrong?

-It's gone, lost.

-Oh, my happy
day magic isn't working.


-I did all kinds of magic today.

I made a spell so that Gilbert
wouldn't mind the car today,

and that all Caillou's friends
would want to play with him

and one to make sure that
all my friends were happy but,

you don't look very happy to me.


-Oh, yes! I'm a wiznible wizard!

Oh at least, I was
until I found you crying.

I didn't wish for that, Diedi.

-Maybe your
wiznible wizardry can help
me find my precious thing.

-Maybe it can!

A precious thing?


-Okay. Stay right here.

Rexy, the wiznible wizard
will find your precious thing!

-I need socks.

-Caillou found one of
his favourite socks right away.

But now he needed the other one.

Caillou couldn't find
his missing sock in his room,

so he decided to go
and look in the laundry room.

Caillou thought the sock
might be in the washing machine,

but he was too short to see.

He decided to
go and fetch a chair.

Caillou tried to open the
door, but it just wouldn't open,

and that was a bit scary.

-Mommy... MooooOOOOmMMYY.

-Caillou. It's
Daddy, I'm here, it's OK.


Daddy. The door won't open.

-I'm gonna get you out
of there in no time, you'll see.

expect the doorknob fell out on
your side, Caillou, didn't it?

-Yes, Daddy.

-Well it didn't
fall out on this side, but
I have to turn it slowly.

It's all right Caillou.

What are you doing in here?

-I'm looking for my sock.

-Did you look
in the laundry room?

Let's look together, OK?


-Mommy brought some
clothes up this morning.

Maybe she dropped
your sock on the stairs.

-I wanna see
in the washing machine.

-Good idea. Let's take a look.

Can you see your sock?


-Did I forget to
close that door again?

There we go.

-There's nothing in here.

-I want to see.

It's not in here.

-Oh well, let's
go find you another sock.

Your foot must be cold.

-But I want my favourite sock.

-After we find you
a pair of socks, you can

help me fix the broken
doorknob if you like.


Uh-oh. Looks like someone
closed the door again.

Honey? Are you there?


Let's call out together.



-Caillou didn't feel
scared this time because
his Daddy was with him.

-Oh dear.

Are you in there?

Oh, no. The doorknob came out.

-Caillou's Daddy explained
to his Mommy how to put the

doorknob back in, and soon
afterwards, she opened the door.

-I'd better fix this before
anyone gets locked in again.

I'll go and get my tool box.

-What happened to your sock?

-I lost it.

-I bet I could
put a smile on your face.

Look in the basket.

-Here it is.

-Once Caillou had both his
socks on, he helped his Daddy

fix the doorknob so no
one would ever get stuck again.

♪I lost my teddy bear.

♪He's always been with me.

♪When I looked he wasn't there.

♪Where on earth could Teddy be?

♪No one's seen
him. Asked them all.

♪Not in my bed
or behind the chair.

♪And when I called my Grandma
She said Teddy wasn't there.

♪I lost my teddy bear.

♪He's always been with me.

♪When I looked he wasn't there.

♪Where on earth could Teddy be?

♪I was sad and started to cry.

♪I needed my
Teddy. Then you see...

♪When I opened up my toy
box Teddy looked right up at me.

♪I found my teddy bear.
I was as happy as could be!

I looked he was right there.
Waiting for a hug from me!

I'm so happy I found you Teddy!

-Ooo. Come on magic,
please help my friend Diedi.

I, Rexy, wiznible wizard,

with my magic thing-a-ma-jig
want you to magically-

-Did you find it?

-No not yet.

Ahem, I, Rexy, wiznible wizard,

my magic thing-a-ma-jig want
you to find Diedi's precious-


-Huh? Wha??

-You are magic!


-You found it!

-I, I, uh... that?

-It's my precious thing!

-Uh... that?


The one I told you I lost.

You made it appear
on this very rock.

-Oh, I, I, ahh...




-You have made me so happy!

I can hardly keep it in my ribs!

Thank you!

-Oh! For a couple of minutes
I really thought I was a wizard.


-Oh. We just had so much fun!

And Gilbert didn't
mind the car ride at all.

-Oh, I haven't had such
a happy car ride in a long time.

-It was an excellent day!


-Mommy, Sarah wants
to play outside with me!

-I-I-I am wiznible!

-I think you are!


-That means Rexy magic!

-Come and play tomorrow!









Mommy is great!

She takes me to
fun places like the beach.

Mommy says it's
fun to try new things.

She likes it when
I draw her pictures.

-It's beautiful
Caillou! Thank you!

-And I like it when
she tucks me in at night.
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