02x07 - Starry Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x07 - Starry Night

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

I think Caillou forgot about us.

-Dinosaurs are big
and strong, but I don't think

they're meant to be
forgotten outside all night!

-I don't think
teddy bears are either.

-It's dark and spooky.


Teddy? Teddy?


-Don't look now!

Don't look back,
don't look back!




-That's the eye of
the biggest dinosaur-eating

dragon I've ever
seen in my whole life.

-Um, do you think
he eats Teddybears too?


-Daddy! I want to cook too!

-Sorry Caillou, but
the barbecue is too hot.

Why don't you go play
with Rosie until dinner's ready?

-Look Mommy! Look!

-Oh no, ants!


Why don't you go see if Grandma
needs some help in the kitchen

while I make sure there
are no more ants around.

-Okay Mommy.

Grandma! What are you doing?

-I'm making my special
top secret potato salad.

-Top secret?



-You can be my taste tester.


-What a beautiful night!

I think I see the evening star.

-Wow! It's pretty.

-This reminds me of the
time I saw a sh**ting star.

-A sh**ting star?

-It's a star that flies
across the sky like a bird.

It's like magic.

-Well, Caillou,
lets get back to work.

-Come and get it!


-Look! A sh**ting star!

-Wow! What a beauty!


-It was just there a second ago.

-Grandpa! There was a sh**ting
star outside! But it's gone.

-I'm sure there will
be more. Let's go see.

Look Caillou!
There goes another one!


I want to see!


-Don't feel bad. sh**ting stars
are very fast and hard to spot.

-Caillou still wanted
to see a sh**ting star.

He decided he would
wait as long as he had to.

-I'm sorry you missed
the sh**ting star Caillou.

Why don't we look
at the moon instead?

-Yay! I want to see the moon!

-Oh! The moon is big!

-You see this group of stars?

That's called the Big Bear.

-I can't see a bear.


-Let's see, where were we?

Here we go. And that
one's the Little Dipper...

-See you soon.

-Look! Quick Caillou!

-Ohhhh, I missed it again.

-Don't worry Caillou,
there will be other sh**ting
stars some other night.

-Caillou wasn't sure
he would ever see one.

He felt sad.

-Time for bed,
Caillou. It's late.

Nighty night.

-Goodnight stars.


What are we going to do now?

-About the monster?!

Okay, um, um...

Let's sing.



That way we won't be afraid.

Don't look Teddy, don't!

Okay, I'm going to sing.

♪Sometimes when it's
dark, it seems a little scary.

think of great big spooky things
and monsters big and hairy.


-Don't look!
Don't look! Don't look!


The secret is, Teddy, be silly,
do almost anything at all.

Make it silly, wacky, crazy,
cracky, do it with a grin.

And if it doesn't work
the first time do it all again.

Don't look, don't look, don't...

Okay, Teddy.

Now, now we've got to do it.

-Hi, Leo! What
have you got there?

-It's my new rocket!


-Having fun?

-We're spacemen!

-I thought you might be.

-We're going to the moon!

-Just make sure you come
back in time for lunch, OK?

-Caillou play with Teddy!

-I don't want to!

The moon's this way!

-Whoa, spacemen!
Slow down a bit!

-Rosie really wanted
to play with Caillou and Leo.

-Oh, this is interesting!

There's a planetarium
opening tomorrow!

-I think I know
a couple of spacemen who'd
be interested in that!

-Me too!

look, they're having a contest,
for the best space costume.

-A space costume... Hmmm.

-Caillou play with Teddy!

-No, Rosie!

-I know you want to
play with them, sweetie...

Tell you what: Why don't
we find a game we can play?

We could make space costumes!

-Have you heard the news?
They're opening a planetarium!

-What's that?

-Well... Let's see.

It's a kind of movie theatre.

Where you can
see stars and planets.



Can we go?

-I don't see why not.

Would you like to come too?

I'll call your Mom.

-And there's a contest, too...

-A contest?

-Yes! For the
best space costume!

-Leo, you look
just like a spaceman!

-And I'm a space monster!

-Caillou, Mommy told
me you made Rosie cry today.

I know you don't always
want to play with Rosie,
but she is your sister.

So you always
have to be kind to her.

-OK, Daddy.

-Come on, finish your
milk. It's time for bed.

You've got milk on your lip.

What's so funny...

Oh... I get it!

-You two look like
you've been to the Milky Way.

-What's the Milky Way?

-Well, let's see. It's, um...

It's the galaxy containing
the solar system.

It's a place in space
where there are millions
and millions of stars.

-Just what I need!

-What do you want those for?

-It's a secret!

-Caillou really wanted
to know what Mommy's secret was.

What Caillou and his
Daddy didn't know was that

Mommy was making
space costumes, too.


-Why are there stars?

-Um... I'm uh...

-Night-night, Daddy...

-That night, Caillou
dreamed all about the stars

and the planets
and the Milky Way...


-Hi, Caillou!
Do you like my costume?

I'm going to win the contest!

-Welcome to the
planetarium everyone!


-I have a special
game for you today!

Look! I'm walking on the moon!

Can you do this?

That's great!

...and over here
is the Milky Way...

And now, something
extra special...

Walking on the moon!

This is the moon...

and here come the moon-walkers!

-Wow! We're on the moon!

-And that's the end of our show.

Except for just one more thing.

The contest for
the best space costume!

And the prize goes to...

Rosie, and Rosie's mommy!

-So that's what Mommy
wanted the oven mitts for!


-Don't look! Don't
look Teddy! Don't look!

Uh oh...

Bad news...

The monster's getting bigger.

Okay let's sing...

♪The secret is, be silly,
do almost anything at all.

♪Make it silly, wacky, crazy,
cracky, do it with a grin.

♪And if it doesn't work
the first time do it all again.

-That's pretty silly!

-No! No! Don't look!

Don't look! Nonono!

Because if he catches
you looking, he might
think how hungry he is.

♪Good night, good
night, turn out the light.

♪When darkness falls, stars
shine with all their might.

♪One, two, three,
four, five we see.

♪Sparkling stars for you and me.

♪If I make a
wish it will come true.

♪I can even make
a special wish for you.

♪Good night, good
night, turn out the light.

♪When darkness falls, stars
shine with all their might.

♪One, two, three,
four, five we see...

♪sparkling stars for you and me.

♪And when I
sleep, safe in my bed,

♪A million stars
shine over my head.

♪Good night, good
night, turn out the light,

♪Good night, good
night, turn out the light.

♪Turn out the
light... good night.

Good-night Caillou,
have sweet dreams.

-Sleep tight, don't
let the bed bugs bite.


Sleep tight... don't
let the bed bugs bite.


Bed bugs....



-Caillou, what's wrong?

-Bugs Mommy...

-There, all gone.
They were just shadows.

-But what about
the scratchy monster?

-I don't hear
a scratchy monster.

-There is a scratchy
monster in here...

He's making scratchy sounds.

-I'm sure you think
you heard something...

But there's no need to be afraid
of monsters. Do you know why?

Because monsters aren't real.

They're just make-believe.

Good-night dear.

-I'm not afraid of monsters,
I'm not afraid of monsters...


Ow! Huh?


-It's okay, Caillou.
It's just your toy "Snaky".

-Yes, but, there
was a flying monster...

and the scratchy
monster... it's in my room.

-You probably just imagined
you heard something, Caillou.

I can't find anything.

-But the scratchy monster...

he went krsh-krsh-krsh-krsh...

-Try listening to the music box.

It'll make happy sounds
for you while you sleep...

Goodnight Caillou.



The scratchy
monster's, he's got me.


Aaaaaaa... a two-headed monster.

There was a, the music
box a, I heard a... eeeee

and a scratching noise and a...

-The wind was making
the tree branch hit the window.

That's what was
making the scary noise.

-See darling... sometimes
ordinary things can seem scary.

-So the scratchy
monster was just the tree?

Look... The scratchy monster.

It wasn't a monster,
it was just Gilbert.

-That cat.

-You'll be able
to sleep fine now dear...

-With a little help from Teddy.

-I hope there won't
be any more scary sounds.

-I know how Teddy
can help make sure there

won't be any more scary sounds.

-Goodnight Caillou...

-No, don't!

Oh Teddy...

Teddy, we better
run for the bushes.

I have never
seen a monster so big.

The song...

the song isn't working.

Okay, let's back up.


what if he...

catches us?


well he will,

if we stay here.





I love camping.

They're building a campfire.

A fire needs lots of wood.

Rocks keep the fire safe.

A beautiful campfire
needs two things.


sticky but so good.

And, after the snack,
a little bit of music.

Night-time. It's so magical.

Whoa! Big telescope.

Great for watching stars.

And the best is, when you camp
out, you get to sleep in a tent.

-Goodnight everybody.

-Oh! Great gaboobles!

Now he's right over top of us!

Oh no, no, no!

He's far too hungry and
ferocious and frightening and-



-First time I've
seen you guys out at night.

Ah yes, it is a beautiful night.






-The moon: Big
round, hangs in the sky,

but only at night
when the sun goes down.

-Do you mean that
all this time I was afraid
of the moon and not a monster?

-Oh, but see, I thought it
was the eyeball of the biggest

monster I've ever
seen in my whole, whole life.

-Rexy, have you
ever seen a monster?

-Ahh well, no, not actually
seen, but I've heard about them.

-I think I've figured out why
Rexy thought it was a monster.


-Because never in his whole life
has Rexy ever seen the moon.

-Uh huh.

-Some new things
are scary the first time.

-When is she coming?

-She'll be here any minute.

-Come in, Grandma.

-I can't fit.


You're too big.

-Grandma was Caillou and
Rosie's favourite babysitter
in the whole world.

-Hi, kids.

What have you got there, Rosie?

-After Mommy and
Daddy left, Grandma played
games with Caillou and Rosie.

♪La-la, la-la, la...

-And then it was bedtime.

While Grandma read Rosie
a story and put her to sleep,

Caillou washed his
face and brushed his teeth.

Then he went
to bed and waited for Grandma
to come and read him a story.


-Once upon a time there
was a beautiful princess...

-While Grandma
was reading the story,

Caillou got
sleepier and sleepier.


-Gilbert. Ow.

-Caillou was wide awake again.

And he couldn't get back
to sleep, no matter what he did.

He tried rearranging
his pillow...

but that didn't help.

It was summer and it
was still daylight outside.

How could Caillou sleep
when his room was so bright?

Sleeping the wrong
way round didn't work.

Caillou really
couldn't sleep and now he
was feeling quite cranky.

-Caillou, you're all mixed up.

Your head is where
you feet should be.

-Grandma, I can't sleep.

-Well, I'm not surprised.
It's too bright in here.

And I can see why.

You don't have any curtains.

Where are they?

Oh yes, I remember.

Your Mommy took
them to the cleaners.

I have an idea.

-Caillou was very curious
about Grandma's idea.

-There you are,
Caillou. A night sky.

Now you'll be able to sleep.

-Thank you Grandma.

-But if it's a night sky...

I think something's
missing, don't you?

-Ready, Caillou?


-Caillou's night sky
was so beautiful and dreamy

that he fell
asleep very quickly.

-Oh... It sure did look like a
monster, but I'm glad it wasn't.

-So am I. I wish
you had let me look.

I'd have known it was the moon.

-I didn't want you
to be as afraid as I was.

-That was nice of you.

-Sometimes being afraid
doesn't make any sense.


Now that I know about the moon,
I can see how beautiful it is.

-It is.

And it's nicest when
you share it with friends.

-Play safely and
I'll see you next time!







We have loads of fun together.

Like bird watching
with real birds.

Grandma's real
good at arts and crafts.

And we love playing music.

I love staying
over at Grandma's house.
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