02x03 - I'm All Better

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x03 - I'm All Better

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!
And me!

And me!

Teddy, Teddy... the
most amazing thing!

Guess wha...

Oh! You need
a hug again, don't you?

-Uh... Thanks, but I really
don't feel like one right now.


You... a teddy bear...

Matthew Theodore teddy
bear, don't feel like a hug?

-... Not right now, Rexy.

Maybe later.

-Are you...

Do you think you're broken?


Everything still works.

-Oh, I think we need Gilbert.

I'll be right back.

Oh, oh, oh...

-Gilbert would be good.

-Gilbert! Gilbert!

Gilbert, where are you?



Oh Gilbert where are you?

Gilbert, Gilbert come
quick it's an emergency!

Gilbert... where...

Oh! There you are.

Gilbert! You've
just got to wake up.

Something is really
wrong with Teddy!

no more anchovies, I couldn't
possibly eat one more...




Oh! Why are you shouting?

-Oh, hurry!

Teddy needs you right now!

Something's wrong.
He didn't even want a hug!


That's serious!

I'm going to eat you! Roar!

-Roar! I'm going
to eat you first!

-Leo, your Mom will be here
any minute to come and get you.


-Don't forget Caillou,
we're going to the
dentist this afternoon.

-You're going to the dentist?


-My brother went to the dentist
and he said it hurt him a lot.

-Caillou was suddenly worried
that the dentist might hurt him.

-Leo! Caillou! Come
down stairs it's time to go.

-I don't want to!

-After what Leo
said Caillou decided

that he didn't want to
go to the dentist after all.

-Caillou where are you?

-Quiet Gilbert!

-Caillou didn't
want his mommy to find him
and take him to the dentist.

-Are you playing hide and seek?

Come out come
out wherever you are.

What are you doing under there?

-I don't want
to go to the dentist.

-Are you afraid?

-Leo said the dentist
is going to hurt me.

-The dentist is going
to clean your teeth and

make sure they're
growing in properly.

None of that is going
to hurt sweety, I promise. Okay?

-The dentist will
be with you shortly.

-Do you want to play with
the boy until it's your turn?

-Caillou didn't
feel like playing.

He was still feeling
very nervous about what
was going to happen next.

-She's ready to see you now.

-I'll be right here waiting.

-Hi, Caillou!
I'm doctor Forester.

Are you ready for your check-up?

I use this toothbrush on all
my giant patients and dinosaurs.

Ah-ha you do have teeth.

I knew it.

-Caillou tought the
dentist was very funny.

-I'm going to clean
your teeth now Caillou.

My toothbrush is a little noisy
but don't worry it tickles.


you open your mouth real wide
like a dinosaur about to roar?


That tickles.

-Very good! Are you ready
for a fluoride treatment now?

-What's that?

-It'll make your
teeth very strong and you can
choose which flavour you want.

Cherry or bubblegum?


What's that?

-It an x-ray. I'm going
to take a picture of your teeth

to make sure they're
growing in properly.

But you don't need
to smile for this picture.

You just stay still, okay?

All done.

You did great, Caillou!

-Mommy, look at my teeth!

-They look so clean!

-Caillou, this
is for being so brave.

-Caillou was very
proud that he wasn't afraid
of the dentist anymore.

-Where are you
off to in such a hurry?

-To brush my teeth!

Staying healthy and taking care
of our bodies is a lot of work.

From the moment we
wake up we're on the job.

Bianca knows that if
we want good and strong teeth

we have to brush
them and keep them clean.

And just like Zhaneh we have
to wash our faces and bodies.

Like a car our bodies
need fuel to keep them going.

Luckily our fuel taste
a lot better than a car's.

It's food!


Exercise is one of the best
things we can do to stay well.

Bianca loves to swim.

Look at all her muscles working.

Go Bianca, go!

Zhanneh loves ballet.

Ballet takes muscle control.

If we practice our bodies
get better and better at things.

But I think Zhaneh
is pretty good already.

Good job Zhaneh.

Hair is a part
of our bodies too and needs
to be washed and brushed.

Staying healthy
is a lot of work.

After we eat and clean
and exercise our bodies

there is one more thing
we have to do to stay well...


And I don't know about you but
I think at the end of the day

my body thinks sleep
is the very best thing.

-I agree!



Teddy, what's the matter?

-Uh... I don't
know exactly except to say
that I don't feel very well.

My body's aching
and I'm really hot.

I came out here to cool down,
but it's... it's not helping.

-I think you've got the flu.

-I, I'm sick?

I haven't been sick since
I was with Caillou's daddy.

-Well, I, I think you are!

I'll have to get
my kit and have a look.

I'll be right back.


Are you going to be all right?

-Oh, I hope so.

-It was a special
day for Caillou,

so special that he
got up as early as he could,

because he didn't
want to miss a thing!


-Caillou wanted
to look extra nice today.

He was proud that he was
getting dressed all by himself!

-No, Gilbert!
I have to get ready.

-Good morning Caillou.

Time to get up.

Caillou! You're already
up and you dressed yourself.

-I'm going to work with Daddy!

-Oh yes, that's right.

It's the father and son
day at daddy's office isn't it?



-Sounds like daddy's awake.

Let's go get Rosie
and have some breakfast.

-Look mommy
I'm making breakfast!

-I can see that
Caillou. Can I help!

Breakfast always
tastes better at the table.

-Goob morning, everyone.

-Hee hee, you
sound funny, Daddy!

-My nosed is
a little stuffed up.


-That was fast!
Where are you going?

-To get my knapsack!

-Caillou couldn't wait to be on
his way to work with his Daddy!

-Ah... achoo!

Okay, Caillou!

-You don't sound too good.

-I'll be fine!

-Honey, maybe you shouldn't.

-Today's a big day!

-Hurry Mommy!

Here you go daddy! Let's go.

-Good-bye Rosie.

ah ah Achoo!

-Are you sure you're okay?

-I'm fine.

-Hmm, feels like
you've got a fever.

I don't think you
should go to work today.

I don't think daddy's well
enough to go to work Caillou.


-Sorry, Caillou,
I think mommy's right.

But I promise, as
soon as I'm better, we'll
go to my office, okay?

-But we have to go!

-Caillou was very
disappointed, because

he had been waiting
all week for this day!

-Honey, you better
go upstairs and lay down.

-Yeah. I think you're right.

-I know your upset,
but we all get sick sometimes.

-Daddy sick.

-We'll just have
to take really good care of

Daddy, to help
him get better, OK?


-I'm gonna check on Daddy.

Why don't you
think of things we could
do to help him get better.


Teddy, you're sick too!
You have to go back to bed!

-It's a low fever, but
it's a fever, no doubt about it.

I'll be right
back with some medicine.

-A... achoo!

Well, what do we have here?

-Teddy's sick too.

-Maybe you should
take his temperature.

-He's got a fever.

Teddy needs some medicine too!

Stay there Daddy!

-Okay, Dr. Caillou.
I won't move a muscle!

-Mommy, Teddy
needs some medicine!

-Oh, Teddy's sick too?

Hmm, something to
drink would be a good idea.

-I'll get it.

Here Mommy!

-There! Now let's take
this up to our patients!

-Drink your juice, Daddy,
it will make you better!

Teddy too!

-Yes sir, Dr. Caillou, we will.

-If you drink all your
juice, you'll get better!

-Caillou had forgotten all
about going to daddy's office.

He was too busy taking
care of teddy and daddy.

He loved being their doctor.

-Do you want to be a doctor
when you grow up Caillou?


I'm helping daddy get better!

-Do you think there's
anything else we could
do to make him get well?

-Oh! I know!

-Caillou had remembered
the one thing

that made him feel
better when he was sick.

-You're going to
make daddy all better!

I remembered Grandma brought
me this when I was sick!

Can I give it to Daddy?

-That would be nice.

And didn't grandma also
bring you a get well card?

-Yes! Can we make daddy a card?

-Why don't we make a BIG get
well card, and see what happens?



-Well, what's all this?

-It's a card to get better!

-Just what I needed!

-I did that part!
Rosie and Mom helped too!

-Did you help too Gilbert?

-Are you all better now Daddy?

-Almost, but not
quite. Maybe tomorrow.

-The most important thing
Daddy needs now is some rest.

-Can I read
Daddy a bedtime story.

-I would love that!

-Why don't you go and choose
one of your favorite books.

-Caillou wanted to choose
the perfect story for daddy.

-Farmer Brown!

There once was a
farmer, named Farmer Brown.

Farmer Brown had a big
farm, with lots of animals!

-Are you asleep yet, Daddy?

-Not yet, but
I'm getting sleepy!

-Hurry Mommy,
Daddy's getting sleepy!

-Some of these
animals went Moooo!

Others went Baaaa!

Still others went Meow!

-With Dr. Caillou, Rosie
and Mom to take care of him,

it wasn't long at all,
before Dad was well again,

and able to take Caillou
to his office for the day!

Now let's see!

Oh, oh... That
sort of sounds like...

Ta, ta, ta...

Sorry, just trying
to put a smile on your face.

Now, let's have a
look at those ears shall we?




Oh! We have a problem!

-Oh, we do?

-We do?

-Oh yes. These
ears are full of...


-Aren't teddy-bear ears
supposed to be full of fur?


-Gilbert you're
being funny today.

-Laughing always
makes you feel better.
It's kind of like medicine.


-I don't want to
see the doctor, Mommy.

-Why not, Caillou?

-The Doctor hurt me.

-You're much better
now. It won't hurt this time.

-The doctor's ready
for you now, Caillou.

-Now come along,
Caillou. The doctor's nice.

-I don't like her.

My dinosaur's going
to bite the doctor.


-Hello Caillou.
How nice to see you again.

Now how's that ear coming
along? Let's take a look.

-No. My dinosaur's
going to bite you.

-So your dinosaur
isn't happy to see me.

Hmmm... Do you think he'd
mind if I looked in your ear?

-Last time
Caillou was at the doctor's,
his ear hurt him a lot.

-So this is
what's bothering you.

-You put that
in my ear. You hurt me.

-Would you like to
look through it, Caillou?

It's really interesting.



Can I look in your ear now?

You're much better and
it won't hurt like last time.


-I'm very pleased. You'll
be all better in a day or two.

Oh, no. He's not
going to bite me, is he?

Ah. I see. You want me
to check the dinosaur's ear...


-Hmmm... Hmmmm....

I think you must have
been giving him the right
medicine, Doctor Caillou.

Well done, Doctor Caillou.
Your dinosaur's all better now.

-When Doctor Caillou got home,

he couldn't wait to
find someone with an earache.

-It's funny
in your ears, Gilbert.


I want to look in your ear.


-Wha... What's the
matter. What's going on?

Oh, hi Rexy!

-Hi Teddy. Are you better yet?

-Not yet.

-Gilbert says it's important to
eat and drink when you're sick.

-Well if it's important
I'll give it a try.


Here you go!

♪My body and I work together.

♪We're kind of like a team.

♪I need to keep it healthy,
You know what I mean.

♪I brush my teeth three times
a day, and sometimes even more.

♪I exercise every muscle,
once I'm out the door.

♪I always wear my sunscreen
at the beach or by the pool.

♪I also wear my sunhat
that's the sunshine rule.

♪My body and I work together.

♪We're kind of like a team.

♪Bop shu up!

♪I need to keep it healthy,
you know what I mean.

♪Shu be do up bop bop!

♪Yes, sometimes I'm fussy,
But I always do my best,

♪To eat veggies,
fruit, meat,and cheese
and bread and all the rest.

♪Bop shu up!

♪My brain is so important
I work at being smart.

♪And eating all the right things
it's a really good smart start

♪it's a really good smart start.

It makes you kind of
sad inside when someone's sick.

Right, Gilbert?

It... It's not the
same without Teddy here.


-What if Teddy
was sick for a long time?


-Well what if
it was a long long time?


-What if...

-Oh, Rexy?

It's just the flu.

Caillou and the family
had it and now Teddy does.

He'll be better soon.


I hope I can wait.


-Caillou wasn't
feeling good that morning.

His forehead was very warm.

-I think you
have a little fever.

I'll bring you something
to make it better.

You'd better rest.

-After a while,
Caillou thought it wasn't
much fun to stay in bed.

-Caillou, go back to bed.

-I don't want to be in bed!

-Here. This will
make you feel better.

-The next day, something
strange happened.


-Hi, are you feeling better?


-Hmmm, That looks
like chicken pox!

-Chicken pox?

-And I'm afraid that means
you'll have to go back to bed!

And you mustn't
scratch yourself.


-Because it'll make
those spots worse, sweetie.

No scratching Caillou!
Your bath is ready.

You won't be sick
very long, you'll see!

-The hardest
part for Caillou was

to remember not to
scratch the itchy spots.

-Were you scratching again?

-A little bit... What's that?

-A little something...

Here, let me see
your dinosaur a minute.

-He looks like
me! I want to do it!

-When Caillou and his Mommy
were done covering the dinosaur

with dots, he looked just
like he had chicken pox too.

Caillou didn't like
being stuck inside the house.

He wanted to be outside,
playing with Rosie!

-Look Mommy,
lots of spots are gone!

Can I go out and play?

-Not yet, sweetie.

Are you ready for your bath?


Can my dinosaur
take a bath with me?

-He can watch, but he can't
come in the water with you.

-Caillou thought the
spots would never disappear.

But one morning
they were almost gone!


-Hello Caillou!

Hey, your dinosaur
has lost a lot of spots.

-Like me!

-Really? Show me!


-Caillou went to tell Rosie

that at last he could
play with her in the garden.

-Hi, Rosie. Look!
My spots are all gone.

Ohhhh... Mommy!

-What is it?

-Rosie has the chicken pox!

-You're right!

-You'll take lots of baths.

And you'll lose all
your spots- like my dinosaur!


-Gilbert? Rexy?

-Teddy, what's wrong,
you should have called.

-Can I get you anything?

-You should be lying...

I'm happy to report that
I feel like my old self again,

thanks to the two of you!

-You do?

-All better?

-All better for sure.


-Do you feel like a hug?

Cause if you do I could really
really use a teddy-bear hug.

I've been...

-I feel exactly like
having a hug right now.

-Oh, He'll never make it.


-Oh, it's wonderful
to feel well again!

-Well it's wonderful
to have you well again.

Oh, all right, group hug!

Goodbye until next time!












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