04x15 - Naked Ambition

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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04x15 - Naked Ambition

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ducks quacking]


[All exclaiming]




Shouldn't she be
wearing a life vest?


[Luanne continues screaming]

[Birds chirping]

Here we go.

[Both laughing]

[Car horn honking]

Let's go, kahn jr.

I'll see you later
, bobby.

Wait, i can ride
home with you.

We could sit in the back
and hold hands.

Maybe next time.

My mom's got this new moisturizer
i've been sneaking.

Very smooth.

My hands are still pruney.

It wouldn't be
fair to you.


You still haven't told the
m we're dating.

It's not you, bobby.
It's just...

my dad has his heart
set on me going out with chane Wassanasong.

Who whatsanonsom?

Chane. He's laotian.

But does he make you laugh?

you are getting sleepy
. sleepy.

You will tell
your parents about us,

and you will
quit smoking.

[Car horn honking]

I'll tell them. I promise.

[Car engine starting]


son, why is there
a towel on your head?

You, sir, are getting sleepy.

From now on you will buy
only brand-name cola.


Just go change

hey, boomhauer!

Peggy won't let me
in her car.

Can i go home
with you?

No way, man.

You know,
dang old last rays, man.

No sun on the dark
side of the moon, man.

Go home with gribble.


Call me later if you wanna talk about
how much fun we had today.

[Both gasp]

[Both scream]


[Both screaming]

Bobby, have you
seen luanne?

No, she's my cousin.

I'm gonna ride home
with joseph.

Oh, man! What'd she look like?
Come on. Come on.

I don't wanna
think about it

she's got big boobs,
doesn't she?

I knew it.

Luanne is
practically my sister.

I'm not supposed to see her in that state of affairs.

I just gotta get that picture
out of my head.

Put it in my head.
Tell me everything

was she wearing
high heels?

She wasn't wearin' anything.

Oh, man.

I'm gonna picture
her in high heels.


[Birds chirping]

[Dog barking]

[Car alarm wailing]


I got dang old...



Hey, bobby,

uh, i thought we could
walk to school together today.

We walk to school together
every day.

And we don't leave
for another 20 minutes.

I can't go back home.

My dad already armed the perimeter.

Hey, luanne.



[Both laughing]

[Dog barking]

Hey, man.

What you looking at, man?


[Horn blaring]

[Car tires screeching]

Hey, man. What you doin', man?

In a bad way, man.

What you gonna do
without no flip-flops, man?

I don't wanna cross the street
like on dang hot coals, man.

Dogs barking like
a dang old chicken

runnin' around
with his head cut off, man.

Head cut off.


So, i'm walking
to my truck and bam!

Right into a spider web.


I sneezed for a half an hour.

My class was canceled
and the library was closed


I love college

Hey, bobby.

I thought i'd come over
and help you with your math homework.

We're kind of in the middle
of dinner right now.

I'll wait.

Hey, luanne.

Yeah, hi.

Patient exhibiting classic signs
of schizophrenia...

i wake up and i'm sunburned
and i don't, like,

don't dang know where i am, man.

...possibly a threat
to himself and others.

...and go home, man.
What do you say?

Recommendation: 72-hou
r involuntary commitment

oh, dang.

Ok, boomhauer, you win.

I promise not
to tell hank. What?

You're where?

The booby hatch?

Wait. The gentlemen's club
or the mental hospital?

Oh, my god!

There must have been
some kind of misunderstanding.

Oh, there was?

I'll be right there.


Oh, come on,
where you goin'?

I'm not leaving
without my kiss.

I can wait.

I can destroy you.

"Mrs. Johnson's bag
has 6 puppies,

and mr. Peterson's bag
has minus 4 puppies."

Good night, uncle hank,
aunt peggy.

She's goin' to bed

maybe i could see her naked when she's changin'.

I wish you could get that excited
about my math homework.

Goin' to bed, luanne?


First i got to shower.


Joseph, my parents
are right down the hall.

Why don't your doors
have keyholes?

You're really startin'
to creep me out.

Now, go home.


Bobby, it's perfectly natural
to want to see a woman naked,

but i am your cousin.

Now, the first
time was an accident,

but if i catch you again,
you are going to hell.

Are you crazy?
We're gonna get caught

I could go to hell

i can't help myself.

I got a monkey on my back
and it wants to see luanne naked.

Ok. One quick look
and then you go home.

[Joseph exclaims]

I can't see anything.
It's all fogged up.

Too bad.
She likes hot showers.

Does she?

Give me those.








Hey, connie.

How dare you, bobby?

Peeping at me
is bad enough,

but bringing your friend over
to scope me out, too?

Connie, please,
you don't--

is this what you're
looking for?

Is this what
you came to see?

Well, take a good look
, you pervs.

You disgust me.

Honest, connie,
we weren't looking at you.

We were looking at--



Joseph and i were
lookin' at birds.

We were bird-watching.

At night?

You know a better time
to see an owl?

Or, uh...

bat? A--a bat?

You're not only a pervert,
you're a liar.

I'm a liar?

Have you told your parents
we're dating
like you said you would?

No. And maybe now
i don't have to.

Maybe you don't.

Maybe i don't.


Hey, look.

[Owl hooting]

Ok, smoking break's over.

Last one inside loses
internet privileges.

[Birds chirping]


Hey, you, crazy guy.

I'll give you a smoke
if you trade clothes with me.


Man, that dang
about time, gribble, man.

Man, old hit the road, man.

of mental hospital

Proceed to phase 2

of mental hospital

[dale grunting]

, this door

Has some sort
of anti-opening device


[Metal rattling]

I don't remember
my locker combination.

Connie keeps track
of that kind of stuff.

She's still icing me out,

trying to get me to crack.

You can't tell her
the truth.

What are you gonna say

you let me cop a look
at your naked cousin?


Hey, connie.


Come on, baby.
Don't be that way.

Why don't you
come over tonight?

I got a new laser pointer.

Sorry, bobby,
i have plans.

No, wait.

I'm not sorry.

...which is wh
y so many people

are suddenly
allergic to peanuts.

the peanuts ar
e emitting toxin

as an evolutionary
defense mechanism.

They're tired
of being eaten

and now they'r
e fightin' back.

I see.


i just stopped by
to pick up my buddy boomhauer.

You see, we're bot
h in here by mistake

now, i can't vouch
for boomhauer,

but i am most
definitely not crazy.

Go on.

Did you just say,
"go, mom"?

Now who's the crazy one?



Did you try telling them
you're not crazy?


No, i don't see any reason
why hank has to know.

Can i tell boomhauer?

No. Ok. I'll be right there.



[Car horn honking]

Connie souphanousinphone,
meet chane wassanasong.


You are much more beautiful
than your picture led me to believe.

What picture?

I sent him picture.
So what?

Go have great time

chane, maybe we can sit
in the back seat
and hold hands?



Now, i know this i
s gonna sound crazy,

pardon me, insane,

but 2 of my best friends

Have been accidentally
committed to this nuthouse

i'll get the doctor on call.

Just don't let anyone
touch my scissors.



Man, i can't take it anymore.

Talk about that
old crazy roommate.

Trying to get me to swallow
my dang old tongue, man.

Hold that thought.
I think i hear bill.

It's just that in the alley

no one cares
what i have to say,

but here i feel
heard and accepted,

And, dare i say, loved

ping pong?

[Door creaking]

Have a nice time?


Did he win that for you
at the carnival?

No, um, chane collects them.

But uh, otherwise,he's the man of my dreams
and i'm going to marry him

you can't.

Why not?

Oh, all right.

We weren't bird-watching.
We were peeping.

Now call off the wedding.

Well, thank you
for finally telling the truth.

Yeah, but we weren't
peeping at you.

I accidentally saw luanne
naked at the river,

and i told joseph,

and he got jealous
'cause he's in love with her.

So then he wanted
to see her naked,

and i said ok,
but just for a little,

and then you caught us.

So you weren't
peeping at me?

You got to believe me,

I would never peep at you.

Never ever.

I guess i shouldn'
t be surprised.

I mean,who would want to look at me
when they could look at her?

I would.

Not through
a window or anything,

but in the same room

I mean, you are my girlfriend,
aren't you?


Well, that's what
boyfriends and girlfriends do.

They take off their clothes
and then they look at each other naked.

I guess.

Sure they do.

I mean, don't you
want to see me naked?


Oh, really? Hmm.


Well, if you
don't want to-
no, it's... t-tell you what.

Um, maybe we could just start
with our shirts, you know?

What's the rush? We got
our whole lives ahead of us.

Ok. You first.



You've got a pretty body.

Thank you.

Here goes.

So, how was date
with chane--


Kahn, what's going on?


Oh, my!

Repeat after me.

Bobby hill
is not your boyfriend.

Chane wassanasong
is your boyfriend.

No, he's not.

Chane wassanasong
is your boyfriend.

Mom, we had one date.

I don't even like-
chane wassanasong--

chane wassanasong is
a boring know-it-all

who only talks about himself
and cheats at miniature golf.

I don't want to date him.

I want to date bobby.

You think that boy
have future?

That not baby fat.
That permanent.

Kahn jr.,
you leave me no choice

you are grounded.

Bobby hill is not allowed
on my property


(joseph)First you cop a look
at luanne,

then you see connie naked?

Man, when did you
become such a player?

I didn't see connie naked.

I only saw
her bellybutton.

How is it?

But i'll never
see it again.

Connie's grounded

and when my dad
hears about this,

he's gonna
ground me, too.

You'll be stuck in the house
all day with luanne?

Mmm, mmm, mmm!


We gotta get
out of here.

The smokin' breaks
are too short,

the food is good at best,

and the antidepressant
s are making my mouth dry and happy.

Can i get some glitter,

Why don't we just
call hank?


Hank must never know
we were in here.

Our society stigmatizes
the mentally ill.

And rightly so.
These people are nuts.

If we're ever gonn
a bust out of here,

we'll need
our wits about us.

So, from now on,
no more taking pills.

We'll save them up and the
n sell them to the guards.

And with that money,
we'll buy a rope.

Man, what're you
talking about?

Stupid plan
never gonna work.

Oh, really?
You have a better idea

yeah, man. I tell you what.
About every day about 2:15, man,

that old laundry truck, man.

Come on in on coffee break,
all do, nothin' to it, man.


That is the worst plan
i have ever heard.

But this is a democracy,
so we'll put it to a vote.

All in favor
of boomhauer's plan?

I must admit i am surprised
by the results.

I figured i had
at least my support.

Well, what are you gonna do?

[Birds chirping]



Hey, kahn, i thought i heard
someone mixing concrete.

Oh, that's right.

I'm building fence,
big fence, 8 feet tall

between your house
and my house.

8 feet, huh?

Yeah, you see, kahn,

in this neighborhood
side fences have to be
5'6" or under.

It's not in the code
or anything,

it's just somethin'
i'm trying to enforce.

You really want
to help me, hank hill?

You keep your dirt
y little boy's hands

off my innocent,
genius daughter.

Now, what's that
supposed to mean?

Last night i catch bobby
half-naked in connie's room.


Truth about your little bo
y not so pretty after all,

is it, hank hill?

He girl-crazy
sex fiend.

That boy's gonna get
a talking-to, i tell you what.







[Fire alarm ringing]

[All yelling]

Ok, man. Come on, move.
Move. Move.


[Dale yelling]

[Bill yelling]

How did they find out
about this?

Uh, i might've mentioned
something in group.


Don't take the dang old...



First one to regain

calls hank.

All right. I just
spoke with your doctor

Boomhauer, you were kept
for the mandatory 72 hours

and since you don't
seem to be a threat to yourself or others,

you're free to go.

All right, man.
Dang old hank, man.

Uh, dale, you were never actually admitted,
so you're also free to go.

But, uh, the doctor thinks

That you should keep on takin' your medication


Easier to swallow.

And, bill,
the doctor says

that since you checked
yourself in voluntarily,

you can leave
whenever you want.

Yeah, i know, but i--i think
i'll stay a few more days.

I'm makin' some
real progress here.

Bill, just get in the truck.


I learned in group that i sacrifice
my feelings too easily

my feelings are valid, hank.
I'm valid.

Oh, i made this for you.

You will call
chane wassanasong

And apologize for
not calling sooner

here. I wrote out
laotian chitchat for you.

Make sure you use
honorific verb form.


Oh, you think
this is funny?

Not many laotian boys
in arlen.

Don't piss this away.

[Laser light beeping]



Go ahead. Try to sneak
into my daughter's room now.

Stupid redneck.

Bobby. Bobby.

Connie. Come down here.
I miss you.

I can't move or i'll set off
my dad's security light.

Don't move.

[Car approaching]


Dad, w-what're you doin' here?

I was just gettin' the guys out of the insane asylum.

What're you doin' here


The, uh, 10-footer
ought to do it.

Th-the middle one.

Hurry, bobby.


[Kahn cursing]

I know a couple
of those words.

I better go.

I see you.
Kahn see everything.

You know, you're not too big
to be spanked,

you dirty little hillbilly.

Aunt peggy,
mr. Kahn saw me naked.

Oh, man.

Did you just say, "go, mom"?
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