01x20 - Caillou the Builder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x20 - Caillou the Builder

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're getting
to be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's

♪ Each day I grow some more

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha!

♪ That's me!

- Caillou the road builder.

[ Meow ]

[ Giggles ]
- Gilbert!

It's only a storm,

nothing to be
a scaredy-cat about.

- Caillou knew the noise was

just the wind blowing,
but he was still

a little afraid of the storm.
[ Rosie's crying ]


Rosie? Are you okay?

- Rosie scared!

- Don't be afraid, Rosie.

[ Wind blowing ]

- Caillou knew that Rosie was a
lot more scared than he was.

He wanted to help his little
sister to not be so afraid.

- That's just the wind
blowing, Rosie.

It's going whoo-oo-woo.

Go to sleep Rosie! Whoo-oo-woo!
- Wooooo wooo woooo.

- Nighty night, Rosie.

- Nighty night, Caillou.

- Caillou was glad Rosie
felt better.

In fact, he felt better too.

He wasn't afraid of a
silly old storm!

The next day, Mommy took
Caillou to playschool.

- It looks like that was quite
a storm last night.
I slept through

the whole thing. Uh-oh.

Look, the storm blew over
that oak tree.

What a shame, it was such
a lovely old tree.

- Is it okay?
- I don't think so, Caillou.

Its roots have been
pulled up.

They'll probably plant another
tree there, though.

Trees are very special.

That corner just wouldn't look
the same without one.

- Caillou always saw that tree
on their way to playschool.

He was sad that it wouldn't
be there anymore.

- Looks like we're going to
have to make a detour.

- What's a detour?

- It means we can't take
our usual road to the playschool

today so we'll have to
go another way.

- Bye! Hi Clementine!

I saw a big tree that got

knocked down and it was lying
right on the road.

- I saw it too! The wind
blew it right over!

- Hey, Caillou! I bet these
ponies were really rocking
in the storm!

- Good morning. Last
night's storm made

a real mess of our playground,
so today we're cleaning up.

Would you like to help?
- [All ]: Okay! Yeah!

[ Laughing ]
- Look!

That bird is fixing its nest
with that stick!

- I'll leave some more here in
case the birdie needs them.

- Caillou and his friends
worked and worked,

until the playground was
all cleaned up.

- This looks much better!
Thanks for your help!

- The sand is too
piled up to play cars.

- Let's build a road!

- [Both]: Yeah!
- Let's build a road!

- I know just what we need!

I'll be right back!

I'll drive the bulldozer that
clears the way for the road.

Vroom! Vroom!

- I'll drive the truck that
pours the hot pavement

Glop gloop glop.

- And I'll drive that... that
thing with the... with the
rollie thing...

- [Miss Martin]: That was great!
- Ha! Ha!

- Thank you.
- Miss Martin?

What is the name of
that big truck that drives
over things and makes them flat?

- It's called
a steamroller, Leo.

- Steamroller! I'm driving
the steamroller!


[ Various engine noises ]

- Wait! Where's our
road going to?

- To the lakes under the swings!

- Good idea!
- Great!

- Vroom! Vroom!

Vroom! Vroom!

Stop your trucks!

We can't build our road through
the river, which means...

- [Both]: We need a bridge!

- We can put two blocks
on the sides

and one block in the middle
of the river.

- Look out.
Crane coming through!

[ Laughing ]

- [Both]: Crane coming through!
Crane coming through!

- That's it.
- Lower, lower...


Strong enough to hold
ten elephants!

[ Trumpeting ]

- But is it strong enough to
hold... one giant foot?

- [Caillou, Clementine]: No!
- It's not that strong!

- Aw, too bad. Let's build
some more road!

[ Various engine sounds ]

- Stop! This mountain
is too steep.

We're going to have
to dig a tunnel.

- I'll start digging
on this side!

- I can see you!

- Look, it's a big old tree!

- Don't do that, Clementine.
It's right in our way!

Drive over it, Caillou.

- Caillou remembered
the big tree that was
blown down on the road,

and what his Mommy had
said about trees.

- No, we have to leave it alone.
Trees are special.

- Uh-huh. Birds live in them.

- We're going to have
to make a detour.

- What's that?

- A detour is when
you have to go

a different way
to get somewhere.

We're gonna go around the tree.
Vroom! Vroom!

We made it to the lake.
All done!

- And here's a boat for
rides on Swing Lake.

- I don't need a boat!
I'm going for a swim!

- Children! Come inside
for story time!

- Aw! I'll go for a swim later!
Race you to the door!

- Look!
[ Laughing ]

Go, squirrel!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou's building adventure.

- Mommy, can we make jam
sandwiches too?

They're my favorite.

- Okay, Caillou.

- Caillou loved
helping his Mommy

and today they were making
lots of sandwiches!

- I can do it!

All done!

- That's great! Here,
let me cut it in half.

See? I'm going to cut
it into two...?

- Two triangles!

- [Rosie]: Mommy!

- Uh-uh! You'll have
to wait until lunchtime!

- That looks like a strawberry
jam "Caillou special".

- Do you want daddy
to put it in the box for you?

- Oh, boy!

- We'd better get going!

They're gonna need a lot
of helpers to build that house!

- Can I come too? I want to
help build a house!

- Sorry, Caillou. We'll be
really busy working.

And there's nothing for you
to play with over there.

You've already been a great help
by making those sandwiches
for the workers.

- Caillou still wanted very
much to go with Daddy

and Grandpa and help
build the house.

- What if Caillou went
for a quick visit with you?

I'll drop Rosie off at Grandma's
and Caillou can come home

with me when I bring
everybody's lunch!

- Sounds like a good plan to me!

- Yeah! Let's go!

- Yeah! Let's go!

- Daddy and Grandpa were
helping a lot of other people

build a house for a family
that didn't have one.

Caillou was very excited.

He couldn't wait to see what
everyone was doing.

- Just a minute, Caillou. Safety
is very important here.

That's why we wear work boots
to protect our feet.

- I've got my boots on!

- Good for you!

We also need hard hats
to protect our heads.

Which one would you like?

- I can help.

- How about helping me
by carrying these nails?

[ Laughing]
- Okay!

- This place can
be dangerous, Caillou.

You'll have to pay attention and
be very careful, okay?
- Why?

- Well, you don't want to get
in anybody's way while
they're working.

Just stay close to Grandpa
and me, all right?

- Caillou was a little scared

but he felt safe because
he was staying

right by his Grandpa and Daddy.

Caillou loved to watch
people working.

- Hello! Let me give you
a hand there.

See you later!

- Hi Sam! This is
my son, Caillou.

- Pleased
to meet you, Caillou.

Say, could I use
some of those nails?

I just ran out!

- Oh! Here you go!

- Thank you!
I just need a couple

to finish this wall.

Then we can put it up!

- Caillou didn't think this
looked much like a wall at all!

- Wanna help,

- Ha-Han.

- Count to three for us so
we'll all lift at the same time.

- One, two,

three... lift!

[ Men straining ]

[ Giggles ]

Wow! It is a wall!

[ Giggles ]

With lots of holes!

- We'll fix
that real soon.

With everybody

our house will be
finished in no time.

- Sam's family is going to live
in this house when it's done.

That's his son
right over there.

Why don't you see
if he wants to play?

- Hi! I'm Caillou!

- I'm Frankie!

Wanna help?

- Caillou was very proud
that he could help!

He felt like a
real house builder!

- Caillou.


I think we've got enough
gravel for the moment.

Thanks for all
your hard work!

- Is this really going
to be your house?

- Yup. We live
in an apartment now

but when the house is ready,
I'm gonna have my very own room!

Wanna see it?

- Daddy, can I go look at
Frankie's new room please?

- Sure, but
I'll come with you.

Remember, we have to
be careful around here.

- This is it! My room!


- It's big!

[ Giggles ]

- This is going
to be my window.

I can see the whole
street from here!

- This is going to be
a great room, Frankie!

[ Honking ]

- Mommy's here!

- You know
what that means?

- [Together]: Lunchtime!

- Thanks you!


That's my favorite!

- Mine too!

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou liked his new
friend Frankie.

- It looks wet!

- It's soft too!


- Well, what do we have here?

I've got an idea.

You're both helping to
build this house,

so why don't you leave
your mark?

How about a handprint?

[ Giggles ]

- Okay Caillou,
it's time to go!

- Look Mommy! I left my mark!

- Bye Caillou! Come and
visit me in my new house
when it's done!

- Okay! Bye!

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou couldn't
wait to see Rosie and Grandma

and tell them all about
his great building adventure.

- Wor ing together.

Hey, Leo! Do you want
to help me build a castle?

- Sure, Caillou!

- ♪ Working together
we can build anything ♪

♪ Like a real big castle
that is fit for a king ♪

- ♪ If we take our time,
and work as one ♪

- ♪ We'll go step by step,
till we get the job done ♪

- ♪ We need
the right equipment ♪

♪ We need the right clothes

- ♪ A tractor
to move things ♪

- ♪ And a truck
to bulldoze ♪

- ♪ Let's draw up a plan
and clear the site ♪

- ♪ We can move these trees,
to the left or the right ♪

- ♪ Let's use our shovels
and start to dig ♪

- ♪ Cause we want
our castle to be very big ♪

- ♪ Let's filled it
high up to the sky ♪

- ♪ And keep out the water

- ♪ So our castle is dry

- ♪ Now I hear there's a dragon
so we must build a gate ♪

♪ So make sure you measure,
make sure that it's straight ♪

- ♪ Now we're almost done,
let's close the door ♪

- ♪ Shush! Quiet!
I think I hear a roar ♪

Everybody run! It's the dragon!

[ Miaow!
Atishoo! ]

- ♪ Working together
we can build anything! ♪

- A house in the sky!

- It was a beautiful summer day

and Caillou the explorer

had found an anthill!

- Rosie! Come see what I found.

- Ah!
- Don't be scared Rosie...

- Daddy!
- ...they're just little ants.

[ Crying ]
Ants can't hurt you,
can they Daddy?

- Well, some ants bite,
but the ants we have here don't.

They're perfectly safe.


[ Giggles ]

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou wondered
what it would be like

to be really,

really small

like an ant.

- Yippee!

[ Sniffing ]



[ Phone ringing ]

- I'll get it.
[ Beep! ]

Hello? Yes it is.

Who's this?


It's so nice to hear
your voice again!

Where have you been?

- Can I take a look?

- Sure! They're really small
so you have to use this!

[ Giggles ]

[ Giggles ]

They tickle.

- Me too!


- That was Carol!

Remember Carol?
From high school?

Well she's moved to the city and
wants me to come over tomorrow.

She has a little boy,

His name is Kevin
and he's four.

- I'm four too!

Can I come
with you Mommy?

- Of course you can,
but it's a long car ride.

You'll have to bring
some books to look at.

- It was a very, very
long trip.

- Are we there yet Mommy?

- No, Caillou,
but we're getting close.

- Caillou knew
he should be patient and wait,

but he was starting to think
they would never get there!

- Are we there yet?

- No.

- Are we there yet?
- No.

- Caillou was bored.

- Are we there yet?

- Yes, we are!

- Where's Kevin's
house Mommy?

- Kevin lives in
this apartment building,

way, way up
on the th floor!

- Wow!
- Tall buildings like this

are called skyscrapers, Caillou.

Can you guess why?

- Because they go so
high up they scrape the sky!

- Right! Would you like
to go up and meet Kevin now?

- Caillou had never met anyone
who lived in the sky before!

He could hardly wait
to go inside!

- Thank you.
- Thank you!

- You're welcome.

[ Elevator bell ]

- Can I press the button?

- We're going to seventeen.

One seven.

- Mommy, my tummy feels funny!

[ Elevator bell ]

Bye! Thanks
for the ride!

[ Giggles ]

Why are there
so many doors?

- Each door leads
to a different apartment

where a different
family lives.

- Hum... How does Kevin
know which one is his door?

- Each door has
a number on it, see?

Kevin lives at number ten.

- Oh!



Here it is! Number .

[ Doorbell ]

- Well hello there!

- Carol,
so good to see you.

And this must be Kevin.
Hi Kevin.

This is Caillou!

- Hi, want to see my room?

- Okay!

Can we go play
in your backyard?

- I don't have a backyard,

but I have a park
that I go to everyday!

- Me too! With swings
and a big slide!

- Do you want to see my park?

- Yeah! Can I press
the buttons in the elevator?

- Caillou didn't know
what Kevin was doing.

He thought he was going
to show him the park.

Caillou couldn't
believe his eyes!

He had never seen
a view like this before.

- Wow!

- Everything looked so small.

- See over there?
That's my park.

- We're up in the
sky with the birds!

[ Giggles ]
Look, you have ants in
your backyard too!

- Caillou thought the people

down below looked like
little ants.

[ Honking ]
Just like the ones
in his backyard!

- I'm making a skyscraper

that goes all
the way up to the clouds!

- Can I help?

- Yup!

- Okay Caillou,
time to go home.

My goodness,
you two have been busy!

- We made a
skyscraper, Mommy, see?

- It's very impressive.

- Can Kevin come and play
at our house some day?

- Of course,

Kevin and his mom can come
for a visit any time.

- When you come, be
sure to bring lots of books

for the car ride,

because it's a long,
loooong way away!


- Did you and Kevin
have fun?

- Uh-huh! Kevin's home
sure is different from ours,

isn't it, Mommy?

- Yes it is,
but I bet you and Kevin

still have
a lot of things in common.

We sure do! We both have
ants in our backyards!

- Ants?
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