01x13 - Springtime for Caillou

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x13 - Springtime for Caillou

Post by bunniefuu »

-You're getting to be a big boy.

THEME SONG: I'm just
a kid who's four.

Each day I grow some more.

I like exploring.

I'm Caillou.

Some many things to do,
each day is something new.

I'll share them with you.

I'm Caillou.

My world is turning,
changing each day!

With Mommy and Daddy and
finding my way-- growing up

is not so tough, except
when I've had enough.

But there's lots of fun stuff.

I'm Caillou, Caillou, Caillou.

I'm Caillou.

That's me!

NARRATOR: Caillou's valentines.

One fine morning, Mommy
made Caillou and Rosie

an extra special breakfast.

-Here you go.


-Thanks, Mommy.

Look, Rosie.


-That's right, Caillou.

It's a very special day today.

-[LAUGHS] Oh, thank you.

They're beautiful.

-Is it your birthday, Mommy?

-[CHUCKLES] No, Caillou.

It's Valentine's Day.

remembered Valentine's Day.

He had gone to a Valentine's
party last year at Leo's.

-It's the day when
people tell others

how much they care about them.

-But you tell Mommy
that all the time.

-[LAUGHS] Yes, but sometimes
it's nice to show it,

too, with flowers or a card.

-We have something for
you and Rosie, too.


-Happy Valentine's Day.

Now you each have your
very own valentine.

-Thanks, Mommy.

-Thank you.


[GIGGLES] Sticky.



NARRATOR: Caillou liked
his stickers very much.

But he was curious about the
little boy with the arrow.

-Who's this, Daddy?

-That's Cupid.

It's his job to fly
around delivering love

to people using
his bow and arrow.




-[LAUGHS] Perhaps we had better
put away the stickers for now

and finish our breakfast.

-Good idea.

And Caillou, you don't want
to be late for play school.

I hear Ms. Martin has a special
Valentine's Day planned.

-She does?

Oh, boy!

-Can anyone tell
me what today is?

Yes, Caillou?

-It's Valentine's Day.

That's right.

And today we're going to
make special valentines cards

for all our play school friends.


-You'll all get to
decorate some cards

so you can give one to
each of your playmates.

When we're all done,
we'll deliver them

to these mailboxes.

And then everyone can take
theirs home with them.

was having a lot

of fun making valentine cards.

He wished every day
could be Valentine's Day.

-Mine is for my
very best friend.

-Hey, mine too.

-Nice picture, Leo.


NARRATOR: Suddenly,
Caillou's valentine

didn't seem quite
so special anymore.


-And I really like yours.


NARRATOR: Knowing Leo
liked the valentine made

Caillou feel much
better, especially

since the valentine was for him.


When you're all finished, we
can start delivering them.

-I'm done.

-Me too.

-One for Emma.

Now Leo's mailbox.

And you're done.

Good job.

It's your turn, Caillou.

Do you need any help?

-No thanks, Ms. Martin.

I can do it myself.


-Happy Valentine's
Day, Clementine.





-A big heart for you, Emma.



-Now for my very
best friend, Leo.

[GASPS] Oh, no!

NARRATOR: Leo's was
the very last mailbox,

and Caillou had
run out of cards.

He couldn't find the card
he'd made for Leo anywhere.

-Is something the
matter, Caillou?

-I can't find Leo's valentine.

I think I lost it.

-Oh, dear.

Tell you what.

Why don't we have our snack now.

And while the class is eating,
you can have a look for it.

-But what if I can't find it?

Leo is my best friend.

I have to give him a valentine.

We could always make
him another one.


Can you help me, Ms. Martin.

-Of course I can.

Let me get the class
seated for their snack.

And we'll work together on it.

NARRATOR: Ms. Martin had
special Valentine's cookies

for everyone.

But Caillou was too busy to eat.

-That's beautiful, Caillou.


But I still want to
add something else.



I can help you with that.

L for Leo.

I'm sure he'll love it.

-Open yours, Leo.

That one's from me.

Do you like it


L for Leo!

Thanks, Caillou.

-Happy Valentine's Day, Leo.

-Happy Valentine's Day, Caillou.

Hello, spring!

was almost over.

Spring was on its way.

And the snow was melting.

Caillou's snowman was
starting to melt, too.


NARRATOR: Caillou decided
to fix him up again.

-You look much better
now, Mr. Snowman.

Caillou, it's lunch time.


I'll be back after lunch.

lunch, Caillou was

ready to play in
the snow some more.

But there was a big
surprise waiting for him.

-Oh, no.

NARRATOR: Caillou was sad
about all the snow melting.

He really liked playing in it.

-Oh, no!



-Hello, sweetheart.

What's wrong?

-My snowman melted.

The snow is almost all gone.

-That's too bad, honey.

But you know what that
means-- spring is coming!

-I don't like spring.

I like winter.

-Oh, but there are lots of
nice things about springtime.

The weather is warmer.

The days are longer.

The flowers start coming up.

-Pretty flowers.


Why don't you take
off your coat, honey?

I'm putting away all
our winter clothes.

We won't be needing them
again until next winter.

NARRATOR: But Caillou didn't
want to put his coat away.

He didn't want
winter to be over.


I'm going to play in
the snow some more.

-Thanks, sweetie.


NARRATOR: The sunshine
was nice and warm.

It felt good.

What's up, sport?

-My snowman melted.

All the snow is melted.

DADDY [OFFSCREEN]: That's what
happens when springtime comes.

-I don't want spring to come.

I want it to be winter all year.

-Oh, spring's not so bad.

Can you give me a
hand and hold the bag?


The leaves are yucky.


That's why I'm cleaning the
place up, so it looks nice.

And in a few weeks,
we can plant flowers.

-Can we plant the
vegetable garden, too?

-You bet.

remembered how much fun

it was to plant
vegetables last year.

He was looking forward
to doing it again.

-Are you putting
them in the garbage?

-This isn't a garbage can.

It's a composter.

We put old leaves and plants
and bits of food in here.

And after a while, it
turns into nice dirt

we can put in the garden,
to help the plants grow.

was very surprised.


NARRATOR: He thought the
leaves turning into dirt

was just like magic.

-Now that I'm all done, why
don't you and I go for a walk?

We could go to the park.


-Only, let's get you
a lighter jacket.

You don't need your big
winter coat anymore.

NARRATOR: So Caillou
put on his spring jacket

and he went with
Daddy to the park.

It felt good not to
wear his thick winter

coat, and his mittens,
and his big scarf anymore.




-That's a robin.


I didn't know you
were a bird expert.

-Robins have red tummies.

We learned that in play school.

He's looking for worms to eat.







-Canada geese.

-Ms. Martin says that
all the birds that

went away fro the winter come
back again in the spring.

-That's right.

And the animals that sleep
through the winter wake up.

-Like bears.

-You bet.

NARRATOR: Caillou was glad
the birds were coming back

and the animals were waking.

-The snow's gone
from the sandbox.


NARRATOR: Caillou liked
playing in the sandbox.

He started thinking of
all the other things

he could do now that
the snow was gone.



[LAUGHS] My bike!


-Hi, Caillou.

Come on in.



Summer comes right after
spring, right, Daddy?


Summer, then fall, and after
that it'll be winter again.

-I like spring.

-Me too.

NARRATOR: When they
arrived back home,

there was another spring
surprise waiting for Caillou.

Caillou remembered how
much Rosie and Mommy

liked pretty flowers.

-Mommy, Rosie, come quick!

Look, flowers.


-Aren't they pretty?

Those are called crocuses.

They're the first
flowers of spring.

-Good work, Caillou.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
very proud to have

spotted the first
flowers of spring.

-I'm glad spring is here.

Now I can ride my
bike, and play soccer,

and play in the sandbox, and
go in the slide and the swings,

and play baseball, and go
swimming, and play croquet.

It's spring.

TOGETHER: [SINGING] It's spring.

It's spring.

We're really glad it's spring.

The flowers grow.

There's no more snow.

We're really glad it's spring.

It's spring.

It's spring.

It's time to laugh and sing.

Let's go outside.

-I'll run, you hide.

really glad it's spring.

There's fun things we can do--
a treasure hunt, a barbecue.

-Fly a kite.

-Go to the zoo.

really glad it's spring.

It's spring.

It's spring.

-I'll push you on the swing.

The leaves turn green.

It's time to clean.

We're really glad it's spring.

Each season has something to do.

Each season has
something that's new.

We like spring.

How about you?

We're really glad it's spring.

Hiking, biking, playing ball,
young or old, big or small.

-I like summer.

-I like fall.

like spring the best of all.

It's spring.

It's spring.

Finally it's spring.

Here comes the sun.

Let's have some fun.

We're really glad
it's-- it's spring!

NARRATOR: Caillou's April fool.

One morning at breakfast,
Daddy did something funny.


What are you doing?

-I'm playing a
little joke on Mommy.




-[YAWNS] Good morning, everyone.

TOGETHER: Good morning.


Oh, my goodness.

It's o'clock already?

I was sure it was : .

That is strange.

-[LAUGHS] April Fool's!

-[LAUGHS] Daddy
changed the clocks.

-It's only o'clock, not : .

-Oh. [LAUGHS] That was a
good April Fool's joke.

You really had me going.

-Mommy, what is April Fool's?

-Today is April Fool's Day.

It's a special day when you
play funny jokes and tricks

on people, as long as
they're in good fun

and don't hurt
anybody's feelings.

-Can I play jokes, too?

-Of course you can.

But that also means that
someone can play a joke on you.

-Well, I'd better get started
planting the spring bulbs.

-What are spring bulbs?

-They're big flower
seeds that will only

grow in the springtime.

So in about a month, we'll have
beautiful flowers in our yard.

-I'm going to get you back.

-You can always try.

NARRATOR: Caillou wanted to play
an April Fool's trick on Rosie.

But he didn't know what kind
of a joke would make her smile.

Then Caillou had a great
idea, something he was sure

would make Rosie laugh.

-[LAUGHS] Rosie will
be so surprised.


-Quick, Gilbert.

We have to hide.


-April Fool's, Rosie!

-Dolly wrong.


I dressed your dolly.

It's a joke.

-Caillou play dolly?


I'll play dolly with you.

was disappointed

that Rosie didn't
laugh at his trick.


-Caillou, there's a
phone call for you.




-Who is it, Caillou?

-I-- I don't know.

It sounds like a-- a dinosaur!

MOMMY [ON PHONE]: April Fool's!


That was a good joke, Mommy.

-Now it's your turn
o play a joke on me.


wanted to think up

a really good joke
to play on Mommy.





-April Fool's!


NARRATOR: Then Caillou
had an even better idea

for tricking Mommy.

-That's strange.

I know my slippers are
around here somewhere.



How about carrots.

There you go.

You're all set.

-April Fool's!

-Hi, Caillou.

What are you up to?

-I'm playing a joke on Mommy.

Don't tell her, OK?

-I won't.

I promise.

-No, Gilbert!


-Oh, Caillou.

You found my slippers.

Thank you.

I've been looking
all over for them.

-Nice try, Caillou.


Every other page in this
newspaper is upside down.

-April Fool's!

-[LAUGHS] You got me.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
determined to play

a good joke on someone today.


had a very good idea.


-[GASPS] Oh my!

-April Fool's!


-Did I trick you?

-You sure did.

For a moment there I
thought a real dinosaur

was in our fridge.

-[LAUGHS] That's silly.

Now I want to trick Daddy.

Can you help me, Mommy?

-Sure I'll help you.

What do you have in mind?

-Daddy, Daddy!

Come quick!

Your flowers have
already grown big.

You didn't have to wait.


Those must have
been magic bulbs.

-April Fool's!



Those aren't real flowers.

They're plastic.

Caillou, you tricked me.

-Yeah, and I tricked
Gilbert, too.

April Fool's, Gilbert.



more fun and games with me,

Caillou, go to pbskids.org.

-Chuck E Cheese's-- [LAUGHING]
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