01x12 - Caillou Outdoors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x12 - Caillou Outdoors

Post by bunniefuu »

-You're getting to be a big boy.

THEME SONG: I'm just
a kid who's four.

Each day I grow some more.

I like exploring.

I'm Caillou.

So many things to do, each
day there's something new.

I'll share them with you.

I'm Caillou.

My world is turning,
changing each day!

With mommy and daddy and
finding my way-- growing up

is not so tough, except
when I've had enough.

But there's lots of fun stuff.

I'm Caillou, Caillou, Caillou.

I'm Caillou.

[GIGGLES] That's me!

-Shoo, shoo, bird.

Fly away!

NARRATOR: Caillou loved
playing in the dirt.

He was finding all sorts
of interesting things.

Look what I found.

Can I keep it, mommy?


-Why don't you help me
plant some tomato seeds.

Good job.

-Hi, birdie.


Go away!



-Why did you do that?

-If the birds eat the
seeds we're planting,

there won't be any vegetables.

-I thought birds ate worms.

-They eat worms and seeds.

-We need a sign
for the tomatoes.

Can I make one?

-Of course.





Caillou saw Rosie--


-He thought she
looked very funny.

-[LAUGHS] Rosie,
you're all white.

-Rosie baking.

-Oh, is that what's
going on here?


Believe it or not,
this will all result

in a delicious apple pie.

How's the gardening
coming along?

-I planted tomato seeds.

And I'm going to make a
sign for the tomatoes.





-Here you go, Caillou.

-Thank you.

was proud to have

made the sign all by himself.

-I'm going to put
it in the garden.

was in a big hurry

to put his brand new
sign in the garden.



-The birds ate more seeds.



Let's make a scarecrow,
to keep the birds away.

-What's a scarecrow?

-Come on.

I'll show you.

NARRATOR: Mommy had found
some old clothes that

were perfect for
their scarecrow.

-What is a scarecrow?

-A scarecrow is a man
made out of sticks,

with a hat and clothes.

And he stands out in the garden.

-How will that keep
the birds away?

-If you were a bird and
saw a strange person

in the garden wearing
all these funny clothes,

wouldn't you fly away?



-Good pick.

Now we'll need some pants.


-He needs a face.

-Can you draw a scary face?


Scary like this.


thought he could

be an excellent
scarecrow himself.

-Stay away, birds.

Stay away, birds.




-It worked!

I'm a good scarecrow.


-[GASPS Shoo, shoo!


-That was a big bird.


Shoo, shoo!


-[LAUGHS That was the
biggest bird of all.



Look, mommy.

A scary scarecrow face.

-That's very good, Caillou.

Now let's go put our
scarecrow together.


couldn't wait to see

their finished scarecrow.

-I can help.

-Thank you, honey.



Birdies, birdies, birdies!



couldn't believe his eyes.

The scarecrow looked
like a real person.

But there was still
a few things missing.




-You know, Rosie,
your pie plates

could help the
scarecrow make noise.

I think we're almost done.

-[SNIFFS] Mmm.

And I think something
else is almost done.

-Apple pie!




Look, the birds are coming back.




-It works!

The scarecrow scared them away.


That means our carrots
and tomatoes will grow.

-They're going to grow really,
really tall-- up over my head!


That big?


The tomatoes will be this big.

And the carrots will
be as big as our car!

-We could put wheels on it and
drive around in our carrot car.

And then we can eat it.



These tires are chewy.


-This steering
wheel is delicious.


NARRATOR: Caillou's road trip.

One Saturday morning,
daddy suggested

it might be a great
day for a drive.

-Where are we going
to drive to, Daddy?

-Oh, I don't know.

-[LAUGHS] You don't know?


We'll just drive and
see what we can find.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought
it was strange not

to know where you
were driving to.

He wondered what
they would find.

-Here we go.



-Who wants to play a game?

-I do!



For this game, you have
to look for a red barn.


There's one.

I see a red barn.



Now how about a white car.

-Car, car!

-It's a car, Rosie.

But it's black, not white.

A white car!


-Now let's look for cows.





NARRATOR: Caillou was
first to see the cows.

But he wanted to let
Rosie call it out.

-Watch for cows, Rosie.

-Cows, cows!

Rosie see cows.



-Way to go, sweetie Moo!



NARRATOR: Soon it was
time to stop for lunch

and fill up the car with gas.

-Is the gas going
in the car, Daddy?


Those numbers show us
how much gas is going in.

-It's a lot.

-Gas is like food for the car.

The gas makes the car go.

-[LAUGHS] We're
going to have lunch,

and the car is
having lunch, too.

-You got it.



Look at the truck, Daddy.

Can we go and see it?



Let's go.

liked big trucks.

And this one was
really nice and shiny.

Caillou imagined
what it would be

like to drive a big,
big truck like this one.


-I'm truck driver Caillou.



That sign means that
deer cross the road here.

I better slow down.


-Bye bye.

Duck crossing.





[LAUGHS] Hippo crossing?




-Excuse me.

Can you let me through, please?

Thank you.

Bye bye.


-OK, truck driver Caillou.

It's time to get some grub.


NARRATOR: In the restaurant,
Rosie sat in a high chair.

But Caillou got to sit in
the booth like a big boy.

He could even pick out
what he wanted on the menu

because it had pictures.

-I'd like a cheese, please.

-What would you like
to drink, Caillou?



Milk, please.


NARRATOR: After lunch,
they drove some more.

Caillou was starting to
get tired of driving.

-Caillou, look up ahead.

-Is that a ferry boat?

Are we going on it?

-You bet.

NARRATOR: Caillou had never
been on a ferry boat before.

-Can I go look at the boat?

-Not yet.

We can't get out of the
car until we hear the horn.


-[LAUGHS] That's loud.



-One, two, three
four, five cars.

-This is just a little ferry.

There are big ferry boats
that can carry cars.



-Look, Daddy.

The birds are following us.

-Those are seagulls.


-Caillou, look.

It's the captain.

-Welcome aboard.

NARRATOR: The ferry boat
captain showed Caillou

the controls of the boat.

And when they got
close to the shore,

he even let Caillou
blow the horn.


-So Caillou, did you enjoy your
very first ferry boat ride?

-Yeah, especially the horn.

Rosie slept through
the whole ferry ride.

That's OK, because I can tell
her about it when she wakes up.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought about
all the nice surprises they

had found today-- the
cows, and the gas pumps,

and the big truck,
and the restaurant,

where he ordered for
himself, and the ferry boat

with the loud, loud horn.

Caillou decided he liked
car trips-- especially

when they didn't know
where they were going.

-A car trip.

-Caillou, Rosie,
let's get in the car.

Time to go.

-(SINGING) I'm so excited
because we're taking a trip.

But Daddy won't tell me where.

-(SINGING) Come on, everybody.

Put your safety belt on.

It's going to take a
little while to get there.

-(SINGING) It's fun to
count the cars, one by one.

-(SINGING) Tell me all
the colors you see.

-There's a blue car, a
red truck, a motorcycle.

And look, he's waving at me!

driving in the car, car, car.

We're going very far, far, far.

Do you know where
we are, are, are?

Yes, we're driving in the car.

-Look, Daddy.

A cow.

-A trip to the country.

A trip to the city.

trip to really cool places.

trip can be so much fun.

friends in interesting places.

driving in the car, car, car.

We're going very far, far, far.

Do you know where
we are, are, are.

Yes, we're driving in the car.

We're driving in
the car, car, car.

We're driving in the car!

and the dragon.

It was a special day at
Caillou's play school.

A young boy named Alan
was coming to visit.

-Now, everyone, I'd like you
meet a new friend-- Alan.


-Alan has come to find out
what play school is all about.

If he likes it, he
may be attending.

-Come on, Alan.

We'll show you around.

-Yeah, come on.

How old are you?

-I'm five.

-I'm only four.

But I'm getting older every day.

-Me too.

-Um, don't you
know how to climb?

-I'm climbing.

-Hold on here.

[GRUNTS] And step up here
and pull yourself up.

Now swing your leg over.

-I did it!

-Look at me!

I'm swinging.

-I'm swinging, too.

-I can help.



-Hold on.


-Do this, Alan.

-Mom, look.

I'm really swinging.

wondered why Alan

was having so much trouble
with climbing and swinging.

After all, Alan was
a whole year older.

Alan and his mom brought
a special treat-- brownies

for the whole class.

Everyone enjoyed them very much.

Ms. Martin, I Alan
is older than I am.

Why can't he do the
things I can do?

-Some things are hard
for him to learn,

and he might need a
little more practice.

I'm so happy to see what a big
helper you're being to Alan.

-I bet there are some things
he can do even than I can.

-I'm sure you're right.


-Let's make up a play.

I'm going to the jungle to
take pictures of wild animals.

-I'll be the driver.

I'll drive a jeep.

-What will you be, Caillou?


[CAR NOISES] Vroom, vroom.

NARRATOR: Caillou wondered what
Alan was going to dress up as.

-Come on, Caillou.

Let's plan our play.

NARRATOR: Soon they were ready
to show everyone their play.

-I'm going to Africa
to take pictures

of wild jungle animals.

-I'm the driver.

Here we go.

Vroom, vroom.

-[LAUGHS] Wait for me!

-I'm a wild animal!

Take my picture.



-I'm a dragon.

-Dragons don't
live at the jungle.

They live in fairy tales.


-Look, this dragon is
visiting the jungle

for the very first time.

-A dragon in the jungle?

I better take a picture of him.


-[LAUGHS] Hold still, dragon.





-It's OK.


-Hey, dragon.

TOGETHER: Look at him go.

-[LAUGHS] I am a
magic dragon tamer,

and I will tame the dragon.




-[COOS] Little dragon,
you can be good.

You are a good little dragon.

[COOS] You don't have to
be bad and scare people.

Everybody wants
to be your friend.



-The dragon is now tame.

He is going to take
me for a dragon ride.

Take a picture, Clementine.



-We're flying!







-We're flying.




I found out what Alan is
really good at-- acting.

-He certainly is.

And I found a couple of things
you're very good at, Caillou.

-You did?

-You're a good dragon tamer.

But you're also an
excellent friend.


-Now we're dragons, Caillou.



-Come here, little dragons.



-I love play school.

NARRATOR: Alan's first
day of play school

turned out to be so
much fun everyone hoped

to see him back again.

more fun and games with me,

Caillou, go to pbskids.org.

-Chuck E Cheese's--


---proud support of PBS Kids,
who know of all the things

a kid can learn, one of the most
important is learning to laugh.

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