01x08 - Caillou at Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x08 - Caillou at Play

Post by bunniefuu »

Mommy: you're getting to be
a big boy!

♪ I'm just a kid who's four

♪ Each day,
I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring

♪ I'm caillou

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you

♪ I'm caillou

♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy

♪ And finding my way

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots
of fun stuff ♪

♪ I'm caillou

♪ Caillou

♪ Caillou

♪ I'm caillou

That's me!

And me.

And me.

And me.

[ Gilbert yawning ]

[ Rexy yawning ]

[ Rexy trips ]

Oh, you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

[ Sniffing ]

Mmm, smells like it's going
to be a beautiful day.

[ Sniffing ]

Ah, smells the same to me.


Well, might as well
enjoy it.

Gilbert is one of
my best friends, my hero.

Ah, I want to be
just like him.

Hm, that's not easy.

He's fast and can do
lots of things.

And I can't.


Caillou, we're leaving now.

Where are you?

Roar, roar!

I'm playing dinosaurs.

You and rosie
have been inside all day.

Let's go out
and get some fresh air.

Can I bring my dinosaur?

Why don't you bring
your bucket and shovel instead?

Then you could play
in the sandbox.


Narrator: caillou was happy
to see that leo and clementine

Were at the park, too.

Hi, can I help build
the sand castle?

Watch it, caillou!

Look what you did!


You broke my bucket.

We don't want
to play with you.

You break everything.

Narrator: caillou didn't mean to
break clementine's bucket.

He felt very badly.

[ Crying ]
caillou: mommy.

What's the matter,

Leo and clementine

Don't want
to play with me.

Did you tell them you
wanted to play with them?

caillou didn't tell his mommy

That he had broken
clementine's bucket.

He was sad and angry
all at the same time.

I don't want to play
with them anymore.

I don't like them.

I want to go home.

But we just got here, caillou.

[ Rosie whimpering ]
rosie's awake.

Why don't you play for a little
while longer, okay?

Leo, clementine,

Come play on
the slide with me.

Narrator: leo and clementine
were so busy playing,

They didn't
even notice caillou.

Caillou didn't find it was
as much fun sliding alone.

He really wanted his friends
to play with him.

[ Laughing ]

Mommy, can you push me
in the swing, too?

Aren't you a little big for
the baby swings, caillou?

Can you push me on
the big swings, mommy?

Caillou, I can't push you
on the big swings right now.

I'm pushy rosie.

Narrator: it was no use.

Caillou tried and tried.

But normally mommy or his
friends would push him

To get started.

But there was one thing that
caillou could do by himself --

Climb the monkey bars.




Why don't you go and play with
leo and clementine, caillou?

They don't want me to play
with them anymore

Because I broke
clementine's bucket.

Well, why don't you
lend her your bucket?

Here, clementine.

You can have my bucket.

Thanks, it's a nice bucket,
a lot bigger than mine.

Can I play with you?

Sit over there.

You can help me.

Narrator: caillou knew that leo
and clementine were once again

His best friends
in the whole, wide world.

[ Laughing ]

Ooh, got to keep these
claws in good condition.

Oh, yeah, just hate it
when they're not.

Rexy, you don't have claws,
I mean, claws like mine.

Oh, uh, right.

[ Grunting ]

Oh, now, that is
going to be tricky.

Narrator: one of caillou's
favorite things to do

Was play spaceman
with his best friend leo.

[ Caillou and leo laughing ]

Come back, spaceman.

[ Purring ]

Oh, no, he's gone.

[ Purring ]

caillou decided that gilbert

Could help him find
the spaceman.


[ Purring ]


[ Giggling ]

leo didn't hear anything,

And checked to see
if the coast was clear.



Oh, no, you don't.

Bee-bo, plub plub.


Yay, I win!

Ow, ow, ow.

Narrator: caillou was so happy
that he had won,

He didn't notice
that leo was hurt.

[ Crying ]
I want my mommy.

What's wrong, leo?

My foot hurts.

Narrator: caillou didn't know
what to do.

He felt scared.

Caillou: mommy, daddy, help.

Leo hurt himself.

Where does it hurt?

My foot.


leo's foot hurt him so much

That he couldn't even
stand on it.

You'd better
take leo home.

His parents may want to have his
foot checked at the hospital.

Good idea.

The hospital?

Narrator: caillou was worried
that his friend

Might have to
go to the hospital.

Don't worry, leo, everything
will be all right.

Leo: I want my mommy.

[ Engine starts ]

Caillou: is leo okay, mommy?

We'll find out soon, caillou.

But first, he needs to have his
foot checked at the hospital.

Narrator: caillou had never been
to the hospital.

He was very curious about
what would happen there.

What will happen
at the hospital?

Well, the doctor
will look at leo's foot

And find out what's
wrong with it.

He might take a special picture
called an x-ray

To look at leo's bones.

I have to call
leo's parents now.

Will you please
watch rosie for me?



Yes, caillou?

Will leo be okay?

I'm sure he'll be okay.

But he probably won't be running
around much for a little while.

Narrator: caillou hoped leo
would get better fast

So they would be able to play
spaceman again soon.

[ Gilbert purring ]

[ Caillou sighs ]

[ Telephone ringing ]

Maybe that's daddy
calling about leo.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Mommy: hello.


All right, see you soon.


Was that daddy?

Yes, it was.

And he says leo is
already home from the hospital

And is doing fine.

Do you think he could
come over and play now?

I don't think so, caillou.

Leo has a broken toe,

So he'll have to stay off
his feet for a while.

He will?

What's the matter,

caillou was disappointed

That he wasn't going to be able
to play with leo.

I want leo to come over.

I want to hear about
the hospital and play spaceman.

Well, leo can't come over here,

But you can go and visit him.

I can?

in fact, he asked daddy

If you could come over
and see him later.

I bet that would
really cheer him up.

Narrator: caillou couldn't wait
to see leo,

And had a great idea
to cheer him up.

I'm going to draw leo
the best picture ever.

Narrator: caillou wanted
to draw something for leo.

But what?

A spaceman.

Leo loves spacemen.


Can I see it?

That's beautiful, caillou.

Maybe you can also putting
the finishing touches

On the cookies
I'm making for leo.


[ Caillou laughing ]

That one's for leo.

[ Door opening ]

Leo can't wait to see you.

Me, too.

I made him a drawing.

Can we go now?

Ha ha ha,
sure we can.

Hi, leo.


Narrator: caillou was happy to
see that leo was okay.

A spaceman, wow!




Does your foot hurt?

It did at first.

But it's okay as long as
I don't walk on it.

I forgot to tie
my shoelaces,

And I tripped on them
and fell.

You went to the hospital?

Yeah, and the doctor took
a funny picture of my toes.

[ Laughing ]

You want to play space alien?


[ Caillou whirrs ]

I'm coming in for a landing.

Leo: the coast is clear.

Vroom, vroom.

Narrator: caillou and leo
were back to doing

What they loved best,
playing together.

[ Grunting ]

I've never seen you
up a ladder before.

Be careful.

I can do it.


Oh, I forgot to check
my food bowl.


Oh, being gilbert's friend is
harder than I thought.

But there's no way
I'm eating cat food.

Hi, my name is rebecca,

And this is
my friend shoshona.

Best friends.

What do you like to do
with your best friend?

Hi, I'm christian,

And this is ryan,
my best friend.

Yay, yay, yay!

It's hard.


My name is tetti,

And this is my best friend

You can do almost anything with
a best friend.

Oh, hi, rexy.

You seem to be
everywhere today.

I do?


Well, I feel
an ode coming on.

Got to be ready for it.

Odes, yes.

Um, I need a notepad
and pencil.

♪ My best friend,
me best friend ♪

♪ I like her, she likes me

♪ We play together every day

♪ We always have fun
in our own special way ♪

♪ Her laugh makes me giggle

♪ She loves to climb outside

♪ And when we're at the park
we're always side by side ♪

♪ My best friend,
my best friend ♪

♪ My best friend

♪ My best friend

♪ My best friend

♪ I like him

♪ She likes me

♪ We play together every day

♪ We always have fun
in our own special way ♪

♪ When I'm sad he knows
just why I'm blue ♪

♪ Then he gives me a hug
and I know what to do ♪

♪ My best friend,
my best friend ♪

♪ My best friend

♪ My best friends,
my best friends ♪

♪ I like them, they like me

♪ We play together every day

♪ We always have fun
in our own special way ♪

♪ My best friends,
my best friends ♪

♪ My best friends

[ Cheering ]


Oh, are you drawing
a picture?

Well, I'm, um --

Well, you're welcome
to be here, rexy.

But, uh, you need
to be quiet

Because I'm creating
an ode.



Hm, oh, the garden is
so inspirational today.

Oh, inspirational,
it sure is.

What's inspirational mean,

Oh, uh, it means it's full of
great ideas for my ode.

Oh, it sure is.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]





I knew you were up
to something.

Why are you copying me?

Well, teddy's off
with caillou at grandma's.

And, well, you're one
of my best friends,

And i, well, I wanted
to be like you,

Do things like you.

Oh, rexy, you don't have to do
anything but be yourself

To be my best friend.

It's just that right now I'm
creating a brilliant ode.

I am, too,
just like you.

You've written an ode?


Like me?

Well, then,
let's hear it.

Right now?

Why not?

Okay, but, gilbert.


I'm just a little dinosaur

Trying really hard to be
an ode writer like you.

Oh, and I would love
to hear it.

Okay, heh heh,
it goes like this.

[ Clears throat ]

Ode to an
ode-writing cat.


You're a cat,
that's that.

You're not a bat
or a rat,

Just a cat

That likes to do
a lot of ode writing.

Do you like it?

Uh, if I might just make
the teeniest suggestion.

Oh, sure.

Well, that last line

Should rhyme with
"bat" and "rat."

Oh, then it should end
in, in "cat."

May i?

Oh, go ahead.
You're a cat.

That's that.

You're not a bat
or a rat,

Just an ode-writing cat.


Oh, gilbert,
gilbert, gilbert.

I've been doing it
for quite a while.

When I grow up, I'm going
to be just like you.

Oh, gilbert!

Oh, my.

Oh, rexy, if you're going
to be just like me,

We have to
work on that hug.

Oh, my.

Oh, my.

friends make smiles happen.

You know, it's pretty rare that
a beautiful fall day goes by

And there's nothing to do.


Oh, maybe we could
play a game.

I just want to
enjoy the garden.

Yeah, I feel like
being outside, too, but...

Aren't there any games
we can play outside?

Well, no, not like
checkers or cards.


Well, none that
I can think of.

I mean,
we could play ball.

Oh, yeah, yeah, ball, let's
play ball, let's play ball.

But I don't feel
like it today.

Yeah, we've played
a lot of ball lately.

Um, what about
something else?

I can't really think of
anything that sounds fun.


Of course, there was a game
that left me behind a tree

Where I had a lovely snooze,
and, uh.

Hide and seek.
Hide and seek.

Oh, that's exactly it.

Sounds like fun.

Oh, great,
hide and seek.

What's hide and seek?

Narrator: caillou was excited

Because he was going to the zoo
with his friends.

Daddy! Daddy!

I'm going to see
the monkeys, daddy.

And the lions.

[ Laughing ]

Oh, no,
look at the time.

Leo and clementine
will be here any second.

We'd better go
and get you ready.


Now, are you sure you don't need
to go to the bathroom?

Maybe I need to.

[ Doorbell rings ]

We can't go to the zoo.

I'm terribly sorry,
but billy has

A terrible toothache,
and I was wondering if I could

Leave clementine
and leo with you

While I take him to
the dentist.

Sure, no problem.

Can you take us to the zoo?

I'm sorry, sweetie,
I just can't.

I have a lot work to do,

And so does
caillou's daddy.

Narrator: caillou, leo,
and clementine were disappointed

That they couldn't
go to the zoo.

Mommy: I'm sorry you can't
go to the zoo today,

But you'll be able
to go another day.

Why don't you
come outside and play?

We're bored, mommy.

Well, if you're
not going to play,

You can help me
with the laundry.

[ Laughing ]
look, I'm a zebra.

And a very nice zebra
you are, too.

♪ Clementine's a zebra,
clementine's a zebra ♪

Zebra, zebra.

♪ Clementine's a zebra,
clementine's a zebra ♪

Hey, maybe you don't have to go
to the zoo after all.

It looks like there
are wild animals right here.

Now, I wonder what kind of
animal leo is.


I'm a big bear.


What about me, mommy,
what can I be?

And there's only socks.

Well, I'm not sure, really.

Let's see if we could
think of something.

I fixed the dryer, honey.

What's the matter,

I want to be an animal
like leo and clementine.

Hm, that is a problem.

Let's see if we
can solve it.

Clementine's a zebra,
and leo's a bear.

Bear, bear.

But what can I be?

Turtle, turtle.

Well, there's an idea.

Would you like
to be a turtle?



Hm, you'll need a shell.

Caillou: I need this.

Narrator: caillou knew
the laundry basket was perfect

For making a turtle shell.

Look, I'm a turtle,
I'm a turtle.

Roar, roar!

[ Laughing ]

Three, four, five,

Six, seven, eight,

Nine, .

Ready or not,
here I come.

Oh, um, rexy.

You can't find me.


I can't miss you.

You have to hide
your whole body.

Oh, oh, teddy.


Gilbert: home free.

Teddy, gilbert said
"home free," see?

Yeah...all right,
who's next?

Ah, um.

Mommy, wait.

What is it, caillou?

Help me with these.

Narrator: caillou had some
new craft supplies,

And he wanted mommy to help him
make something with them.

I don't have time right now.

Julie can help you later.

I want you to help me now.

Narrator: caillou was not happy.

He didn't like it when his mommy
didn't have time for him.

Almost ready.

Is julie here yet?

I want mommy to help me.

Mommy and daddy
have to go out now.

Mommy doesn't
have time to play.

We won't be gone long,

Besides, you like
playing with julie.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi, everyone.

Hi, julie.
Come on in.

[ Rosie giggling ]

Hi, rosie.

Hi, caillou.

Is something wrong?

Narrator: caillou was too sad

To say anything to julie.

But it didn't take julie long
to figure out what was wrong.

What have you got there?

I want to make something,
and I want mommy to help.

I can help you if you want,

But I also brought a great game
for us to play together.

A game, where?

Right here.


Right here, it's all the stuff
we need to have

Our very own scavenger hunt.

What's that?

In a scavenger hunt,
you have a list of things

That you have to find.

What list?

It looks like you're going to
have lots of fun, caillou.

Bye, now.

Hm, now, it says here

The first thing we have to find
is a feather.

I can't wait to see how we do.

Can you?

To be really
good scavenger hunters,

We need to be ready
to think a little.

Narrator: caillou wasn't sure he
understood what julie meant.

He was still figuring out
what a scavenger hunt was.

For instance, where do you think
the best place would be

To find a feather?

I don't know.

Where do feathers
come from?

Do you remember?


Good thinking, caillou.

And a lot of birds live in
the park, don't they?

Look, julie.

Yes, I see them.

Now, if there are
birds up there,

Chances are there will be
feathers down --

I found one, julie.

I found a feather.

Well done, caillou.

Let's keep all our scavenger
hunt items in here, okay?

Narrator: caillou was
really enjoying himself.

He could hardly wait
to find out

What the next item was
on the list.

It says an acorn.

Where do you think you would
find an acorn, caillou?

Here's a hint.

Acorns come from oak trees.

Oak trees have leaves

That look like this.

Rosie: me, too.

Look, julie.

Good for you, caillou.

See, I told you that you
and rosie would like this game.

I found everything,
and rosie found nothing.

But you never know
what she might find.

Now, what's next
on the list?

Something purple, hm.

Narrator: caillou looked
all over the park.

But none of the things he found
were purple

Until finally --

Look, julie, something purple.

Well, it is purple.

But I'm afraid it belongs
to somebody else.

We can't really take it
with us.


[ Rosie laughing ]


Good hunting, caillou.

And good helping, rosie.

The next thing on the list
is a bobby pin.

I think that means it's time
to go back to your house.

Ha-ha, a bobby pin.


[ Giggling ]

It came out by itself.

Well, caillou, I suppose
that's one way

To get something
on the list.

But the next thing we're
looking for is a bottle cap.

And don't bother looking for
one of those in my hair,

Because there aren't
any there.

Okay, julie.

Let's think.

Where would
a bottle cap be?

I got it.

Way to go, caillou.

According to my list, there's
only one more thing to find --

A bell.

Now, remember, think.

Narrator: caillou could hear a
bell, but he couldn't see one.

He began to think maybe it was
coming from upstairs.

Caillou followed
the sound of the bell

All the way to rosie's room.

The bell.

[ Grunting ]

I need it, rosie.

[ Rosie whimpering ]

Caillou, do you
think you could

Tell rosie why you need
her teddy's bell?

Rosie, can I have the bell
for our scavenger hunt?

Hurray! You two got
everything on the list.

Hurray! We did it.

Narrator: caillou just couldn't
wait to show his mommy and daddy

What he and rosie and julie
had done that afternoon.

You know, it would be nice
if there were some special way

We could show your mom and dad
all these things you found.

Narrator: caillou thought about
it, and soon he had an idea.

[ Whispering ]

Great idea.

Rosie and I will help.

Hi, julie.

Hi, caillou and rosie.

Did you have fun
on your scavenger hunt?

Yes, look.

So, caillou, you got to do
a scavenger hunt

And make a craft, too.

Aren't you glad you had
julie to play with today?

I want her to come
again lots, mommy.

Will you bring a new game
next time, julie?

Yes, I will, caillou.

I love playing games
with you and rosie.

Rexy: four, five, six,

Seven, eight, nine...


Teddy and gilbert: !

Rexy: .

Ready or not, here I come.

Hm, hm.

Ah, heh heh heh.

Home free!

You'll have to be
faster than that.

Okay, I'll be faster
with teddy.


Teddy, teddy,
wait for me!

Home free.
Well done.

Teddy, you didn't even
give me a chance.

Well, I'm not supposed to.

Okay, I'll be it
this time.

Oh, good.

There are all kinds of
games to play.

Some you play alone.

Some are better with two.

And some are best with
a whole bunch of friends

And a lot of imagination.

Some have no rules, and you can
play any way you want.

Some games, like soccer,
have rules and take teams.

In some games,

The rules are that
you can't make mistakes,

Like hopscotch.

In tag, the only rule is,
don't let anybody touch you.

If they do, you're it!

Boy, he's fast!

The whole point of playing games
is to have fun.

And that's the part
I like best.

Gilbert: five, six,

Seven, eight, nine, !

Ready or not, here I come.

One, two, three on teddy.

Oh, how'd you see me?

I caught you peeking.

[ Rexy giggling ]


I can hear you, rexy.

Rexy: oh, no.

Teddy: run, rexy, run.


[ Both panting ]

I'm not sure you fully
understand this game, rexy.

♪ Do you want to play with me

♪ A little game
for more than three? ♪

♪ We'll take turns,
it's only fair ♪

♪ And play the game
without a care ♪

♪ We could play games
with cards or dice ♪

♪ Play hide and seek
or three blind mice ♪

♪ Or we could climb
the jungle gym ♪

♪ And make up our own
on a whim ♪

♪ Games with you
are so much fun ♪

♪ It's hard to stop
at only one ♪

♪ We'll think and plan
and laugh and play ♪

♪ Till the end of the day

♪ Skipping ropes
and big beach balls ♪

♪ Games on a board
and games on the walls ♪

♪ Ping-pong, hula hoops,
and marbles, too ♪

♪ Cards and buttons,
old and new ♪

♪ Games with you
are so much fun ♪

♪ It's hard to stop
at only one ♪

♪ We'll think and plan
and laugh and play ♪

♪ Till the end of the day

[ Laughing ]

But when he got closer,

I got so excited
it made me laugh.

Try to be quiet, rexy,
and race for home.

You have to get here to
home base before him.

That's how you do it.

Right, okay,
I've got it this time.

Okay, well, I'm it.

You guys find
a good place to hide

Because we bears
are great at hunting.

I'm going to find
a great hiding place.


Okay, let's go.

Let's see, one, two,

Three, four.

[ Rexy laughing ]

Shh, he'll hear you.


[ Rexy laughing ]

Ha ha, home free!

Oh, okay.

But I'm looking for rexy.

[ Rexy giggling ]

Oh, now, what would make
two carrots shake like that?

Hm, curious for sure.

[ Laughing ]

[ Rexy laughing ]

Oh, dear.

I think we're playing
two different games.

We are?
Oh, yes.

Some of us are playing
hide and seek.

Yes, but another of us is
playing hide and hug.

That's me.

Could be the start of
a whole, new game.

Oh, oh, yes, hide and hug.

Hide and hug.

You're good at that game.

Who's it, are you it?
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