01x07 - Caillou Wants to Grow Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x07 - Caillou Wants to Grow Up

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

THEME SONG: I'm just
a kid who's four.

Each day I grow some more.

I like exploring.

I'm Caillou.

So many things to do.

Each day is something new.

I'll share them with you.

I'm Caillou.

My world is turning,
changing each day.

With Mommy and Daddy,
I'm finding my way.

Growing up is not so tough,
except when I've had enough.

But there's lots of fun stuff.

I'm Caillou, Caillou, Caillou.

I'm Caillou.

That's me.

And me, and me, and me.

-Ooh, my ball.

Oh, I can't reach it.

-Oh, Rexy.


-I'll get it for you.


Oh, thanks, Gilbert.

-Oh, no problem.


Any respectable dinosaur could
have reached the second shelf.

-Ah, well.

Growing up takes time.

You can't rush it.

-I was once a kitten
and couldn't even

jump up on the bed.



We've all been small.

-E-- even someone as
big as Caillou's daddy?

-Oh, even Caillou's
Daddy, [LAUGH].


-I'm a pirate.


-What are you doing,
pirate Caillou?

-Looking for treasure.

Caillou didn't know

that he was going to find
a real treasure that day

in a most unexpected place.

-I can't wait until
Caillou's a bit older so I

can teach him how
to play football.

-Like I taught you.


Come on, pirate Caillou,
it's time to go home.

-I don't want to go home.

I didn't find the treasure yet.

-Well, wherever it is, it'll
still be there the next time.

We're home, Mommy.


What are you doing?

-I'm cleaning up.

-Can I help?


Here, put this in the box.



Sorry, Mommy can't
come to the phone.

She's busy.

-[SIGH], I thought
I told your dad

to throw that old thing away.

He's such a pack rat.

-What's a pack rat?

-A pack rat is someone who
can't throw anything away.

-Am I a pack rat, Mommy?

-Well, you do have a
lot of toys in your room

that you don't
play with anymore.

-I play with all my toys.

-Caillou, I really have to
finish sorting these books.

NARRATOR: When Caillou
saw the old trunk,

he was very curious to
see what was inside.

Caillou didn't know it,
but he had discovered

the treasure he was looking for.


NARRATOR: A chest full of
things his daddy had collected.



-What have you got there?


I'm taking a picture.





-What have you found now?

-A whole bunch of stuff.

-Let me see that.

-I wore this when your daddy
took me to a special dance.

I can't believe he kept it.

-Hey, what are you guys up to?


-Look, Daddy.

-Oh, my old harmonica.


-You're such a pack rat.

-Mommy said I'm a pack rat, too.

What have you got there?

-What is it?

-I don't believe it.

This is my old college football.

All it needs is a bit of
cleaning up and some air.

Would you like me to
teach you how to play?



-I taught him everything
he knows about football.

-Ready, Caillou?

Here it comes.



-Oh, too much stuffing.

I used to be able to do this.

Clearly, I'm getting
bigger around the middle.

I can't move.

(SHOUTING) Will anyone
look for a little wedged

teddy bear under a bush?





I'm growing up.

I'm growing tall.

Couple of weeks,
I won't be small.

When I grow up,
I'll know how to do

all the things I can't do now.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up right now.

I'm growing up.

Soon I'll know more.

I'll learn everyday.

A world to explore.

When I grow up,
I'll know how to do

all the things I can't do now.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up right now.

I'm growing up.

Soon I'll know more.

I'll learn everyday.

A world to explore.

When I grow up,
I'll know how to do

all the things I can't do now.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up.

I'm growing up right now.



-Oh, um, oh-- uh-- oh, nothing.

I just wondered if you
notice anything special,

like me growing.

-You mean in the
last two seconds?


-Ah, no.



-Growing takes a little
longer than that.




-[LAUGH], Gilbert, that tickles.

wasn't sure if he

should be waking
Mommy and Daddy up.


morning, Caillou.

Do you want to fly this morning?

-[LAUGH], Daddy
make me fly, whee!


The alarm didn't go off.

I'm going to be late for work!

-Caillou, why don't you go
downstairs and feed Gilbert.

I'll get Rosie up.


-Gilbert, wait for me!

Gilbert, look what you did.


-Mommy's in a hurry,
so eat up, OK?

NARRATOR: Caillou wasn't
happy that everyone

was in such a rush this morning.

-[LAUGH], Daddy funny.



-Finish your breakfast, Caillou.

We're in a hurry.

-We ate all our breakfast.


Could you brush your teeth now?

-Rosie, wait.

Do you want to look like Mommy?


-Go like this.

Rosie, don't move.



Caillou, did you did
this to your sister?

-Uh, I wanted Rosie to
look pretty like you.

-You know that you're not
allowed to play with my makeup.

Come on, Rosie.

Let's get you cleaned up.

-Go on, get dressed.

You and Rosie are going to
your play group this morning.

-I don't want to
go to play group.


What's taking him so long?

Go on and start the car, honey.

-Daddy, I'm stuck.


-Caillou, Mommy is
waiting for you outside.

NARRATOR: Caillou couldn't
keep with the hustle and bustle

and began feeling a little
overwhelmed by it all.

-I don't want to go with Mommy.

I want to stay home with you.

-But I'm going in
to work later on.

-I don't want you to go to work!


-Hang on.

I'll be right back.


NARRATOR: Mommy was told to
go on ahead and that Daddy

would walk Caillou
to play group.


Are we going to stay
home and play today?

-No, Caillou.

Daddy still has to go to work.

But first, let's
get you dressed.

I have something to show you.

-What are you going
to show me, Daddy?

-I'm going to show you
a whole bunch of people

that have to go to work,
just like Mommy and me.

Good morning, Caillou.

-Are you working?

-Sure am.

I'm delivering the mail.

Would you like to help me?

-Can I?


Could you take this letter and
put it in Mr. Hinkle's mailbox?

-You see, Caillou?

A mail carrier works every day.


-To make sure that Mr.
Hinkle gets his mail

and your dad gets his bills.


-I'll get that one.

-[LAUGH], over
there, Daddy, quick.

-Are you sure you two don't
want to come and work with us?

-Can we?

-Sure, but not until
you're a little older, OK?

-You have to wait until
you're big and strong.

It's a tough job
keeping the town clean.

-After all that hard work,
how about we get us a snack?


-I just have to make
a quick stop first.

-Why do you have to work, Daddy?

-Because I enjoy working,
and I make money doing it.

-But the machine
gives you money.

-Yes it does.

But first, I have to put it in.

-I have a muffin, too.

-Is it a chocolate
chip muffin, like mine?


Can you turn on
the lights on top?

-Maybe the officers
are busy, Caillou.

Not at all.

We're on break.

Would you like to
turn them on, Caillou?




-This is Officer Caillou, - .



-OK, Officer Caillou.

Time to let them go back
to upholding the law.

I want to be a police officer

when I grow up.

-You can definitely
do that, too, Caillou.

But first, let's get you
to your play group, OK?

Daddy has to go
to work now, just

like all the people we
saw at work this morning.



-There you are, Caillou.

I was wondering when you
were going to show up.

-Mrs. Martin, I sat
in a police car.


That must have been one.

-[LAUGH], I was showing
Caillou people at work.

We also saw a mail carrier
and a garbage collector,

right, Caillou?

-But the police officer
has the best job.

-But I think my job is the
best in the whole world

because I get to play with you.

- - , Officer Caillou.

-Think, Matthew
Theodore Bear, think.


Sometimes that's hard to do
with a head full of stuffing.

Stuffing can make a
bear awfully muddled.

Let me think.

I can't go--
(STRAINING) forward.

Too much stuffing in my tummy.


Well, maybe I can go back.

Ugh, maybe not.



Well, Caillou's daddy says
that if Caillou keeps trying

and doesn't give up,
he can figure out

a lot of amazing things.


Maybe a teddy bear can, too.

-[LAUGHING], I'm growing.

(SING-SONG) I'm growing,
I'm growing, I'm growing.


-Oh, you haven't grown at
all in the last few seconds.

-Yes, but I can feel it.

I can see it.


Please, Rexy, let me sleep.

Uh, try outside.

Fresh air helps things to grow.

It might help you.

-Oh, oh, uh, thank you, Gilbert.

Thank you.




and Nicholas grow up,

they might be
firefighters like Pierre.

He has to wear special
clothing, and a safety

helmet to protect his head.

They all look great in
their firefighter clothes.


BOY NARRATING: Don't you think?

Ah, the firefighter pole.

It goes way, way up.

When the bell rings, Pierre
has to slide down the pole.

It's faster than the stairs.

He's really fast.

Jolisha and Nicholas
are fast, too.


BOY NARRATING: Fire trucks
have a red, flashing light,

a ladder, and a--


sh**t water at the fire

and puts it out.

GIRL NARRATING: When Stephanie
and Christopher grow up--

Hi, Stephanie.

Hi, Christopher.

might be nurses like Nadia.

Nurses help us stay well.

-Ok, open up your mouth
and stick out your tongue.

your mouth and throat.


Very good.

What is this, Stephanie?


listen to your heart.

We're going to listen

to Christopher's heart.

knows what a heart sounds like.

does a heart sound like?

-Bum, bum, bum.

-Do you want to put
this in your ears?

Close your eyes
and listen closely.


weighs Christopher--

Stephanie, why don't you

help me move the weights so
we can see how much he weighs?

sure he's growing up well.



Christopher is pounds.


GIRL NARRATING: There's so many
things I can be when I grow up.

I need time to choose one.

Don't you?

-Think, Matthew Theodore Bear.

You have to get yourself out.


Well, let's see.

I squeezed myself under
this branch, and-- oh.

Wait a minute.

Well, maybe it's not
too much stuffing.

Maybe it's too much branch.


[LAUGH], that's it.

Caught under a branch.


Oh, oh, Rexy.

It was just you.

Well, next time, this
bear is going around.

Too much stuffing.


Well, a teddy bear could
never have too much stuffing.

If they did, they wouldn't
be soft and squishy,

great for hugging.

-Good point, young dinosaur.

You almost scared
me out of my wits.

I thought maybe some huge,
tall dog had come along

and was going to drag
me around the neighbor--

-Huge a-and tall?

[GASP], these are
words that I like.

[LAUGH], I am
definitely growing up.

-Oh, of course you are,
every minute of every day.

-Oh, I've got to tell Gilbert.

I've got to tell Gilbert.



growing, growing up!


Uh, well, there's not
much change, Rexy.



I just want to grow so badly.

I-- I can't believe
that there isn't even

a little bit of change.

-Well, growing takes time.

Why, once I was a--

-Oh, there must be
something I can do.

I want it to happen right now.


Oh, one thing
about growing up is

that it happens in lots of ways.

-It does?

-Oh, yes.

Well, one way is in size.

But another way is in
learning new things.

One we can see, and
one is invisible.


But I don't even go to school.

How can I be learning?

-Ha, well, school isn't
the only place to learn.

We learn a lot of
things every single day.

-We do?

-Oh yes.


But, but, uh, how do I
know that I'm learning?


Well, that's a good question.

Let's find some things
that you didn't know before

and you know now.


Oh, gee.

I hope I know something.

-Look up there.


-What's that?


I already know, that's Gilbert.

That's not a good question.

-Well, that's not the question.

The question is,
what's he doing?

-He-- he's taking a cat nap.


And why do cats nap in the day?

-Oh, that's too easy.

They're awake at night.



-Well, not everybody knows that.

But now that you're
growing, you do.

-I am growing.

[LAUGH], invisibly.


-I want a cookie, Mommy.

-Caillou, cookies
aren't for breakfast.



NARRATOR: Caillou wished
he was tall enough

to get his own
cookies, but he just

couldn't reach the cookie jar.

(OFFSCREEN): Come on.

It's time to get
ready for the park.

Look, it's Andre.

NARRATOR: Caillou hadn't
seen his friend Andre

in a long time.

-Hi, Caillou.

Come play with me.


NARRATOR: Caillou wanted to do
all the things Andre was doing.


[GRUNT], whoa!

-It's new.

My other bike got too small.

Want to try it?

-Well, OK.

-You're too small, Caillou.

wished he was big enough

to ride Andre's bike.

-Hi, Caillou.

Did you have a good
time at the park?

-I want to be like Andre.

-How come?

-He's bigger than me.

He can ride a big bike.

-Caillou, Andre is a
little bit older than you.

Besides, you've been
growing too, you know.

-I have?

-Let's take a look.

See, you're a whole inch
taller than the last time.

-An inch.

How big is an inch?

-That's quite a lot
to grow, Caillou.

NARRATOR: Caillou was happy
that he was bigger than before.


We'll measure you too, Rosie.

[GASP], you've grown too.

See, you used to be that big.

Now, you're up here.

And that's Caillou.

-[GASP], big!

NARRATOR: Caillou was proud
to be Rosie's big brother.

-If you keep growing
this fast, Caillou,

you'll be as big as
Andre in no time.

NARRATOR: Caillou couldn't
wait to be as big as Andre.

-How can I grow big faster?

-The only way to
grow big and strong

is to eat well and
get lots of sleep.

NARRATOR: That night, Caillou
ate a lot more than usual.

-More, Caillou?

I thought you didn't
like meatloaf.

-I want to eat lots
so I can grow bigger.


-Time for dessert,
Caillou. now you

can have that cookie you
wanted for breakfast.

-I'm too full.

-Come on, Caillou.

You can work off all that food
by helping me with the dishes.



Looks like a problem
with the pipes again.

I'll look at it in the morning.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought if
he went to bed extra early,

he might grow faster.

-You're getting ready
for bed already?

It's not even your bed time yet.

-I want to get lots of sleep.

-Look, Caillou.

I found an old picture of you.

See how small you were then?

-[LAUGH], I was little.

-That's right, Caillou.

Now you're a big boy.

NARRATOR: That night, Caillou
dreamed he was big and strong.

He could reach the high
bar on the jungle gym.

And he could ride Andre's bike.

Caillou, Caillou, wake up.

NARRATOR: When Caillou
woke up, he was very happy.

He was feeling much bigger.

-What are you doing?

-I want to see.

-See what?

-Daddy, Daddy, am I any bigger?


I'm afraid you're pretty
much the same size

as yesterday, Caillou.

was disappointed.

He felt like he'd never
be as tall as Andre.

-No one grows overnight.

You've got years to get bigger.

-What are you doing?

-Fixing the sink.

Let's see if it works.



-Oh no!


-Well, looks like it's
time to call the plumber.

-We probably just need to
replace that leaky joint.

-Can I see, Daddy?

-Sorry, Caillou, but
this is grown-up work.

NARRATOR: Caillou decided
to do some work of his own

on the bathroom sink.

-Come on, Teddy.

Help me fix that leaky joint.

We may need your help

after all, Caillou, if
you aren't too busy.



We need to turn off the
water for the plumber.

But we're too big
to fit in there.

When the plumber gives the
signal, you'll turn it off, OK?




-I-it's dark in here, Daddy.

-I'm right here, Caillou.


-I did it.

-Thanks, Caillou.

I could use a little
helper like you more often.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
very proud that he

helped the plumber fix the sink.



-Aha, I see you, Andre.


-You win again, Caillou.

Your dad never finds you.

I'm small enough
to fit anywhere.


-I know that trees are
houses for squirrels.


Oh look, this is great.

I never knew how much
stuff I've learned.

-[LAUGH], oh, hi, Rexy.

What are you doing?

-Oh, hi, Deidi.

I'm growing.

And I'm showing myself how much.


You don't really look
any taller, Rexy.

-Oh, you don't just grow
up by getting taller.

Right now, I'm growing
by what I'm knowing.

Oh, hey, that rhymes.

I made up a poem.

I'm really growing today.


And what do you know?

-Well, for one thing,
I know that squirrels

like to live in trees.


Uh, but why?

-Well, um-- because, um--


-Well, because, uh,
they don't like stairs.


I-- I don't think so.

-Ooh, ooh.

I'm not growing anymore
because I don't know why.

I thought I was doing so
well, and now I know nothing.

Why don't squirrels
live in a shoe?

-Oh, too stinky.

-Oh, or in a radio,
or-- or in spaghetti.

I'd better find out so
I can grow some more.


-Mommy, Sarah's here.


Look, Caillou.

I can go really high.

-Sarah, look at me.

Pass me the shovel, Sarah.


What are you doing?


-Why is your tooth all wiggly?

-My baby teeth are falling out
because I'm a big girl now.

I'm going to put
it under my pillow.

Then the Tooth Fairy
will come at night

and leave me a present.

NARRATOR: Caillou had never
heard of the Tooth Fairy


-It's a magical fairy that
comes when you're asleep.

She looks under your pillow
to see if there's a tooth.

And if she finds
one, she leaves you

presents, and
sometimes money, too.

NARRATOR: Caillou wished
that he had a tooth

to leave under his pillow
for the tooth fairy.

-Here's your juice, Rosie.

Now eat your snack, Caillou.

Then we can go outside and play
until Mommy and Daddy get home.

[LAUGH], it looks like you
just lost a tooth, Caillou.



-I'm missing a tooth, too.

This one right here isn't real.

It comes out every night.

-Do you put it under your
pillow for the tooth fairy?

-[LAUGH], gosh, no.

I don't want the Tooth Fairy
to take this tooth away.

Hi, we're home.

-Mommy, Daddy, I want to get
presents from the Tooth Fairy,

just like Sarah.

-You have to wait until
you lose one of your teeth

before you can get a visit
from the Tooth Fairy, sweetie.

-Can I put Grandpa's
tooth under my pillow?

-[LAUGH], I'm afraid
I need my tooth.

And besides, I think the Tooth
Fairy would know it was mine.

was discouraged.

He really wanted the Tooth Fairy
to come and pay him a visit.

He thought maybe if he
wiggled his teeth enough,

they would loosen.

-Hey, this one's loose.


Mommy, Daddy, look.

My tooth is loose.

-It seems just fine
to me, Caillou.

It's not loose at all.

-Hi, Caillou.

Here, I took your
shovel home by mistake.

-Wow, Sarah, your tooth is gone.




NARRATOR: Caillou was
upset that the Tooth

Fairy wasn't going to visit him.


-Hey, this looks
just like a tooth.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
hoping the Tooth Fairy would

mistake the pebble for a
tooth and leave him a present.

-Good night, Caillou.

Did you brush your teeth?

-The Tooth Fairy's
gonna come tonight.


I don't think you can
fool the Tooth Fairy.

But why don't we leave
it here, and maybe she'll

come and visit you
while you're sleeping.

-But she probably won't
leave you a present.

Is that OK?




-Teddy, Teddy.



-Oh, I'm not growing anymore.

I found something I don't know.


-I don't even know why
squirrels live in trees.

Does that mean I'm
not growing anymore?


BOY (THINKING): I wonder
what I'll be when I grow up.

Gotta go to school
first and learn things.

Have a whole lot of birthdays.

Get good exercise to help
my body grow and be healthy.

Indoors and out.

Then, I've got to
choose something.

Like maybe a baker, and
make delicious bread.

Or a mechanic, and
fix people's cars.

Or an artist, and draw
pictures for a living.

Or maybe I could fly
a huge jet airplane.

Whoa, look at all the
buttons and switches.

Gee, don't know what
I'd like to do best.

Guess it's a good thing I have
a lot of time to think about it.

-You are growing.

-I am?


I told you it's invisible,
and it's happening right now.

-Uh, r-- right now?


You didn't know something,
and you asked a question.

Asking questions
makes you grow, too.

When you hear the answer,
you're learning again.

-Oh, so that's how it works.


And in this encyclopedia
are the answers

to all kinds of questions.

Now let's see.

The answer is,
squirrels love trees.

And trees supply the
nuts squirrels eat,

and they're also a perfect
place to store nuts.

Furthermore, squirrels make
cozy, comfy nests inside them.

-[LAUGH], well, now
I now the answer.

I am growing.

I've got to tell Deidi.


I'm growing up.

Outside, it may not show.

But inside, I really know.

I'm growing, growing.

Every day, I'm
learning things that

are brand new about the
world around me and you.

Did you know once a
butterfly couldn't fly?

Did you know that once a
snake had another skin?

The world has all these secrets.

It's time to let the fun begin.

I'm growing, growing.

Every day, I'm
learning things that

are brand new about the
world around me and you.

Did you know that every
seventh wave in the sea is big?

Did you know that a pebble
on a lake will sink right in?

The world has all these secrets.

It's time to let the fun begin.

I'm growing, growing.

Every day, I'm
learning things that

are brand new about the
world around me and you,

about the world around me and
you, about the world around me

and you!

-Deidi, Deidi.

I know why.

I am still growing.

-You are?


You love trees and nuts
and being cozy in the tree.


Uh, but why do we love nuts?



-Uh, Teddy?

-I don't know.

But I know where
we can find out.

Hey, I'm still growing, too.


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