01x04 - Caillou's World of Wonder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x04 - Caillou's World of Wonder

Post by bunniefuu »

-You're getting to be a big boy!

THEME SONG: I'm just
a kid who's four.

Each day I grow some more.

I like exploring.

I'm Caillou.

So many things to do.

Each day is something new.

I'll share them with you.

I'm Caillou.

My world is turning,
changing each day!

With Mommy and Daddy,
I'm finding my way.

Growing up is not so tough,
except when I'm had enough.

But there's lots of fun stuff.

I'm Caillou.

Caillou, Caillou.

I'm Caillou.

That's me!


-Look at my car.

-I made an igloo.

did you make, Clementine?


-It's a field of flowers.


-OK, everyone.

It's time to clean up.


-We'll do more crafts tomorrow.

And speaking of
tomorrow, class, we're

also going to have
show and tell.


Yes, Caillou?

-Miss Martin, what's
show and tell?

-It means that you bring
something from home

to show the class,
and then you tell us

why you think it's special.

-Can I bring something
I like to play with?


You can bring anything you wish.

-I know what I'm going to bring.

-Are you going to
bring your lion?


It's something else,
and it's a surprise.

-Mine's a surprise too.

NARRATOR: Caillou didn't know
what he was going to bring.

He wished he knew what Leo
and Clementine were bringing.

Caillou really wanted to find
an extra special surprise

to take for show and tell.



-No, I don't want to bring Rexy.

Everyone's already seen him.



-Wouldn't it be great if
Rexy was a real dinosaur?


-Red means stop.


-Green means go.


-Look at that!

-Hi, Miss Martin.

I brought my dinosaur
Rexy for show and tell.

-My goodness.

-Who wants a ride?

-I do!



-This is the best
show and tell ever.






-No, I want something
that'll be a surprise.


Surprise, Caillou!

-What are you two up to?

-I'm trying to find a
special surprise for show

and tell tomorrow.


-Why don't you
choose three things,

and you can practice your show
and tell on us after supper.

Maybe that will help you decide.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought
that was a very good idea

and went back to pick out
his three favorite toys.

After dinner, Caillou had
a practice show and tell.



-This is Rexy.

He's a dinosaur, and
he has big teeth.

But he isn't mean.

He's my favorite toy.

The next surprise is my kite.

I took my kite to the park
and flew it really high.

-Rosie fly a kite.

-And for my last
surprise, my fire truck.

I like it because
the ladder goes up,

and the lights flash
when I push it around.

So, which one did you like best?

-I thought all of them were
pretty special, especially

Rexy because he's a dinosaur.

-But Rexy won't be
a surprise for Leo.

-I like your kite.

NARRATOR: But Caillou
remembered that Clementine

was with him the day
he flew his kite.

-It won't be a surprise
for Clementine.

-Maybe not, but for
everybody else it will be.

Well, there's always
your fire truck.

Caillou still wasn't

sure what to take
for show and tell.

-Why don't you sleep on it
tonight and decide tomorrow?

-Sleep on my fire truck?

-No, that's an
expression that means

go to bed with the question in
your mind, and in the morning,

after a good night's
sleep, maybe you'll

know what you want to do.

-Surprise, Caillou.

NARRATOR: But the next
morning, Caillou still

did not know which toy would
make the best surprise.

-Caillou sad?

-I don't know what
to bring, Rosie.

Miss Martin said we could
bring anything we want,

but I really want it to be
a surprise for everyone.


-Daddy, Daddy!


you do something for me?

-Sure, what is it?

-And my grandfather
used this compass

whenever he went camping,
so he wouldn't get lost.


-Miss Martin, my lucky
cricket isn't in its cage.

-Oh no!




-I got it.



-All right.

-Well done.

NARRATOR: With Clementine's
lucky cricket back in its cage,

it was now Caillou's
turn for show and tell.


-My show in tell is bigger
than everyone else's.



-I was going to
bring one of my toys,

but my sister Rosie is even more
fun to play with than my toys.


NARRATOR: Caillou the Magician.

-Thanks, Grandma.

Watch this, Rosie.


NARRATOR: Caillou was glad
when Grandma came to visit.

She always thought
of fun things to do.

-Which hand is the balloon in?

-Hm, that one.



-It's magic.

-Where did it go?

There it is.

-I see you discovered
my trick, Gilbert.

-You dropped it
on the couch when

you had it behind your back.

Can you show me how
to do a magic trick?

-Oh, you want to be
a magician, do you?

-Yeah, Rosie can help me.

And we can show our
trick to Mommy and Daddy.


and Rosie were very

excited about the thought
of putting on a magic show.

Only Caillou wanted to
look like a magician too.

-Hm, I need a magic
wand and a cape.

-I'm sure we can find something
around the house that will do.

Let's have a look.

How about this for a magic wand?

-It's a straw.

NARRATOR: Caillou wasn't
so sure that a straw

would do the trick.

-Rosie thirsty.

-Abracadabra, abraca-zink!

Let's get Rosie a
nice, big drink.


-Would you like
some too, Caillou?

-No, thank you, Grandma.

I'm going to look for a cape.







-Look, I found a cape.

-What on earth?


-That's not magic, Rosie.

That's-- Gilbert!


Even Gilbert knows a
magic trick or two.

Before we do any
more tricks, we need

to put away all these towels.

-OK, Grandma.

-Come on, I'll show
you how to fold them.

Thank you, Caillou.

-Can we start our
magic show now?

-You need one more thing first.

NARRATOR: Caillou already
had a magic wand and cape.

He couldn't think of
anything else he needed.


It's a hat.

-Yes, it's your daddy's top
hat from when he married Mommy.

But I'm sure he won't
mind if you borrow it.

-How do I look?


You look just like
a real magician.

-Which hand is the
ball in, Rosie?




-That's mine, Gilbert.


-Perhaps that trick doesn't
work so well with a bouncy ball,

especially with Gilbert around.

Maybe you can make
something else

disappear, like your bunny.


No, something bigger.


-I could make Rosie disappear.

You can hide behind my cape.

When I say the magic words,
you crawl under the table, OK?

-What a good idea.

And if we put a
cloth on the table,

nobody will be able to
see Rosie hiding there.

I'll go find one.


OK, Rosie.

Hide under the table now.

No, Rosie, you have to
crawl under the table.

Here, watch me.


-(GIGGLING) Caillou, peek-a-boo!

-There, that'll do nicely.

Now how about your audience?

Shall I get Mommy and Daddy?

-OK, Rosie.

This time you hide under the
table when I say abracadabra.


Gilbert, you're
ruining my trick!


-How are our little
magicians doing?

-Grandma tells us you've
been practicing a trick.

Can we see it?

NARRATOR: Caillou wasn't so sure
they'd be able to do the trick,

but he was willing to
give it his best try.








Thank you, thank you.



Rosie, disappear.


-That's amazing!

Where did she go?

-I hope you can
bring Rosie back.

We wouldn't want her to
miss her afternoon snack.

didn't know what to do.

He hadn't practiced
bringing Rosie back.


Rosie, come back.

Come back, Rosie.



-Well done, Caillou.

You too, Rosie.


Now, why don't our
little magicians

go into the kitchen
for their snack?

-I can do another magic trick.

I can make my snack disappear.


Thank you!


Put on a show!

-(SINGING) I'm Caillou
the magnificent.

I'm happy to be here.

Watch me do my magic tricks.

I make things disappear.

Now I'll put on a show for you.

You're in for a surprise.

You'll have to watch me closely.

You won't believe your eyes.

Magic, magic-- that's
what I like to do.

Magic, magic-- I've
got a trick for you.

OK, everyone, watch me put
this scarf over Gilbert.

Now I'll say the magic words--
alacazam, alacazee, look at me.

And poof!

Where is Gilbert?



-(SINGING) Putting
on a show is fun.

You should try it too.

Get your friends and family
and see what you can do.

Singing, dancing,
acting, learn to play

guitar-- there's lots
of things to try.

Maybe one day be a star.

Magic, magic-- that's
what I like to do.

But find out what you like,
and have your own show too!

NARRATOR: Caillou's Castle.

Caillou was playing Castles and
Dragons with Gilbert and Teddy.

-Watch out, Teddy.

There's a dragon on the bed.

No, Gilbert, stay.

You're the scary dragon.

NARRATOR: Only Gilbert
didn't want to play.

-We need a dragon.

-Mommy, have you see Gilbert?

-No, I haven't.


-(GIGGLING) Gilbert,
you silly cat.

Were you hiding?


NARRATOR: It sounded like
Rosie was having fun.

Caillou decided to find
out what she was doing.

-Sandwich for dolly.

No, Caillou!

Rosie play with soldier.

-But I need a soldier to
save Teddy from the dragon.

-No, soldier hungry.

-Hey, you two, you
can share your toys.

Find a way to play together.

NARRATOR: The boxes gave
Caillou a wonderful idea.

-Mommy, can we use those boxes?

I want to build a castle.


As long as you and Rosie share
and play together nicely.

-We will.

Do you want to play a
game with me, Rosie?

-Play dolly?

-No, not dolly.




NARRATOR: Caillou felt bad.

He didn't mean to scare
his little sister.

-It's OK, Rosie.


The soldier will protect
you from the scary dragon.



-Gilbert will be the dragon, and
these boxes will be our castle.

Do you want to be
a princess, Rosie?

-Princess Rosie!

-And I'm going to be a prince.

But first, we have
to build our castle.

-Rosie, the princess.

Rosie, the princess.

Rosie, the princess.




-How's the castle coming along?

-I think we need some windows.

Can you help us?

-You bet.

I'll get some scissors.

-I'll be right. back.

Let's see.

I got it!

Hm-- aha!

-Rosie want red.

NARRATOR: Caillou shared
the colored pens with Rosie.

Soon, the boxes were starting
to look like a real castle.

-Nice work!


-Oops, I think someone's
trapped in the castle.

NARRATOR: Now that
their castle was ready,

Caillou decided he needed
to look more like a prince.

-I'm going to look for
some prince clothes.


So Rosie, shall we find you
something fit for a princess?


-I am Prince Caillou,
and this is my castle.

NARRATOR: Caillou felt
like a real prince.

-Rosie pretty princess.

-Now they were really
ready to play castle.

-The dragon won't be able to
get into our castle, Princess


Now, where is that dragon?


Caillou, dragon down there.


-He's sleeping right
in front of the door.

We can't get out.

-(GIGGLING) Dragon sleeping.

-Hm, I know what to do.

Excuse me, you're
blocking our door.



-Look, the dragon is awake.

Come on, Gilbert, try
to get in the castle.

NARRATOR: Gilbert wasn't being
a very good dragon at all.

-Dragon sleeping.

-We need to find a dragon that
doesn't keep falling asleep.

-How about two fire-breathing,
children-tickling dragons!


-Caillou, help!

-Stop, dragon.

Let the princess go!

-Oh, no!

It's the courageous prince!


-No, dragon, go away.


Now we're going to tickle you.


Caillou and Princess Rosie

had lots of fun playing
together in their castle

and chasing dragons all day.

Caillou Plays the Drums.


NARRATOR: Caillou liked to
play at Clementine's house.

She had a big box of funny
clothes to play dress up with.

-Ooh, look at me.

I'm a movie star.

-Hello there, movie star lady.




-What was that?

-Oh, that's just Billy.

-What's he doing?

-Come on.

I'll show you.

-He sure is making
a lot of noise.




-Hi, Caillou.

How do you like my
brand new drums?


-I'm learning how
to play the drums

so I can be in a rock band.


-(GIGGLING) They dress funny.

-They dress cool.


-I think they dress funny too.


NARRATOR: Caillou really
liked Billy's new drums,

and drumming sure
looked like fun.

-Can I try your drums, Billy?




-Can I try your drums?

-Yeah, me too.

Can we?

-Oh, I don't think so.

-Why not?

-They're brand new, and you're
too little to play them.

You might wreck something.

-We're not too little.

-Well, they're my drums,
and those are my rules.

Drums are for grown
ups, not little kids.


-It's not fair.

We're not so little.

-We're not as little as Rosie.

-We can do things
that grown ups do.

-Like what?

-We have to show Billy
that we're not little kids.

I know.

Come on.

Hi, Mommy.

We're making a snack for Billy.

-And I'm gonna get the milk.

NARRATOR: Caillou was very proud
that he poured Billy's milk

without spilling a single drop.

-Here you go, Caillou.

-Can you cut the
crusts off, Mommy?

Billy likes his
sandwiches without them.



-There you go, Clementine.

-Thank you.

Let's go, Caillou.




-I made you a peanut butter
sandwich all by myself,

except Mommy cut the crusts
off, but that was my idea.

-Here, Billy.

I was careful and
didn't spill any.


-You've never brought
me a snack before.

-That's because we were
just little kids before.

-Yeah, now we're grown up.


Oh, I get it.

You want to play my drums.

Sorry, you're still
not grown up enough.

Thanks for the snack, though.

NARRATOR: Caillou wondered
how he and Clementine could

show Billy they were grown
up enough to play his drums.


had a wonderful idea.


-Come in.


-Hello, there.

-Please to meet you.

-Those are very nice drums.

May I try them?

I am a grown up, you know.


-What is so funny?

right, all right.

You can try them.



-This is called the snare drum.

These are toms.

And these are called cymbals.

-You can go first, since
dressing up was your idea.

-Thanks, Clementine.

-There's a pedal down there.

Push it with your foot.




-That's called the bass drum.

really liked how

each drum sounded different.

But he liked the sound
of the cymbal the best.



Way to go, Caillou!


-Thank you, thank you.

-Hello, there.

Can I help you?

-Oh, hello.

Hello, sir.

I'm looking for a little
boy named Caillou.

Have you seen him?


-(GIGGLING) Mommy, it's me.

I'm a grown up.


No, I don't believe it.


-It is you.

Well, if you're all
grown up, you probably

won't want to play on
the swings at the park.

That's what I thought we
might do this afternoon.

-I'm not really a grown up.

I'm just pretending.

-Oh, good.

Take care, Clementine.


liked acting grown up,

but he decided that it was time
to have fun being a kid again.

Caillou's marching band.


-Tag, you're it, Emma.

-You can't catch me.


NARRATOR: Caillou wondered what
that strange noise could be.

-Tag, you're it.


-Tag, you're it.

-What's that?

-I don't know.

NARRATOR: The sound was
growing louder and louder.

Caillou wanted to
find out what it was.



-A marching band.

What a lovely surprise.

They're going to be
in a parade next week.

They must be practicing.

Does anyone know what
instruments they're playing?

-That's a drum.


That's a trumpet.

And that's a-- what is that?

a tuba, and that's a saxophone.

NARRATOR: Caillou couldn't
take his eyes or ears

off the marching band.

The music made him
want to march too.

-Didn't you like the
marching band, Emma?

-They're too loud.

-Marching's not loud.

Want to march with me?

-Perhaps you could lead
everyone on a march back inside,



Follow me.

-Try counting to four, Caillou.

Not too fast.

Like this-- one,
two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

-Hm, OK.

-Everybody else, listen
carefully to Caillou

when he counts.

Then step in time to his beat.

-One, two, three, four.

-Marching is fun.

-Well done, everybody.

That's the perfect
pace, Caillou.

Aren't you going
to stop marching?


-I wish we were a
real marching band.

-Me too.

-Who else would like to be
in a real marching band?

-I do.

-Me too.

-Well, why don't you
start your own band?



But we don't have any drums
or trumpet or snacks-ophone.

-Drums, trumpet, or saxophone.


-Well, I'm sure if you
use your imagination,

there are plenty of things
in the playroom that

can make music.

and his friends

searched for things to
use as instruments, things

that would make a
nice, loud noise.

-This looks like a good drum.

Don't you want an
instrument too, Emma?


remembered that Emma

didn't like loud noises.

Maybe she wanted to
do something quieter.

-I like your star.

It looks like the ones on
the marching band hats.

-It does?

I could make hats for everyone.

-Yeah, you can be our
marching band helper.

-You look like you
could use a strap

to hold your drum, Caillou.

-Thanks, Miss Martin.

NARRATOR: Now Caillou felt like
a real marching band drummer.

-Does everyone like
their band hats?


Thanks, Emma.

-Emma just needs to do one
thing before you start playing.


-All right, Caillou.

Take it away.


-Wait, stop!

NARRATOR: Caillou didn't like
the sound the band was making.

Maybe slowing things down again
would help them sound better.

-I'm gonna start
like we did before.

One, two, three, four.


-There's a lot more room to
march outside, if you like.


-Oh, no.

Please don't stop.

Your marching band sounds
wonderful, Caillou.

-One, two, three, four.


Caillou's Rock 'N Roll Band.

-One, two, three,
four! (SINGING)

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

We like to play every day.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

-I play drums with
my hands and feet.

My job's to keep a steady beat.

One, two, three, four.

Leo plays bass.

It's really low.

He can play fast,
and he can play slow.

-I play guitar.

I'm really proud.

I can play soft, but
I like to play loud.


-We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

One, two, three, four.

Maybe one day we'll go on tour.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Playing music is really great.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

We like to play every day.

We're Caillou's
rock and roll band.

NARRATOR: Caillou Sings.

-Who wants to help
with the cleanup today?

-I do.

NARRATOR: Caillou liked
helping out at snack time.

-Thank you, Melanie.

Thank you, Caillou.

Caillou, where are you?

-Here I am!


-Good job, Caillou.

At the end of the
day today, we're

going to have a talent show.

Everyone will be in it.

You can make
something or perform.

Just pick anything
you want to do.

-Oh, boy!


-May I draw a picture?


-I can build a tower.


decided he'd like

to sing a song for
the talent show.

Yes, Clementine?

-I'm going to sing a song.

-What about you, Caillou?

-I was going to say sing a song.

-That's all right.

You can both sing.

-May I recite a
rhyme, Miss Martin?

-Of course, Leo.

-I'm going to recite a rhyme.

I know lots of rhymes.

-I'm going to sing "Old
MacDonald had a Farm."

Old MacDonald had a farm,


-Very good, Clementine.

NARRATOR: Caillou didn't
like the way Clementine

kept picking the same
thing he wanted to do.

-Miss Martin, that's the same
song I was going to sing.

-I'm sure we can think of
another song you can do.


How about "Ring
Around the Rosie?"


-Old MacDonald had
a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

I forget what comes next.

-And on that farm,
he had some cows.


-OK, everyone.

It's time to take a
break and go outside.


-I know the beginnings
of lots of rhymes.

I-- I just don't
know any endings.

-(SINGING) Ring around the
rosie, a pocket full of posie,

hush-a, hush-a,
we all fall down.

Around the Rosie"

was Caillou's little
sister's favorite song.

Caillou decided he
didn't want to sing it

because it was a song
for little, little kids.

--a moo-moo here, and
a moo-moo on the farm.

No, that's not right.

And on that farm,
they have a-- oh.

-A pig, E-I-E-I-O.

-Oh, yeah.

With an oink-oink here
and there and there.

-No, it goes with an oink-oink
here and an oink-oink there,

here an oink, there an oink,
everywhere an oink-oink.

You're a good
dancer, Clementine.

-Thanks, but I wish
I could remember

all the words to the song.

-I know all the words.

We could sing it
together if you like.


Let's practice.

-Old MacDonald had
a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

was glad that they

were going to sing
the song together.

-Roses are red, violets
are-- what are violets?

--that farm, he had some--



-OK, kids.

Let's go in.

It's nap time.

NARRATOR: Caillou hoped
that he and Clementine would

be able to remember all
the words to their song.

And he hoped that
everyone would like it.

-Old MacDonald had a farm,
E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm,

he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.
With a moo-moo here,

and a moo-moo there.

Here a moo, there a
moo, everywhere a--



-Old MacDonald had
a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

the farm, he had some cows,

E-I-E-I-O. With a moo-moo
here, and a moo-moo there.

Here a moo, there a moo.

Everywhere a--

-Have we got a cow in here?


--and on that farm, he
had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

-I still can't remember
what comes next.

had an idea that

would make it easier
to sing their song.

-I know what we can do.

We can take turns singing.

You sing the parts you know,
and I'll sing the parts I know.

-That's a good idea, Caillou.

NARRATOR: Caillou and
Clementine practiced their song

until it was time
for the talent show.

-All right, time
for the talent show.

-I couldn't remember any
rhymes all the way through,

so I made up my own rhyme.

Roses are red, I sleep in
my bed, and this is my head.



-That's beautiful, Emma.



-Old MacDonald had a farm,
E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm,

he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

-With a moo-moo here
and a moo-moo there.

Here a moo, there a moo,
everywhere a moo-moo.

-Old MacDonald had
a farm, E-I-E-I-O.


-That was great.

This is the first time we've
had a song and dance team.

Thank you, Caillou
and Clementine.

And thank you, everybody.

NARRATOR: Caillou was glad
that he and Clementine

had worked together
on their song.

It was a lot more fun
than singing alone.

Everyone's best.



-Hi, Clementine.

What's the ribbon for?

-I won it at my
swimming lessons.

I got a blue one at my
daddy's office picnic.

I was the fastest runner.

-I'm a fast runner too.

-You can't catch me.

You can't catch me.

-What's the matter, Caillou?

Aren't you going to
try and catch them?

-I can't run as
fast as they can.

-Don't let that bother you.

You're good at lots
of other things.

-I wish I could win a
ribbon like Clementine's.

-Well, maybe you can.

You've given me
a wonderful idea.

I'll be right back.

-You can't catch me.


thought that she

could help Caillou win a ribbon.

-OK, everybody.

Who wants to play some games?

I have plenty of
ribbons you can win.

-I do.

-Don't you want to play
with the others, Caillou?

-Will I win a ribbon?

-I don't know, but you'll
have lots of fun trying.


-Wait for me, Grandma.

-In this race, everyone has to
walk heel to toe, like this.

One foot right in front
of the other, all the way

to the white ribbon.

Is everyone ready?

On your mark, get set, go!

-Rosie too!


Clementine wins.


NARRATOR: Caillou was
disappointed he hadn't won,

but he was determined
to win the next game.

-Well done, everybody.

Ready for another one?


about a big smile for Grandma?


Very nice.



Oh, I found the biggest
smile-- Leo is the winner.

-Good smiling, Leo.

-Thank you.


-What's the matter, Caillou?

-I want to win a ribbon.

-I know you do, honey.

But remember, they're games, and
games are supposed to be fun.

decided Mommy was right.

He was thinking too
much about the ribbons

and not enough about having fun.

wants to play the next game?

-I do.

NARRATOR: Next was the
contest for the silliest walk.


-Rosie wins.

She's the silliest.


-I win.

I win.


this is an obstacle course.

First you jump over
this mattress and land

with both feet.

Then you do a hurdle jump
over the ball like this.

Then you pick up the
ball, stand on the line,

and throw it into the basket.

If it goes in, run as fast
as you can back to the start.


-On your mark, get set--



ANNOUNCER: And Caillou
is in the lead.

He made it!

What a jump.

Caillou is still in the lead.


Out of the way, Gilbert.


-You silly cat.

You messed up our finish.

-Boy, you two were fast.

-Good race, Leo.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
having so much fun now

he'd forgotten all
about winning a ribbon.

Grandma's next day was
a no smiling contest.

No matter what happened,
you couldn't smile or laugh

or giggle.



-Rosie's out.

Come sit with me, Rosie.

Let's make the others laugh.







-Caillou's the winner.


-Caillou winner!

-I won, I won!

I did it!


-All right, Gilbert.

You can have a ribbon too
for having the best purr.

-Yay, Gilbert!

Stronger Every Day.


-Be careful, boys.

That basket's heavy.




I'm gonna carry it the
rest of the way myself.


-That's too heavy
for you, Caillou.

Here, let me take it.

wished he could

be big and strong
like his daddy.




-Where are you going?

It's almost time to eat?

-I'm not hungry.

-Rosie hungry.

Oh no, you don't.

Cows eat grass,
not little Rosies.



-Can we play on the monkey
bars until lunch is ready?

-All right.

-Can I come too?

I love the monkey bars.



NARRATOR: Caillou was
tired of being small.

He wanted to be big and strong.

-Want a boost, little monkey?

-One, two, three, four!

I made it!

-You sure did.

Very good.

-Oh, boy.

Look at that.

Look, Caillou.

New monkey bars.

Bigger ones.


-And you can be the
first to try them out.


-One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight!

The other one only has four.

-Daddy, can I try?


One, aah-aah-aah,
two, three, four.


-Very good, Caillou.

was disappointed

that he couldn't make it to
the end of the monkey bars.

-I'm going to be a monkey too.

Ooh-ooh, aah-aah!

One, two, three, four, five.

-Good for you, Leo.

-Can I try again?

-You sure can.

-One, two, three, four--

NARRATOR: Caillou really
wanted to keep going,

but his arms were tired and
sore and his fingers just

couldn't hold on any longer.


-I can only do four.

You went further than i did.

-Four's a lot.

Five too.

On the old bars, that would've
been all the way to the end.

-But I want to go all the way
across on these monkey bars.

-You'll have to get a
little stronger first.

-How can I get stronger?

-I know the answer to that one.

Do you want me to tell you?


-Hm, to grow up big and strong,
you have to-- I can't tell you.


-OK, I'll tell you--
at the picnic blanket.

It's time for lunch.




flutter-by, flutter-by.


-Hi, Mommy.

We were swinging like monkeys.

-Well, I think I have just the
thing for two little monkeys.


-(CHUCKLING) Sounds like
feeding time at the zoo.

-Tell us, Daddy.

-Tell you what?

-Tell us what we have to do
to grow up big and strong.

-To grow up big and strong,
you have to-- wait a minute,

you already know.

Who told you?

-We don't know.

-Tell us.

-To grow up strong, you have to
eat healthy foods, like fruits

and vegetables and sandwiches.

And you have to drink healthy
drinks like juice and milk.

-(GIGGLING) Daddy,
I already knew that.

-It also helps to
get lots of sleep

at night and lots of
exercise during the day.

That's really just
another word for playing.

-Getting strong is
going to be easy,

because those are all
my favorite things.

-Me too.

I'm going to be
really, really strong.






-Who would like some more milk?

-Me, me, me.

-Me too, please.


-Hi, Caillou.

Billy, my chain fell off.

-Wow, you sure
are strong, Billy.

-There you go, Clem.

-Thanks, Billy.

you're sure getting strong.


I am?


You were way too little
to lift that last year.


Hey Daddy, guess what-- I
am getting stronger, see?

NARRATOR: Caillou knew
it would take a long time

to grow really big and strong.

But he could get a little bit
stronger every single day.


Wanna Be Big Right Now.

-(SINGING) I wanna
be big right now.

I wanna be big right now.

I want to do the things
that grown ups do right now.

If I was big, I could
drive a real fancy car.

If I was big, I could
be a famous soccer star.

I could go to the carnival
and ride on all the rides.

I could eat what I want,
go to sleep when I decide.

I wanna be big right now.

But you know what?

Being small is also OK.

It's OK to be small.

I don't mind not being tall.

There are things I can do that's
meant for only me and you.

I can still ride my bike,
go with Dad on a hike.

And because I'm so short,
I can fit in my fort.

My friends and I could play
with my dinosaurs all day.

Being small is OK.

You know what?

Maybe I could wait
till I grow up.

No More Training Wheels.

-What are you doing, Daddy?

-I'm going to wash
the front windows.

-Can I help?

-Sure thing.



-Caillou fall down.

-That bucket's a bit big
for you to carry, Caillou.

Here, why don't you carry these?

I'll bring the bucket.


-There all done.

-We did a good job, didn't we?

-We sure did.

Thanks for helping, Caillou.

Is that bike getting
smaller, or is my little girl

growing bigger?



-Rosie big girl now.

-Look at me, Daddy.

-You're getting big too.

-Hi, Caillou.

Want to go for a ride?

-Can I go?


Can I come along too, Sarah?

OK, I'm ready.


-That's Rosie's trike.

You have your own
bicycle, Daddy.


NARRATOR: Caillou was
upset that his training

wheels were slowing him down.

-Daddy, can I try riding without
my extra wheels like Sarah?

-Are you sure you're ready to
take your training wheels off?

-I want to try, Daddy.


-I rode my bike
with training wheels

for a long time, Caillou.

I only took them off
a little while ago.

-I'm a big boy now, see?

I don't need extra wheels.

-All right, let's give it a try.

But you're going to have
to practice and be patient.

Switching to two
wheels isn't easy.

-Can we go home and
take them off right now?

-Why not?

imagined he was

bicycling without
his training wheels

and racing with the grown ups.



Caillou, where are you going?

You were going so fast,
you missed the turn.

Its back this way.

-Come on, Caillou.

-Go, Caillou.

-You can do it.



Daddy, don't let go.


Maybe we should stop for a
rest and try again later.

-I'm not tired, Daddy.

Mommy, watch this.

-(GASPING) Caillou!




didn't understand

why he couldn't ride his bike
without the training wheels.

-I think my bike
is getting tired.

-Come on, Rosie.

Let's get you changed
out of those wet things.


-Caillou, can you help
Rosie with her shoes

while I get the phone?

-OK, Rosie--


i do it, Caillou.

-That's the wrong foot, Rosie.

-I do it!

-You've got your shoes
on the wrong feet.

Let me help you.


I do it.

I big girl.

Rosie fall down.

-Something's not quite
right here, sweetie.

Let's see.

Riding without training
wheels is hard, isn't it?

-Why can't I do it?

-Maybe you're just
not ready yet.

-Like Rosie with her shoes?


Someday she'll be able to
put on her shoes by herself

and you'll be riding that bike
all over the neighborhood.

You'll see.

-Maybe I should keep the extra
wheels on for a little while


-I think that's a good idea.

Because you know what, there's
a right time for everything.

-Hi, Caillou.

Want to go for a bike ride?

-But I can't keep up with you.

-That's OK.

This time I'm not on my bike.

I'm just learning
to roller blade.

So don't go too fast.

-Don't worry, Sarah.

I won't.

-What's so funny.

-You need training
wheels, Daddy.

You're going too fast.


I think you're right, Caillou.





of the Antarctic.

In the summertime, Caillou
likes to play outside

with his friends,
Jason and Jeffrey.

Even when it's a
very, very hot day.

-Over here, Caillou.

-Pass it to me.

-My turn.

Over here.

Look at me.


-I want to try.




-Are you OK?

NARRATOR: Caillou's head hurt
a little bit, but not too much.

Caillou was upset that
Jeffrey had fallen on him.

It sure is hot today.


-Daddy, Jeffrey fell on my.

-I didn't mean to.

-Well, it doesn't look
like a serious injury.

-Rosie, kiss it better.



-Sorry, Caillou.

-That's OK, Jason.

We know it was an accident.

-I'm Jeffrey.

-I just can't tell
you two apart.


-Jeffrey didn't
mean it, Caillou.

Things like this happen when
you're playing and having fun.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
still upset with Jeffrey.

He thought his friend should
have been more careful.


-(GASPING) The ice cream man.



-Ice cream sounds like a
pretty good idea to me.

Here, Rosie, I'll
give you a ride.


-Mister Ice Cream
man, wait, stop.



Ice cream for all my friends.

-It's nice and cold in there.

-I wish it was cold outside.

-It's only that cold
when it's winter.

But now it's summer,
and summer is hot.

-It's cold all
year in Antarctica.

-Auntie who?

-It's not an auntie
person, Caillou.

It's a really cold place.

I saw it in a book.


-Antarctica is
where penguins live.

Penguins love to be cold.

Now everybody hurry and
pick out what you want,

or everything's going to melt.

Lick a little faster, Rosie.

-Tell us more about
Antarctica, Daddy.

-Well, the South Pole
is there and icebergs.

-I thought it was
called the North Pole.

That's where Santa lives.

-There are two poles.

The North Pole is on
the top of the Earth,

and the South Pole
is on the bottom.



-What's an iceberg?

Is it made out of ice cream?

-No, it's-- it's a huge
island made of snow and ice.


-Let's go and get you
cleaned up, Rosie.


NARRATOR: Caillou thought
it would be wonderful

if icebergs really
were made of ice cream.

-Hello, penguins.

Wow, that looks like fun.


Whoa, a chocolate
ice cream berg.


-That chocolate
iceberg was delicious.

Look at me, I'm a penguin.

-Me too.





It sure is cold
here in Antarctica.

-You're cold?

Well, I guess you don't want
to play in the sprinkler then.


We're not really cold.

We're just pretending.

We're really, really hot.


No, I don't believe you.

-Whoa-- so hot--



-Fall down?

-OK, you've convinced me.

Maybe this will cool you down.



NARRATOR: Caillou didn't mean
to step of Jeffrey's foot.

He felt bad.

-I'm sorry, Jeffrey.

Are you OK?

-Yeah, I'm OK.

Look out.


NARRATOR: Caillou was glad
that Jeffrey wasn't mad at him,

and Caillou wasn't upset
with Jeffrey anymore,

because he knew Jeffrey
didn't mean to fall on him.

So they were all
best friends again.

Deep Sea Caillou.

-You're it.

-Can't catch me.


-I'm as fast as a shark.


-You're it.

Hi, I'm Caillou.

What's your name?


-You stay here while I
talk to your teacher, OK?

-We're playing animal tag.

I'm an eagle.

You can be any animal you want.

Jason's an owl, Jeffrey's a
lion, Clementine's a horse,

and Leo is a shark.

Or maybe he's an octopus now.

I'm not sure.

-Is that a new kid?


Her name is Lee-Wun.

She's kind of shy.

-You're it.

(OFFSCREEN): Children.

NARRATOR: Caillou remembered
his first day of playschool.

He was a little shy too, until
he started to make friends.

-Children, this is Lee-Wun.

This is her very first
day at playschool.

That's Emma, Xavier, Caillou,
Leo, Clementine, Mara, Melanie,

Wendy, Jeffrey, and Jason.

I've got an extra special
surprise for everyone today.


-We have an aquarium.




-It's a present from
the elementary school.

They just got a new aquarium,
so they gave us their old one.

NARRATOR: Caillou was very
excited about the new aquarium.

He'd never seen such
beautiful fish before.

-What kind of fish are they?

-Well, I know that
those are goldfish,

and those two are angelfish.

-What's the one with
the long pointy tail.

Is that a baby shark?

-No, a shark wouldn't
fit in this aquarium.

-What's the stripey one called.

It's called--

-Yes, Lee-Wun?

Do you know what it's called?

I'm afraid I don't
know what they all are.

I'll bring in a book
about fish tomorrow

so we can all learn their names.

-Look, there's a little
crab in that seashell.

-We're also going to learn how
to take care of an aquarium.

The most important
thing, of course,

is that the fish must
be fed every day.

-Can I feed the
fish Miss Martin?

-We'll take turns feeding them.

Now, I'll reach
into the magic hat

and pull out today's
name, which is-- Caillou.

-Wow, I'm the fish feeder.

(OFFSCREEN): We don't

want to feed them too much.

This should be enough.

was very careful not

to spill any of the fish food.

He was very proud to
have this important job.

-Wow, look at them go.

They must be really hungry.

-Now how about we all get
our paints and brushes

and paint some pictures
of our new fishy friends?

NARRATOR: Caillou thought
the fish still looked hungry.

Maybe they needed more food.

Caillou imagined he was swimming
in the aquarium with all

the fish.

-Hello, goldfish.




-It's suppertime.

giving them too much food.

-But they were still hungry.

-Some fish, especially
greedy goldfish,

just keep eating and eating.

They sometimes die
from too much food.

-Oh no!

certainly didn't

want to hurt the fish by
giving them too much food.

-You see that green stuff?

It's called algae.

Too much of it is
bad for the fish too.

-Here, I'll clean it off.

-Snails eat algae.

I'll bring some in from home.

-You have snails?


And they like to
eat this green guck?


To them it's as delicious
as chocolate cake.


-Do you have an
aquarium at home?


My dad and I take care of it.

It's bigger than this one
and has lots more fish.

-Do you ever pretend
you're a deep sea diver

and you're swimming
in your aquarium?


All the time.

See that fish there?

That's a swordtail.

Sometimes I pretend that
I'm holding its tail

and riding all
around the aquarium.

-I did too.

What are the other fish called?

-That striped one is
called a zebrafish.

The black one is a tetra.

And the one with the big
top fin is a sailfin molly.

And that's a hermit crab.

They find old seashells
and move into them,

like moving into a new house.

Lee-Wun, you

certainly know a lot about fish.

Maybe you could tell
us more about them

to help us make our pictures.

-Lee-Wun's got a really
big aquarium at home,

and she's going to
bring in some snails

to eat up all the yucky algae.

-Is your aquarium big
enough for sharks?

-(GIGGLING) It's not that big.

-I'm going to paint
a picture of us

being pulled by
a swordtail fish.

NARRATOR: Caillou knew that
Lee-Wun wouldn't be shy

anymore, because she was
making lots of friends.

Come Explore with Me.

-(SINGING) Exploring,
exploring, take a trip with me.

Exploring, exploring,
there's lots for us to see.

Take a map and compass.

Put on your special hat.

Let's go on an adventure.

But leave behind your cat.

Let's climb up that mountain,
but try not to stop.

Step by step we'll hike
until we reach the top.

Then let's explore the ocean.

We'll go on a dive.

Look at all those fish.

Hey, I think that rock's alive.

Let's explore the planets.

Let's travel to the stars.

Let's get in our rocket
ship and blast off for Mars.

I want to visit every country,
explore from end to end,

learn about new places,
and make a lot of friends.

Exploring, exploring,
take a trip with me.

Exploring, exploring,
there's lots for us to see.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Caillou in the Bayou.

One very hot summer's day,
Caillou and his family

went on a trip to the country.

-There should be a sign for
the lake around here somewhere.

NARRATOR: Caillou liked
looking at all the road signs.

-That's a deer.

-Right, Caillou.

That's a deer crossing sign.

-Do deer read signs like people?


-Then how do they
know to cross here?


-The sign is for us to
know that deer cross here

so we can drive carefully.


Is that the lake sign?

-I'm not sure.

Let-- let's give it a try.

I hope this is the right place.

-Come on, Rosie.

We're going swimming.


NARRATOR: Caillou couldn't
wait to cool off in the water.


-Looks like we found a
swamp instead of a lake.

Let's take a closer look.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought
the water looked dirty.

He couldn't even see the bottom.

-(SNIFFING) It smells funny.



-I don't think the
animals that liver here

would like to hear you talking
that way about their home.

-What animals?


They're very shy.

We'll have to be very quiet
and listen to find them.


NARRATOR: Caillou wondered
what was making that sound.

-Ah, mosquitoes.

Good thing Mommy
brought the repellent.

-That's right.

We don't want to be
covered in itchy bug bites.

Be careful not to get it
into your eyes, Caillou.


-The mosquitoes think
it smells bad too,

so hopefully they'll stay away.

Some swamps are so big, you
could explore them for days.

And they're full of
flamingos and alligators.



-Don't worry, there aren't
any alligators in this swamp.

NARRATOR: Caillou was glad there
weren't any alligators here.

But now the swamp seemed
a lot more interesting

than it did before.


-I bet this dragonfly is
looking for other bugs to eat.

-That bug is walking
on top of the water.

NARRATOR: Caillou was
finding new things everywhere

he looked.

-What are those?

-Those are tadpoles.

One day they're
grow up to be frogs.


-Let's take a closer peek.

-It's a big brother
and a little sister.



-That's the grown up Daddy frog.

-OK, daddy frog.

Here are your babies back.


-This looks like a good
spot to have our lunch.

Careful, Caillou.

-I can do it.

NARRATOR: Caillou was proud that
he made it to the other side

without any help.

These binoculars should
help you spot some animals.


I can see far.

imagined he was

an explorer in a huge swamp.



A baby alligator.

Oh, a mommy alligator too.


NARRATOR: Caillou was glad he
had the binoculars so he could

see the alligator from far
away and not get too close.



-Oh, Caillou, look at you!

-Look, Daddy.

-Hm, that looks a lot
like an alligator.

-And a baby alligator.


-Look, over there.

It's a blue heron.

He's hunting for fish.

-He's having his lunch.

-These pesky mosquitoes
are eating me alive.


-Fishes are bird food,
sandwiches are people food,

and we're mosquito food.

NARRATOR: Caillou thought
the swamp was fun,

but he was glad there weren't
any real alligators there.

-You sure got dirty today.

You'll have to wash up
as soon as we get home.


That's the sign for the lake.

Can I wash there?

Rosie, I'm an alligator!



Caillou dried off,

he found a couple of red bumps.

-I got mosquito bites.

-Try not to scratch, honey.

This will help
take the itch away.

There you go, Caillou-- the
marks of a good swamp explorer.

-Rosie too.

Rosie too.

-And Daddy too.


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