01x02 - Caillou's Playschool Adventures

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x02 - Caillou's Playschool Adventures

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're getting to
be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's

♪ Each day I grow some more

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha!

♪ That's me!

- Today Caillou was
acting very silly.

He was trying to make
his little sister laugh...

[ Laughing ]

He was doing a very good job!

- Look at this, Rosie!

[ Laughing ]
- Caillou silly!

[ Laughing ]
- You're certainly acting
the clown today, Caillou!

[ Crowd laughing ]

[ Horn
then Seal barking ]

[ Horn and Seal barking ]

[ Barking ]

- Hi, Sammy! Catch!

- [Crowd]: Oh!...

[Crowd]: Oooh!

[Crowd] Woo-hoo!

[ Buzzer and crowd cheering ]

- Caillou funny!

- I'm going to draw you
a picture, Rosie.

A picture of a clown!

- What a good idea!

- First I need a red crayon
for his red nose.

- Red nose! Hee! Hee!

- But Caillou was having
trouble finding the red crayon.

Where could it have gone?

- I can't find
the red.

- Hmm... Let me look.

- Caillou! Red!

- Thanks, Rosie.

Look, Mommy.
Look how small it is!

- Yes. You've almost
used it all up.

All of your crayons are
looking rather worn down.

I think you need
some new crayons.

Let's take a trip
to the store.

- Yeah! We can get lots and lots
and lots of colours!

- Red too?
[ Laughing ]

- Yes, Rosie.
Especially red!

Mommy, are we going to buy
anything else at the store?

- Yes, Caillou,
we need a few things.

We need toilet paper,

lightbulbs, new
socks for Rosie.

- And crayons!

- And crayons.
Do you think you can help me out

by remembering
what we need to buy?

- I can remember! Toilet
paper... um...

- Lightbulbs, socks for
Rosie, and crayons.

- Toilet paper,

socks for Rosie, crayons.

- Caillou thought
about the list very hard

so he wouldn't forget anything.

- Sometimes if you turn a list
into a song,

it will help you remember.

[ Giggling ]
A song? Hmm...

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs

♪ Socks for Rosie, cray-ons!

- That's right.

[ Giggling ]
- Caillou silly!

- ♪ Toilet pa-per,
lightbulbs, socks for
Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

[ Caillou giggling ]

- Hmm... Up you go!

Okay, Caillou, can you
remember our shopping list?

- Caillou thought very hard.

Then he remembered the little
song he made up.

- ♪ Toilet pa-per, lightbulbs,
socks for Rosie, cray-ons! ♪

- Very good,

- Toilet paper is first!

Toilet paper!


Look, Mommy. Lightbulbs!

Socks for Rosie!
[ Rosie giggling ]

- Oooh!

Pretty flowers!

- Well, I think we're
all done shopping...

[ Laughing ]
- No! We still
need to find crayons!

- Oh, that's right!
I'm glad you're here

to remind me,

- Crayons! We're all done!

- Caillou was disappointed

they had found everything
on their shopping list.

He wanted to look
for more things.

- Look, Mommy!
It's Sarah.

Hi, Sarah!
[ Sarah laughing ]

- Hi, Caillou!
- Are you buying crayons? I am.

- I'm starting school this week

and I need
to get all these things.

- Wow! That's a lot!
Can I help you

find them? I'm good
at shopping!

- Sure.

- Can I help Sarah, Mommy?

- All right.

- One red pen.

- Found one!
- One eraser!

- Hmm...

Got it!

- One ruler!

[ Yawning ]

- There's one!

- Five notebooks.

- One, two, three, four, five!

I've got them.

- Soon they had found
everything on Sarah's list.

- All done!
Thanks, Caillou!

- You found all those
things very quickly!

Well done!

Now we'd better be
getting home.

Rosie! Where did you put
your new socks?

[ Laughing
- Hiding!

- [Caillou]: There they are!

When I go to school
like Sarah,

I'm going to need
notebooks and pencils

and erasers and lots
and lots of stuff.

- That's right, Caillou.

We'll go back to the
store for all your
school supplies

when you're old
enough for school.

[ Giggling ]

[ Laughing ]

Now Rosie's being
a clown, Mommy!

[ All laughing ]

- Caillou goes apple picking

- Yay!
- Yeah!

- Woo-hoo!
- Yay!

- [ Caillou giggling ]
- I want the front seat.

- Caillou felt very grown up

as he boarded the school bus
to head off

on a big adventure.

Caillou and his friends were
going to pick apples

at an apple orchard.

- Look, a red leaf!

- I have a yellow one.

- You see how the leaves
on the maple tree have
changed colour?

Apples do the same thing.

When the apples change colour,

it means they're ready to pick.

This one's called
a Macintosh apple.

It's red and shiny
and crunchy...

This one's a Russet apple.

It has a rough skin and it's not
as pretty, but it's very sweet.

Eric's going to let you
taste both apples

so you can decide which
one you want to pick.

- They're both yummy, but
I like the red one best.

- Me too.
- I like this one more.
- I like that one.

- Okay. Is everyone ready
to go apple picking?

- [All]: Yeah!

- Now Eric is going to take
us on a hayraide

to where the apple
trees are.

- A hayride? Yeah!
- Yay!

- [All kids]: Yeah! Yay!

- Caillou was excited
about the hayride.

- Look at all the trees!

- And look at
all the apples!

- See the apple pickers?

They use ladders to reach the
apples that are high up
in the trees.

Okay everyone,
pick a partner.

You have to be very gentle

when you pick
an apple because if
you pull too hard on it,

other apples will
fall, and we don't want

any apples that have
fallen on the ground.

- Why not? This one looks okay.

- Look closer. When apples hit
the ground,

they become bruised and insects
can get inside them.

- Yew! Hmm...

The apples on the tree are
better - they don't have bugs!

- Right! Now everyone
pick a tree

and start filling
your buckets.

- This one has
lots of apples.

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou really enjoyed
picking apples. It was fun!

- We have more
apples than you.

- Ours are bigger. You want
to have a race?

- Yeah, let's see who
fills their bucket first.

- Caillou liked the big apples
higher up on the tree,

but they were hard to reach.
[ Giggling ]

When he saw the ladders,

he had an idea.

- Can I use
a ladder to get

the big apples,
Miss Martin?

- How about this one?
It's more your size.

- Your turn.

- Your turn.

- Whoa!

Now how am I going to pick you?

I know!

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]


- Our bucket's full!

- Ours is too!

- Who won?

- It's a tie.
You all win!

- [Both]: We won! We won!

- We won too!
We won too!

[ Laughing ]
- Look at that!

- [All]: Wow! Wow!

- Shh!

Keep very quiet.

- They were
eating apples.

- Apples are a favorite
treat for deer.

- They're my favorite
treat too.

- Come on, I think
it's time we went back.

- Miss Martin took them
to the big red barn

where Eric showed them
how to make apple juice!

- Thank you, Eric!

- You can make all kinds
of different foods with apples.

- I like apple pie.

- I like apple jelly. On toast!

- How about apple muffins?

- Mmm!
- Yum!

- What about you, Caillou,

which do you like best?

- I like apples
just by themselves the best.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

- What an exciting day!

Caillou couldn't wait
to get home

to share his apples
with Mommy, Daddy and Rosie.

But right now he was ready
for a little nap!

- [Caillou]: Seasons.

♪ Winter, spring, summer, fall

♪ The seasons
they go round and round. ♪

♪ Winter spring summer fall,

♪ The seasons they go round.

♪ I like summer when it's hot,

♪ It's fun to swim
and play a lot. ♪

♪ I like fall
when it's Halloween ♪

♪ Daddy wears
the silliest costumes ♪

♪ That you've ever seen.

♪ I like winter when it snows

♪ Sledding skating -
off we go. ♪

♪ I like spring
when the leaves turn green ♪

♪ I ride my bike and help mommy
keep our garden clean. ♪

♪ It doesn't matter
where you live, ♪

♪ No matter
what the weather is. ♪

♪ Each season has
things to do, ♪

♪ That makes it
special for you. ♪

♪ Winter, spring, summer, fall

♪ The seasons
they go round and round. ♪

♪ Winter spring summer fall,

♪ The seasons they go round.

- Caillou's Halloween costume.

Halloween was coming,

and Caillou didn't know
what he was going

to dress up as.

The bedsheet gave Caillou
an idea for a costume.

[ Giggling ]

He though it would be fun
to be a ghost.

- Boo!
- Ah!

- Look, Rosie,
it's just me!

- Ah...
- See, it's a costume,
for Halloween.

It's not supposed to be scary,
it's supposed to be fun.

On Halloween, you dress up
and go out

and people give you candy.

- Rosie dress up!

- I don't think the ghost
costume is quite right
for you, Rosie.

Why don't we find you
a different costume?

How about this?
- Yeah!!!

- You look like a princess!

- Rosie prin-cess!

- Daddy, can you help me find
a Halloween costume?

- Sure, let's see
what we've got in here.

Why don't you try this on
for size?

- Uh-huh!

- Hmm...
- Ha! Ha! It's way too big!

- Don't worry.

Ooh! You look very
grown up.

- I'm a Daddy!

- I have just the thing
to top off your outfit!

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou liked dressing up
like daddy.

[ Laughing ]
- Caillou!

- And Rosie can be
a clown with this.

- Rosie clown! Rosie princess!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou wasn't so sure
he wanted to be

a daddy for Halloween.
- Ooh...

- It was awfully hard to walk.

- I think I need
a different costume.

- We've still got a few days
to think of something.

Right now it's time for bed.

- The days went by

and still Caillou couldn't
decide on a costume.

Finally Halloween came...

Caillou helped
Mommy by drawing a face
for the jack o' lantern...

...and putting candy into
little bags for his friends.

- Hmm...

- What's wrong, sweetie?

- I still don't know
what to be for Halloween.

- Daddy and Rosie
are in the basement.
Why don't you join them?

Maybe you'll find
something down there.

- There must be
something in here

you can use
for a costume!

- Caillou was finding
all sorts of funny things.

Then he felt
something soft and furry.

- Kitty!

- Good idea, Rosie!

- Rosie princess! Rosie clown!
Rosie cat!

- You can't be
everything, Rosie!

- Rosie princess, clown and cat!

- Now Caillou was really
starting to worry

about finding
a costume to wear.

[ Sighing ]

- Come on, there's still time.
We'll think of something.

You know what?

I think we've got
all the makings

of a great monster costume
right here.

- A monster!

- Caillou liked
the sound of that.

[ Roaring ]

[ Roaring ]

- Candy trees!

I want to be a monster!

Monsters can eat as much candy
as they want!

- [Dad]: Even monsters
can get a tummy ache from
eating too much candy.

You'd better save those
candies for tonight.

- A monster!
What a good idea!

After lunch I'll make
you a costume

from that
furry blue fabric.

- Thanks, Mommy!
[ Roaring ]

[ Roaring ]

- Here we go,

one mini monster
outfit made by Mommy!

- Wow!

- Caillou couldn't wait to show
his friends his furry suit.

[ Doorbell ]
- Shh!

[ Whispering ]

- Look, Rosie!

A cowboy and
a bumblebee!

- Trick or treat! Yeehaw!

- What're you, Rosie?

- Princess kitty clown!
[ Giggling ]

- Where's Caillou?
I want see his costume!

- Ready, Monster Caillou?

- Ready!

[ Roaring ]

- [Both]: Ah!...
- It's just me.

- Nice monster
costume, Caillou!

- Thank you! Want
some monster candy?

- Yes, please!
- Thank you!

I'm going to get lots of candy!

- Yeehaw! Me too! Mmm-mmm!

- Me too, but I'm going
to save some for tomorrow.

I don't want to get
a monster tummy ache!

[ Roaring ]

I'm done!

- You are? Let's see...

- It's me on the swings
with Clementine.

I can swing higher.

- It's beautiful, Caillou!

Let's put this up on the fridge
for everyone to look at.

Put a magnet on your
picture to make it stick.

- Okay.

Thanks, Mommy.

- Here's a magnet.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

It jumped!

- Hmm, hmm. Here's another one.

- Wow! It's magic!

- Did you know that magnets
stick to lots of things?

- Really?

- Caillou wanted to see what
else magnets could stick to.

- Hey, Rosie.
These are magnets.

- Ooh!

- They stick to things!

See? They stick!

- Ooh!

- Look! It's Magnet Man!

Hee! Ha! Ha!

[ Rosie laughing ]


The magnet likes my car!

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

[ Meowing ]

Gilbert! Do you want
a magnet on you?

[ Meowing ]

- Rosie magnet!

- You can have the 'R'
because 'R' is for Rosie!

- Oh!...

[ Laughing ]

Rosie stick.

[ Meowing ]

- Come out, Gilbert!
[ Meowing ]

Don't you want to play
magnets with me?

[ Meowing ]


What are you doing, Daddy?

- I'm building a birdhouse.

- Hmm...


[ Chuckling ]
- And what are you doing?

- Sticking magnets on things.
But they don't always stick.

Hee! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Do you know why it sticks

to the step-stool
but not the workbench?

- Why?
- Because my workbench
is made of wood,

and these steps are metal.

Magnets only stick to metal.

So the only way
to know if it'll stick,

is to try it and find out!

- Caillou was learning
all about magnets...

But he was going to need a lot
more magnets to play with!

- Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha!

- He stuck magnets
on the stove,

on the toaster,
and on the big spoon...

- Huh! I think we have a
magnet fiend on the loose...

- Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha!
- Caillou had

lots of fun putting
magnets everywhere.

- They can stick upside-down!
I wish I could do that...

- Wow! How come you
can do that, Caillou?

- 'Cause I'm Magnet Man!

[ Laughing ]

- [Girl]: Uh-oh...
[ Both gasping ]

- I can get it down!
I'm Magnet Man!

- [Mom]: Caillou...

Caillou! There you are!
I've been finding

magnets stuck
all over the house!

- That's what magnets do.
They stick to things!

- Not by themselves, they don't.

It's time to put them
back on the fridge.

Do you think we can
find all the letters?

- So, Caillou had to find

all the magnets he had stuck
around the house,

and un-stick them.

- Here's 'A' and 'B'!

- He found... most of them.

- I think we're still
missing some.

- Rosie has 'R'!

'R' for Rosie!

[ Giggling ]

- I'm finding all
the magnets now.

- Would you like to help me
finish my birdhouse, Caillou?

- Yeah!

- We need to put on this little
metal loop, to hang it up.

Whoops! Uh oh...

- Hmm... I see it!

- Me too. But I don't think
I can reach it to pick it up.

- My magnet could pick it up!
If it could reach.

- That's true!
Maybe it would reach

if we tied a string to it?

[ Chuckling ]
I didn't know you could go
fishing with magnets.

- I got it!
- Bravo! It looks

like we have a magnet expert
in the family.

- Caillou was glad he learned
all about magnets.

And he was very proud that
he could help his Daddy!

- Good night, Caillou.

- Good night.

- A-ha! Here's another one!

- Rosie wants
to say good night.

- Nighty night, Caillou.

- Good night, Rosie!

[ Laughing ]
- Hey!

- I'm Magnet Man!

[ Laughing ]
- Unhand me, Magnet Man!

[ All laughing ]

Oh, Caillou!

- Caillou! Caillou!

Caillou! Wake up!


- Hmm...

[ Laughing ]

[ Rexy squeaking. ]

- The museum! We're going to
the dinosaur museum today!

- Yay!

- Caillou had forgotten about
their trip to the museum today.

Caillou suddenly realized
that he couldn't go

to a dinosaur museum without
his favorite dinosaur Rexy.

- [Mom]: Caillou! Hurry up -
we're all ready to go!

- Coming, Mommy!

Do you think we'll see
Rexy's family there?

- [Mom]: Yes, I think we will.

- [Caillou]: Yay!
- [Rosie]: Yay!

- How come there aren't
any more dinosaurs?

- No one really knows
for sure, Caillou.

[ Giggling ]
- Dine-sore gone!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Hey!
Give him back!

[ Rosie and Caillou laughing. ]

- Finally they arrived
at the museum.

Caillou couldn't wait
to see the dinosaurs.

- C'mon, Mommy,
let's go in!

- Caillou...

- Oops, sorry.

- Caillou, we have
to wait for our turn -

just like everyone else.

- Okay.

[ Gasping ]
- Aren't you forgetting

- Rexy!

- Are you sure you don't
want to leave Rexy in the car?

That way you
won't lose him.

- No, I'll take good care
of him.

[ Whimpering ]
- Dine-sores big.

- Don't worry, honey,
they can't hurt you.

- What happened to their skin?

How come they're
only bones?

- The bones are
all that's left of
the dinosaurs, Caillou.

When the scientists
first found these bones,

they had to put them back
together - just like a puzzle -

and only then did they
know what dinosaurs
looked like.

- Really?
- Hmm, hmm.


Those are the bones of a
Tyrannosaurus Rex - a T-Rex.

That's the same kind
of dinosaur as Rexy.

- Oh! Whoa!
He's huge!

- Ooh! Dine-sore,
like Rexy.

- That's right,
Rosie, he is!

I never knew there were

so many different kinds
of dinosaurs!

Wow! Look at that -
a flying dinosaur!

- [Dad]: Yep. It's
a pterodactyl.

- Caillou imagined what a real
pterodactyl would be like.

- Whee!

[ Pterodactyl cry ]


[ Laughing ]

[ Pterodactyl cry ]

Hi! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Pterodactyl cry ]

- Caillou couldn't see Mommy,
Daddy or Rosie anywhere.

He decided to stay right
where he was,

because that's what Mommy said

he should do
if he ever got lost.

- Hi there.
Is everything okay?

- Caillou wasn't supposed
to talk to strangers,

but he knew it was okay

to talk to the people
who worked at the museum.

- I can't find
my Mommy and Daddy.

- Oh...

- So I'm going to sit right
here until they come back.

- That's a very good idea!

I'll just wait here
with you, okay?

- Caillou?

- Mommy!
Here I am!

- I'm glad you stayed
where you were -

it made it easy
for me to find you.
[ Rexy squeaking. ]

I hope
you weren't scared.

- Nope! I was talking
to the nice guard.

- Mommy
find Caillou!

- Just like the scientists found
the dinosaurs!

- Hee! Ha! Ha! Yeah!

I'm just like a dinosaur!
[ Roaring ]

- Ooh, elephant!

- [Dad]: That's
a woolly mammoth.

- [Caillou]: Ha!
He needs a haircut!

Is he really an elephant?

- [Daddy]: He's the great,
great, great-grandfather
of all the elephants.

- Wow!

- So did
you have fun?

- Yeah!

- And now you know
what Rexy's family
looked like...

[ Gasping ]
- Rexy! Mommy,

I don't have Rexy!
I left him somewhere!

- Okay, don't worry.
We'll find him.

The first place we'll look
is the "lost and found".

That's where people take
the things that they find.

So if somebody found Rexy,
they might bring him here.

- At the lost and found,

Caillou explained to the lady
he was looking for Rexy,

but she didn't have him.

[ Caillou sighing ]

Daddy and Caillou looked
everywhere for Rexy.

- We can always check back again
at the lost and found.

- Daddy, look!
The guard dug

Rexy up with
the dinosaur bones!

- Well, hello again!

Did you lose someone
this time?

- Yes! Thank you!

I'm so glad
we found you!

Look, Mommy,
we found him!

- That's great!
Was he hard to find?

- Nope! Because he stayed
right where he was -

just like he should!

- Then Rexy is
a very smart dinosaur.

- He sure is.
[ Rexy squeaking. ]

Let's go to the museum.

- What do you want to do

- I want to visit
another museum.

- Okay. Let's go!

- ♪ We're going to a museum

♪ I really want to go

♪ We're going to a museum

♪ There's lots I want to know.

- ♪ Paintings and works of art

♪ There's lots to see,
where should we start? ♪

♪ Fossils and shiny rocks,

♪ Famous books
- ...and a weird clock ♪

How do they tell
time, daddy?

♪ That looks old, that looks
new, that looks like an igloo. ♪

- ♪ See that knight,
what a site! ♪

- ♪ His armor doesn't look
too light. ♪

Daddy, how did
he go to the bathroom?

- I don't know,

- ♪ That mummy is a little scary
Caveman sure were hairy. ♪

- ♪ Things that fly
Things that soar ♪

- ♪ A moon rock and a meteor
from outer space! ♪

- ♪ There's lots
to learn and see ♪

♪ Museums are fun,
don't you agree? ♪

- I sure do, Daddy.

♪ So visit a museum,
you really won't believe ♪

♪ All the things
you'll see there ♪

♪ You'll never want to leave.

- [Both]: ♪ You'll never
want to leave. Yeah! ♪

- Caillou the astronaut.

Caillou liked to play and
pretend he was someone else.

Like a big furry bear!

[ Growling ]

- [Clementine]: Papa Bear,
is that you?

[ Growling ]

- It's me, Mama Bear!

[ Laughing ]

- [Pretend bear voice]:
Hello, Mama Bear.

Let's go find
some berries to eat.

[ Growling ]

- Here are some
yummy berries.

Some berries aren't good
to eat, but these ones are!

[ Chewing sound ]

- I can eat a
hundred berries!

[ Chewing sound ]

- I can eat
a million berries!

[ Giggles, loud eating noises ]

- [Xavier]: Caillou!
Look what I've got!

The lights really work, and see?
There are two astronauts inside.

- Why aren't there any girl
astronauts in there?

- Maybe the girls are
in a different spaceship.

- Let's pretend we're
astronauts, Caillou!

[ Engine sounds ]

- We're playing bears!
Right, Caillou?

- Caillou really wanted
to play astronauts,

but he was playing
with Clementine first.

- Do you want
to play bears with us?

- You can be Baby Bear.

- No, I wanna play spaceships.

- I'll play with
Clementine now

and I'll play spaceships
with you later, okay?

- Okay!
[ Engine sounds ]

- I'm going
into the cave now!

- [Pretend bear voice]:
Mama Bear! Are you in there?

[ Clementine growling
then both laughing ]

- After playing bears, Caillou
was ready for snacktime -

he was hungry!

- Caillou, come sit beside me!

- No, sit next to me!

- Caillou didn't know
who to sit beside.

- I know... Caillou
can sit beside both of us!

- Soon it was storytime,
and once again

Caillou sat with his friends
Clementine and Xavier.

- Now what book should
I read today?

- Do you have any books
about outer space?

- Hmm...

Yes, here's one.

This big yellow ball is the sun.

And these are planets.

This planet here is the earth.

- That's us!

- That's right, Xavier.

The earth is the planet
we live on.

And astronauts in spaceships

travel to the moon,
and to all the other planets.

- Caillou wished he could
travel in a spaceship

to see all the planets.

- Here comes Astronaut Caillou!



[ Shrieking brakes ]



Whoah! sh**ting stars!

- [Clementine]: Hi,
Caillou! Come sit with us!

- All right, time to go outside
and play.

- Now we can
play bears again!

- I can't, Clementine.

I said I'd play
spaceships with Xavier.

- You can play too. We need
another astronaut.

- But I wanna play bears.

- I don't wanna play bears.

- Well, I don't wanna
play spaceships!

- What's the problem here?
- Clementine and Xavier

want to play
different things.

- Why don't you try to think

of a game everyone
would like to play?

- Caillou tried
to think of a game

that had spaceships
and bears in it.

- Miss Martin? Are there
any bears on other planets?

- I don't know, Caillou.

That's a very good question.

Maybe there are bears on a
planet far, far away somewhere.

- We can be astronauts
as we fly in our spaceship

to the very
far away Bear Planet!

- Bear planet?
- Yeah.

You can be a bear on
the Bear planet and
we'll come to visit you!

- Okay! The Bear planet
is over here, okay?

- [Xavier]: Okay! Come on,
Caillou, let's get
in our spaceship!

[ Laughing ]

[Xavier]: Whoosh
and engine sounds ]

Vroom! Zoom! Zoom!

Let's explore this new
planet, Astronaut Caillou!

- Right! Hmm...

I don't think
anyone lives here!

[ Giggling ]

[ Growling
then laughing ]

- What was that?

[ Growling ]

- [Both]: Aaah!

- Don't be scared!
I'm Mama Bear.

Would you like some berries?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

[ Loud eating sounds
and giggling ]

- Caillou was glad
he could play

with his friends Clementine
and Xavier at the same time!

A sweet and sour day.

- Caillou was on his way to
Grandma and Grandpa's house,

and he was very eager
to get there.

[ Making engine sound. ]

- Hello Caillou!

- Huh?

Hi Grandma!

- Hi, we're here.

- Look at my new truck!

- Isn't that nice?!

- I'll be back in a little while
to pick you up. Have fun!

- [All]: Bye bye!

- I'm doing some work
in the garden.

Would you like
to help me?

I think these flowers
could use a drink.

- I can water them.

- Thank you.

- Ooh-ooh.

[ Straining ]

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou liked helping Grandma.

It made him feel
like a big boy.

[ Making engine sound. ]

[ Making break sound. ]

[ Making engine sound. ]

Caillou pretended he was
driving a big water truck!

[ Beep! Beep! ]

- Looks like you need a drink.

[ Beep! Beep! ]

Here's some water for Mr Tree.

[ Beep! Beep! ]

One shower, coming up!

- Thank you!
[ Cheering ]

[ Bird chirping ]

- Grandma, look!

- He's come to use the birdbath.

- Why didn't
he want to take a bath?

- I think I know why.

There's no water!

- Can I put
some water in?

There's no water left.

- You can fill it up at
the faucet over there.

[ Straining ]

- Uh-oh!

- Caillou was afraid he had
broken the faucet

and he didn't know what to do.

- Grandma! Help!

- Oh dear! I haven't gotten
around to fixing that.

It falls off all the time.

There you go.

[ Straining ]

- Caillou was determined to
carry the water all by himself.

[ Chirping ]

- Oh no!

[ Laughing ]

Here birdie birdie!

- Good work, Caillou.

Now how about

we head inside for a snack
and dry those feet off?

- I can't find
the juice, Grandma.

- Oh dear,
looks like we're out.

Why don't we make our
own juice?

- Caillou was very curious.

He had never made juice before.

- Grapefruit and lemons.


- Ahhh! They're cold!

Can we use oranges too?

- Absolutely.

First, I'll cut
the fruit in half.

- One, two lemons.

One, two oranges.

And one, two grapefruits.

- Thank you, my assistant.

[ Giggling ]

- It's easy to remember
what colour oranges are

because oranges are orange.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
That's right.

- Mmmm yummy!

I like orange juice!


- Grapefruit juice isn't as
sweet as orange juice, is it?

- Nope.
Now you're making lemonade.

I love lemonade!

Eew! It doesn't taste very good.

- It's really sour, isn't it?

It's not ready to drink until
we put in the secret ingredient.

Then it'll be delicious.

Here, why don't you
try making some juice?

- Caillou and Grandma worked

very hard, and squeezed juice
out of all the fruit.

- I'm finished, Grandma.

- Good job Caillou!

Now it's time
for the final secret ingredient.

- What is it?

- Here,
close your eyes.

Can you guess what it is?

- Caillou was worried that it
would taste sour,

like the lemon juice did.

- Mmm. It's sugar!

- That's right.
We can make the sour juice sweet

by adding just a little sugar.
Do you want to put it in?

Now give it a stir.
[ Doorbell ]

- Hello, I'm back!

- Surprise!

I made juice
with Grandma!

Want some?

- Oh! Yes please!

- Caillou was a big help
in the garden.

He watered all my flowers
and filled the bird bath.

- You've certainly been busy.

Mmm, this tastes great!

- It's made
with orange juice,

grapefruit juice,
lemon juice,

and a secret
ingredient: sugar!

Close your eyes,
I have another surprise.

OK, you can look, now.

[ Making monkey noise. ]
[ Laughing ]

[ Chirping ]

- Caillous puppet show.

One morning at playschool

Caillou and his friends were
having fun doing crafts.

Caillou was making
a finger puppet,

but he wasnt the only one
with that idea.

- Hi Caillou!
[ Giggling ]

[ Giggling ]

- Hi Jason!
[ Laughing ]

I like your puppet.

- The spots were by accident.

Jeffrey kept bumping me
when I was drawing the face.

- It has spots like a cow.

- Yeah! It's a cow puppet.


- You can be the cow
and I'll be the farmer.

Come on Mr Cow, it's bedtime.

Time to go in the barn.

- Can I play too?

- We're playing farm.
You can be a cow too.

- No, I'm gonna be a chicken.

Buk buk buk buk!

- Would you like
some food, Mr Chicken?

- Buk buk buk buk!

- What wonderful puppets!

You should put on a puppet show
for everybody tomorrow.

- [Boys]: Yeah!

- And you can use
the puppet theatre.

- Wow!

- Let's do it right now!

[ Giggling ]

- Mmm.

It's time
to go home right now.

You can do it tomorrow.

- Im gonna show Rosie my puppet!

- Wait Caillou.
Rosie isn't feeling very well.

- Hi Rosie!

[ Moaning ]

Are you feeling sick,

- Rosie sick!

[ Coughing ]

- Rosie's sick with the flu.

- The foo?

- No, the flu.

It's short for in-flu-enza.

Shes got to stay in bed for a
few days, but she'll be
better soon.

[ Moaning ]

- Here you go, sweetie.

Poor Rosie's got a fever.

- Sometimes when you're sick
you feel hot.

That's called a fever.

[ Coughing ]

- You'll have to stay out
of Rosies room until
she's well again,

or you might catch the flu too.
All right?

- OK Mommy.

- Caillou felt sorry for Rosie.

He didn't want to get sick too

so he stayed out of her room
for the rest of the day.

[ Meow ]

The next morning, Caillou
woke up feeling kind of funny.

He felt achy.

[ Meow ]

[ Coughing ]

Caillou felt hot
and was coughing,

and he knew what that meant.

He had the flu...

[ Coughing ]

...just like Rosie!

Caillou knew Mommy would make
him stay home from playschool,

if she found out he was sick.

And today was puppet show day.

He didnt want to miss
the puppet show!

Caillou had to make sure Mommy
didnt know he had the flu.

- Good morning Caillou.
How are you today?

- Good. I feel good!

- Mmm.

[ Coughing ]


Feels like a fever to me.

You'd better go back
to bed, sweetie.

Youve got the flu.

- But I have to go
to playschool.

We're having a puppet show.

- If you go to playschool
with the flu,

you'll make all
your friends sick too,

and you dont want that, do you?

- No.

- Now go up to your room and
I'll bring you some juice.

- Caillou stayed in bed
all morning.

He wondered what his friends
were doing at playschool,

They were probably having more
fun than he was!

- Caillou sick?

- Yup. Wanna see
a puppet show, Rosie?

- Yeah!

[ Giggling ]

[ Coughing ]

- This is Farmer Caillou

and he lives on a farm
with lots of animals.

[ Cock-a-doodle-do ]

- Thank you!

[ Baaaa! ]

[ Mooo! ]


Oh, hello!

[ Mooo! ]

[ Buk buk buk! ]

Thank you!


Good morning!

[ Whinnying ]

[ Meow! ]
- Ha! Ha! Hey, Gilbert!

[ Giggling ]

- I think you should take a look
out your window, Caillou.

- [Miss Martin]: Ha! Ha! Ha!
- [Children]: Yeah!

- Wow!

- Your friends all want you
to get well soon.

- Hi!

- And Jason and Jeffrey

still want to put on
that puppet show.

- Caillou was confused.

How could they have their
puppet show when he was sick?

- [Jason and Jeffrey]:
Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Buk buk buk!

- Mooo!
- Buk buk buk!

[ Giggling ]

- So Caillou and the twins had
their puppet show

just as they had planned,
even though Caillou was sick.

- Happy day!

♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- I feel OK ♪

♪ And it's a happy day

- ♪ But there times
we don't feel our best ♪

♪ When we all just need
a little rest ♪

♪ And with some help
before you know ♪

♪ We'll be back on our feet
and ready to go ♪

♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- I feel OK,

♪ And it's a happy day

- ♪ And if you have
to stay inside ♪

♪ There's so much
to do you decide ♪

♪ You can put on a puppet show

♪ Use your imagination,
let's go ♪

♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- It's a happy day ♪

- ♪ It's a happy day
- I feel OK,

♪ And it's a happy day

- Caillou's collection.

Caillou and his family were
on a picnic in the park.

Caillou was having great fun
playing in a stream

when he spotted something
very special...

- Wow! Treasure!

More treasure!

- Come on Caillou,
time to go home.

- Caillou didn't want to leave
his newfound treasure behind.

- [Mom]: Let's go Caillou!

- My pockets aren't big enough!

- Caillou thought
of a perfect way

to get all
his stones back home.

- Ooof! This basket seems
a lot heavier than when we left.

- Oh! That's because
I put all my stones in there.

- Ha! Ha!
Well, that explains it.

- That one's
the shiniest!

I think it's pirates'

- Shiny rock!

- I think it's bath time
for you, sweetie.

We'll make you clean
and shiny too.

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou,
you're up next, OK?

- OK.

- That's quite a collection
you've got there.

- A collection?

- Uh-huh. A collection is
when you gather a whole bunch

of interesting similar things
and organize them.

Like my stamp collection.

[ Meow ]

I don't think the kitchen table
is the right place for your
collection, Caillou.

You'd better find somewhere else
to put your rocks.

- So Caillou gathered up
his rocks

and went to find the perfect
place for his collection.

- Goodnight, sweetie.

What's this?

You've got rocks
under your pillow!

- Daddy told me to find a good
place for my rock collection.

- Ha! Ha! I don't think
your bed is such a good
place for your rocks.

Can you think
of somewhere else to put them?

- Hmm-hmm. That's perfect!

- All done.
- Good.

Now you can help me change
the sheets on your bed.

[ Giggling ]

- The white ones go here,

and the black ones go here...

- Hello all!

- The next day, they had
a surprise visitor.

- Hi Grandpa!

Look, I have
a rock collection.

- Well look at that!

Very impressive!

I've got lots of
rocks too, in my yard,

only they're really big!

- Really?
- You bet.

I'm making a path with them,

but I have to go
and get some more.

I could use a rock expert
like you.

Would you like
to come along?

- Hmm-hmm.

- Yeah!

- Grandpa took
Caillou to a quarry.

A place where big
people go to find big rocks.

- Wow! Red rocks!

White rocks!

Oh! Invisible rocks!


This rock is bigger than I am!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
It sure is.

And look over there.

- Oh!!!

These must be the biggest
rocks in the world!

- Would you like
to see how they break

big rocks into small ones?

- Yeah!

- Caillou was very excited

to watch
the man breaking up rocks.

He imagined what it would be
like to do that himself.

[ Giggling ]
- Yahoo!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

- Would you like to pick one
up for your collection?

- Yes please!

This is my most favorite
rock ever!

- Because it's brand new?

- Nope. Because
it's smiling. Look!

- My goodness,
so it is!

You have a talent for spotting
special rocks, Caillou.

- Caillou had such a fun time
today with Grandpa

that he wanted to thank him.

- You can have it, Grandpa.

It's a present.

- Oh, thank you.

I'm going to add this
to my rock garden.

[ Giggling ]
- Grandpa,

rocks don't grow in gardens.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! No?

Come on,
I'll show you.

This is a rock garden.

Rocks don't grow in it,

but it does
look nice, don't you think?


- Then Caillou had a great idea

about what he should do
with his rock collection.

- Look!
Grandpa and I made a path!

- Oh! Very nice!

Such lovely stones.

- But that's not all,
come on!

See? We made a rock garden.

- Wow, it's great!

One of the nicest
I've ever seen.

- Thanks Rosie.

Now my rock garden
will grow big and strong.

It was a beautiful day

and Caillou, Mommy and Rosie
were going to the park.

Caillou was trying to decide
which toy to take.

- I'm gonna take my airplane.

Let's go!

- Ha! Ha!
Wait for us!

[ Caillou's imitating
a plane sound ]

- Look at me, Mommy!
My plane can fly really fast!

I'm the fastest jet pilot in
the whole wide world!

- [Radio]: Caillou!

You're flying faster
than anyone ever has before!

- Yahoooooo!

- Slow down, Caillou!

You don't have
your running shoes on!

- Wo! Oof!

[ Crying ]

- Oh, Caillou!
Are you all right?

- Caillou had scraped
his knees,

and they really really hurt!

- Caillou fall down!

- Ow! It hurts,
Mommy! Ow! Ow!

[ Rosie's blowing softly. ]
- Booboo!

- Oh, poor Caillou.
You'll be okay.

Let's get you home
so I can fix you up.

[ Quiet sniffles ]

You are my first
patient today.

I see you've had quite
a tumble, so first
I'll have

to examine the
wound and check
for broken bones.

- Caillou thought it was funny
that Mommy was pretending

to be a doctor.
- Good!

First we need to clean
you up a bit.

We'll have you back up in
your plane in no time.

- Ouch!
- Ooh! It'll just take a second.

- Caillou tried to be brave,

just like a real jet
pilot would be.

- I know what
my patient needs now.

Nurse Rosie,
could you please

get me a cotton swab
from that tin?

- Nurse Rosie!

- This will keep the wound
clean so it will
heal quickly.

Now we need something else.

Do you know what that
is, Nurse Rosie?

- Bandage!

- Ah-ha! Exactly!

Now how about

a tall glass of special
"get better" juice?

- Ouchy!

- That's going
to be a little
sore for a while.

How about I give
you a plane ride?

- Rosie too!

- Rosie, you can
be my co-pilot.

You go ahead and
show me the way.

[ Giggling ]

There you go, I gave you a
window seat in your very
own airplane.

- Caillou's knees still
hurt a little,

but he really liked
his new bandages.

- Caillou!
Booboo airplane!

- Well, you must be a very
special passenger on
this flight.

Only special
passengers get
a cookie.

- Thank you.

- Caillou thought his knees
felt a little better.

He wanted to see if they would
hurt when he walked.

- [Clementine]: Try to
catch me! Billy!
[ Laughing ]

- Leo! There's Clementine

and Billy! And I saw Leo too!
I think they're going
to the park.

- Are my patient's knees
working all right?

Why don't you try a couple
of steps around the living room.

Oops, I mean the airplane?

- Caillou thought his knees
felt much better now!

- Rosie make better!

[ Laughing ]

[ Plane sound ]

- I'm pilot Caillou and we're
taking off on a flight
to the park!

- Well your landing gear
seems to be in fine
working order.

Let me check
with my co-pilot.

Rosie, can we land at the park?

- Park!

- The park it is, and I've got
just the thing

that a pilot and co-pilot need

for a successful flight
to the park.

[ Plane sounds ]

- Look, Mommy,
I'm a good pilot!

- Ha! Ha! Yes, that's
why you've got your wings badge.

And what do all good pilots wear
when they want to run?

- Running shoes!

- Right!

- Clementine! Leo!

- Caillou! What happened
to your plane?

- I had a
crash landing!

- [Clementine and Leo]: Ooooohh!

- And when I got all better,
Mommy gave me my pilot's wings.

- Cool.

- You sure are
brave, Caillou.

Does it still hurt?

- It did at first, but
not any more.

[ Rosie's giggling. ]

- Rosie co-pilot.

[ Laughing ]

- I can fly the fastest!

Try to catch me!

Wo-wo! Ooof!

- Are you all right, Leo?

- Yup.

- I'm gonna be
the doctor.

First I have to
examine the wound.

That's your booboo.

Ha! Ha! Next we have
to clean the wound.

All clean, now let's
see if everything works.

[ Laughing ]

You're all better!

- Thanks
Doctor Caillou!

- Is everyone ready
for take off?

- [All ]: Yeah!
- Start your engines!

[ Plane sounds ]

- Caillou the police officer.

One day Caillou and Mommy were
on their way to playschool,

and Caillou was helping
Mommy drive.

- That means turn, Mommy.

- Thank you, Caillou.

- Red light, Mommy.

That means stop.

- Right you are,

- Green means go!

The lights aren't on!

- They must be broken.
- Oh!

- And those workers
are going to fix them.

- What's the policeman doing?

- He's showing the cars
when to stop and when to go,

since the lights can't
do it.

[ Whistle! ]
- Now they have to stop.

And we can go!

[ Horn! ]

- Don't you want to play
with the others, Caillou?

- Uh-uh. I'm watching
the policeman directing traffic.

- Oh, I see!
[ Whistle! ]

- I thought policemen just
caught bad guys.

- Oh no, they help people
in lots of other ways.

- Really?
- Oh yes.

They make sure
that people drive

their cars safely
so no one gets hurt.

They can help drivers who are
lost find where they're going.

And if any children are lost
they can help them find
their way home again.

- Wow!
- Caillou decided he'd like

to help people like police
officers do.

[ Whistle! ]

[ Crying ]

- This looks like a job
for Police Officer Caillou!

[ Crying ]

Don't cry.

Did you lose
your Mommy and Daddy?

Well don't worry,
we'll find them.

Over here!

All in a day's work!

- [Radio]: Officer Caillou!

We need you at Main Street
and Tenth!
- I'm on my way!

[ Siren ]

[ All honking ]

[ Whistle! ]

- Caillou wanted to help people,

but he especially wanted
to direct traffic.

[ Whistle! ]

And he knew just
what he needed for that!

[ Trumpet ]

[ Horn ]

- Perfect!

[ Whistle! ]

- Hey!
- Oof!

- I'm Officer Caillou and
you have to stop.

- We were playing!

- Try to catch me!

[ Whistle! ]
- Caillou!

- Hmm!

They were supposed
to stop!

- They were playing a game
before you came along.

You know, you can
only help people

when they want some help.

And that whistle
is very loud.

You must be more careful
and not blow it

in anybody's ear
or it could hurt them.

- Okay.

Why are you chasing Leo?

- He's a bad guy.

He just robbed the bank!

- A bad guy! Well,
I'm a policeman!

[ Laughing ]

- Oh no!

- Now he's gonna put you
in jail!

- Yeah.
Come on, bank robber!

- How long do I have
to stay in here?

- A hundred years!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Bell ]
- Children!

- Okay, you can come out

if you promise
you won't do it again.

- I promise!

- That afternoon, Caillou helped
clean up after snacktime.

- Since it's such
a nice day,

why don't
we have storytime outside?

- Yay!
- Alright!

- The workers had finished
fixing the traffic lights.

Caillou wondered
where the policeman was.

The Police Officer
looked very hot.

Caillou thought
he might be thirsty.

- Caillou?

- Miss Martin, can I give some
juice to the policeman?

- That's a very good
idea, Caillou!

Go ahead.

- Hello. Would
you like some juice?

- Hello there!
Yes please.

It sure is hot out here!

Thank you!

- Why did you give
that car a ticket?

- Because it's not supposed
to be here.

It's blocking the fire hydrant,

and if there was a fire, the
firefighters wouldn't be able

to hook up their hoses.

- That's another way
you help people! Hmm!

Where's your police car?

- I don't have one.

I have this!

- A bike?

You ride a bike just like I do!

- That's right. Thanks
for the drink, uh...

- My name is Caillou.

- Well thank you
very much, Caillou.

It was very nice
to meet you.

Now I think you'd better join
your friends.

Looks like you're missing out
on a story.

- Oops. I gotta go. Bye!

- Caillou was glad he'd made
a new friend.

And he couldn't wait to go home
and tell Mommy and Daddy

that he had helped
a police officer!

- A helping hand.

- Caillou, there are people
who help us everyday

like doctors, police officers,
firefighters and teachers.

But you know what?
We can also help each other.

♪ If someone has a problem

♪ And things aren't so grand

♪ Just reach out
do the best you can ♪

♪ Give them a helping hand

♪ Just give them a hand
Give them a hand ♪

♪ Give them a helping hand

♪ Give them a hand
Give them a hand ♪

♪ Give them a helping hand

♪ It's neighbours
helping neighbours ♪

- ♪ A friend helping a friend

- ♪ You help me
- ♪ And I'll help you

- [Both]: ♪ Then we both win
in the end ♪

♪ Just give them a hand
Give them a hand ♪

♪ Give them a helping hand

♪ Give them a hand
Give them a hand ♪

♪ Give them a helping hand

- Caillou, I've got to move
this box. Can you help me?

- Sure Grandpa!
I'll give you a hand.

[ Giggling ]

Grandpa's friend.

- Caillou was waiting
for his grandpa to arrive.

They were going
to the park today.

[ Doorbell ]
- Grandpa!

- Caillou and Grandpa decided
to ride the bus to the park.

- Don't you have
to pay, Grandpa?

- Nope! I have
a bus pass

to ride free,
just like you!

- Caillou loved riding the bus.

It was so big,

and there were new people
getting on or off
at every stop.

Caillou had never seen
this park before.

He couldn't see
any swings or slides.

He wondered what they could
play in a park like this.

- Hey, kid!

- My name's Caillou.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! This is
my friend George.

He calls me "kid"

because he's older
than I am.

- I met your grandpa many,
many years ago,

in this very park.

He was only about
this tall back then.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Even Rosie is
bigger than that!

- Come on.
I just finished setting up.

- I hope
you like riddles, Caillou.

- What are these for?

- We're going
to play croquet.

You and I
could be a team.

- Caillou didn't know
how to play croquet,

and he was
too embarrassed to ask.

He felt a little shy around
Grandpa's friend George.

- Hey, Caillou,
do you like riddles?

- Ha! Ho! Ho! Here we go.

- What animal can jump
higher than a house?

Any animal! Houses can't jump!

[ Laughing ]

[ Giggling ]

- I know a riddle. What kind
of fish chases a mouse?

A catfish!
[ Giggling ]

[ Chuckling ]

- That's a good one! Would
you like an apple, Caillou?

- This is Rexy.

He's a dinosaur.
[ Squeaking ]

- Caillou didn't feel
so shy after all.

He thought Grandpa's friend
was a lot like his friends,

only older.

After lunch, they began
their game of croquet.

Grandpa showed Caillou
what to do.

- Just aim the mallet

and tap the ball.

- Caillou wondered how far
he could hit the ball

if he swung really,
really hard.

[ Bird cry ]

[ Thunk ]

[ Cheering ]

- Just tap it.

We don't want to send it
all the way to Timbuktu!

- I missed!

- Oh, that's okay,
you can do it over.

Special beginner's
rule. Ha! Ha! Ha!

That's pretty good, Caillou.

You're a natural.

- I think there's something
wrong with your ball.

- I think so too.

Hey, this isn't my ball!

[ Giggling ]
- It's an apple!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ah, You're just
like your Grandpa!

He was always playing tricks
on me when he was little.

- Caillou loved the idea

that he and Grandpa were alike.

But he still couldn't imagine
Grandpa as a little boy.

- Still, I did tap your ball.

My play.

[ Quack-quack ]

[ Laughing heartily ]

There it goes, kid,

right into the pond again!

[ Laughing ]

- We lost our ball!

- That's okay,
we can get it back.

Come on.

[ Quack-quack ]

- Why did George say

it fell in the pond again?

- He was talking about
the first time

we ever played croquet together.

Boy, that takes me back.

It was right here, in this park.

I must have been about
years old and about,

ha! ha!, this tall.

I knocked my ball too hard

and it bounced all the way

into the pond.

[ Laughing ]
- Just like our ball, Grandpa!

- Yep!

And when I tried to get it back,
I lost my balance

and fell in the pond!

- Maybe you wanted
to go swimming,

but you just didn't know it.

[ Chuckling ]
- I never thought of that.

Maybe I did.

- George said Caillou was
just like Grandpa,

but now Caillou thought

Grandpa was just like him too!

- Yay! That means
we can keep playing!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
That's right, Caillou.

- We found our ball!

- The kid didn't
fall in again, did he?

- All you have
to do to win

is knock the ball
through the last hoop

and try to hit
that wooden pin.

- Very impressive, Caillou.

Are you sure you've never played
croquet before?

- Nope.

- I won!

Oh, that was a close game.

I thought for sure
you would beat me, Caillou.

- I like croquet! It's fun!

- Soon, it was time
to go back home.
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